
The hoarse and indifferent voice rang out in everyone’s mind, "The keeper has ordered those who interfere with the dead to be burned at the stake of Nine Ghosts from today!"

Soon the evil wind dispersed and the hospital returned to normal.
They were frightened and denounced in succession.
"Bold evil spirits dare to come to the world of dragons and turtles!"
"The dogma has no response!"
"What nonsense hades quickly reported to worship you!"
But what scares them is that the imperial court has issued a decree before sending a letter. Since then, the necromancer has been abolished, and the offender must not interfere with the ghost!
They don’t know that this is the case. It happens in many worlds.
It’s good to say here that some of the world’s mainstream achievement methods are to refine the soul and seize the soul, and many clan doors have been destroyed overnight.
Well-informed, the world’s top management naturally banned it.
They know that the heaven is in chaos now, and they rely on the fairy officials, and their own people are hard to protect themselves, and they are even worse to get involved in such a thing.
Besides, nothing happened in dogma, saying that the trip to hades has been recognized by heaven and earth …
In the darkness and emptiness, there is a little fire.
A road of the dead twists and turns to communicate with the world
In the darkness in the distance, Wang Xuanlin suspended his forehead and Candle dragon watched silently with golden eyes.
The stone bridge used to be different from this dead road, but the iron lock was built to form a pavement.
It seems a little weird to climb the face of the dead
Wang Xuan eyebrows slightly wrinkled somberly.
These chains are very familiar. It was the ones that hades saw trapping gouhun birds at that time.
At that time, he was shallow in Taoism, but now he can see that the chain is a representation, but it is actually a congenital rhyme.
It’s stronger than the celestial lock. No wonder you have to destroy the magic gun to cut it off.
Thought of here, Wang Xuan’s mind sank into the dreamland of the sacred tree.
With the completion of Mandala of the Mixed Stars into the third layer of the magical tree dreamland, earth-shaking changes have taken place.
Looking up at the sky, you can see the huge shadow of the mother tree of the stars, and the islanded dragons, turtles and whales hover around the giant tree.
Even Candle dragon’s eyes can see the distant sky, and there are also several starlight soaring into the sky, which is his heavenly mother tree, but he can’t see the appearance
The central part is still a lake, but the fog is scattered, and you can see the projection of the universe.
Except for the Dihuang world, which has been completely covered up.
The lake is naturally nine secluded places.
The sea of ghosts is still creepy at the margin, and strange waves are formed from time to time to pour out of the lake and disappear into the dreamland
Wang Xuan knew that this was the source of the disaster.
Those ghosts disappeared, and the gods and demons of Tianhou reappeared. Even the representative avenue Beichen Emperor had to seal it.
The lake has also changed.


At this time, a soldier backhand picked his back, and a disposable individual rocket fired a high-explosive bomb. The ship’s side exploded loudly. Fang Xiaoqiang gave him a look and almost touched the hangar door. The swarm was scattered by the bombardment just now. A few powerful giant shrimps waved their giant claws in the water in vain, and they could not live.

Fang Xiaoqiang finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Take the rocket launcher and leave the deck. Others come with me!" After that, I rushed into the nearby passage to the hangar.
Soon after, Xiao Qiang led the soldiers to the hangar, and everyone was divided into two groups to guard the two doors separately … Outside the door was the elevator, and the soldiers were dismayed to see that the doors were full of dents, which could be breached by giant shrimp at any time.
No.2 hatch was first broken by giant shrimp, and half of the giant pincers were directly embedded in the hatch. Fang Xiaoqiang rushed to the hatch without saying that aiming at the giant pincers was a random bullet that immediately penetrated the shell of the giant pincers … But there was no egg, and the giant shrimp root didn’t know the pain, and then it was hard to pull out the giant pincers and hit the hatch.
Fang Xiaoqiang hardly suffocated when he didn’t come in one breath.
After tasting the sweetness, the giant shrimp continued to knock on the hatch and soon tore it apart, staring at two small dark eyes and looking into the hangar.
Fang Xiaoqiang seized the opportunity to hit the giant worm’s forehead and instantly cut off the nerve center of the giant shrimp.
The giant shrimp, which was alive and kicking just now, was like frost hitting the legs of eggplant worms and the giant claws. After waving for a few times, it was completely silent.
Fang Xiaoqiang shot and stared at the dead giant shrimp for a while, and the whole person was relieved.
I finally got killed. Once I knew where the weakness was, it was easy to fight … At this moment, another giant shrimp broke through the hatch and waved giant claws as if to fight everyone.
"Fire!" Fang Xiao powerful roar a first to the giant shrimp gun "hit the head to greet the old skull!"
This thing is similar to lobster, but there are still many differences. The head is much more conspicuous than the real lobster. It takes a lot of work not only to aim.
The soldiers followed the good advice and stopped the giant shrimp brain fire. More than 20 bullet beams passed through the hatch to form a sparse warfare.
Hatch No.2 is busy here, and hatch No.1 over there has also been breached by giant shrimp. The soldiers have tried to block the deck and supported several individual rockets from time to time, and finally managed to control the problem near the elevator.
At this time, the safety of the elevator was neglected, and rockets exploded one after another, shrapnel hit the hull and tinkled. The elevator was relatively fragile, and both sides worked together to persist for a short time and then completely fell asleep.
Fang Xiaoqiang is almost crazy. The giant shrimp is not easy to deal with. If we can’t block the hatch, the giant shrimp will continuously attack the hangar from here.
The problem is that Fang Xiaoqiang can’t find anything that can block the hatch. Let’s take it one step at a time and stop the swarm first
Chapter 149 Lack of firepower phobia
There are more than 20 people in Fang Xiao Qiang. Despite the best efforts of the team members, there are more and more giant shrimps climbing into the hatch, and the limited forces are stretched and stretched.
Fang Xiaoqiang is bent on dealing with the giant shrimp root and thinking about other things.
As soon as it squeezed into the hatch, the giant shrimp was lucky not to be intercepted by the defenders. It carefully hid in the corner of the hatch. Its bucket’s thick waist suddenly expanded in a circle without warning, and then a stream of water suddenly gushed out from the worm’s mouth like a high-pressure water gun, directly spraying a soldier’s chest, and the soldier rushed back a few steps and finally fell to the ground, thus avoiding the subsequent stream.
The fighting power of the giant shrimp comes from those giant claws. No one expected that this thing could spray water and its strength was so strong.
The fallen soldier’s brain hasn’t turned around yet, which comes from the fear that completely panicked him.
This is a giant bug spitting. Is the saliva strong acid or strong alkali? It must be a particularly corrosive liquid!
But after waiting for a while, he found that he had no abnormal armor and no signs of melting except getting that suit.
He didn’t understand that it was common for giant shrimp to spit out.
He quickly got up and took up his rifle to continue the fire.
However, it is to get up again. In this short time, the situation between the enemy and the enemy has changed dramatically.
The giant shrimp knocked down a soldier, but it wasn’t just as simple as knocking down a soldier. The defensive line was already tense, and one person was missing. The firepower suddenly dropped a lot. More giant shrimp squeezed into the hatch and the water column was sprayed on the fire fighters, knocking the soldiers to the ground.
Not many people were knocked down by giant shrimp again, and half of the hangar cried chaos, and the soldiers panicked when they were not knocked down by water column.
At the critical moment, reinforcements finally arrived, and two dozen sailors rushed to the hatch with their weapons.
Several of the strongest fighters held a gun, not a gun, not a gun, nor a gun, and hung an automatic Grenade launcher with a huge drum. The reinforcements set up an automatic Grenade launcher over a hundred meters away and fired at the giant shrimp.
No matter how high the water column is, the range is not more than 100 meters, right?
The 35mm armor-piercing grenade specially made for dealing with giant worms is powerful, penetrates the shell of giant shrimp without effort, and instantly explodes the giant shrimp into a rotten meat when the shell explodes.
Although there are two launchers, this thing is so powerful that it can reimburse a giant shrimp with one shot. There is no better weapon than it. Armored rifles and sniper guns are slag in front of them!
The only drawback is that the amount of ammunition in this thing is too small. The largest drum can hold 15 grenades at a time, and it won’t take long.
The military also has a way to make the chain Grenade launcher 30 rounds better than the drum, but the Yuzhou didn’t.
Two sniper guns have run out of ammunition and 30 rounds of grenades have successfully killed 27 giant shrimps and achieved brilliant results-the significance of sniper guns participating in the war is not to kill many giant shrimps, but to participate in the war at the right time to save the impending collapse and the special warfare team members won the adjustment.
All the special warfare players who fell to the ground took this opportunity to get up and quickly shrink their fronts and retreat.
When the sniper gun runs out of ammunition, the special warfare players will cover the sniper gun again and change the ammunition.
However, the effect of armored rifles is not so good, and the situation has just been contained and once again tilted towards the enemy.
At this moment, Fang Xiaoqiang couldn’t wait to replace all the armored rifles in the hands of all the players with sniper guns.
Well, his sailors also joined the fire. It used to be more than 20 special warfare players. Now the number of guns has doubled, and the density of bullets and rain has doubled. The dense bombs flew around, killing the giant shrimp that poured into the hangar and hitting the bulkhead with potholes.
Armored rifles have large caliber and great power, and the power of ricochet should never be ignored. People who are hit by ricochet are either dead or disabled.
Special warfare players are equipped with dynamic armor, even if they hit directly, they will not be naturally surprised. Those ricochets can’t be used by sailors. They have the simplest dynamic exoskeleton, and once they are hit by ricochets, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Although sailors are not as professional as special warfare players, they are also soldiers. They know exactly what ricochet is, but no one takes a step back in the face of danger, even if they are worried and afraid again.
Fortunately, Fang Xiaoqiang is very experienced. He immediately ordered the special warfare players to block the sailors’ armor as temporary shelters.
A soldier got a ricochet as soon as he blocked the sailor’s breastplate behind him, and he couldn’t help but be glad that if he was a little late, the sailor would be finished behind him.
It’s impossible for the special warfare players to completely block the sailors, but it’s better than not covering them at all. The sailors cried and set their minds at ease. They kept shooting at the giant shrimp in the armor gap of the gun rack.
The giant shrimp showed no weakness. If you want to find an opportunity, you should spray water at the soldiers.
The giant shrimp can spray a sniper gun less than 100 meters away, but it can spray a few tens of meters away. Every once in a while, a water column is sprayed over the soldiers and poured all over their faces.
The good water column is a spent force after flying so far, and there is no trouble except to drench the soldiers.
The hangar is not as spacious as expected. At the same time, the sniper gun is also used to cover the sniper gun, which makes the soldiers in the shooting world have to move forward a little bit away from the hatch, which is only 50 or 60 meters.
In this position, the soldiers can see more than half of the hatch. If they retreat to the sniper gun position, they can see the corner of the hatch. The giant shrimp can’t shoot without entering the hangar.
Everyone covered the sniper gun and quickly replaced the drum, but this time the sailors didn’t catch fire, but observed a situation, unless the giant shrimp rushed into the hangar, it wouldn’t fire.
First, the shooting angle is not good, and second, the sniper ammunition is limited. If it is not controlled, it will not take long to wipe out that Grenade.
However, there are two sniper guns that make Fang Xiaoqiang feel very uneasy. Once the enemy strengthens the attack, two sniper guns are not enough!
I feel that the situation is temporarily stable. Fang Xiaoqiang Ma Lian Bridge requires the bridge to send a sniper team to send grenades less, and the more the better, the more you can send.
Ten sniper teams should be enough.
After receiving the application, Yun Bo was so angry that he almost fainted and shouted at the microphone. "What should I do if I give you the sniper gun?"
There are so many sniper guns in total, and a warship of this size needs people to defend it everywhere. Isn’t that a little sniper gun root enough?
Chapter 1491 See instead.


At this time, more than ten flies became very excited when they saw so many people breaking in. Feng Kai waved his wings and flew over. Seeing that the situation was not good, he quickly shouted "Shoot me!"

A large number of swat team members fired at these flies at the same time, and all carbine guns in their hands braved the flames to shoot at these flies. After a gun, more than a dozen flies were beaten into a sieve, and the smell of smoke and foul smell suddenly filled the air.
Feng Kai took the swat team members and conducted a detailed search on this room. After confirming that there were no flies, some people were left here to protect the scene. Criminal investigators began to investigate the scene. Feng Kai took me back to the station to report to me.
At this time, the arrested Su Mei and Jin Ren also came back. They learned that Su Mei and Jin had run away overnight and disappeared.
The police attached great importance to this matter. Ma issued an arrest warrant for Su Mei and Kim, and formed a pursuit team overnight. Considering that there may be Japanese forces behind Su Mei, the special police captain Feng Kai personally led the pursuit team, which was composed of special police.
Feng Kai was very headache after receiving it. He didn’t have enough experience in criminal investigation. Where did Su Mei go to chase after this trip? After he walked out of the police station with me, he couldn’t help sighing and said to me, "Four dogs, guess where that bitch Su Mei can go. You said she asked you to catch ghosts in that building. Are you a Taoist?"
I smiled at Feng Kai and said, "If I could know where she went, wouldn’t I become a policeman?"
"Alas, this case attaches too much importance to solving the case within a time limit, which is so good," Feng Kai sighed.
When I saw Feng Kai, I thought that if Yi Genjin calculated his six hexagrams, maybe we could figure out where Su Mei went. Su Mei ran away, and Grandmother must be with her. I was about to seize Grandmother’s treasure. It would be better if I could go with Feng Kai’s hunting team.
I said to Feng Kai, "Captain Feng, I have a friend who will predict Zhouyi. With his help, maybe I can work out the general direction of Su Mei. If you can trust us, he and I will join your pursuit team to help you catch Su Mei."
Although Feng Kai listened with a grain of salt, he was still very excited and said, "Then come and join us in the morning!"
The first chapter into the mountains thanks to the treasure 945Jesar hold.
When I left Feng Kai, it was almost dawn. When I got home, Yi Genjin and Zana got up early, and Xiaolian didn’t sleep when she got home and waited for me.
When I saw that I was back, Egan Jin and Zana asked me where I went last night. I told them what happened last night. Egan Jin was refreshed after listening to it. "Brother Dog, I really can’t see that Jin is such a monster. When will the arrest team leave?"
"I’m leaving today, and I’m going to take you and Xiaolian with me. I have to catch Grandmother this time," I said.
Yi Genjin was very excited to hear this. At this time, the golden hand was working, which made him feel suffocated. He was eager to go out for a walk. After listening to my words, Zana said anxiously, "Brother Four Dogs, you can’t leave me at home. I want to go with you!"
I’m not going to take Zana to her. A little girl really doesn’t need to go with us to take risks. This trip must be dangerous. My intuition tells me that Su Mei is much more dangerous than Grandmother. I advised Zana not to follow us to go home and stay well until we find Grandmother to avenge her. But Zana said she didn’t agree with anything and had to go with us. I promised to take her with me.
Last night, we made an appointment to meet Feng Kai at the gate of the special police team. When the four of us arrived at the special police team, Feng Kai had already waited here with the special police team to see me. Feng Kai just frowned and said to me, "Four dogs, we are going on a trip. Why do you bring your family?"
Well, I looked back at Lillian and Zana and thought that Feng Kai must be too embarrassed to take a woman to get in the way. I smiled and said, "Captain Feng, they are both good at their skills and will never drag their feet, and they both have experience in field exploration."
Before I finished, Feng Kai said with a big grin, "Come on, come on, just say that they are not as good as you said, so I promised to take them home to see the children as soon as possible if they embroidered pillows!"
Feng Kai waved to a swat team member behind him and said, "Come and play with them!"
The policeman named Liang came out. The young man was very energetic, and he was only twenty years old. His eyes were shining with light, and he had a hard body. He walked up to Zana and Xiaolian and said, "Do you want to join us?"
Zana saw his arrogant little girl coming and snorted, "Sister, I will practice with you!" Zana said, you’re welcome, too. Take the lead and sweep away the bright face with one punch.
Call bright swat one leng, but then smiled at him. This kind of practitioner can of course see that Zana weighs a lot. Zana throws a punch and looks very fierce. The lack of strength is that she puts out her arm to fend off Zana’s punch, and then her body moves forward rapidly to find out a little hold on to Zana’s waist and arms. After holding Zana high above her head and turning around, she will be thrown out.
Bright shot too fast, Zana was caught by him before he could react, and he screamed. Just as Yi Genjin and I tried to stop it, Bright suddenly laughed and gently put Zana on the ground.
Zana’s face flushed with fear, though unwilling, still lost her heart. It’s really not somebody else’s opponent. Feng Kai laughed. "Four dogs have nothing to say. This skill is rooted in the fact that the arrest team can’t take idle people."
Feng Kai then asked Liang to test Xiaolian’s skill. He walked to Xiaolian and saw that Xiaolian was blushing. No wonder he blushed. Xiaolian was so beautiful. There was a fragile look. I was a little embarrassed to start work. I turned around and said to Feng Kai, "Feng Boss, don’t try this. Let them go back."
"Let’s try. It’s not too late to win me and let me go back." Before Feng Kai said, Nelly beat me to it.
Xiao Lian’s sweet timbre was a quick but confident sentence, and Feng Kai and his players were shocked.
"Ahem" Feng Kai coughed twice and said, "Liang, then you can try two tricks with her."
Liang stopped hesitating for a few steps and went to the front of Lillian. He suddenly made moves to catch Lillian’s waist. He planned to catch Lillian as he did with Zana, but although he made moves fast enough, Lillian was faster than him. Many figures retreated as usual and avoided his grasp. Then he reached out and quickly grabbed Liang’s arms. Then Lillian Jiao drank a drink and swung Liang up.
Everyone at the scene looked silly. How hard did it take to see a delicate and beautiful girl swing her back and forth in circles?
Xiaolian swung Liang LUN twice, then let go and brushed her body and flew out. She was flying to Feng Kai, and Feng Kai quickly reached out to pick him up, but she also smashed him into a ball.
Xiaolian threw out the light and smiled at Feng Kai. "Captain Feng, am I qualified to join the arresting team?"
Sitting on the ground, Feng Kai got up from the ground, patted his ass on the ground and laughed. "Big sister is good for you to follow!"
Feng Kai let us into the special police team. Zana couldn’t go home together. When she left, Zana said to me, "Brother Four Dogs take care all the way and come back early."
I told Zana to go home first, and when we got back, Zana said goodbye to Lillian and Egan King, who pulled Zana aside and whispered for a long time.
After Zana left, Feng Kai and I went into his office to study the arrest plan together. Feng Kai looked at Yi Genjin and asked me, "Four dogs, is he the one you said would predict the strange man?"
"Yes, the prediction is quite accurate," I nodded and said.
Feng Kai said to Yi Genjin in doubt, "Let’s quickly calculate where a group of Su Mei will run?"
Yi Genjin took his bamboo tube out of his pocket and gave it to Feng Kai to shake the hexagrams according to Yi Genjin’s instructions. After that, Yi Genjin analyzed the six hexagrams for a long time. Finally, he came to the wall and hung a map, reached out and said, "Su Mei ran here!"
Feng Kai and I went to the front of the map and saw that Yiganjin refers to a mountain forest area in the province under the jurisdiction of jiaohe city.
Feng Kai asked Yi Genjin with some unbelievable doubts, "Are you sure? We must not run around and bump into each other!"
Yi Genjin definitely nodded and said, "Captain Feng, don’t worry, I won’t make a mistake."


Just then, the waiter had brought their coffee.

The two men picked it up, blew it, took a sip, and Vandewich went on to say, "Melo, what are you doing out looking for me so late?"
Anthony swallowed his coffee and thought that he had finally got to the point. He also said unequivocally, "Qiqi heard that our team is going to change its head coach?"
"Huh?" As soon as Vandewich put the coffee on, he said, "Melo, why do you suddenly say that?"
"I’m guessing," Anthony said with a smile
"I told you about the manager of Melo team. Don’t guess. If the boss knows, it may not be good for you." Vandewich suddenly said seriously. "You know this kind of thing is the most shocking thing for the team."
"Qiqi" Anthony didn’t immediately answer Vandewich’s words, but changed his tune and said, "I remember you said that you hoped I could lead the team to the top and win the championship."
Before Vandewich could answer Anthony, he said, "Do you think it is possible for me to do it now? If that’s the case now, the head coach’s level is not good and the locker room is still problematic. Although I just entered the nba, I also know that a winning team is definitely not like this. "
"I know you also want the team to do well. It depends on money and reputation, doesn’t it?" Anthony finally said
Van der Veitch suddenly stopped talking. He knew more about Anthony from the aspect of ball skills. Anthony, who usually has little contact with him, suddenly feels that Anthony is far more mature than he looks.
After a long silence, Vandewich sighed and said, "The team has been losing recently, and it’s getting a little restless. You know, he went to San Antonio sb Arena to watch your premiere at the opening game, and his expectations for the team have changed this season."
Anthony nodded his head, and he could guess these things even if Vandewich didn’t say anything.
"Do you remember the time you talked about the coach at the boss’s banquet?" Vandewich then asked
"Remember the boss doesn’t seem to be the case," Anthony said and picked up the coffee again.
"Yes, but the boss won’t be after the team’s losing streak. Otherwise, he thinks you are far-sighted and he decided to change coaches." Vandewich is also telling the truth at the moment
Anthony took a sip of coffee and put a cup on it, then asked, "Who is the new coach? Was it the first time I recommended D ‘Antoni to you? "
Vandewich shook his head. "If the boss is inclined to be George Calderon, I also suggest giving it to the boss and handing in all his resumes, but you should know that the boss thinks D ‘Antoni can do as well as George and he is more experienced than D ‘Antoni."
Mao! Anthony couldn’t help cursing Vandewich when he heard him, but he knew that the Suns would be bombarded by western powers in the next few seasons, and D ‘Antoni was the first step. Nash was the key, and now the contract between Nash and Mavericks is about to expire. He hoped that the team could be robbed before Nash decided to return to the Suns.
"Qiqi, do you agree with the boss?" Anthony asked Vandewich directly.
"Me? From my point of view, I still prefer the team to choose D ‘Antoni "
"You don’t agree with the boss?" Vandewich’s answer surprised Anthony a little.
"No," Vandewich shook his head and said, "My general manager has my own position. I also told you the other day that the goal of the team this season is the playoffs. You are a rookie. Camby is injured. Most of the teams are newcomers. It is certain that the goal must be set too high sometimes. If you expect quick success, the greater the disappointment. I think D’ Antoni’s venture capital is less. If he takes a season to see if it can’t be changed, it will be a low investment and high return."
"So that’s it." Anthony nodded thoughtfully. Vandewich thought about this, but he really didn’t expect that there were still great differences between different positions and angles.
"But you also know that it’s not me who makes the final decision," Vandewich said with some frustration. "What the boss says is the final decision."
Listen to Vandewich’s words, Anthony didn’t answer. He dragged Ba thoughtfully.
Vandewich didn’t go on talking. He took another sip of coffee and then took his watch to his eyes. When he looked at it, he just wanted to say it was too late.
Just then Anthony seemed to make some decisions and said, "Qiqi, can you help me make an appointment with a boss?"
"Do you want to see the boss? !” Vandewich was surprised. He didn’t expect Anthony to suddenly have this idea.
"Yes, I may make my boss change his mind," Anthony said, looking at Vandewich.
"No," Vandewich refused. "Melo, it’s not good for you to meet the boss. You know, after all, you are a player. If the boss doesn’t think he wants you, he can trade you at any time. Don’t blame me for saying that straightforward players are not much different from businessmen in the league. Don’t be naive."
"No, I can’t." Anthony didn’t want to say Taibai. "Kiki, it would be good for you, me and my boss if you could arrange a meeting with me."
Van der Veitch frowned at Anthony’s promise, but some suggestions were made, "Melo arranged for you to meet the boss, but it’s really not good for you, and you’re not in a hurry. I’ll try to change it slowly in the future."
Change slowly? Anthony knows that when george karl coached the Nuggets for nine years, Anthony has returned it to him a year earlier, but Anthony can’t wait ten years later.
Although george karl’s coaching level is not bad, his best result in Nuggets was the second round, which Anthony didn’t want to see.
"No, Qiqi, I’m willing to take risks," Anthony said firmly.
Vandewich looked at Anthony in surprise for a long time and finally sighed and said, "Well, since you insist so much, I’ll arrange it for you."
Anthony breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Vandewich’s words.
Chapter 50 Lobbyists ()
The Nuggets went to a game against the Los Angeles Clippers after the Cavaliers game. When they had a full four-day rest, Anthony met with his boss Kroenke, which was also the day after he met Vandewich.
Anthony was taken directly to his manor by Kroenko’s driver this afternoon.
Croenko is playing casual golf with his business partner Qiao Sen John of Detroit Motor City on the golf course on the second floor.
Anthony arrived at the golf course quickly under the guidance of the security guard, but because golf was still playing there, the security guard did not let Anthony pass, but found him a chair to sit next to.
It was a dozen hours. Anthony watched them. He knew that a businessman of Kroenke’s level obviously had his own ideas. He could wait even though he talked.
"Buzz …"
Just then a car motor came in the direction of the door.
Anthony turned to the door and saw two Mercedes cars coming in. It seems that another guest has come over.
Looking at this scene, Anthony frowned. Kroenke was so busy that he probably didn’t have time to see him. He was thinking about whether to come back another time.
Just then.
"Hey Melo"
A voice suddenly sounded from the ear.
Anthony looked up at Kroenke beside him, smiling at him. Maybe he was so focused on the door that he didn’t even notice it.
Anthony quickly got up from his chair and said slightly nervously, "Boss, I didn’t notice you coming …"
"Nothing nothing to keep you waiting so long …" Kroenke was very polite.
Just then the security guard walked up to Kroenke and said, "Boss Rick’s boss is here."
As soon as Anthony heard that he was the boss of another company, he still knew how to be busy and said, "Boss, why don’t you get busy first and I’ll wait."
Kroenke glanced at Anthony’s hand and rubbed it on Bahu Zha. After a while, he said to the security guard, "Please let Rick wait for me for half an hour and say that my side is not finished."
"It’s the boss"


He’s already degraded himself by challenging a famous young player. If it weren’t for Xu Reyin, he would really be too lazy to challenge the evil punishment, but this evil punishment somehow refused to go to war and sent a six-story punishment town to send him away.

I’m dying!
Do you dare to say that I am a famous person?
Do you dare to say that my strength in Li Xuandao is low?
In an instant, poor anger rose from the bottom of his heart and his self-esteem swelled again.
"Criminal Evil Since you say that I am famous, since you say that my strength is low, today I will let the whole underworld know the majesty of Li Xuandao, the sword emperor who cracked the dome!" Thought of here Li Xuandao eyes suddenly sharp.
However, the punishment town Tiangen didn’t find any changes in Li Xuandao, and still sneered, "I don’t know where you came from. The rats robbed my eldest brother. Forget it. You dare to challenge my eldest brother’s majesty without shame. Fortunately, my eldest brother is indifferent to such rats as you, but our punishment family’s majesty is absolutely not offensive …"
"You are together." The cold breath bloomed before finishing the sentence, but it was interrupted by Li Xuandao coldly.
Punishment town day slightly one leng doesn’t seem to hear what you just said and seems to be unable to react.
"I said that Yakehitobe will be together today!" Li Xuandao kept his head down, so he couldn’t see his face expression, but his voice was so cold that he couldn’t help but have a cold war.
"What Li Xuandao actually wants to let the criminal family together?"
"It’s hard to solve the problem of punishment in the town with his six-story strength. Why does he have the confidence to dare to challenge everyone in the punishment family?"
Listening to Li Xuandao’s words, the crowd was noisy.
Punishment town day is exaggerated laughed undisguised eyes contemptuously "Li Xuandao Li Xuandao when you challenge punishment evil I also admire you for being a character, but I didn’t expect you to be as an unappreciative madman as the householder said. With your six-story strength, even I may not be able to fight and dare to challenge us …"
Before I could finish my sentence, there was a particularly fierce and evil breath.
See Li Xuandao suddenly raised his head and his eyes were latosolic red as if he were awakened. The ancient fierce animal body exudes a frightening murder. "You? Hehe, it’s just a garbage. "
"One finger will kill you!"
Chapter 927 Slaughter God’s swordsmanship fifth type to cut life and death!
Chapter 927 Slaughter God’s swordsmanship fifth type to cut life and death!
Dead silence
Everyone was stunned and looked at the murderous figure in the ring. Everyone was stunned by his arrogant voice.
However, for a moment, the crowd seemed to react and set off a noise.
"This small is simply too arrogant."
"Yes also said that a finger slay punishment town day? Ridiculous, are you a cat and a dog? He’s a six-story practitioner. "
"Although the punishment town is not evil, it is also a famous Tianjiao in the capital. Even the punishment evil dare not say that it can slay the punishment evil with one finger. What makes this Li Xuandao?"
Watching everyone, everyone is sarcastic, and some people are going to leave.
They have the same idea as the punishment town, and they must be a character if Li Xuandao dares to challenge the punishment evil. But at this time, when they see Li Xuandao so arrogant, they agree with the punishment town.
Li Xuandao is an ungrateful fanatic.
Li Xuandao will lose. This is a suspense battle. What else is there to see?
At this moment, the sky is descending.
Punishment town day wait for a while looked at Li Xuandao as if he hadn’t been able to react for a long time before he burst into laughter as if he had seen something funny and was out of breath; "Ha ha ha Li Xuandao, are you kidding me? You … Kill me with one finger? You know, I’m a master of six layers of ages, and I can’t even say that about punishment evil … "
"It doesn’t mean that I can’t do it in Li Xuandao."
"Since you don’t believe in me today, I will kill you to prove the majesty of Li Xuandao!"
Don’t give punishment town day rebuttal opportunity Li Xuandao suddenly grow up and his fingers like a sword across the mysterious trajectory suddenly blaster out a particularly violent shock wave.
Suddenly the world shook.
This shock wave is weird, half white and half black. If it is a Tai Chi of Yin and Yang, it is like life and death, and it is full of mysterious breath.
It’s so fast that the light of the sword blows up to the extreme, as if it were cut off without pause. This sword has no gap from appearance to slaying in front of the town. It’s as if it had been beheaded at the moment when the sword came out of Li Xuandao, and it’s impossible to avoid it.
Until then, the punishment town was still laughing and laughing. I didn’t expect Li Xuandao to suddenly start work
But by the time he reacted, it was too late. He didn’t resist the alternating black and white shock wave, and it passed through his body like an illusion.
A moment of silence
Everyone looked at the ring and held their breath, even afraid to breathe out of the atmosphere.
No one knows what happened at this moment.
In addition to a limited number of experts to see the firm but gentle through the punishment town day body left the practitioner to see Li Xuandao raise my hand a finger punishment town day suddenly froze, they didn’t see the attack.
"What’s going on here? What’s stopping the punishment?"
"I don’t know."
"Did Li Xuandao just attack?"
Seeing the two people in the ring motionless like statues, everyone whispered.
However, at this moment, the punishment town suddenly moved its eyes and flashed a shock that could not be concealed. "Li Xuandao … What magical power is this?"
"The fifth style of slaying the gods can kill life and death!" Li Xuandao played the finger face cold way
"Slaughter the sword!"
Punishment town day wry smile want to say something.
A loud noise
The punishment town day hasn’t come to finish, and the body will be blown into a ball of blue fire and instantly die.
Anger suddenly quieted down.
Just now, the practitioners kept their mouths shut, and it was unbelievable to look at the scene in the ring. Even many expensive people on the platform were horrified and surprised.
There is no resistance in front of Li Xuandao, the town of six layers of punishment for all ages, and he was nullified by a finger!
One finger!
What a finger!
Many practitioners failed to see Li Xuandao’s attack clearly.
"I am dead by punishment!"


Sun Ce, the prefect of Guangling, is the youngest general in my hand!

51 Chixing Qianli Tiger and Leopard Riding
"How far is Guangling County from Pengcheng?" I turned to ask Lv Dai.
"Guangling County Magistrate’s Office is nearly a thousand miles away," Lv Dai replied.
"A thousand Li …" I lifted my arm. "Let’s rest in Pengcheng today, it’s getting late."
A thousand miles a day, my horse gallops at a speed of 300 miles a day, which is less than four days, and then it will not necessarily be able to reverse Sun Ce’s fate.
"Yes," he hurriedly leaned over and "respectfully invited the king into the city."
After turning over the horse, I still felt uneasy, so I told Lv Dai, "You sent a fast rider to Guangling Wang to order Sun Ce not to go out and walk for nearly ten days."
"Yes," Lv Dai asked Zheng. "Is this … a king’s ban?"
"No," I waved my hand. "It was to prevent him from having an accident."
"Following the king’s orders", he also dared not ask more questions, hurriedly pulled out half a foot, hurriedly wrote two lines of seals on horseback, and then handed them to the three messengers, who immediately rode away.
At this time, I was a little relieved when Pengcheng officials crowded into the Taishoufu.
Lv Dai naturally prepared a sumptuous banquet, but something in my heart felt plain after being imported.
Lv Dai and Lv Fan are not stupid. I saw that I was absent-minded when I entered the city. Both of them were a little nervous.
"Don’t worry too much, Wang" Lv Dai finally said, "Sun Bofu’s loyalty and courage are both good soldiers who have gone through the war, and his king will guard Guangling for a short period of time."
Lv Fan also said, "Kuang Sunlang’s body and Wu people are bound to be fine in the enemy’s territory. Liu Bei and others will be able to understand when they have military forces mobilized …" He suddenly revealed an epiphany and lowered his voice and said instead, "But Sun Bofu is tired of Xuzhou’s soldiers in several wars. It is better to adjust it to Qingzhou to recuperate and then go back to the front in the future …"
Lv Dai also wanted to understand my mind and immediately echoed it.
I’m too lazy to explain to them what I really think. Am I worried that Sun Ce will be harmed by a "demon"?
Although it seems that the anniversary of Sun Ce’s death hasn’t arrived yet, history has long been distorted by me. Who can guarantee that Sun Ce’s life will not be affected?
I smiled and shook my head and changed the topic. "I’m really happy to get the Jiuding Heavy Weapon King today. Although God’s will is unpredictable, it always seems to favor me. You two can prove that this is not a forgery arranged by the king, right?"
Er Lu quickly shook his head. "There are thousands of fishermen by the Surabaya River who have been fishing in the net almost every day for two or three months. It is no coincidence that Jiuding appeared at the same time when Wang visited Pengcheng. It must be providence!"
Liu Ren smiled and looked at me. "As early as in Liaodong, Ren saw with his own eyes that God Wang Zhen had stepped on a beautiful capital. Since then, Ren has been convinced that Wang Nai’s destiny belongs to people. Later, as expected, but in four or five years, Wang has been sitting in Wan Li, and it is true."
I also smiled slightly. "Destiny is a wonderful thing for the strong; It is a laughing stock for those who are about to perish. "
"What the king said is very" Lv Dai chimed in. "Liu Xie hastily cast Jiuding at that time, but it was just a laughing stock that he tried to prolong the life of the old Han Dynasty by hundreds of pounds."
"Dinggong Pengcheng County Chief found Jiuding today, but it has no credit for you, and the king will not reward you generously. You don’t have a problem, do you?" I gave Lv Dai a wine bottle.
He asked quickly, "Is this where Wang’s destiny lies?"
I smiled without saying a word, although I won’t give him a reward immediately, but I don’t believe he will not be dominant in the court examination at the end of the year.

After staying in Pengcheng for one night, I led a thousand Qingqi speed to Guangling County.
In order to ensure the speed, I entrusted Lv Dai to send military forces to escort Xiao Zhao and Shuang’er to travel with me slowly-after all, Xiao Zhao still took her son, I can’t let my children travel three hundred miles a day …
For this important mission, Lv Dai was delighted to undertake it. He was so happy … I was a little uneasy and quickly sent several close guards to stay with the Xiao Zhao sisters.
Then I spent many years without using the magic method-walking 300 miles a day.
We have always said that "three hundred Li a day" is actually a Chinese system, and it is 250 Li when converted into previous weights and measures. Although it is not slow, it seems to be acceptable.
Maybe it’s too long that I haven’t used this magical skill for the first day, but I’ve just arrived in Pi City, Pi County, Xuzhou secretariat office-the former secretariat office is located in Ganning County, Donghai County, and it’s convenient for Yangzhou military general office to move to Pi further south.
Of course, Gan Ning, the secretariat, and Guo Gong, the satrap, will also meet him for miles out of the city.


11. Glory damage has been increased from 45 points to 5 points again.

Third, some associations in CW competition
1A staff refreshes doomsday, and two heroes are abolished in a team battle. How can we fight that team battle?
2A Staff Necromancer can restrict buying live. He is too restrained to some DPS in the later team battle.
3 Lothar weakening powder has been strengthened. IF should be weakening some invisible heroes and props.
Four men can compete in CW with big moves.
Some main wizards can produce bloodstone, not only at the initial stage, but also manually commit suicide to treat teammates.
6 Always getting stronger and stronger, the hero is getting faster and faster! )
Chapter three hundred and nineteen BLACKPINK debut
Chapter three hundred and nineteen BLACKPINK debut
If a tactic doesn’t play an advantage in the early stage and may not be able to take the absolute initiative in the dialogue with the opposite late stage, then seizing the middle stage becomes a very alternative.
DK tactical changes are not unpleasant, because DK is known for tactical changes and execution, and the team’s reasonable play is almost their label.
However, DOA is often unreasonable, and its tactics are changed, and some opponents are changed, especially strategic weapons such as ES Gully and Jumping Bull.
In this game, DK’s quick-pushing tactics completely declared abortion in fifteen minutes. The direct reason was that Lu DP was forced to kill the tower EC for the second time. Although DP desperately resisted CK, he even handed over a big move to take away the same prophet who crossed the tower.
It’s a pity that the prophet is budding and the young tree people are preventing the advance in the middle and early stages. The rice will make the prophet and the young tree people master the skills.
Surrounded by a CK, that is more than enough.
And the clip that almost formed a counter-kill, was finally countered by CKE and finally sent back to the spring water also made the audience enjoy themselves.
However, the most intriguing thing about this game is the middle road confrontation.
Or come turtle tactics can hold out then?
"We can see that Lun Ruiwen is like a temptation to come in front of the Guardian Tower. In the final analysis, it is a turtle. Let’s look at the river CM wandering again and being taken away by flash ghosts. Isn’t it strange? Why should I say’ again’? Because three minutes ago, the same place, the same characters and the same story, Lin Feng didn’t need to control the flash ghost for fifty seconds. It was too IMBA! " The fat fish explained this.
But the audience has different views.
Originally, I was skeptical about EH’s bold initiative. DOAER felt that Lin Feng still had a few brushes to make the competition more beautiful.
EH supporters, on the other hand, are very unkind. At DK’s home court, they have sung a hymn. Four kills are making up for more than 90 dollars. Only at DKC, the dog arc watcher is still very good at holding down the flying shoes K.
Lin Feng’s strategy is simple, then it’s obscene.
If K is online, he will never leave the tower, even if he leaves the tower, he will never leave the tower in the state of full blue K. Once K swims, he will violently push the magnetic field to speed up the propulsion.
Although the effect was not very satisfactory, I still pushed off a tower in the middle of the road in the 17th minute.
Raven K’s swimming in this period is very painful, because once the swimming is unsuccessful, a tower in the middle will immediately pull up the danger alarm, which is actually not a success. Whether the swimming is successful or not, the alarm will be pulled up in the middle is due to the difference.
The most surprising thing for EH fans is that the arc watcher flashed ghosts on the k-walk road twice.
The first time was 20 minutes, when the road charm was refreshed and replied. Raven glanced around to make sure that there were no local heroes. After eating the charm, he replied that the charm entered the bottle and was about to insert his eyes to light up his vision. Suddenly, he screamed in his ear.
K fall to the ground
It turns out that the eye-catching point of the road charm point is also the left platform of the wild monster point map, and the four accumulated ghosts drop K in an instant.
This made DK fans very hurt, because at this time K had already paid 27 mysterious staves, but did not buy mysterious staves.
This time, the charm was met on the way to mystery shop in K, and the eye of the transport plane just arrived at K at this time.
This is the first time to make meritorious deeds in K.
The second meritorious service is even more unexpected.
In the fog, I was going to steal the meat. The mountain dog was directly killed when passing by the road gods.
DK fans continue to get hurt
Watching a flash ghost, but unable to wake up, the team members plunged into the pain, and only those who were present to watch the game could know.
EH audience and DK fans who look forward and lean back in front of the camera are no longer listed here, because they can’t hear even if they scream their throats and watch the signal on the other side of the DK team.
“SHI!” Super, a dirty word has already burst out
And this scene was also keenly grasped by the live director, and the GV director also showed this clip in the live webcast.
The mutual reflection is that Lin Feng is serious, with some deformed faces and corners of his mouth biting gum like a leopard that has been hungry for months and finally found its prey.
The moment of life and death has been hidden for a long time and is about to become a field where you can kill and finally play.
Not only in EH glory
Even your own professional competition is life and death.
But for many viewers, this game is to watch the excitement. I like the team to cheer, and further more, I believe in the support of the great god.
Of course, winning is a good thing, and losing them is at best a sigh.


Jespoke actually has a front position. Everyone is ready to hide when they see the acceleration door opening, but his shells are extremely fast and always hit several people at the right angle.

"I can’t wait until I’m better," the stone man typed
His big move is that a stone man with strong control hovers around looking for someone who can hold the other key and is about to rush.
Lu Zhan also put his finger on the Q key and waited for a ball to kill the enemy tower.
Chapter 4 Fierce Group Wars
Lu Zhan stared at the stone man’s head, and there was a small circle next to it. He waited for the stone man’s circle to turn green, which meant that the stone man had made a big move.
But surprisingly, before the stone man got better, the other side of the group first
First of all, the little girl Annie, with the advantage of team resources, has produced three pieces of output equipment, which hurts a lot.
She seemed to be swinging around, but she suddenly took advantage of the opportunity in front of the policewoman to make a fuss.
"yeah! Bos! " Annie flashed a big move without hesitation. A bear hit the policewoman on the head.
Broken fire!
Light it!
Annie’s passive folding to the fourth floor can stun people for 175 seconds, which is enough for her to release so many skills. Three skills have been used to make the policewoman directly disabled.
But it’s not over yet. The other cow’s head also rushed out, and the second company kept the policewoman in place.
The blind monk quickly kicked out the female gun and Jess also threw the output skills at the policewoman desperately, which symbolizes that the policewoman in Picheng law died before she could export it.
Annie and Niutou not only fainted to the policewoman, but also fainted to the policewoman’s side. The fire man, however, suffered less damage but was still bleeding.
Many singles like to hit as many people as possible, but in fact, this big move is definitely worth it if you can drop the opponent’s key characters at one time.
Annie, the other party, obviously understands this truth. The policewoman who develops best in the second is equivalent to pulling out the blue square teeth, and the toothless tiger can be slowly consumed to death.
This combo came too suddenly, and several blue people didn’t respond, so the policewoman died.
It’s hard for Jacques to join the league, but it’s still a situation of four to five.
Advance or retreat? There are four people left in Lu Zhan’s side who are obviously divided.
Fire Man and Nightmare chose to retreat, but Stone Man and Jax chose to charge.
"Boom!" The stone man just got better, and the big move finally came out.
This goal is very true, that is, the female gun and the Jessi stone man look at the blind monk and the bull’s head protruding in front.
Both the female gun and Jess were bounced by the stone man, and the stone man got closer. Jess hung up, slowed down, stuck and hit.
But Jess reacted quickly this time and directly hammered the stone man.
Lu Zhan Jax was beating the blind monk in the front row and saw Jess out of the E skill horse and shifted the target.
Jump and chop!
He jumped into Jess, swung the street lamp and continued to "bang".
At this time, everyone found out that Jax had played for a while first, and the blind monk was trying to stack up his passivity while waiting for Jess to develop E skills.
This time, Lu Zhan charged first, Q, and the other person’s face was flat again. This was calculated. The attack frequency happened to be accompanied by big moves, passivity and brilliance. The additional damage was very considerable. He reset Ping A again and smashed it. This time, Lu Zhan was lucky, and the glory CD just ended, which triggered the additional damage of brilliance again.
This set is that Jacques read the information before he even recruited Lu Zhan. It said that it would not come out at that time, but after several attempts when the road was alone, it was almost touched
This attack cycle has two skills, Q and W, two flat A injuries, two brilliant injuries and one big move injury. In an instant, it broke out with great fighting power, knocked out Jess without meat, and Lu Zhan also hung a light for Jess in his busy schedule.
And the three forces are attached to accelerate, so he can stick to Jess and continue to output.
Jess was hung up by the stone man when he came. Slow down and reduce the attack speed. At this time, he can’t leave, so he can choose to fight with Jax recklessly.
Fortunately, after Lu Zhan finished, he didn’t start E skills. Jess and the female gun next to him can still do harm to Jacques.
However, Jax’s output of the three broken items is really too high, and he has already killed Jess before one of his E skills improved.
There were no soldiers around, and poor Jess went back to guard the future without using Q skills to escape.
At this time, Jacques turned his head with a street lamp and looked at the female gun next to him with a smile.
The sexy woman’s gun has a sudden heart. She has not flashed. She can cut it flat and deal with Jacques.
Jax jumped in front of her mercilessly and ravaged her. Soon, the female gun’s charming body was running out of blood. The female gun was retreating while fighting. At this time, it had retreated to the attack range of the second tower
When she decided to put all her eggs in one basket and made her own big move against Jacques,
However, only two rows of bullets were fired, which was interrupted by Jax’s stunned E skill, and soon she was killed, too.
Killing another man, Lu Zhan, Jax didn’t have much blood. He quickly escaped from the attack range of the defensive tower and observed the situation on the field.
When Jacques rushed in, the blind monk tried to save his back row, but Nai was stopped by the stone man, and the fire man and nightmare found that the team battle was still being fought and turned back to output. However, this time, the purple side three people first besieged the stone man, and the stone man was very resistant to beating after all, and soon he was bleeding.
The cow’s head is made of meat, the blind monk is made of meat, and the output of half meat depends on Anne. At this time, Anne folded a fire ring and continued to burn the stone man to death. At the same time, she fainted to output the nightmare. Anne received a Q skill and cooperated with the bear injury to cripple the nightmare.
And the fire man is also a beautiful blind monk. Unfortunately, his range is limited, and he can hit the front row but not Annie.
But just because he can’t hit it doesn’t mean that others can’t. At this time, Jacques cut the soldier and sucked a little blood, and once again waved the street lamp and rushed at Annie.
But this time, the purple side didn’t let him succeed. The auxiliary tauren seems to have been waiting for Jax to return to see Jax’s shadow. The tauren simply turned his head to protect Annie regardless of the blind monk. After all, Annie is alive now to continue fighting.
The tauren turned back decisively, and the brutal collision of W skills hit a small soldier and moved to the front of Jacques.
But after all, Jacques still has a jump. He jumped into Annie’s body and output a bull’s head to react and chase Jacques back.
Jax, nightmare, and fire man are all residual blood. If Anne folds up dizziness again, it will be a steady group to stop the rhythm.
Lu Zhan must drop Annie as quickly as possible, but at the moment there is still a bull’s head in front of him, and the bull’s head is still holding a blow to fly Jacques to jump and chop, but it has already passed.
At this time, Jax’s blood volume is not too much. If he is involved with the tauren again, I’m afraid Root will not be able to get close to Annie, and this wave will not be won.
After all, some time ago, Jess had the advantage here, and it was so simple for Lu Zhan to make a quick comeback.


A pair of neon eyebrows raised, "How can you touch the trace of magic repair so quickly?"

She has no joy.
But a little worried.
Those demons in the Sacred Heart Temple are a group of frightened birds, and they are well hidden one by one.
Now it’s so easy to be found …
It can be said that there is a great possibility-those sacred heart temple magic repairs are about to have a big move!
The so-called "big move" by the magicians …
It can never be a good thing!
For example, Qinghe County had found traces of magic repair, and as a result, Qinghe County was almost infiltrated into a sieve by magic repair, and even the county official was almost controlled by magic repair.
And the most important thing is that the magic repair in Qinghe County was killed and it didn’t take long for the magic repair to stir up.
There must be something urgent that the monks are eager to finish.
Fu Shuangni thought of the information that the white monk told her.
"Give orders!"
Fu Shuangni cautiously said, "Let all county government departments in the 5-mile range of Fiona Fang in Qinghe County center step up their vigilance and let them draw in some people who practice scattered cultivation and cultivate immortals in the clan to fight against the magic cultivation conspiracy."
"At the same time, you sent a message to the state capital asking them to send a large number of troops immediately!"
Fu Shuangni had a bad feeling that "something bad might happen"
The state official was so serious that he didn’t dare to neglect the Princess Hall.
Hurriedly replied, "Here!"
Chapter one hundred and seven Criminal gangs in the monster beast
night falls
Qinghe county looks very quiet at night. After all, most ordinary people dare not go out at night. Who knows if they will suddenly encounter any monsters?
For those ordinary people, even an ordinary wandering ghost is enough to scare them out of their wits.
Worse …
Qinghe county mixed with magic repair a few days ago. I don’t know what happened all over the county.
This led to Qinghe County, and everyone was in a panic.
Even ordinary wandering souls and wild ghosts are afraid on weekdays.
Not to mention killing people without blinking an eye!
this moment
Fu Shuang neon has let go of everything in it, and the cooling of the simulator for cultivating immortals has ended.
Her mood is slightly uneasy.
The reason for being uneasy is naturally that I am worried about whether I can enter the cultivation simulator again.
not bad
When I saw the familiar words pop up, I was secretly relieved in my heart.
I can also enter the simulator myself!
[Welcome to cultivate immortality simulator again! You currently have two choices-]
[Choose 1 to continue a simulated life. This choice will inherit a simulated life attribute and a newborn talent, but it needs to be started from scratch]
[Option 2: Start a new life. This option will re-select primary talents and re-assign personal attributes randomly. Everything will start from scratch]
[Please select! 】


Sue orange suddenly burst into tears. It’s not your fault!

But Zuo Tangtang didn’t consciously say, "Then let’s eat! Call me if you need anything. "Just turn left and walk to your room.
"Zuo Tangtang!" Seeing her daughter’s behavior like this, the left mother put a bowl on her hips and shouted, "Come out! Don’t go in! "
What’s going on here? Sue orange looked around with a bowl.
The left father is still that faint expression, and she can’t see anything at all.
What about the left mother? At the moment, I look indignant, much like the scene where my parents caught me going to an Internet cafe when I was a child.
Ah! What has been revealed in her mind!
But left pig, what expression is this? Don’t all kinds of nai pains just keep her out of the house? Do you have to do this? Yeah? But why not let her in?
"Mom!" Zuo Tangtang called with abnormal grief and indignation.
"Don’t call me! Even calling dad won’t do! " The expression on the left mother’s face is very firm. "Get back here and sit on the sofa!"
Zuo Tangtang was frustrated, but after all, it was not enough for her old lady, lion roars. I don’t know when it would suddenly come. Left father * * Education still sat down on the sofa and looked at her. She didn’t like news the most.
See Zuo Tangtang is very obedient. After doing according to his own command, the left mother "hummed" for a while. It’s very satisfying to continue to sit and eat while still mumbling about it. "Don’t say it at ordinary times. Now Su Orange is a guest in our house. If you still want to eat, you will play games. I tell you! This is absolutely impossible! Just stay there! "
"Slice" heard Zuo Tangtang’s accusations from his left mother and secretly left the pie mouth.
Sue orange was surprised at the moment, staring at the figure in the living room. Zuo Tangtang said that she was playing games. She still found an excuse casually. I didn’t expect Zuo Tangtang’s pig to really play games again. Listen to Zuo Mu’s saying that this left pig has been playing very hi recently!
She hesitated again whether to live with Zuo Zhu or not! She still remembers the scene of this product playing games every day in high school! She’s really drunk, too. This guy is a guy who played games before his hand was disabled and was never killed. He didn’t want it, but he still played hard. Now she’s back in business? Has this girl become a new generation of great gods in three days?
After waiting for Su Orange to finish eating, Zuo Fu has already gone to the room again, and Zuo Mu is still cleaning up in the kitchen.
Looking at Zuo Tangtang Su Orange, who was listless on the sofa, walked over and sat down, elbowed Zuo Tangtang and said, "Hey! Left pig! "
"What are you doing?" Zuo Tangtang just got a little sleepy and this guy woke him up.
"Fuck you, girl!" Sue orange pointing to Zuo Tangtang forehead "when you are a pig! You didn’t have a long sleep in the afternoon! Why are you sleepy now? "
"Alas, you don’t know," said Zuo Tangtang solemnly. "I am sleepy in spring!"
"Spring sleepy peat!" Sue orange refers to Zuo Tangtang’s forehead. "It’s summer! Summer! Spring has long passed! "
"Alas! Na Xia is sleepy! " Zuo Tangtang put his hand over his mouth, yawned and squinted and said, "Don’t care about these details!"
Seeing Zuo Tangtang’s laziness, Su Orange sighed deeply and really didn’t want to say anything! This girl used to be so lazy when she was free. If something was desperately serious, it made people look at it and made them feel distressed …
Alas, Sue orange sighed at the thought of the past.
"Say what you just ate!" Sue orange to dispel thoughts in my heart simply changed a topic.
"What?" If Zuo Tangtang’s expression can be replaced by one character, it is estimated that it will be like this. "Are you kidding?"
Zuo Tangtang touched Su Orange’s forehead.
"You are funny!" Su orange knocked over Zuo Tangtang’s hand.
"Then why do you ask me to eat?" Zuo Tangtang wondered at Su Orange "What are you doing without eating at the dinner table?"
Sue orange found that she was ill-chosen and quickly changed to "I want to say what you didn’t answer seriously when your aunt asked!" Not you also want to move here … well! "
Zuo Tangtang put his hand over Su Orange’s mouth and looked at the direction of the kitchen without any movement. Then he quietly said to Su Orange, "What are you doing so big!"
Seeing this, Su Orange also quietly asked, "What is covering my mouth?"
"oh! I want to move out this kind of thing don’t tell them, "ordered Zuo Tangtang.
"What?" Su orange doesn’t understand.
Because I’m going to skip home and come to your place so as to get out of surveillance, and then I’m going to skip A city and go to S city. Can I tell you this kind of thing?