
Feng Zhang, seeing Xia Houyuan, always thinks that Er is very vicious, and thinks whether this kind of cold-faced person is good at doing it?

"It’s wonderful to have a rest after hard work." Cao Cao waved Xia Houyuan’s arch and excused himself.
It’s just a matter of thinking. It’s not up to him
"Do you know that you are also present today?" The more Cao Cao felt that this son-in-law found the right one, the more easily he solved such a large case, which was extremely unfavorable to Cao Cao’s family.
If that Shi Ake looks at the other disciples and draws them over …
Cool, kill whoever he wants. Guo Yun said that God can’t kill anyone!
The first one killed Yuan Shao and made such a big trip for me.
Feng Zhang, the "little husband", pointed to the words and said that he had to admit that this punishment was really well written. It’s a pity that he had to die. Otherwise, there are still things about Lombardi that will flow out. I’m afraid that if Cao Cao is in a big event, he will never put such a big risk factor regardless of "this history is likely to be recommended to Lombardi by a person."
"who?" After hearing what Feng Zhang said, Cao Cao thought of what Wan Fu said, "When I passed Zhongmou …" He asked himself and replied, "Gongtai!"
Zhang Feng nodded. "According to my husband’s estimation, it is very likely that my tutor met Chen Gong when passing by Zhongmou. At one time, Chen Gong wanted to recommend Wang Yue to Zhang Miao or Lu Bu, but according to my tutor … knowledge should be rejected, and then Chen Gong recommended it to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao IV, San Gong, which is also a good choice for my tutor, and collecting Shi Atul is also very likely what happened."
Everyone present agreed with Feng Zhang that Zhang Miao and Lu Bu Temple were too small to be Wang Yue, a giant Buddha, but even Qiu felt that it was not good enough.
"So say master will Chen Gong Palace secretly hook up with Lombardi, otherwise how can you do such a thing?" Guo Jia didn’t comment on Wang Yue for a long time because he and Shi A didn’t understand nature, and now he finally has a chance to get a word in.
Don’t say that Guo Jia is really keen on problems. Everyone present is silent when this statement comes out.
I don’t know why Chen Gong just doesn’t like Cao Cao, except that they just had some contact and then they didn’t hear from him for no reason
Then Chen Gong voted for Zhang Miao Lu Bu. Anyway, whoever did the right thing with Cao Cao voted for him. At that time, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were still in their honeymoon period. It was normal for Chen Gong not to vote for him, but it was not clear that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were almost in danger of fire and water. Chen Gong took out a dew marriage in that year and suggested to Yuan Shao that he should have sex.
"Zhongde asked Zhong to check Chen Gong." The more Cao Cao thought about it, the more likely it was. What medicine did Chen Gong take? What was it that wanted to spite himself?
In addition to making a lot of money all over the world, Mi family firms have another function, that is, to spy on news and be temporarily responsible for the reliability and authenticity of the news sources, which depends on Mi Zhu, the main book of the Prime Minister’s Office.
"Should the word master be changed?" Cheng Yu has one thing to imitate others’ handwriting.
"Of course, if you want to change it, you must not let Liu Xie children know that Lombardi is also playing his mind, otherwise maybe they will secretly hook up with Zhongde again and hand it over to you."
"Master, you can rest assured that the morning will be good."
The next day, Cao Cao handed in a word saying that the assassin was Wan Fu’s bribe to the ranger, but it was not Lombardi’s business. Liu Xie looked at it and didn’t ask much. He was directly imprisoned in the cold palace after a hundred people were killed in the city.
At the same time, Feng Zhang has contributed too little to solve the case.
Feng Zhang is once again famous in the streets and alleys of the ruling and opposition parties, and has a new talk. This magical general is as good at literature and affairs as he was after losing his soldiers.
Tens of thousands of people crowded around the east gate of Xuchang, scrambling to see if the original was different from ordinary people when they were beheaded without even adding toes.
The imperial guards, Jin Wujia, Xu Changling and thousands of ordinary soldiers maintained order, but they still couldn’t stop the people’s enthusiasm for the upcoming bloodshed. They rushed forward and shouted "kill him" and "kill him" slogans. The eager light in their eyes was the desire and expectation for blood.
Feng Zhang wondered whether these insensitive people would be more enthusiastic if one day they were sent to the East Gate in this sill car.
Numb China people
Or ….. should inspire a people’s wisdom? Let them know what is right and wrong.
There is a saying in the Analects of Confucius that "the people can make things known."
Many people think that Confucius said that for ordinary people, we can make them do what we want, but we can’t make them know what to do.
Some people think that Confucius thought has a kind of teaching, so this sentence should be understood as follows: Do not know.
However, in this era, it is estimated that there will be as many people with second thoughts as those who have succeeded in crossing and living.
If Kong learns to punctuate, maybe China is not like this today …
"The general is thinking?" Dong Cheng, the temporary prison officer, is not a taste in his heart. It turns out that the only old colleague has lost his job and been detained, but he still has to die. It’s a bit of a rabbit and a fox. Feng Zhang didn’t talk all the way, and the atmosphere was so boring that he said
"Today, I laugh at people and people laugh at me. I am hiding in the storm?" Feng Zhang had something in his heart and made up a poem to prevaricate.
I didn’t expect Dong Cheng to lose heart.
Hmm? Is this front implying something to me? No, it seems that we have to think about the way out when we go home, otherwise this Wan Fu will be my day.
Dong Cheng adjusted her horse a little crooked, and Golden Flower took out her energy again to hold out her chest and thrust out her belly, just like a bunch of bloodthirsty flies.
Section 150 Grab grain
When updated, 264 19:52:15 words 33
This ….. What do I always owe to make up for yesterday?
As soon as Feng Zhang returned to the house, five women scrambled to come to Lv Qiling to tiptoe to wear Zhang Fengchan’s hat. Huan-erh threw his account in his hand to untie Feng Zhang’s belt; You personally bent down to put a pair of big smelly feet in your arms and smiled to take off your shoes; Although Lill is clever at ordinary times, she can’t find anything suitable to do at this time. She can pout and is reluctant to follow behind the tea lotus.
"Is everything all right with my sister?" It can be said that Cao Jia’s level of family education has turned a blind eye to Feng Zhang’s smelly feet for a day.
Pull the socks that stink to death, and lean back with a grunt of "hmm".
In the old society, men were so happy. How many men did not give their wives foot washing water now?
The other four women took a step back with one hand covering their noses, but Feng Zhang still had a triumphant batting practice expression.
"Your husband, I’m a horse, of course, everything is OK…… … er, you can rest assured that your sister has lived in Beigong Liu Xie’s small room, and they are still staying there every day with good feelings."
"That’s good. I’m still worried, husband. It’s a relief to say so."
Cao Wei smiled with a little woman’s satisfied expression on her lips. Instead of immediately putting Feng Zhang’s foot on it, she pulled Feng Zhang’s tail toe and then gently pulled it and clicked it, which is a common technique in modern pedicure!
This is, of course, Feng Zhang teaches Zhang Fenghui some strange massage techniques, including the kind that Lv Qiling once misunderstood that would make people hum "R-O-O-M" and "opposite sex massage"
Whether the emperor’s daughter or the beggar’s daughter is happy, it is necessary to have a good man after all.
The same is true of men.
However, I have regretted it when I generally understand it.
So Feng Zhang is happy.
"That’s the Foucault family …" Huan-erh wrinkled her cute little nose and sniffed it in the air as if it didn’t smell so bad.
"All were beheaded except for being abandoned after falling." Although the Fu family framed Cao Cao himself to do Cao Cao’s half, of course, they were indignant, including destroying the criminal officer’s mouth. Feng Zhang also supported it, but this did not mean that there was no pity in his heart.
It is more important than keeping people around you safe.
There was a silence.
"Dad, I don’t know what happened there … husband, I really miss my parents." Well, Yanshi has been gone for almost a year. Although Lv Qiling is careless at ordinary times, everything is not good, but after all, family blood is thick


However, the searchers of the three major guilds did not search in the direction of the Lord’s House, but slowly explored the periphery of the city. If they were not still trying to recover Yasu Town and completely solve the problem of Yasu Town, there is no doubt that they should evacuate the town now instead of staying here. Of course, they are still middle-aged elves, because he knows very well that the evil body has been sent away, that is to say, the source of evil forces has disappeared and the monsters created by evil forces need to be eliminated, so Yasu Town will return to the past, even though there may not be many people in Yasu Town at that time.

When Chen Kai appeared around the Adventurer Guild, he first saw that nature was clinging to the wall shaped by magic. Hundreds of undead and evil spirits were temple occupations and players in Chengtouji. Because of the roots of ordinary aboriginal professionals, they resisted the erosion of those evil forces. Maybe nothing will happen for a short time, but after a long time, they will be occupied by evil spirits and attack their own people.
When a group of people arrived, the evil spirits who attacked the fence found them, so unexpectedly, nearly half of the monsters turned around and rushed towards them. At the front, they were just killed by rebel soldiers not long ago, and the four evils of Yasu were killed before Chen Kai and them, Sir Gallas.
There is no doubt that he is an undead creature now, and his pale face is ferocious than the wound. Black blood is still flowing, and his chubby body exudes a strong stench. He is waving a trident that looks extremely strange in his hand. His chubby body has never been agile and rushed towards ll. To be continued.
The first volume Chapter 13 Kandohart Day of Destruction (10)
"bang! ! !” With the light sound of armand musket, Sir William Gallas’ head directly turned into a piece of mud, and the handle that looked like a trident weapon fell to the ground with his body and finally stopped.
But the killing of Sir Gallas, who turned into an undead, doesn’t mean that other monsters stop. On the contrary, the undead transformed from dead soldiers and residents are coming towards Chen Kai and others at a faster speed. Almost when the dwarf musketeers are preparing for the second round of shooting, they have already rushed to Chen Kai and others, so armand and others have to retreat behind them, while the melee personnel with weapons in their hands directly step forward.
The appearance of a group of people holding high weapons made the adventurers’ association build a simple fence to observe the fighting players feel a little relieved, because they saw Chen Kai and other people emitting white light, holy and sacred power, which was absolutely the best thing for these players and adventurers, because it showed Chen Kai’s status as a professional in their temple, and when Chen Yi showed his aura, the white smoke around the fence made the adventurers feel more worried. For the adventurers and players guarding the three major guilds at the moment, nothing is more worthy of their hearts than seeing a priest with a large range of magical powers.
These adventurers and players have had enough of being afraid of the sun. Although it has only been two hours since the fighting broke out, for some adventurers, they already feel that it is like a year, because they are always facing their comrades-in-arms who are suddenly controlled by evil forces and wield weapons to attack themselves. If there is a priest or an official who has mastered a wide range of magical skills, there is no doubt that this will not happen.
However, after all, the scope of Rola Chen’s aura power is limited to maintain the low consumption level of magic. Her aura range is firmly limited to 20 meters by her, so that her magic can be maintained for a long time. After all, these evil spirits and undead living in evil forces are very difficult to destroy, and it takes less magic to destroy a wisp of evil breath. This is still when those evil forces are exposed to the air. If they are attached to the monster body, there is no doubt that Chen Yi will consume more power to destroy them.
Fortunately, Rola Chen’s magic power will not be consumed in this respect. Her aura does not bless the sacred purification aura that has great lethality to filthy creatures, but the ordinary recovery aura and the guardian aura. These auras have enveloped Chen Kai and their bodies with a faint divine force, effectively preventing the evil forces escaping from the bodies of those killed monsters from invading their bodies.
The roaring sword cut the body of an undead resident very easily, but some strange pieces of meat actually jumped out in a short time and tried to stick to the cut body. This situation reminded Chen Kai of those evil dwarves who met in the wilderness, and they also had extremely terrible self-recovery ability. Of course, those evil dwarves were supported by extremely powerful evil forces at the beginning, but these monsters are relying on their over-speed regeneration ability to recover.
Fortunately, Sir armand didn’t have the ability to shoot him in the head, or even if he blew off the other person’s head, it wouldn’t be able to make him die. These monsters with overspeed regeneration ability are undoubtedly extremely difficult to kill, because even if Chen Kaiju cuts off the other person’s stretch with his sword, even if he relies on the ability of fighting and breaking evil spirits to destroy the additional muscles of the wound, it will take a few seconds for these wounds to heal again, and the body will slowly recover in a long touch.
For these monsters, the guards in the adventurers’ association are also extremely headache and afraid, because they know that the physical contact in these monsters can not only make them have strong resilience, but also can be inserted into the target body and then erode the target guard fence. Many adventurers are players and fall into the hands of such monsters. The thought of those people being eroded by physical contact can’t help but wake up Chen Kai.
But before he could speak, these monsters with overspeed regeneration pulled out one fleshy tentacle from their bodies and attached themselves to Ll. They saw hundreds of flesh touching the wall and just wanted to make the adventurer wake up and turn into a sigh. In their eyes, Ll has been beaten to death.
But for Chen Kai, he doesn’t look at these flying meat tentacles. Chen Kai’s face flashed a trace of depression, because his mind suddenly flashed an extremely evil picture. There is no doubt that the most famous nature of the tentacle monster is’ horse monkey shochu’. Of course, Chen Kai is not a horse monkey shochu, but now he has to fight the tentacle monster, and he never wants these sticky tentacles dripping with black liquid to touch his body
Fortunately, at this time, it was Rola Chen’s magical skill that helped Ll avoid the embarrassing scene of being touched by these tentacles. When a golden breast wall appeared in front of Ll, many tentacles directly hit the surface. The huge impact force made the whole breast wall constantly shake and hit the breast wall tentacles themselves, not to mention that a large amount of dirty black liquid was directly sprayed out, which instantly discredited a large area of golden breast wall.
"It’s disgusting!" Yun looked at the black smudge and a faint expression of disgust flashed across his face. Actually, it was not only him, but everyone else felt sick when he looked at such a filthy scene. Fortunately, these smudges containing filthy power were quickly worn away in the confrontation with the sacred power attached to the surface of the sacred shield. When Rola Chen recovered the sacred shield, those flying tentacles had returned to the monster’s body.
"Quickly kill that a few tentacles blame! Old don’t want to really change’ horse monkey shochu’. "Waving a giant sword, Chen Kai quickly jumped at a monster with overspeed regeneration ability. In fact, a creature with a level of more than 60 is a very good tentacle monster. Without special spells to protect itself, this tentacle attack is impossible to prevent.
"good! Keep it so that you don’t become a’ horse monkey shochu’ "Waving the ruling blade feather, quickly waving the ruling blade, the sharp blade evolved in his hand, and waves of knives were cut again and again in these tentacle monsters. When he attacked a tentacle monster with a human appearance, the body collapsed. Every cut wound had a lot of meat tentacles crawling there, trying to make the body heal quickly, but obviously ll will never allow this to happen. The spellcasters quickly put their hands ready to cast spells behind these tentacle monsters.
The magic power made these monsters drop their health points and finally did not recover quickly again. Finally, when everyone joined forces to attack the tentacle monsters with strong regenerative ability, they were killed. Of course, they did not give any valuable benefits because every piece of meat was burnt and the sacred power was completely removed.
However, even if Chen Kai and his team survived all the monsters that rushed in, there was still no way to rush into the adventurers’ association because a simple defensive wall blocked their way and they wanted to enter the adventurers’ association. The only thing they could do was to wait for the fence people to throw ropes and pull them away. Of course, for Chen Kai, the five-meter-high fence was not a stop for him, because if he was willing to straighten his arms and jump lightly, he could reach the top of the wall and climb in easily.
Of course, Chen Kai won’t do that. It’s not because he is lazy, but because he needs to hold a weapon against the monsters coming towards them. Although they have cleaned up the evil spirits that lead to the adventurers’ guild, there are still more evil spirits and undead residents around him. Looking at the street, more and more evil spirits and undead residents, Chen Kai’s forehead sweat is gradually increasing, and deep down, he is worried that there will not be many living people left in Yasu Town after this disaster.
Actually, the real threat to Yasuo Town is not the mutant residents and undead around the Lord’s Mansion, but a place dozens of kilometers away from the city, where Barbat was just resting for a while. Sabinin came from the same evil breath in his body and had a special induction, which turned Sabinin into a war monster. This strange force drove Sabinin to run wildly towards Yasuo Town without Barbat’s control.
However, instead of being angry, Barbat became extremely excited because he felt two words from Sabinin’s consciousness, one word is food and the other word is the same kind. These two words made Barbat very excited to understand Sabinin’s body composition, because he knew that for Sabinin, food meant low-level evil forces were rich, while the same kind was possessed of evil spirits and evil forces constituted new monsters.
Barbat did not hesitate to turn and ordered a huge army to move quickly towards Yasu town, and it took less than an hour to reach a village on the border of Yasu town. In less than a quarter of an hour, the border village was completely in ruins.
When the village was in ruins, Chen Kai and others had been pulled into the wall by the rope of the wall adventurer, but before Chen Kai could catch his breath and follow him, Motom suddenly pulled out his weapon from his waist and rushed at a person not far away.
"Achilles, you bastard!" There is no doubt that Motom managed to escape from the Lord’s Mansion, Aceh, but at the moment, the rebel leader not long ago has been unable to find the revenge when he broke into the Lord’s Mansion. The whole person hung his head, even though Motom waved his weapon and rushed to him, he didn’t look up.
"Get up for me! Achilles, get up like a man! Didn’t you look great not long ago? Now look what has become of Yasu Town! !” Motom is very angry. Although he doesn’t know how all this happened in Yasu Town, there is no doubt that the city would not be like this at this moment if there were no rebellion by Aceris and others.
"It’s Motom! You’re not dead? That’s great! " Aceris’s eyes are far away, and the words that look extremely happy sound as if they are lifeless. Because during this period, Aceris was really in great pain, watching soldiers who followed him become enemies, but he had to wield weapons to kill them. The scene made his whole spirit collapse. Although he is alive now, he is not much different from death.
"You … you!" Looking at his face numb, Aceris Motom was extremely depressed. He really wanted to teach each other a hard lesson. But at the moment, he looked at each other with a sword in his hand, but he couldn’t cut it off.
Llewellyn looked at Aceris squatting on the ground and sighed, then walked towards the Adventurers Association. However, at this moment, the Adventurers Association has become an injury camp, and the injured adventurers are here to take over the treatment. Chen Yi and Wang Feifei joined them soon after their arrival and became one of the main treatment personnel.
Of course, Chen Kai came in not as an assistant, but to look for Nero Aria and others. However, after he toured a circle, he did not find any traces of elf wizards and saw Hillan, president of the Adventurers Association who was resting against the counter.
"President Hillan, I think we need to talk!" Chen Kai went straight to the middle-aged elf. Although he looked at each other’s tired figure, he was a little reluctant, but he had to ask each other in order to find out the source of the matter.
"It’s baron Berkner! Sorry, I fell asleep because I was too tired! " The middle-aged elf sighed gently and then slowly reached out and motioned ll to follow him to the second floor.
"I know your purpose! Baron Berkner, but I want to tell you that this is an accident that no one wants! " Hillan sighed, and to tell the truth, he regrets his mistakes more and more now, but since the mistakes have been made, the only thing he can do now is to make up for them as much as possible.
"What’s the accident? Where’s Nero Eluge? What? They are not here! " Chen Kai saw that some experience had been suddenly added to his experience tank, which showed that he had deliberately completed a source of change in Yasu Town, but Chen Kai did not want this in his heart like a depressed middle-aged elf.
"They have left here! As you know, the evil spirit body was sealed in Nero Ai Lou in the world of Ness, and the evil spirit body seal was broken again, but Nero Aria had no power to seal it, so I had to help, but we didn’t expect that a ray of power escaped from the evil spirit body at the moment of opening the seal and re-sealing, which caused this tragedy! " Slowly pick up the glass in front of you and pour the wine into your mouth. The spicy wine makes the middle-aged elf look extremely rosy, but the face is depressed and painful, but it is still extremely clear.
"Alas ~ ~" Listening to Hillan’s words, Chen Kainai sighed. Although the other party hasn’t said the reason why Nero Aria and others left, Chen Kai has guessed a large part of these reasons. The most important point is to protect the evil body carried by Nero Aria. Because God knows if those evil forces who escaped will create monsters and rob the things left in Nero Ai, so it is the best solution to prevent Nero Aria and others from leaving.
When Chen Kai left the Adventurers Association, he sat in the Hillan office for nearly half an hour. Of course, he didn’t drink elf wine, but he was thinking about the situation in Yasu Town at the moment. There is no doubt that Yasu Town is extremely dangerous at the moment, but it is also full of opportunities for players. Actually, if you look at the forum, you can see that many players are shouting that people here don’t want to get rich quickly.
Actually, Chen Kai and others actually searched some residential houses along the way, but they didn’t find much money because Yasu Town is not a rich city. Although there are still rich families here, it’s a pity that Chen Kai and others are not there. At the moment, there are two roads in front of Chen Kai and them. The first one is naturally the safest, and the second one is a little dangerous, that is, staying in Yasu Town to clean up the monsters in the city. Relatively speaking, the latter one has higher income, although it is not necessarily experienced, but it can get some money, while the former one is undoubtedly the safest.
Of course, when Chen Kai made a decision, he didn’t know that Barbat was taking thousands of dark knights and two war puppets at the moment. They had seen Sally, a white-boned dog, and moved quickly to Yasu Town for dozens of kilometers. It took them almost two or three hours to get there at a speed close to running.
Once they arrive, it will definitely be a disaster for the defenders and lucky people in Yasu town, because there is not much power in Yasu town to fight against the powerful forces in Barbat’s hands. The most important thing is that there is a Sabinin in Barbat’s hands, and its arrival is the biggest disaster. No one knows what consequences two monsters with the same evil spirit will have in the end.
The first volume Chapter 14 Kandohart Day of Destruction (11)
When the scattered sunshine is shining from the clouds, everyone thinks it should be a very fresh and comfortable afternoon, especially for the residents of Yasuo town, who should have sat at home and drunk tea comfortably. Even the hardest workers have a chance to rest for a while now, but now Yasuo town is gloomy and bleak.
Merry is a lovely little girl who is only nine years old in the eyes of neighbors. She is definitely synonymous with innocence and cuteness, but now she is a complete demon in the eyes of her parents, because she has become an evil spirit less than five minutes ago. Merry directly took out her grandmother’s heart and slapped her grandfather’s head for more than a dozen times.
This kind of thing is not uncommon in Yasuo town, especially in the initial period. Meili’s parents would never have thought that their children would have such a terrible scene, especially when they saw Meili put her grandmother’s heart in her mouth. The only feeling was that the sky was falling, and Meili’s mother almost fainted on the spot. Fortunately, they were much luckier than others. Just after Meili ate her grandmother’s heart and slowly turned to her parents, the door was kicked.
"mom! What is this? Breaking the door is so fragile! " Zhao Tiezhu patted the scattered sawdust on his leg armor, and then pushed the broken wooden door thoroughly. Of course, the pushed wooden door soon fell to the ground in crunch one, and finally a large piece of dust was photographed.
Of course, Zhao Tiezhu’s move was very easy to attract the attention of turning into a monster. Meryl looked at the little girl Zhao Tiezhu, who had turned into a monster in front of her eyes, and there was a pity in her eyes. But soon, he turned pity into a shield in the hands of the ruling. He patted the little girl on the body very quickly and directly took the other shield out of the room.
"Let’s go! If you want to live, get out of here quickly. There is always hope for people to live! " Zhao Tiezhu said to the middle-aged couple who embraced each other, relatively speaking, Meili’s parents lost two generations of relatives in one day, but at least they were still alive. However, when Meili’s mother saw her daughter being taken out of the house with a shield from Zhao Tiezhu, she suddenly remembered something. She suddenly struggled from her husband’s arms.
"Don’t kill my daughter! Please! Don’t kill my daughter! She’s not a monster! She’s not a monster! !” The piercing sound is full of sadness, but this is relatively outside the door. It’s not like humans yelling at ll outside. They will soon solve the problem of Meili who has become a monster.
When Meili’s mother broke free from her husband, the only thing she could see was her own child’s burning body. In this street, the bodies were being dragged into the fire by the numb residents, and her child was walking slowly towards the fire by her neighbors.
"no! Give me my daughter back! Give me my daughter back! ! !” Seeing her daughter’s body being dragged backwards, Meili’s mother was almost crazy, but in a moment, she was severely hugged and fell to the ground. At this time, her husband ran out and threw his wife to the ground with tears in his eyes.
"Stop shouting! Anisha! Merry is dead! She’s dead! ! !” The language full of tears floated into Chen Kai’s ears in the helmet, which made him sigh, because he had seen many things like this and watched many at the same time.
As time went by, when Chen Kai and others left the Adventurers Association area and entered the main city to search for materials, this was the first thing they encountered. They searched for lucky residents in one broken house after another, but some residents were sent away soon after being rescued, but because many residents didn’t want to leave their homes, they burned those bodies and piled them up, causing plague.
Of course, if Chen Kai knew that a group of more terrible enemies would attack Yasuo in the near future, there was no doubt that Chen Kai would definitely let these residents stay but send them away as soon as possible. Of course, because he didn’t know, he himself stayed in Yasuo Town to find some supplies in the urban area. Chen Kai did find a lot of potions in some broken shops, but of course, there were some gold coins. However, after the initial wealth, the situation was like a nightmare, because the whole town of Yasuo was full of unknown enemies and sad things.
Compared with the Meili family, they are actually lucky because many residents have few living people in their homes. The closer they get to the Lord’s House, the more the residents are affected by evil forces, especially because of the rebellion of Aceris and others. As a result, most residents hide in their homes, resulting in a family tragedy. The father died in the hands of his son and the husband died in the hands of his wife. These are not the most tragic, but they still have a chance to live. As a result, when Chen Kai and others hit a residential house, they first saw several dead people hanging from the beams. This scene was full of nai and sadness.
Of course, it is even more depressing that these residents who commit suicide by hanging themselves are uneasy even if they die. When Chen Kai wasted a lot of effort to release their bodies from the beams, they were resurrected and turned into undead. Besides preventing the plague, another important reason is to prevent them from being resurrected and turned into undead.
In the bonfire full of corpse odor, Yasu town gradually ushered in the first night after the change. In this cold night, Chen Kai found a somewhat dilapidated church, which was a glorious temple church. In this church, it was full of rich and morning light, but now the sacred power in the church has been lost, because the church was covered with black blood and scattered human limbs.
When Chen Kai and others walked into this church, they saw an abomination made of corpses among many piles of corpses. This huge abomination was made of corpses, and its huge legs looked twisted even more than of course, or its head consisted of three or four heads, and its body had several faces growing in the pile of meat. If this abomination body and limbs were merged again, there was no doubt that Chen Kai and others would spend great effort to kill it.
But now most of the limbs have been thrown into the fire, and they have also found many things in this hateful body, such as a jewel pendant that looks a little beautiful, the presiding priest of the glorious temple, the walking stick to protect the church, the knight’s helmet and weapons, etc. There is no doubt that these things have effectively explained the reasons for the collapse of the church and the disappearance of clergy in the church
"Hua!" Clear water from the well behind the church quickly washed on the polluted ground. Chen Kai slowly shook his hands, picked up the brush and scraped the ground a little. After all, this is where they sleep at night. Although it is a very dangerous period, it is always good to tidy up their living place.
"To tell the truth! Boss! I always feel Mao Mao when I sleep here! " Zhao Tiezhu slowly let go of the hammer, and the broken window in the church was simply nailed by him with the board.
"What a good Mao Mao! Even if it is a ghost, we will still kill it!" Chen Kai waved a brush stained with black blood, then rushed the bucket filled with clean water toward the ground and washed the ground with clean water, which quickly recovered. Of course, some black marks can still be seen in some places.
"all right! Hurry up and get ready for dinner! " Ll slowly threw the bucket in his hand toward the outside and hit it directly on an evil monster body that appeared at the entrance of the church. The huge impact force made it involuntarily lean back, and then the weapons in everyone’s hands quickly greeted it. In the past, those residents who were huddled in the corner of the church did not take part in the battle because they knew that they could not help at all.


I can’t help feeling a little. Yes, the war is coming to an end, and the Annan people are at the end of their tether.

The country can fight again, and the Khmer elite division is blocked by the western front corps. Sabah can’t come back to the river gate to open the hole. This war is really over! After this battle, we can March into Hehe with our heads held high and hold a grand military parade. These are all winners, especially if we win the love. Then what? Then … then it’s time for us to withdraw our troops. We didn’t attempt to occupy Annan’s territory, let alone foster a puppet government to split Annan’s economic strength. More than 10,000 people can be evacuated, and thousands of men are injured. We will keep a cavity of hot bayonets and pour blood on this strange red land, and then withdraw. What can we finally get? Is it worth it? I’ve never thought about this, and I don’t care about it once in a while. I’m a soldier. The state orders us to fight, and we fight. The blood belongs to the soldier. It belongs to the glory and pride of the Republic. It’s as simple as that.
If I have to care about paying more than 20 thousand casualties, it’s worth it in the end. I will answer "yes!" Twenty years after this war, no one will dare to provoke us! "
This is our greatest gain.
I smiled. "Yes, the war will be over after this battle."
Lilac said, "Be careful. I don’t want to see you fall in the last battle."
I said, "I won’t die. People who can kill me here haven’t been born yet!" "
The rumbling cannon silenced my voice, and the cannon group began to fire. In the queue of Annan Capital Division, yellow and white lotus flowers filled with steel slowly burst into pieces, bleeding from them. These lotus flowers painted a touch of sadness and purples …
And chapter 163 Glory belongs to the Republic (2)
This is the easiest and most tragic war I have ever fought.
Easy is for us, bitter is for Annan Capital Division.
All the way back to Annan Capital Division, almost no guns were left. Anti-tank grenades became their last heavy weapons, and what about us? Our position was flat, and two heavy machine guns were paved on several floors. There was a 15-heavy artillery group. We couldn’t support the artillery fire. Within a minute, a signal was sent back, and long-range artillery and long-range self-propelled rockets and even tactical missiles hit their heads. After fighting for so long, the country’s preparations for this war have long been spent, but all kinds of technical weapons have not been reduced, but on the contrary, they have become more and more frequent, and the front lines of the Annan army, which have been given mass killing, have always been shrouded in rolling smoke, flames and whistling. In the shrapnel rubble, the charging infantry seemed to be thrown into a huge meat grinder, and it was terrible to see their flesh flying. Often, their offensive was destroyed by gunfire before we fired, even though a few of them were surprisingly lucky enough to break through the interception barrage, and they were smashed alive by Gaoping two heavy machine guns before we aimed at them a little slowly.
Attack again and again and be crushed again and again.
The wounded beast of Annan Capital Division has invested more and more troops. At first, two battalions are connected, and in the end, the whole regiment is overwhelmed. Modern warfare has long been no more than the number of people and rifles. Modern warfare is a direct fight of strategy, science and technology, and national strength. This kind of open terrain can crush the whole company. Even if you press the whole division, it will be nothing more than a few more deaths
After the seventh attack was repulsed, Annan Capital Division sent 200 or 300 death squads, all covered with explosives, to attack our defense line in multiple ways. Shells chased them and bombed them. Every shell fell and caused a chain explosion. It was amazing that the death squads splashed with shrapnel, and one by one, the explosives melted into a fiery glow. We swept them out and the bombs smashed their bones one after another, but they still didn’t retreat, bite their teeth and howled like beasts. They were covered with broken bodies and rushed forward. I don’t know whether it’s them or splashing these guys. It’s really unbearable, but we’re no better than them when we get crazy. We’ll reimburse as much as we burn with machine guns, mortars and flamethrowers, so we don’t want to go back. Finally, this death squad collapsed at the forefront of our position. The nearest one is only 30 meters away from our trench. He couldn’t rush because a bullet from Guangxi broke his neck and blood gushed out. When he came out, he was probably white. Even if he wore his pants outside, Superman couldn’t rush through such a dense barrage. With a sad expression
Scattered bones wounded two of our soldiers, which is probably the only result achieved by the death squads.
In the evening, we learned a good news that all three main regiments had arrived at the central government and were determined to flatten the river! All of a sudden, the position was cheered and cheered, and everyone was happier than the Chinese New Year. Yes, what can we be more proud of than setting foot on the enemy’s capital? In the past, we have left the front finger alone and are worried that the central government will repair it. Now it seems that this kind of worry is redundant. The division finger requires us to hold on for another five hours, which is enough for the main force of the division to smash the dog’s day into pieces and kill it behind the capital division. Don’t say five hours, even five days. What’s the problem? That’s what we all think.
It turns out that we laughed a little early.
Night arrival took a little breath, and Annan Capital Division launched a fierce attack again. They also knew that they were running out of time, and if they didn’t break through our defense, they would die! God knows how many troops they put in. Anyway, like a Kuroshio, shells rained down on them like hail. They didn’t lie down and hide, so they moved forward silently and quickly. The gasoline grazed the bayonet, and the thin figure of Annan soldier was dim. The shell exploded in the fire, and it was like a group of resurrected ghosts. Their impact was decisive and rapid, and their marksmanship was also very accurate. Several of our machine gunners were shot in the head by them and sacrificed on the spot. I also saw an Annan soldier who had his legs blown off, twisted his machine gun frame and threw bullets at us until it was smashed by mortar shells.
"Secret service?"
I heard Lilac cry out with doubts. I think she has received almost cruel training for the secret service or veterans. Only they can be so murderous and crazy.
The lilac conductor in our class never paused for a second to face the hot bullet rain. In the impenetrable gun, I also heard Xiao Guangxi yelling, "Oh, my god, these bastards are really killing me!" I killed one in Tangshan, Shandong. How many did you kill? "
I’m too lazy to pay attention to him. This guy is just crazy about war. Shandong Han said, "I swept two classes!" "
"Are you? Then I can’t lose to you! " Small Guangxi asked Lilac while changing magazines, "How many have you killed, beautiful monitor?"
Lilac said, "More than you and him combined." The light machine gun swept out a sector, and several Annan agents were pitted all over, and the small Guangxi disguised as a strange rifle to help the Annan people mend iron.
After paying a huge price, the Annan special agent battalion finally rushed into our trench, and the two armies twisted their rifles and almost lost their bitter hand-to-hand combat.
We can avoid all the people in our platoon. Without a retreat, they swept the magazine and bayonets rushed to the mountains and plains. Agent Annan fought to the death! Guns fired round after round at the back of Annan’s special agent camp, and long-range artillery units came. Shells also exploded behind Annan people in groups, cutting them down like mowing grass, but they kept coming! Mom’s crazy! She’s crazy! I’m going crazy, too. I grabbed the bayonet and rushed out alone in the face of three Annan agents. If Lilac hadn’t shot me and knocked down two of them for me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be proud for long. Only that abnormal calm surrounded me and stared at me like a snake, looking for my flaw. I raised my army and stabbed me by rote. I said, "Do you really believe in winning something?" Idiot! " The first step was a sudden stab. This guy reacted quickly, twisted his waist and dodged the bayonet. Mom is a master! But in this respect, I’m not a rookie. The bayonet fended off this fatal blow at one point, and I pushed myself into the butt of the gun and crashed into his lower abdomen. Agent Annan may not have been forced to fend off this blow with my arm so desperately. Hey hey, I guess his arm was numb, right? I yelled at several bayonet knives for attacking the truth, and I didn’t have to defend myself. The key points were protected by bulletproof vests and helmets. I just had to protect my neck and limbs, but he wouldn’t be able to do it, and he would die! He was forced by me to retreat again and again. Suddenly, he slipped on a shell casing. Of course, I won’t miss this good opportunity. I’ll take a sharp stab in the previous step.Several blood lines gushed out from the chest after the chest, and his body curled up into a ball. As a result, a Grenade flew around and fell to a target. The explosion blew me down, making me see stars and trying to get up, but I couldn’t get up. I didn’t see clearly that I was really trampled until the Venus dispersed. But I was not an elephant, but an Annan monkey was stepping on me, waving a sapper shovel and fighting with Shandong. I didn’t know that I was rude. It was too much to step on a big living person! Watching him spread his legs, I admit that I am evil. I loved martial arts stories since I was a child, and I never got tired of listening to them. I also secretly learned them. I didn’t expect to go back here. I was almost conditioned, familiar and flashing. A monkey stole a peach and grabbed his two balls. He made a determined effort, pinched them, exaggerated them and screamed at the extreme, scaring Shandong to take a step back. That guy rolled on the ground with his body covered. He wouldn’t be killed alive and he would have to become a eunuch. This is stepping on our court! I got up and smiled at Shandong. He smirked. I found that he was consciously clamping his legs. Er, I didn’t scare him, did I?
The company commander howled excitedly, and rushed two engineers wherever there were many people among the Annan agents.
The shovel dances into a ball of black wind, which is darker than the black whirlwind. When the blood splashes everywhere, people tumble and bump into his hands. Agent Annan can’t expect to live. I found that his tricks are all called to the neck. This guy is really poisonous. The neck is really too fragile. Five of the ten tricks in the special forces learn to kill. Five of them are attacking the neck. If you don’t die, you have to spread a disabled sapper shovel. Is it still alive if it is so sharp? He is like an ancient general with more than 20 trumpeters and thousands of troops, who killed a seven-in and seven-out. No one can stop him. Many Annan agents have tried their best to avoid him. Lilac is not so fierce, but it is extremely cold. I saw with my own eyes that she was surrounded by three Annan agents for less than a minute. Those three Annan agents all let her stab her with a combat knife, so that she can quickly and ruthlessly watch me. My cold sweat is running.
Handfuls of sharp, sharp, triangular army thorns form a cold dead line and hit this dead line. Annan soldiers have two choices: death or retreat. Speaking of hand-to-hand combat, who are we afraid of? Annan soldiers howled and rushed out of the wall of fire, screaming and fell our bayonets. They rushed three times in a row and were repelled three times by us. Maybe the commander of Annan Capital Division wanted these veterans to tear a hole in our defense at first, but we forced him to go back. He had to put more Annan agents into this unsatisfied grave, and at last the main attack force was replaced by agents. My God, they used these special warfare elites to fight hard. Their teachers are really cruel! The whole battalion of Annan agents took advantage of our artillery fire to transfer, and suddenly they rushed over and were swept down by our machine guns in rows. Whether they were injured or not, they became bloody people. They screamed hoarsely and walked through a pool of blood and continued to rush forward. At this time, Annan agents were a group of wounded beasts! But they are doomed to be impossible to succeed because lilac guided two short-range tactical missiles launched by self-propelled rockets have hit them! We were all stunned when the missile landed-
More dazzling than ten suns rising at the same time, white light from the explosion point almost tore the night into two pieces! Two white mushroom clouds thundered and roared as the earth shook. The Ran Ran rose, and the 100-meter gravel in Fiona Fang was completely melted and cooled by high temperature in less than a second, and then re-condensed into smooth glass particles. The wind exploded at an extreme speed of 9 kilometers per second, and what experienced veterans, mortars and anti-aircraft guns spread layer by layer. This torrent of death was so fragile in front of us, whether it was squatting or hiding in a depression, it suddenly rolled up and disappeared completely in the blast wind, leaving us with faces full of surprise and despair …
What kind of weapon is this? Tactical nuclear weapons?
The explosion wave crashed across the battlefield in silence, and there was still gunfire in the distance. That was our main force beating the seventh division.
Annan Capital Division didn’t attack again, and they only had a little morale, which was blown to pieces by these two terrible missiles. No one wanted to take a step forward because of how the officers shouted, and we were also scared. Naturally, we wouldn’t fight against the impact. The battlefield became very quiet and quiet, unlike the silence of the battlefield. I heard toads croak croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak
I asked Lilac in a low voice, "Were those two nuclear bombs?"
Lilac looked at me like an idiot. "If it’s a nuclear bomb, do you still have life to ask questions?"
I don’t think it’s necessary for the country to eliminate an agent to engage in nuclear weapons. Besides, the two of us don’t even reimburse us for the real thing here. I said, "I don’t think so, but it’s so powerful that it can only be done with nuclear weapons. It’s not nuclear weapons. What is it?"
Lilac gave me a stern stare. "Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t say, don’t say, don’t know. Even if you know, you should pretend that you don’t know these. Haven’t you heard of them? If you don’t want to cause trouble, forget what just happened and pretend you didn’t see anything or hear anything! "
My mother is so strict! I spit out my tongue. I’d better concentrate on finishing this battle and go back to sleep …
Chapter DiYiLiuSi Glory belongs to the Republic (3)
Major General Chen Youzhen’s body shook several times to get rid of the telescope, and the guards rushed to hold him. He waved his hand to show that he was fine, but the guards saw that the teachers were pale and almost white, and their waists had been straight. Suddenly, they stooped slightly as if the sky were falling, as if the proud soldier were under pressure to crush Chen Youzhen. They stared at the two groups almost and hugged each other in the snow-white mushroom cloud, shaking badly and murmured, "What weapon is this? What have I never heard of? " Suddenly "poof" spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the guards were shocked to hold him and shouted, "The teacher is injured! The military doctor is injured! "
The military doctor braved the horizontal missile film and the fire rain and rushed over to check Chen Youzhen’s injury. Chen Youzhen swept him aside with a wave of his arm, and his voice was hoarse. "Let the troops stop attacking, disperse and hide, and call even the cadres for a meeting!"
When the guards hesitated to reach the order, they were blown to pieces and fought again. Annan Capital Division silently withdrew from the attack starting point, scattered and concealed, and suffered from the roaring shells and the emotional torture of the heart. Did you lose like this? What should we do? What should Annan do? The Soviets abandoned us in Japan, but who will save Annan? The outcome has not been completely decided, but the feeling of failure has enveloped Annan Capital Division.
Once the troops have this kind of emotion and the law guides them correctly, then no matter how strong the troops are, they can lose the battle.
A large number of muddy officers in the headquarters were crowded together, and none of them smoked cigarettes. The unspeakable emotional torture deprived them of their desire to speak. Their lofty aspirations had already been shattered by even the sky’s artillery fire, and their blood was almost exhausted. There was fatigue and deep despair, and they tried their best to save the day. There was a major who waved his arm and shouted, "The despicable Chinese army will inevitably invite the world to beg for weapons of mass destruction against us … We should take active actions and never sit still!"
The head of the secret service asked coldly, "Then what should we do?"
I don’t know the little major even said with gestures that all the troops washed away the Chinese army’s infantry defense line like a tsunami and returned to the capital! To return to the capital, our bad situation will be completely improved, and the advantage of the Chinese army will be brought into full play. If they dare to attack the river, they will inevitably fall into a Stalingrad-style protracted street fighting. They have long been exhausted, but we can get help from the Chinese people. It must be them! Glory belongs to Annan, who wants us to act bravely, and the victory must be us in the end! "
Several heads wry smile is really new.
Calves are not afraid of tigers. At present, all the divisions in the capital rely on bayonets to pry open the Chinese army’s defense line. The casualty ratio between the two sides has almost reached six to one, and the Chinese army has sacrificed such terrible weapons. How can we fight this battle? Shock the Chinese defense line like a tsunami? Luckily, he can think of it! Although the stormy sea was fierce, it shook the rocks for half a minute. And that Chinese army is the rock that stand in front of them!
Zhou Fengshan said, "The most important thing now is to find out what weapons the Chinese military ambassador is and what is so horrible! This is very important. If we can’t figure out, his troops are likely to follow in our footsteps, and the consequences are unimaginable. "


When Sun Sheng was worried, the red hair ball stayed at Sun Sheng’s head, but it fluttered and flew. Seeing it chirping at the magma pool for two times, the magma in the magma pool started to boil. Sun Sheng hurriedly stepped back. "Boy, I haven’t found it yet, so I can’t find it." I turned my head and thought again, "I don’t see the situation. This should be the little guy’s whole out. It shouldn’t hurt me?" Sure enough, a bridge across the magma pool went straight to the other side, but the bridge was made up of flowing magma. This sight made Sun Sheng look straight. I didn’t expect this little guy to have such a big deal.

Sun Sheng quickly held the little guy who flew to him in his arms and fondled his fluffy body, leaving his mouth to his ears. Now Sun Sheng is absolutely sure that this sparrow is his own struggling to find the flaming phoenix, a creature that can control magma. What else can it be if it is not a phoenix?
"Phoenix, Phoenix, you are really a baby. I’m going to give you a name. It’s not so nice to always call you Phoenix, is it?" Sun Sheng remembered that he could give it a name. "I remember saying that the naming opportunity should be careful once, and how can it afford a prestige and beautiful name?"
Sun Sheng looked at the hand phoenix to discuss tone and it said, "What do you think I should give you a name? Phoenix? No, it’s too flashy. Magma? Bad flame? It’s awesome, but it doesn’t match your appearance. Um … I’ll call you Xiaoyan. Lovely name, isn’t it? " Sun Shengshou Phoenix chirped at Sun Sheng with a pair of beautiful eyes. Sun Shengshou’s hands seemed to be very satisfied with the name. "If you don’t talk, Sun Sheng will take it as your default. Haha, Xiaoyan, I kissed Xiaoyan. Haha …" Sun Sheng played the game interface, and the pet interface was really fucked. Sun Sheng immediately added the name column to "Xiaoyan". After the change, Sun Sheng put Xiaoyan on his lips, kissing and gnawing. In the end, Xiaoyan couldn’t bear to escape from Sun Shengshou and fly to Sun Sheng’s head and lie down.
Sun Shengcai woke up from a surprise when he ran. "It’s better to leave here first."
Sun Sheng glanced at the magma bridge and felt a little nervous. "Can this side leave?" Although the magma in front of us is like a bridge, the rolling magma is really not easy to be associated with the word "An". After thinking about it, Sun Sheng bravely walked away. It’s a big deal to break a pair of jade shoes. With a small flame, even the magma can be controlled. Who are you afraid of? Thought of this, Sun Sheng gave a big cry and then flew to the other end of the magma bridge. As expected, the bridge was soft but better than mud, otherwise Sun Sheng would have a bath.
Sun Sheng’s shoes didn’t catch fire when he ran across the magma bridge. "It’s okay!" Sun Sheng felt glad that he didn’t scrap the jade shoes at last. The magma bridge crashed and splashed everywhere after Sun Sheng ran. After witnessing this scene, Sun Sheng turned and skipped all the time, and the cave ran past.
When Sun Sheng looked at the cave entrance, he found that I didn’t know when the magma had fallen on the cave wall of the whole mountain, and for such a long time, no magma had been ejected from the magma pool to the ceiling of the cave. The magma at the ceiling of the cave had disappeared for the dark mountain wall, and the magma in front of Sun Sheng was still falling at the visible speed at the middle of the cave entrance when Sun Sheng came.
Then there is something wrong with Sun Sheng’s monkey jumping in the highlands. Maybe he can climb the bottom of the cave with both hands, but then Sun Sheng’s hand will be cooked, so Sun Sheng has to wait at a platform at the mouth of the cave.
After a long time, the magma in the cave wall has disappeared, and the temperature of the cave wall has dropped to the tolerable range. Sun Sheng didn’t bother to jump, but climbed into the cave with the magma groove flowing on the cave wall.
Chapter 47 Mount
When I arrived in the cave, Sun Sheng’s persistent spirit sword walked back along the original road by the dim light for a long time, and finally returned to the cave where I met locusts. Sun Shengxian put away the spirit sword. Here, a little light can attract attention. Sun Sheng thinks that he hasn’t sought revenge from locusts yet, so he still doesn’t disturb it. Sun Sheng carefully rubs against the mouth of the cave and doesn’t even stretch out his head. He lies on the stone wall to listen to the long movement and silence, which makes Sun Sheng make a judgment. 1. The locusts are not in the cave. 2. The locusts are in the cave, but they are asleep, no matter which one is less. Now Sun Sheng is an Sun Sheng trying to lift his feet and walk outside. Just after one step, he feels that his feet have touched something. The sound of "Hua" makes Sun Sheng have the impulse to turn around and run. Fortunately, Sun Sheng finally suppressed this impulse. Otherwise, Sun Sheng will definitely have no place to regret going to Sun Sheng after knowing what he stepped on. How can this ruin Sun Shengmei’s life and suddenly appear in front of him when he has lost a good thing? Sun Sheng picked it up from the ground and wiped the sleeve to see that there was no defect. Sun Sheng was very excited again.
Holding the sword in his hand, Sun Sheng was steadfast in his heart. He put his head out of the stone wall and glanced at the cave scene. Then he quickly took his head back and recalled it. The scene just now seems to be less eye-catching than the locust figure. If it is in the cave, there is no reason not to see it. It seems that it is not in the cave now. Sun Sheng leaned out of the cave and looked inside carefully for a while to make sure that there is no danger. After that, Sun Sheng came out from the inside.
When Sun Sheng came to the cave, the stone walls were full of night beads and crystal stones, which made Sun Sheng’s eyes look like gold coins. I knew that there might be danger, but in the end, Sun Sheng couldn’t resist it. Sun Sheng had reason to rush to a place relatively close to the cave to collect these swaying stones. Although Sun Sheng didn’t have mining technology, these minerals were all useless, but they were only decorative words … Sun Sheng knew a lot about women’s enthusiasm for jewelry and other things, and then sold these things that looked like night beads. "How could genius be so clever?"
No matter how hard the stone wall is, it can’t stop Sun Sheng’s determination and the sharpness of jet in his hand. Let Sun Sheng dig a night bead to show that Sun Sheng has become a waste, but Sun Sheng doesn’t care. Anyway, it’s a waste, and the night bead has not changed, which can attract women and harm men’s wallets! It’s not a problem whether you want it or not.
Looking at the night beads, Sun Shengfa stayed for a while and slept in gold coins like a western dragon. When he woke up, he saw a vague shadow on the ground in front of him. Sun Sheng’s sweat came immediately, and the familiar rustling sound behind him aggravated this situation. Many Sun Sheng barely turned around and appeared in front of Sun Sheng’s eyes. It was the bright green locust! Although psychologically prepared, it was really scared, and it kept poking its head at Sun Sheng as if it wanted to get close to Sun Sheng. Sun Sheng was able to lean back against the stone wall tightly. "My life is over!" Sun shengxiang is a girl who is being raped and resisting, but she seems to be leaning against the stone wall and closing her eyes tightly. Of course, the night bead is still a fortress in the package, so she should bring one back anyway.
But this time the locust is obviously a little different. Sun Sheng waited for a long time, but it didn’t attack Sun Sheng. The difference is that this time Sun Sheng was still afraid of it, but he didn’t feel violent from it. On the contrary, his breath felt very peaceful, like he had met any good friends or hadn’t seen his relatives for years.
Although Sun Sheng was a little confused, he didn’t have time to think much about it. Sun Sheng’s head was stunned by Xiao Yan. Only then did he find that he was not alone and there was a very powerful Xiao Yan. It was quite difficult to know who would win or lose when he really fought. Sun Sheng felt so calm in his heart. Looking back at Xiao Yan’s confrontation with locusts, the more confused he became, the more he saw Xiao Yan chirping at locusts, but the sound was not annoyed and he didn’t take any practical action, and the corresponding locust action was quite ambiguous. After listening to Xiao Yan’s cry, he even showed no anger and showed a very close
It seems that their communication went smoothly. Then, in Sun Sheng’s great consternation, Sun Sheng heard the system and said to Sun Sheng, "Congratulations to the player’ Quantity Tianzun’ for getting the pet jasper locust, and the level of jasper locust has dropped by 27 levels."
Sun Sheng is dizzy. I’m really dizzy. Why did he take the locust in front of him as a pet in a fog? And it’s still an exaggeration. Twenty-seven or a drop. It’s too … crazy! Sun Sheng still doesn’t believe in playing the game interface. As expected, there is a jasper locust name in the pet column. Sun Sheng is a little high!
Of course, all this is not because Sun Sheng’s personal charm is so great as to attract monsters to be captured automatically. First of all, this is a unified plot, and it is also quite important. There must be a hidden plot in it. Sun Sheng Xiaoyan has been here for tens of thousands of years. Without protecting it, the array flame must have vanished long ago, and that cave with magma flowing everywhere is a large array to protect it and keep it alive. Sun Sheng is not attacked by array because he has a spiritual sword with him. If another character enters it, it will definitely be destroyed. Suffered a devastating attack, and this locust is a very ordinary locust. It came to this cave because of the special environment inside. It grew so close to Xiaoyan because they were all infected by a large array. Xiaoyan was brought into the large array for tens of thousands of years, and this locust came here and grew up for thousands of years. The monster-level locust was mainly infected by the aura overflowing from the large array, so it can be said that Xiaoyan and the locust were almost mothers. So what else is there? !
Sun Sheng didn’t understand all this. Now Sun Sheng knows that he picked up a very powerful and beautiful locust for nothing. "Well, it must be very good to look at it as a mount. How cool it will be to ride in the street then!" Ha ha ….. "Surprised, excited, excited, etc. After the mood, Sun Sheng naturally fantasized about the future …
Chapter 40 Super locusts down a peg or two
Now that locusts have become Sun Sheng’s pets, they won’t hurt him any more, and they won’t stop Sun Sheng from digging the night beads in the cave. Therefore, Sun Sheng spared no effort to dig the night beads. If it weren’t for the package restrictions, it is estimated that Sun Sheng would have to dig the night beads in the whole cave. Finally, I feel that it’s almost enough. Sun Sheng finally stopped calling Xiaoyan and Xiaoyu, which is Sun Shengbi’s jade locust, with a new name "Xiaoyu … I don’t know if this name is heard. Maybe this is my wife’s name." Little flame still went to Sun Sheng’s head to see Xiaoyu as before, which seemed to have a desire to try. Sun Sheng quickly stopped it. What a joke! Sun Sheng’s head is not the tarmac! Xiaoyu, although there is a small character in her name, has nothing to do with Xiao.
One person and two pets entered the cave together and came back. Sun Sheng wanted to ride on Xiaoyu’s body. The hole was too short to allow Xiaoyu to pass. If Sun Sheng rode on Xiaoyu’s face, he would definitely get stuck. Sun Sheng gave up the idea. So Sun Sheng said in front that Xiao Yan was lying in Sun Sheng’s head and taking a nap. Xiaoyu followed Sun Sheng. Although Xiaoyu usually jumped now, his six legs were not jumping up, and Sun Sheng was not worried that it would not follow.
As the saying goes, mountains are easy and mountains are difficult, so it should be divided into different places. For example, Sun Sheng has been walking all the time, which is almost the same as climbing a mountain. However, there is no way to compare with Sun Sheng who didn’t stop and rest when he came. Now, Sun Sheng has changed to walking tired, and his legs and stomach have been twitching. Sun Sheng insists on persistence or stops and stops on the road. Xiao Yan is at leisure and dozes in Sun Sheng’s head all the way, which makes Sun Sheng envious. Yu Xiaoyu, look at its thick thighs. Sun Sheng can’t imagine its strength. I’m afraid it can’t even know what "tired" means in this generation.
Finally, Sun Sheng came to the cave, but he couldn’t directly pass through the dreamland, and he couldn’t draw the dreamland. Sun Shenghao searched for a groove like the one outside in the surrounding stone walls for a long time before he found a sword-shaped carving. Here, there is a spirit sword that emits light. It took Sun Sheng a lot of effort to find it. When Sun Sheng found it, he scolded those who wrote the game in his heart. "You said it was difficult to find the key eye when you came in. That’s the law. When you protected the phoenix egg, did you still make such trouble? Are you still trapped the newcomers? The editor who wrote this paragraph must be a pervert! "
After putting the sword into Guanghua, Sun Sheng returned to the blue sky with a small flame and Xiaoyu, and looked at the stars. Sun Sheng really felt a little sigh and wanted to improvise a poem to express his feelings, but after thinking for a long time, he didn’t think of a word to say, but he finally howled like a wolf. It was just a poem, but he didn’t expect that this cry would go wrong.
Starlight and green light appear in the surrounding Woods and appear in pairs
"Did I just scream like a wolf?" Sun Sheng easily asked Xiaoyu and Xiaoyan that Xiaoyu didn’t seem to understand and glanced at Sun Sheng with her head twisted. Small flame is just like talking, humming and falling asleep again.
The wolves in the Woods gradually showed their shape in the starlight. Sun Sheng randomly lost a "eye-catching" eye. In the past, it turned out that Sun Sheng had expected that it was really those mindless timberwolves! The top of the headless wolf’s head shows a fifth-order attribute besides the display of more than 20 grades. Sun Sheng guessed that this was a new addition to the pet system, and it was indeed the case. It was not surprising that they were able to chase Sun Sheng. Everyone knows that wolves are a group race, and it is normal to avenge the dead five timberwolves. Although they have found the wrong revenge object, they can still chase and rely on it after such a long time. Of course, they have an unparalleled sense of smell, but their sense of smell is more sensitive than dogs. It’s nothing to chase Sun Sheng more, but Sun Sheng has been in the cave for such a long time that they can wait patiently outside, which really makes Sun Shengpei probably few animals in the world more patient than them.
Petting them doesn’t mean letting them bite you. Now Sun Sheng has grown two levels since he met the Timberwolves, and he is naturally more confident in his heart. Adding two powerful pets to deal with them, Sun Sheng is still very confident.
Sun Sheng counted the number of timberwolves in front of him, and there were about thirty or forty. Well, Sun Sheng estimated that he should probably, perhaps, be able to deal with a jade ten levels higher than himself, so it’s not too much to let it solve it by itself for twenty years, right? Yu Xiaoyan Sun Shenggang just took a look at it. It was unexpectedly low in level one. It was still good to sleep in Sun Sheng’s head honestly, but there was always a thought in Sun Sheng’s head that "the level of small flame is so low, but it can be so severe. If the level is high …"
In order to reduce the complexity of dealing with these timberwolves, Sun Sheng decided to lean against the big stone behind him, so that Sun Sheng could rest assured after facing the attack from the front. However, Xiaoyu didn’t seem to agree with Sun Sheng’s opinion. When the timberwolves came around, he jumped at them and went straight for the timberwolves! This jump is obviously very unexpected to the timberwolves. It was a bit unlucky to watch Xiaoyu fall from the sky, but I didn’t know that it was a little late when I finally reacted. In the wailing, several timberwolves died in Xiaoyu’s legs before they came to take revenge on their companions! It’s not too much to say that they died tragically. Xiaoyu’s legs were so sharp that the locusts were almost stabbed by Xiaoyu’s sharp legs when he stepped on them. It’s better to lose his arms and legs. The scene is terrible! It seems that Sun Sheng, who intends to do his best, knows very well that he has adjusted the authenticity of the picture to a level that he can bear.
Surrounded by Xiaoyu, the timberwolves all wailed when they saw their companions dying instantly. The green light in their eyes was better than that in Xiaoyu’s mouth. More than a few of them simply killed Xiaoyu. If an ordinary locust is definitely not enough, it’s a pity that these timberwolves are not facing ordinary locusts but a perverted super locust! In the face of the attack of the timberwolves, Xiaoyu didn’t panic. She jumped on all fours and started guerrilla warfare with the timberwolves.
Sun Sheng didn’t expect Xiaoyu to have this thing. The timberwolves were badly hurt. In a blink of an eye, four or five of them were killed in Xiaoyu’s front leg. There were a few clever timberwolves going around Xiaoyu to prepare for the raid, but they didn’t know that Xiaoyu’s big eyes didn’t look at their actions at all. (PS said that Sun Sheng had to admire the insect compound eye structure here, which was simply a genius for investigation. There was no dead angle, which really made Sun Sheng sigh that nature was ingenious! ) Jade didn’t wait for the timberwolves behind her to jump up from the ground and bite Xiaoyu, but Jade violently pushed back its powerful aesthetic feeling at both poles and pushed back to pity those timberwolves. When they were attacked by sneak attack, they were stabbed by Xiaoyu’s hind legs in the blink of an eye, and water (blood after picture adjustment) was thrown back.
Seeing that Xiaoyu was going to deal with Sun Sheng’s timberwolves for several years, he changed his mind and turned around and rushed at Xiaoyu, but they didn’t know that they had gone. Apart from adding a few bodies, Xiaoyu died more and more bravely in the Vietnam War. The timberwolves died all around it. The timberwolves didn’t die badly, and there were few timberwolves left. Just then Sun Sheng saw a shadow suddenly crossing his head and heading straight for Xiaoyu’s back. It was almost unprecedented that Sun Sheng had not come to wake up, but Xiaoyu suddenly saw it.
The shadow was miserable, really miserable. It didn’t turn in the middle. It had to bite the bullet and meet Xiaoyu’s wings, and then it crossed a beautiful arc in the middle and fell to the ground. Suddenly, it became three bright blood, and at this time, Xiaoyu didn’t stop killing the last few forest wolves, which unexpectedly became its dead soul.
The evening breeze blows with a bit of coolness and a bit of blood from Xiaoyu’s body, Xiaoyu’s body blows, Sun Sheng shivers one after another, Xiaoyu’s body still has some water drops, but they are slipping from Xiaoyu’s body, Xiaoyu’s body is as smooth as jasper, and it is surrounded by black and red, and Xiaoyu just holds up his green wings like a god of war, and then goes into the sky, and the leaves are trembling all around.
Sun Sheng Xiaoyu was posing POSS, but soon red locusts flying all over the sky told Sun Sheng that you were wrong! Sun Sheng was not only wrong, but also wrong. Those flying locusts turned around Xiaoyu several times and then fell to the ground and chewed on the timberwolves’ bodies, which made Sun Sheng’s hair roots prick.


Han Long asked a young man with yellow hair, "Who are you hanging out with?"

The young man held his head high and said, "We are with Brother Lei."
"Fuck your mother, which brother Lei has more?"
"Fuck Big Brother Kong Lei" shouted the young man, staring.
Han Long pie mouth said "hole a fucking b ray old haven’t heard of you fuck what fuck? I’ve been waiting for JB for more than a year. Which is your turn to fuck? "
Han Long brought the two men in and surrounded them all. Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Take these four SB away and don’t dirty the classroom."
"Come on, take it away," Han Long said with a pie mouth.
Those young people were subdued and taken out of the teaching building after a few rebellions. When they saw four Mercedes parked outside, they all panicked and thought, "Today is the day when I provoked the Lord."
Han Long looked at the two people and scratched his head and said, "If I had known so many people, I would have got a truck. It can’t hold so many people."
"Just keep these four people, don’t let them go," Zhu Feng said.
He walked up to the young man and said, "Go back and tell your brother Lei that my name is Han Long. These four animals provoked my brother and I took him away."
When everyone heard him, they nodded in panic and heard beans several times. This person didn’t expect that the boss was n grades behind them, let alone himself. We played firecrackers and people played grenades.
"Go away," said Han Long, motioning with his hand.
When everyone heard what he said, they ran away with joy for fear that they would run slowly and be shot to break their legs.
Now several people are surrounded by watching students, some of whom are secretly pointing fingers at Zhu Feng.
Zhu Feng waved and said, "Take the four of them with the car."
At this time, the four men stared at the car door desperately and didn’t let a few people beat the car door. When Han Long saw his door, he kicked their knees and cursed "Fuck me, I let you stare at me, I let …"
Then a National People’s Congress shouted, "Zhu Feng, are you? What are you doing? "
Hearing someone calling himself, he turned his head and found that the speaker was his former squad leader, Lao Geng Zhu Feng, who stopped Han Long’s move, and then smiled and said, Mr. You Huang, it’s been a long time. Won’t I come back to visit an alma mater? "
Lao Geng said seriously, "Zhu Feng school is a last resort except you. Don’t be embarrassed."
Zhu Feng quickly interrupted her words, "SOP Miss Huang beat my girlfriend yesterday before I came to find them and the school without any money. I can’t let them die if you look at your face."
Lao Geng felt that she was able to save the day and nodded and said, "Just don’t make trouble. I’ll go first." She turned and left. She was still thinking about a good child, so she was ruined by the underworld.
Chapter one hundred and nineteen A tooth for a tooth
Just sent Lao Geng away and suddenly two police cars went straight to the crowd. After several police cars, they were very old-fashioned and shouted, "Who is making trouble in school?" Is there any public morality? "
"Brother Han, why are you still competing with the students?" The policeman saw Han Long here and hurried over to say.
"Captain Li, these four men beat my brother’s girlfriend. We were just about to take them to the police station when you came." Han Longkou said, thinking that if there were not so many people present, the old man would not care about you.
Captain Li knew that he was giving himself a face in front of everyone, but he was still flattered and quickly said to the people behind him, "Take these four people back."
Zhu Feng said at this moment, "I still have some things to find these four people to do and go home with you."
Han Long turned to the people behind him and muttered a few words. Then a group of people left the school and left two people with him. He said, "Come on, I’ll go with my brother."
A Mercedes-Benz was caught in the middle of two police cars and went to the police station. When everyone saw that they had dispersed after leaving, Zhu Feng’s former classmates saw that he was chatting now. "This buddy is really awesome now, and even the police can’t control it."
"Yeah, look how overbearing he was just now."
Li Qian and his roommate saw what happened, and one of them said, "I don’t believe he was sweeping the street."
"It seems that his girlfriend was hurt. I don’t know who it is?"
"He just looked so handsome."
Li Qian hasn’t spoken, thinking that he should go and see Jin Caiyi sometime. Do you know if she is hurt seriously?
Zhu Feng sat in the car and said to Captain Li, "Let’s put the five of us in one room for a while, and you will be in the trial later."
Captain Li didn’t know where he came from, but Han Long called him a brother and he was absolutely not to be taunted. He nodded and said, "Don’t make too much noise or we will be difficult."
When we arrived at the police station, several policemen took four stupid people in a single room, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. One of them said, "It’s a good thing we weren’t taken away by those people, otherwise we couldn’t even find the bodies. I felt that the police station was a good place for the first time."
No sooner had he finished talking than Zhu Feng came in. When four people saw him coming in, they panicked and stepped back. When the policeman closed the door, one of them was so scared that he almost didn’t sit on the ground.
Zhu Feng walked up to the four men and asked, "Do you know what I have to find you?"
"Eldest brother, if we are wrong, please spare us." One of them begged with trembling.
"Even if you hit me, what are you still like a woman throwing a bench?" As soon as Zhu Feng asked, he grabbed the chair and threw it at Jin Caiyi. He said, "It’s a good thing you didn’t hit my girlfriend, otherwise I will pay you back ten times and one hundred times."
The young man was hit by a bench and lay on the ground. It took a while to get up and nodded stupidly. Zhu Feng said to another person, "Why don’t you hit the chair on the table? There’s a wooden brazing rod stuck in my girlfriend’s body. "Then he took out a handful of wooden brazing rods from his pocket, two of which were enough.
When the man saw Zhu Feng’s hand, he hurried back and panicked, saying, "Brother, I really didn’t mean to. It was an accident. Your girlfriend didn’t have a wooden drill. It was another woman."
"Fuck, they are both my girlfriends." After that, Zhu Feng tied the wooden drill to his arm. Unfortunately, he turned back and tied it directly to his ass.
Zhu Feng ignored him and said to the other two, "I smashed two benches and you smashed four benches. Let’s just forget it. If you finish fighting, I will run away. Maybe I won’t find you. Don’t touch others when fighting. Women are not like men at all."
Four people are passive and Nuo Nuo nods.
"Come on, you hit me, so forget it. Goodbye, everyone. How do the police handle you? It’s not within my jurisdiction." Then he went to the door and knocked on the door. He saw a policeman knocking on the door. Zhu Feng said, "This little brother accidentally made a wooden drill and his ass bled. He had to be sent to the hospital to be bandaged."
The policeman looked at him and then smiled and thought that the young man asked, "Did you accidentally?"? If it’s him, tell me we’ll do business. "
"I accidentally sat in the chair. Didn’t you see that the stool fell down?" The young man said with a wry smile, he thought to himself that if I told you that he had done this to you, I would have to let him torture me. Do you think I’m stupid?
Zhu Feng walked out of the room and suddenly saw a policewoman with a camera brain running fast. He smiled and said, "Comrade, help us take a picture."
The policewoman looked at him doubtfully and walked into the room. Among the four young people who could not smile bitterly, she saw her colleague nod to herself. She quickly pressed the shutter twice. Zhu Feng took the camera and took a picture of the young man with a broken ass. He smiled with satisfaction and put it in his pocket. YY thought that I was so talented in photography.
After seeing Han Long, Zhu Feng said with a smile, "Brother Han has been busy with my business for a noon. Don’t say that there is no time or my brother will feel guilty."
Han Longxiao smiled and put his arm around his shoulder and walked to the car. Zhu Feng and he and his two hands asked for a dish, two bottles of Maotai and Zhu Feng excused himself from being sick and asked for two bottles of beer. Han Long also learned from Lin Kunlun that he did drink it and went to the hospital for gastric lavage, and he didn’t force the four of them to blow it for more than an hour before eating. At the end of the meal, Zhu Feng specially went to the bank to get 10 thousand yuan. He took it out and said, "Brother Han doesn’t have much money. Take it and buy cigarettes for his brothers."
"What are you doing? How can I charge you for such a trivial matter? Who wants arms and legs when talking to me later? Take back the money quickly. "Han Long refused with a smile.
"Don’t help my brother so much. I’m embarrassed. Take this and buy cigarettes for my brothers. If you don’t want too few brothers, I’ll send them to you again."
"Alas bro and I mention it? I’ll keep the money. If you want it, I can be anxious with you. "
Zhu Feng nodded with a smile. He felt that it was worth spending this 10,000 quick money. After Han Long sent him back to the company, two hands left Zhu Feng and walked into the company. They found that there were 7-1 people around each designer.
Jin Caiyi saw him come in and said, "Why did you just get back? Didn’t cause anything? "
"I this good citizen can make what matter? Why are there so many people today? "
"Phoenix owners left at noon. This is the second batch. Up to now, 9 owners have paid the first payment. In the afternoon, Fenghua Group Liu Jingli brought three project managers. They have many workers in charge of the construction. They guarantee that there will be no quality problems on the construction site. If there is any problem, they are willing to compensate for everything. I have signed a contract with them and asked them to go to the owner’s home to sign the bill yesterday. Liu Jingli also brought five project supervisors who are responsible for supervising the construction of workers and the quality of materials. If there is a problem, they will also compensate for the loss. The monthly salary is 5,000 yuan. Many of our materials are ordered from manufacturers, and some materials are sent to Siyu by camel to talk with an engineering supervisor. "
"Wow, you’re amazing. Did you do so many things in one afternoon? Is Siyu’s arm okay? " Zhu Feng was surprised to think that this woman is really amazing, and now she has nothing to do with herself, so she will help to fix it.
"Nothing is just a small wound. I ate with chopsticks early today. Oh, by the way, the owner didn’t pay the project payment yesterday and paid the deposit this afternoon. I have already returned the money to them. This is the account." Jin Caiyi said and took out a chapter form and handed it to him
Zhu Feng nodded at ease. "Don’t work too hard if you don’t watch it. Don’t worry about the rain. Why don’t you come to work and help me?"
"Ha ha, she said later that she would quit her present job and come to help you. I said I couldn’t do it. Let her talk to you."
"ah? Come and help without pay? What the hell is this girl doing? " Zhu Feng muttered something and then said to Jin Caiyi, "I’ll go upstairs first. Don’t tire yourself."
Jin Caiyi smiled and nodded his head with happiness.


"This guy is really amazing, you are a good cook in business. You are right and I was wrong! Ok, you take the high-end route. Otherwise, the 20 million sweats don’t know if you can return to me in the year of the monkey, okay? " Wan Shanhong really has nothing to say. Since then, he has been fascinated by Pi two dog.

"Elder sister, you admit it! If there’s nothing to do, how about this first? " This guy agreed with Prynne that if he became the king of wine, he would get Prynne’s ten-minute kiss. Thinking of Prynne kissing him, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion and suddenly he became short of breath.
"Don’t hang up. I have something important to ask you for instructions."
"What do you say?"
"We still have 1,300 bottles of anti-fate wine in the winery warehouse. Did the department pull it over and sell it in one breath?"
Listening to Wan Shanhong, Pi two dog touched the dog’s head and thought, "Come on, you announce your intention to buy wine with everyone and ask them to go to Lanfang Department Store to buy one thousand bottles and keep three hundred bottles for yourself!"
"Well, I’ll do as you instructed!"
After the fight, Pi two dog was so anxious that he called Prynne to the rooftop of Lanfang Building and hugged her, scaring Prynne into hiding. "Brother Dog, what do you want?"
"No, Brandon just said that you would let me kiss for ten minutes when I became the king of wine!" He is so anxious to grasp the liver and lung.
It’s a pity that Prynne is a teetotaler girl. Tonight, because Pi two dog’s fate wine is too fragrant, she didn’t hold back and drink two cups of fate wine. At this moment, she felt a fever in her lower abdomen. When she looked at Pi two dog, there was a layer of fog in her eyes. She suddenly burst into music. "Brother Dog, you are talking nonsense. How can I say such a thing as a girl? You lie! "
"Prynne, you promised this yourself. Why do you want to cheat?"
"No, I can’t. I’ll kiss you for ten minutes. I’m not your girlfriend. How can I let you kiss me?" With that, Prynne wanted to slip away as soon as she twisted her waist.
"Prynne, if you don’t trust me, I won’t give you a new batch of Zoyang Maru Market. What do you do?" Pi two dog said that he meowed. I have a way to cure cheaters.
"Shrimp? Brother dog, you can’t do this, can you? Forget it, can I kiss you? " You know, Zoyang Pill is the lifeblood of Prynne. If two dog doesn’t give her Zoyang Pill, then she can’t catch a blind eye. She can earn hundreds of thousands a month now. Zoyang Pill in two dog is her town store, Baopi two dog is also her cash cow. She wants to do everything possible to serve this cash cow.
"Kiss for ten minutes?" His eyes are bigger than his eyes and he looks at Brandon’s way
Chapter 154 Big misunderstanding
"Of course I mean it! But you are a bad guy and you can’t do anything but kiss! " Prynne is just a gesture that I will shout if you dare to mess around. She said that I am a peach blossom in March and I can’t just let people pick it.
"Then I kissed you."
When I said kiss Prynne, I was so scared that my nerves tightened. Shuer, she was so ashamed that she closed her eyes.
Pi two dog is like an eagle holding a chicken and kissing the beautiful lips of Prynne.
God, the lips of Prynne are so sweet!
Kissing and kissing him, this product is simply intoxicated with five fans and three faces full of enjoyment expressions.
Where’s Prynne? The girl quickly stirred up the longing for love and said, Oh, my God, brother dog is really a good player in pick up hot chicks. When a virtuous woman like me gets into his hands, she can’t help but want to give it to him. What should I do? I want him to plow my field, but I’m not his woman. Can’t I let him plow my field?
At that time, Prynne had two voices in her heart. Is it to give or not to give?
She was lost and didn’t know what to do with herself.
Just as she was in a dilemma, Pi two dog’s mobile phone suddenly exploded, and the sound scared Prynne. She shivered and beat her back to her original shape on the spot, and suddenly she was so scared that she rushed away.
Pi two dog’s body ignited a flame and instantly extinguished it. When I took a look at the mobile phone, it turned out to be Zhou Yun. After Zhou Yun turned on, he asked, "Lang Jun, why can’t I find you? Where are you?"
"Aunt Zhou, what can I do for you?" He only slapped his thigh when he shook his head. He remembered that he had forgotten to see Lan Guixin for exorcism.
"Husband is not agreed to see the wife of shop-owner? The proprietress is possessed by silver evil. She pesters her husband Ye Gan all day. How can she do that? You’re going to help her cure late. Ye Ganneng must harm Ma Feng! " Zhou Yun anxious fire death warrant operator way
"ah? Well, I can’t tell now. Tell her to wait! " Two dog said that Niang Xipi Lan Guixin had put on a business-like posture for me before that bitch said that she would rent shelves and enter the market. Didn’t she just look down on my little brand of wine? Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unjust.
At this time, I saw the attic door of Tiantai creaking. When I opened it, I saw Zhou Yun find Tiantai here with Ye Miaoyin. When Zhou Yun saw him, he immediately rejoiced, "What’s the matter with Mr. Lang? Yes, I can’t tell what happened. "
Ye Miaoyin also burned his eyebrows and said, "Yes, Mr. Lang, do you have it?"
"ah? Who said I did? I’m thinking about a life-threatening event. Do you understand? " He this cargo dozen careless way
"What life and events are not as big as the silver evil in the boss’s wife?" Zhou Yun grabbed him without saying anything.
"Zhou Yi why are you pulling me? Let me think! "
Ye Miaoyin dizzy way "husband, what do you want? The proprietress can be evil for a moment now. No man can do it. Seeing that Ye Shaoshao is going to have a big accident, his cow is exhausted. Would you please help? " She said that the proprietress is grateful to me, and I will help the proprietress heal even if I throw caution to the wind.
"I’ll think about it again." Said Pi two dog, who simply meditated on the floor with a fart pier and put his hands together.
When I saw the two women, you just looked at me and I looked at you. Ye Miaoyin pulled Zhou Yun aside and muttered, "Sister Zhou is pretending to be better!"
"Ah, husband, do you think he misses a woman? Such a young guy with a strong blood is the most eager woman to meet her age. Why don’t you be his temporary girlfriend? " Zhou Yun poof bursts straight at Ye Miaoyin way
Smell the words of Ye Miaoyin spat and scolded, "Zhou Jie, you grew up eating leftovers. What a bad idea! People are not so casual, or if you are single, it is appropriate for you to be his temporary girlfriend! "
"ah? I’m an old lady. I have to call me aunt. How can I be his girlfriend? Thanks to you! " Zhou Yun said in his heart that if Lang Jun doesn’t dislike me to be his lover, it will do. But I’m forty years old. I don’t have such a heavy taste. Alas, if I were twenty years younger, I could let Lang Jun plow the fields.
Thinking about Zhou Yun spat himself in shame. God, I really don’t want to compare my face. How can I think of this? Shame on you!
"Sister Zhou, maybe Mr. Lang is good at this?" Ye Miaoyin teased her way
"Fuck you!"
Two women are playing, suddenly listening to creaking, and seeing a charming figure rushing out again and again, two women are embarrassed to see that the bearer is none other than the proprietress Lan Guixin!
Lan Guixin came and took Zhou Ye’s two women away. After the attic door, her eyes blurred. "Pi two dog, I must be out of order. I want to be without a man for a while in broad daylight! Is it true that you can exorcise evil spirits? "
"The wife of shop-owner when you have asked me? Exorcising evil spirits and seeing a doctor is my specialty! " Pi two dog sat in situ and saw Lan Guixin, just like a pair of people who hated her.
Lan Guixin knew that he was angry with the goods, but he was ashamed to say, "Boss Pi, after entering the market, you put the golden position of wine against the sky and tied for the national wine, right?"
"What else?"
"Ah and? That is, I really underestimated you before I was ignorant of Mount Tai! I’m sorry to tell you! " LanGuiXin unusually sincere look at skin two dog way
Listening to Lan Guixin’s words about this Pi two dog is not good to continue pretending. This guy said together, "Come on, boss, you can protect me!"
"Thank you, thank you, that’s great! But I heard that it is true to cure this evil disease by taking off your clothes and then casting spells? " Lan Guixin said, God, the thought of exposing her privacy in front of two dog made her feel ashamed.
Lan Guixin didn’t say that. two dog didn’t expect to go to the boss’s wife this time, which immediately aroused his evil thoughts. He said that I’m not finished yet, so that you can get back to the scene by casting spells. When he thought of this, he hid the knife in his smile and said, "Yes, you are a nasty goat. You have to be honest to get rid of the nasty goat!"
"ah? Well, please ask the master to move to my office? " Lan Guixin said in her heart that she would save her husband’s life even if she was called daoshanhuohai.
"The wife of shop-owner like this nasty goat is specifically for your husband to put your husband to kill Ma Feng and die! A ghost like this just chased it away before I called it out at midnight to find out the ins and outs and then prescribe the right medicine. What do you think? " Pi two dog threw a big bang way
I heard that I can’t see Lan Guixin until midnight when I lift my wrist and look at her eyes. It’s 9: 30 in the evening. She said with a bitter face, "Master, I want to die if I can’t get enough of this disease. There are still more than two hours. I’m afraid my man will be exhausted." Can you cast a spell before? "
"Boss, I’m dizzy at 12 o’clock in the middle of the night. When the yin is at its peak, the ghost door opens and the ghost walks at night. I can’t call it out without my great power." He this goods a face of Meng than way
Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw the female ghost Xiaohong floating out from the seal of the gods, and said, "Master, this proprietress is a ghost. If you don’t save her, she will die of yin!"
Lan Guixin painfully saw a female ghost floating over her head. Suddenly, she turned her eyes white and fell to the ground with a jerk.



The real Long Changyin uttered an unwilling Long Yin, but Ning Caichen’s eyes finally bent, and there was no way for anyone to cut it. The fish life was pinched by Ning Caichen.
Chapter 767 Back to Beijing
The real dragon flies across the sky, and its huge body passes by. If the fish, birds and monsters are not scared away or the real dragon breath is shivering, even if it is collected by Ning Caichen, the real dragon is, after all, the top creature in the real dragon world, the top predator in the world except Ning Caichen. How many dragons can compete with each other in this world?
It also seems to be that Ning Caichen beat him before venting. The dragon deliberately released its own horrible breath. I don’t know how many creatures were scared by the shock. Ning Caichen’s dragon leader didn’t care much, but he enjoyed this feeling of riding instead of walking with a mount. Especially when the mount is a real dragon, don’t be so cool!
At noon the next day, a sea of fire appeared in Ning Caichen’s sight. It was Phoenix Island in the past, but at this time, Phoenix Island had been separated and collapsed, and it became a veritable volcano. The red flame was burning, and the earth was red and the red liquid was rolling. That was magma covering the whole Phoenix Island. There was no grass left, and the earth was burning and burning, especially at the top of the mountain.
Nearly a hundred miles around Phoenix Island, the sea surface in Fiona Fang is terracotta red. This piece of sea water burns like kerosene. From a distance, it is a sea of fire and flames. The sky is mapped into terracotta red, and there are dark black holes and red flames. This is burned.
The crimson flames are all left by the phoenix in the past. These flames are far from ordinary fires. This is a phoenix fire that can burn everything and is difficult to extinguish all the year round. It was four or five years ago when Ning Caichen and Wei Zhaung came here, but in the past four or five years, it became a sea of fire, and even the sea was ignited. It can be seen that these flames are terrible. Even now, these flames may easily kill ordinary giants.
Ning Caichen stood at the front of the real dragon’s head and looked at the scene from the old place and came to Phoenix Island again. I couldn’t help feeling glad that I was able to escape the phoenix’s pursuit alive. It was really lucky that Phoenix was just awakened by them at that time, and its strength was far from reaching its peak. Otherwise, Ning Caichen believed that he would have been extinguished by the phoenix.
Ning Caichen is a real dragon, with a pair of dazzling dragon eyes looking at the flame of Phoenix Island, his eyes flashed and fluctuated, and then he gave a high dragon sound and loud vibration, which spread around for a long time, even if it was clear and audible outside Wan Li, it was like provocation.
Ning Caichen’s eyes flashed a different color, and he saw a real dragon. He saw a high fighting spirit in the longan, and then he looked at the extinct volcano Phoenix Mountain. I couldn’t help thinking. The three creatures, dragon, phoenix and unicorn, are all in the world, and the creatures are called gods. The three creatures are juxtaposed, but no one knows which is stronger or weaker. The real dragon is called the scales, the phoenix is called the birds, and the unicorn is called the beasts. These three creatures have been seen by Phoenix and Ning Caichen, the real dragon, except Kirin, which is stronger and which is weaker among the three. It’s hard to say that Ning Caichen wants to come, but now that he sees the high fighting spirit in the real dragon’s eyes, I can’t help but guess slightly whether these three creatures will have any grievances.
Since ancient times, the first martial arts, the second dragon, the phoenix and the unicorn are all top creatures at the same level. It seems that it is not impossible to have grievances, but Ning Caichen did not delve into them because he is not big!
"Let’s go and have a look?"
Ning Caichen patted Longjiao Road, and then a person Yi Long flew directly to Phoenix Island. Here, it has turned into a sea of fire, and the crimson flame submerged Fiona Fang for nearly a hundred miles. These flames were all originally left by the phoenix to burn the phoenix, and everything is generally contaminated by the extreme strong. It is not necessarily better than Ning Caichen flying directly to Phoenix Island in a real dragon, and carefully sensing that this piece of land enveloped his gods, and he searched for the phoenix atmosphere.
"Have you left?" I stayed here for more than half an hour, but in addition to the raging fire overseas, his breath of life has no breath of phoenix, and it has long since disappeared. Ning Caichen is a little obsessed with the phoenix, and he doesn’t forget about his strength, but he says his appearance. But in the end, Ning Caichen was disappointed, and the breath of phoenix has long since disappeared. Obviously, the phoenix left Phoenix Island early.
Slightly disappointed in my heart, I am really passionate about Phoenix Ning Caichen, but it’s a pity that it’s gone, and he didn’t go looking for it. Because the probability is too small, he didn’t even find a fart, at least the target clue, lost the trail of Phoenix, and Ning Caichen didn’t leave the mind of the sea to fly directly to the state of Jin in a real dragon.
"Oh, my God, look what a real dragon it is!" "The dragon is really a dragon …"
Two days later, more than half of Tianfu County people in the state of Jin were shocked from Linhai Binhai City to Jingcheng Road. It was shocking to see a real dragon flying across the sky from the sea and heading for the capital. Although the real dragonfly was very high, it was too big, with a huge body of nearly 10 thousand meters flying through it.
The golden dragon transformed by this national movement is different, so people can see at a glance that it is a real creature, not a national movement. This is shocking to see the real dragon flying overhead. No one can be calm. This is the real dragon. For most people, the creatures are famous for remembering things, but they are not seen. Even when they went out to sea to slaughter dragons two years ago, only a few people such as Xiang Yu and Ning Caichen participated.
The real dragon flies to the extreme from the sky to the capital, but although it flies fast, it is too big. It has been seen by many people all the way from the sea through Tianfu County to the capital, which has caused great waves!
Finally, if a high dragon song resounded through the capital, the whole capital was alarmed. Everyone looked up at this moment and then saw the huge body of the real dragon coming out. In an instant, several people were stunned and felt that their brains were white, and many people were directly scared and collapsed.
The so-called Ye Gong Hao Long, although many people clamor to see the real dragon on weekdays, is another way of saying that it is a mentality to really see it. Actually, the real dragon has a great impact on people, even if it does not release its own powerful momentum, but it is this huge body and appearance that gives people a great visual impact.
"This is a dragon!" "How?"
A series of figures from the sky, such as Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Fan Zeng, Zhuge Liang, Chen Gong and other Jin masters, have alarmed the fox family, such as Fufeng, Hu Feng, Yuerou and Changxin, to learn Gongdaoya, Dongbai, Wang Yue, Bixuan Women’s College, Shenyin, Feiya and Yueji …
All the experts in the capital are alarmed at this moment and look at the real dragon appearing in the virtual space. It is Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Zhuge Liang and others who have changed their colors at this moment. A real dragon appears in the capital. This is what they didn’t expect. Although the real dragon didn’t release a powerful momentum, just looking at it can make them feel a huge threat.
"Mother, look at big brother. Big brother is back. Big brother is the leader."
Snow in Bauhinia City suddenly pointed to the real dragon head and cried excitedly. Bai Susu, the moon inviter and others also looked at the past and then saw the real dragon head. Ning Caichen is really a real dragon. It’s too big for Ning Caichen to be ignored. Plus, the appearance of the real dragon just made them all in a state of shock. After that, they didn’t see Ning Caichen.
"Yes!" "hey!"
Soon Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Zhuge Liang and others also saw the real leader Ning Caichen Zhang Liang’s eyes move and then directly bowed to the leader Ning Caichen respectfully-
"Welcome back!"
Zhuge Liang, Chen Gong and others first slightly one leng and then have mouth-
"Welcome back!" Han Xin, Zhuge Liang, Chen Gong, Jiyuan, Li Xiaoyao, Fan Zeng, Yan Chixia and others saluted.
"Welcome back!"
Then the fox clan four big syren college Shenyin, Feiya, Yuejiji Xuegong, and many martial arts avatar realm masters all saluted, and they all saw the real dragon head Ning Caichen.
"positions! Are you back? " "Look, it’s a real leader!" "Has the dragon, the real dragon of my heaven, been taken over and become a pursuit mount?" "This is a real dragon. It is said that the creatures in China have actually become pursuit mounts, so there is such a thing …" "No wonder the real dragon will appear in the capital" "…"
"Welcome back!" "Welcome back!"
Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang and others had previously saluted Ning Caichen in vain, but the sound was not loud, but it was all over the capital. This was their intention to be guided by their words. Soon, many people in Beijing also noticed that Ning Caichen, the leader, was not shocked, but shouted like a mountain call and tsunami.
"All my life."
Ning Caichen said, "Sound cuts through Beijing" and then he controls the real dragon to fly to Qinxin Lake behind Beijing.
Chapter 76 Demon clan minister
"Bang!" At the center of Qinxin Lake, the water surface exploded and splashed with high water, and the real dragon body plunged directly into Qinxin Lake. However, at this time, the body of the real dragon was fully reduced by nearly 100 times, and the huge body was also reduced to nearly 100 meters. Although it still looks like a monster, it is really poor compared with the previous huge body of the real dragon. Otherwise, it is still a problem for the real dragon to reach the truth in Qinxin Lake.
The real dragon body just smashed into the lake, and it didn’t take long for the body to come out again, splashing a large splash. The whole body flew out of the water, hovering and plunging into the water so repeatedly, like playing. Ning Caichen fell to the shore of the lake and quietly looked at the scene before him. A few moments later, a road broke out behind him. It was Zhang Liang and others who came.
And many people came, such as Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang, Fan Zeng, Wei Zhaung, Chen Gong, Jiyuan, Li Xiaoyao, Yan Chixia, Dao Ya, Ya, Tianyi Luo Dongfang Bai, Bi Xuan, Shenyin, Feiya, Yue Ji, Fufeng, Hu Feng, Yue Rou, Chang Xin, Wang Yue, etc. Whether it was a master of Ji Xuegong or a group of ministers of Jin State or Shenyin in the four big witch girls’ colleges of Fox clan.
It’s just that the noise is too big, that is, the whole capital is noisy with a real dragon, but it’s said that the creatures called sacred beasts are brought back by Ning Caichen, and the noise is absolutely sensational, that is, Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang, Han Xin and others can’t be calm in their hearts, especially when they look at them with their heads held high in Qinxin Lake, they can’t help but feel numb and cold. Although the real dragon has not released its momentum, even a calm look is not affordable for ordinary people, and Zhang Liangying’s real dragon eyes feel cold.
"This is the real dragon at the end of Shenlong Island."
Bi Xuan, Yue Ji, Shen Yin, Zhang Liang, Han Xin and other people who went out to sea together to kill dragons all touched their hearts at this moment and determined that this real dragon was at the end of Shenlong Island Mountain when Xiang Yu broke through. They didn’t expect that it would meet again more than two years later. Although they knew the strength of Ning Caichen for a long time, they still couldn’t be calm when they saw Ning Caichen riding a real dragon, especially when the leopard cat family came back, and there were still many conflicts with the state of Jin. But at this moment, she was shocked and frightened by the strength of Ning Caichen for the first time.


Lin Weiwei wants another streamer thorn, but at this moment, it suddenly changes.

Shield man as if waiting for him, shield a fierce impact.
Lin Weiwei has a head injury. This is the first time she has been hurt.
However, this injury is very important to her, but when she thinks about it, she finds that she can’t move.
Lin Weiwei soon found himself in an abnormal state, but there was no way to wait for the dizziness to end.
Chapter 16 Gold wings!
Seeing the opponent’s dizzy shield man’s eyes flashed. This is a skill master named Dunchong. The 5% probability of dizziness is learned from a skill.
Lin Weiwei has no resistance because of dizziness, just like chopping block fish.
"How can my goddess be dizzy?"
"Oh, my God, the goddess of war has actually suffered. I can’t believe it."
"I believe that the recovery of the goddess of war will definitely reverse Gan Kun."
Can there be anything worse than this when the audience is indignant and the goddess suffers?
When the shield man didn’t have the slightest wave, the huge shield hit Lin Weiwei and suffered a strong force. Although it didn’t hurt, she found herself hit by a meter or two.
If Lin Weiwei was in a hurry, wouldn’t he bump into the ground again?
Once you hit the field, even if you are full of health, you still lose.
Shield man hit this skill again. When he was dizzy, it was enough for him to knock the other side out of the court in 35 seconds.
At this time, Lin Weiwei is already on the edge of the venue. If he is hit again, he will lose. Although he has not lost a game, it will affect his position in the eyes of fans.
Shield man hit the last blow directly to Lin Weiwei flew out of the field.
"Are you going to lose?" Lin Weiwei was more sorry, but there was nothing she could do. But at this moment, she found that her dizziness was gone
The golden wings are flying high, and she hasn’t fallen to the ground yet, and she hasn’t lost.
"Ah, how is that possible?"
"God, what do I see? It’s incredible."
"So cool and beautiful, the golden goddess of war, I love you so much."
When Lin Weiwei showed his golden wings, it immediately caused a sensation.
"How can …" Shield male a surprised in his victory moment how could such a change happen?
Streamer dance!
Lin Weiwei dare not careless immediately released the increase skills.
Streamer chop!
Lin Weiwei’s wings shook like a golden streamer and beheaded his opponent.
—5121 (Breaking Strike)
Because the shield man has been attacked once before, he will kill directly this time.
When Lin Weiwei retracted her wings in the ring, she felt that she had become the focus of the whole world.
"The goddess of war, the goddess of war, the goddess of war …"
It was a wonderful matchup, a Jedi counterattack matchup. There is no doubt that Lin Weiwei will reach its peak after this game.
"Are you happy that your parents and daughters are now game celebrities?" Lin Weiwei greeted her parents eagerly in a box.
"I really didn’t expect you to rush out of such tricks in the game! ?” Zhou Yuqin don’t have much surprise.
A couple saw an online picture of a woman whose daughter looks very much alike, but when they saw the game, they didn’t expect …
"Did mom and dad see you? I can’t make a name for myself in the game. Now, how powerful and domineering the golden goddess of war is …" Lin Weiwei kept bragging about how the former goddess of war had the slightest charm.
"I think you are because of that set of equipment." Lin Hai can’t stand her daughter boasting directly.
Hearing this, Lin Weiwei was unhappy. "Dad, how can you say that? Equipment is also a kind of strength. Even without this equipment, my daughter can still kill the Quartet and enter the top ten."
Lin Weiwei thinks it should be no problem to enter the top ten without gold equipment and hidden occupations.
"Slightly your occupation, isn’t it?" Zhou Yuqin was curious because before the competition, she found that her daughter’s skill release did not belong to those ordinary occupations, except skill learning, which was a possibility.
"Mom, you guessed right. Your daughter has a hidden career." Lin Weiwei’s nose is going up.
"…" Zhou Yuqin opened her mouth. She was too surprised to hide her career. Even if she has money, she may not be able to buy it.
Similarly, Lin Hai looked horrified. She knew that her daughter had nothing to do but brag. When did she become so fierce? Is she born a master of games?
"Hurry up, mom and dad are here slightly …" Chen Mengyao pulled Chu Yun and ran quickly to a box.
Chu Yun don’t talk in the heart is curious about what must let yourself go to see her parents?
When knocking at the door, the two men took off their faces, masks and veils. This is the most basic courtesy. If you cover your face to meet your good friends and elders, it will be inappropriate.
Knocked on the door, and it soon opened. Lin Weiwei was very happy to pull them in at once.


I will definitely have fewer words in each chapter than in normal chapters, and I won’t cheat everyone in this respect.

It’s a chaotic chapter. Look at your uncle Magikarp, Longye, and suddenly several alpacas ran by in my heart.
Longye, an impressive supporting character with no official name in the pet elf animation, knows a lot about Uncle Magikarp’s deeds. On the St. Annu, the uncle sold Magikarp, which is said to be able to produce gold. As a result, Kojiro, a fool, spent 30,000 yuan to buy a trio of rockets that sank on the St. Annu, but with the help of this Magikarp, Magikarp almost killed Kojiro and abandoned Magikarp in anger. As a result, the carp king instantly evolved into a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the rockets and Xiaozhi were blown away together.
This is the first time. After that, this uncle also sold Magikarp as a stupid fish to Musashi, and Chimecho as a rare one to Kojiro. The worst thing is that this uncle was able to change Kojiro’s big-eating flowers. You know, big-eating flowers are the evolution of big-eating flowers!
Such a character turned out to be his father? Am I going to sell Magikarp with him in the future?
Suddenly, Longye thought of one thing. Since this wretched uncle is his father, shouldn’t he grow into this wretched appearance?
Longye immediately got up and went to look in the mirror. Fortunately, the young man in the mirror looks less handsome.
"You are still so smug when you get up." Uncle Magikarp said with a smile.
"Is Longye awake? Let mom see how worried you are these days. Why are you so naughty?"
When I saw my mother Longye running in, I finally knew what I was like. It turned out that he looked more like Longye than his mother. I couldn’t help thinking to myself, "This uncle Magikarp is very good, and he can marry such a beautiful wife. If it weren’t for his looks, my buddy, I must be a member of the idol school now."
"Mom and Dad are not worried, I’m fine," Longye said.
After seeing that Longye was all right, the two charged a few words before letting Longye have a good rest.
Alone, Ryuno finally checks the fusion memory sometimes. It turns out that this body is named Fujiwara Ryono. His father is seven years old this year, and uncle Magikarp’s name is Fujiwara. My mother’s name is Sakura. According to uncle Magikarp’s grade, Ryono knows that Xiao Zhi has not traveled yet. Now it is an animated plot. A few years ago, Ryono could not accurately know it.
After resting in bed for two days, Longye’s physical injury has healed. During this time, he found that his cheap dad is definitely not as simple as it looks.
First of all, they lived in a place where Longye was able to walk around, only to find that it turned out to be a giant villa, and there was a super courtyard around the villa. In the animation, Longye thought that Dr. Damu’s house for stocking all kinds of elves was big enough, and now he found that his home was bigger than that.
Such villas and courtyards are not for sale. Magikarp can buy them.
There are also many elves living in this courtyard, but what Longye sees are all Bibi birds, green caterpillars, which are very common elves, and of course, more are the Magikarp in the river.
The first time I came into contact with the real little faerie dragon wild, I was so excited that he squatted by the river and stared at Magikarp in the river for a long time. He didn’t even notice that he had completed a random.
When Longye looked at the system in the evening, he found that he had not only completed a "first contact" randomly, but also gave the light runner a random reward of five achievement points, while the established one was rewarded with one achievement point.
However, 15 achievement points in the mall are just able to change a few trees and fruits. There is a long way to go after Longye.
After living in this home for a week, Longye has accepted his present identity, and at the same time, he finally knows his father’s identity after he intentionally asks. It turns out that this uncle Magikarp is the biggest hidden boss in the pet elf world.
Fujiwara Masayoshi is the current patriarch of Fujiwara family, and this huge villa is just the tip of the iceberg of Fujiwara family industry. Because Fujiwara Masayoshi likes a quiet place, I took my family on vacation here.
Fujiwara family is a family with a long history. Its history is longer than that of the Imperial Dragon Family in Yanmo City and the Guardian Rinrin Tower Family in Yuanzhu City. Even the Elf Alliance dare not provoke the top families easily. However, Fujiwara family and alliance have no conflicts of interest, and they have always lived in peace.
The main industry of Fujiwara family is to cultivate rare or special elves for sale. Longye saw that this courtyard is the outer area of the family courtyard and there are no precious elves. If it enters the core area of the family, there are many rare elves there.
The Fujiwara family’s cultivation of elves is not limited to powerful ones, such as Hakelon and land shark, which are rare and have great potential, but also ordinary elves like horned goldfish.
However, although it is a horned goldfish, the horned goldfish cultivated by Fujiwara family is completely different from those cultivated in the wild. The family has specialized personnel to cultivate horned goldfish with different body colors, such as a goldfish with red horns and white horns around it or a goldfish with black and white horns. Although these elves are not strong in fighting ability, they have strong ornamental value. Some rich people will spend tens of millions to buy a special horned goldfish.
Chapter 533 Young Cheren
Theft prevention is also forced. I hope everyone can understand.
If you decide whether to start, click or take off, you can continue reading if you click on the page length of the directory and press the title of this chapter to confirm again.
I measure only 120,000 words a month, and ordinary members also need 6 yuan, that is, two bottles of iced black tea. I hope you can support me.
I will definitely have fewer words in each chapter than in normal chapters, and I won’t cheat everyone in this respect.
It’s a chaotic chapter. Look at your uncle Magikarp, Longye, and suddenly several alpacas ran by in my heart.
Longye, an impressive supporting character with no official name in the pet elf animation, knows a lot about Uncle Magikarp’s deeds. On the St. Annu, the uncle sold Magikarp, which is said to be able to produce gold. As a result, Kojiro, a fool, spent 30,000 yuan to buy a trio of rockets that sank on the St. Annu, but with the help of this Magikarp, Magikarp almost killed Kojiro and abandoned Magikarp in anger. As a result, the carp king instantly evolved into a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the rockets and Xiaozhi were blown away together.
This is the first time. After that, this uncle also sold Magikarp as a stupid fish to Musashi, and Chimecho as a rare one to Kojiro. The worst thing is that this uncle was able to change Kojiro’s big-eating flowers. You know, big-eating flowers are the evolution of big-eating flowers!
Such a character turned out to be his father? Am I going to sell Magikarp with him in the future?
Suddenly, Longye thought of one thing. Since this wretched uncle is his father, shouldn’t he grow into this wretched appearance?
Longye immediately got up and went to look in the mirror. Fortunately, the young man in the mirror looks less handsome.
"You are still so smug when you get up." Uncle Magikarp said with a smile.
"Is Longye awake? Let mom see how worried you are these days. Why are you so naughty?"
When I saw my mother Longye running in, I finally knew what I was like. It turned out that he looked more like Longye than his mother. I couldn’t help thinking to myself, "This uncle Magikarp is very good, and he can marry such a beautiful wife. If it weren’t for his looks, my buddy, I must be a member of the idol school now."
"Mom and Dad are not worried, I’m fine," Longye said.
After seeing that Longye was all right, the two charged a few words before letting Longye have a good rest.
Alone, Ryuno finally checks the fusion memory sometimes. It turns out that this body is named Fujiwara Ryono. His father is seven years old this year, and uncle Magikarp’s name is Fujiwara. My mother’s name is Sakura. According to uncle Magikarp’s grade, Ryono knows that Xiao Zhi has not traveled yet. Now it is an animated plot. A few years ago, Ryono could not accurately know it.
After resting in bed for two days, Longye’s physical injury has healed. During this time, he found that his cheap dad is definitely not as simple as it looks.
First of all, they lived in a place where Longye was able to walk around, only to find that it turned out to be a giant villa, and there was a super courtyard around the villa. In the animation, Longye thought that Dr. Damu’s house for stocking all kinds of elves was big enough, and now he found that his home was bigger than that.
Such villas and courtyards are not for sale. Magikarp can buy them.
There are also many elves living in this courtyard, but what Longye sees are all Bibi birds, green caterpillars, which are very common elves, and of course, more are the Magikarp in the river.
The first time I came into contact with the real little faerie dragon wild, I was so excited that he squatted by the river and stared at Magikarp in the river for a long time. He didn’t even notice that he had completed a random.
When Longye looked at the system in the evening, he found that he had not only completed a "first contact" randomly, but also gave the light runner a random reward of five achievement points, while the established one was rewarded with one achievement point.
However, 15 achievement points in the mall are just able to change a few trees and fruits. There is a long way to go after Longye.
After living in this home for a week, Longye has accepted his present identity, and at the same time, he finally knows his father’s identity after he intentionally asks. It turns out that this uncle Magikarp is the biggest hidden boss in the pet elf world.
Fujiwara Masayoshi is the current patriarch of Fujiwara family, and this huge villa is just the tip of the iceberg of Fujiwara family industry. Because Fujiwara Masayoshi likes a quiet place, I took my family on vacation here.
Fujiwara family is a family with a long history. Its history is longer than that of the Imperial Dragon Family in Yanmo City and the Guardian Rinrin Tower Family in Yuanzhu City. Even the Elf Alliance dare not provoke the top families easily. However, Fujiwara family and alliance have no conflicts of interest, and they have always lived in peace.
The main industry of Fujiwara family is to cultivate rare or special elves for sale. Longye saw that this courtyard is the outer area of the family courtyard and there are no precious elves. If it enters the core area of the family, there are many rare elves there.
The Fujiwara family’s cultivation of elves is not limited to powerful ones, such as Hakelon and land shark, which are rare and have great potential, but also ordinary elves like horned goldfish.
However, although it is a horned goldfish, the horned goldfish cultivated by Fujiwara family is completely different from those cultivated in the wild. The family has specialized personnel to cultivate horned goldfish with different body colors, such as a goldfish with red horns and white horns around it or a goldfish with black and white horns. Although these elves are not strong in fighting ability, they have strong ornamental value. Some rich people will spend tens of millions to buy a special horned goldfish.
Chapter 534 United champion Alder
Theft prevention is also forced. I hope everyone can understand.
If you know whether the anti-theft chapter is a starting point, a point or a leap, Xuncheng should click on the page length of the directory and press the title of this chapter to confirm it again, so you can continue reading.
I will definitely have fewer words in each anti-theft chapter than in the normal chapter, and I will not cheat everyone in this respect.
It’s a chaotic chapter. Look at your uncle Magikarp, Longye, and suddenly several alpacas ran by in my heart.
Longye, an impressive supporting character with no official name in the pet elf animation, knows a lot about Uncle Magikarp’s deeds. On the St. Annu, the uncle sold Magikarp, which is said to be able to produce gold. As a result, Kojiro, a fool, spent 30,000 yuan to buy a trio of rockets that sank on the St. Annu, but with the help of this Magikarp, Magikarp almost killed Kojiro and abandoned Magikarp in anger. As a result, the carp king instantly evolved into a Tyrannosaurus rex, and the rockets and Xiaozhi were blown away together.
This is the first time. After that, this uncle also sold Magikarp as a stupid fish to Musashi, and Chimecho as a rare one to Kojiro. The worst thing is that this uncle was able to change Kojiro’s big-eating flowers. You know, big-eating flowers are the evolution of big-eating flowers!
Such a character turned out to be his father? Am I going to sell Magikarp with him in the future?
Suddenly, Longye thought of one thing. Since this wretched uncle is his father, shouldn’t he grow into this wretched appearance?


The person in my arms seems very nervous and stiff. I didn’t care about Wu Yun, but she is next door. This girl must be afraid of making a sound and being heard by Wu Yun. It’s hard to be nervous! Besides, this girl probably knows that I will definitely come to her secretly without wearing any equipment. Hey, hey, light rain, this girl still knows me best!

Slowly hold the girl’s hand in front of me, gently grope her mouth in the girl’s body, and directly find the lips of’ Xiaoyu’. In the past, I felt a little strange. At ordinary times, Xiaoyu’s caressing in this way must have been slowly relaxing. Today, even if someone is next door, it shouldn’t be so stiff. And it seems that this girl is plump and a lot. Is it a long time without encountering illusion?
But at this time, I didn’t care so much about it ~ I kissed Wu Yun and Lulu as early as in Death Canyon, and I was aroused by evil fire for a while, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of them and they were already burning!
Turn over and press it to this perfect charming body, find the right target, raise your gun slowly and firmly, push it into your arms, and your charming body shudders, and your hands cling to my shoulders, but you just can’t make a sound! I was excited, and suddenly I trembled all over ~ Shit ~ What’s the matter? We’ve only advanced for a short time, and we’ve met with obstacles! This is not a light rain!
Looking back, I just felt different. I immediately realized that this girl is not a light rain! Lulu’s bedroom. I know there is one-Wu Yun! It is no wonder that I feel that some places are more plump and stalwart. I can observe it a lot at ordinary times ~ how can Wu Yun be in this room? This is me and the rain room! On second thought, I’m white. It’s Xiaoyu again! She must have deliberately let me fall asleep because this girl knew I would definitely come to her. She ran to the next room by herself! I’m dizzy ~ but why didn’t Wu Yun respond when we came in? And ~ this ~ this girl is actually ~ this is the first time!
I was thinking about it, and my charming body seemed to feel that I was moving slightly and then I gave a low hum, which was terrible ~ I still hesitated and didn’t know what to do, but I couldn’t stop this movement. A hum suddenly seemed like pouring a bucket of gasoline on the burning matchstick, and the fire suddenly burned up!
About ten minutes later, I stopped. Although I haven’t explained it yet, I dare not continue. I’m afraid this girl can’t stand it. Hey, hey, look at you. How dare you say I’m day trader?
Gently hug the girl in my arms. I smiled and leaned into her ear and said, "Do you dare to say that your husband and I are day trader?"
"Well ~ no ~ I dare not!" The maid in my arms replied to me with a bad smile, "Do you know this is my room, Little Yun?"
"Ah?" Wu Yun one leng immediately seems to realize that he was cheated by light rain!
"Light rain didn’t tell you this is my room? And let you sleep here? "
"hmm ~"
"Hey, hey, little crowd, you have to tell the truth. Why did you get all the equipment?"
"I ~ I am used to it!"
"Oh ~ Do you regret believing in Xiaoyu?"
"No ~ I don’t regret it!"
"Hey hey, just don’t regret it. Even if you regret it, you are also my Lu Yang woman. Don’t want to run away in this life!" I am proud of the way
"Ah ~ don’t move!" Wu Yun cried, "Lu Yang, can you promise me one thing?"
"Hey, hey, what is it?"
"People can’t stand it ~ Go to the next room to find Xiaoyu!" Wu Yun pathetic said
Now go find Xiaoyu? Shit ~ it’s exciting to think about it! But can the light rain promise in the past now? Besides, can we really leave now?
"Don’t break the idea that I’m not going anywhere right here! Little Yun, sleep well! My husband won’t move, so I’ll hold you until the line is ready! "
"You really don’t move?"
"Do you dare not believe the husband? Do you want my family to serve you? "
"What is French?"
"This is it!" I force a Wu Yun exclaimed repeatedly for mercy. I hey hey smiled and said, "If you dare to disobey me, I will be served by French! Go to sleep! "
"hmm ~"
I feel that Wu Yun is really sleeping on my chest, and I am very proud. This girl has really changed a lot!
Chapter 49 is complete!
Hugging Wu Yun and waiting for the girl to fall asleep slowly, I slowly withdrew! I feel that my little brother is still holding his head high, and I smile bitterly
I was just about to send a message to Xiao Yu, who knows that just then I found that there seemed to be some movement at the door of the house ~ I pricked up my ears and listened carefully, as if someone had come in? I suddenly came to the spirit, and now I will sneak up here. Who else but Xiaoyu? Hey, hey, we couldn’t come to you, but you came by yourself. That would be great!
Gently touch the bed behind a screen next to it. After a few seconds, I saw a vague and charming figure touch in. I slowly walked to the bed and looked at it for a while. After that, this girl turned softly. I guess this girl wanted to leave my heart and snigger for two steps. Then she took this girl in her arms.
"Ah ~ well ~" I knew this girl would scream and I quickly blocked her mouth.
I feel that this girl is familiar with the breath, and the little brother is more tall and straight! "Xiao Yu, hey hey, this is your own!"
"Ah ~ Liu Yang ~ You bad guy, let my non-success sister be here ~"
"Of course I know where she is? You’re the girl who arranged it! Light rain, but you have gone bad ~ "
"I ~ I just gave my room to Sister Yun!"
"Are you? Hey, hey, drizzle, you are getting more and more considerate! I know that my husband will definitely not be satisfied with myself! " Hey, hey, smile, I kissed Xiaoyu’s lips again, and soon the girl stopped struggling. The warm response was the greatest support for us. Thank you!
Slowly, this girl seems to have been thrown away, and who else slowly fell on the bed, but she was still afraid of meeting Wu Yun to wake her up!
Seeing that the girl has completely surrendered, I gently jumped on her and judo "Xiaoyu is good, unload the equipment quickly!" "
Soon I worked hard in Xiaoyu’s body, but this girl was used to it. Although she was still shy every time, she kept the bass as low as possible, but she couldn’t hold her breath like Wu Yun’s girl and didn’t make a sound ~ this time, too
After more than 20 minutes, this girl was too tired to move, but I continued. This girl said intermittently, "Yang ~ you ~ you go to Sister Yun ~ I ~ can’t ~ ah ~"
I can’t stand seeing this girl. Look at Wu Yun, who seems to be still asleep. But hey hey, this can’t fool me. This girl must have woken up long ago. I’m embarrassed to have been pretending to sleep!
From Xiao Yu’s body to Wu Yunshen’s body, this girl is really pretending to sleep. I just rushed to get up ~ "Ah ~ Liu Yang, don’t ~ I can’t stand it ~"
Hey, hey, you can’t stand the rest for so long?
After more than ten minutes, I met with two girls in my arms, and my breath was full of two women’s bodies emitting fragrance! Feeling the heavy breathing of two girls, my heart was full of pride and happiness, and I fell asleep unconsciously!
When I woke up, the two girls in my arms were gone, and Li took a deep breath and sniffed, and there were two women smelling! Sit up and wear all the equipment out of the room. Look at the garden on the balcony. All three girls are chatting in the gazebo in the garden. It’s almost time for the line!
Once again, I sent a message in the mercenary group channel. Online cadres must organize the guild. Online members will do a good job in fortress defense. Don’t go wrong. After getting the reply from everyone, I called Xiaoyu and several girls to Ling Zhou Lin Hao Lengfeng. They all sent messages and quit the game!
After quitting the game and washing, I came to the hall. A few minutes later, everyone came out one after another. Xiaoyu took Lulu and Wu Yun, two girls, and next to them was Ling Zhou. When four girls came to see me from the building together, Lulu Wu Yun and Xiaoyu were a little embarrassed. Lulu must have been embarrassed because she promised to be with us in the future in the game, but Xiaoyu and Wu Yun hey hey ~ "Eh? How does this feel a little different? " Lin Hao, this guy also ran out after washing, looking at four women touching the bar from the floor and wondering to himself.
"What’s different?" I asked doubtfully.
"Well, I’m white! It must be so! Hey hey Pei! " If Lin Hao this guy stared at me to think, he cried
Just at this time of cold front and flow cream also came out. Everyone looked at Lin Hao. This guy seemed to stare at me without any notice. The thief smiled and said, "Miss Wu is different! Hey, hey, I kissed you in public in the game. Now I don’t know how many times I clicked on the forum video! Now the players all know that the vice president of the Women’s League Xiaoyun is also our eldest woman! It looks a little different when it’s renamed! Lu Yangpei haha got it so quickly! "