
Base Xingtian witch spirit in battle that is deathless endlessly pestering to the end.

King Kong is very strong, which is bound to be a protracted war.
Xingtian’s most powerful way of fighting is to follow Sun Hao’s instructions for a long time. Xingtian’s witch took a big step to take the mountain and catch the moon, jumped into the empty crystal square shield with both hands holding the shield and growling. The corner of the square shield suddenly aimed at King Kong’s thigh and crashed in.
For King Kong, Abel War Star is not as big as its palm, while Sun Hao and Xingtian Wu Bo are really negligible dust or bacteria.
King Kong’s eyes are not good, or he didn’t take Xingtian’s witch spirit seriously at all, and he didn’t think it would be dangerous at all. He paid attention to Abel War Star.
King Kong, who suffered for the first time in his life, swore that he would destroy Abel War Star and make it into dust to get rid of his evil spirit.
Xingtian Wu ‘o thrust his shield into King Kong’s thigh with both hands. The shield made of virtual crystal shows Sun Hao’s expected ability to break through.
Poof, a virtual crystal square shield was deeply inserted into King Kong’s thigh, and a huge pit groove appeared in front of Xingtian’s witch’s spirit.
According to the intention of Sun Hao’s war, Xingtian swooped into the groove willy-nilly, holding a shield in both hands and suddenly thrust it into the thigh of King Kong.
What will happen if a parasite invisible to the naked eye bites a mortal body? For example, who will feel when a beriberi parasite bites? Unless a large number of insects come out to bite, it will be a little itchy.
Xingtian’s witch dashed into King Kong’s thigh, and the result was not much different from that of parasites biting mortals.
King Kong felt a slight itch in his thigh. He reached out and fished for it. He didn’t feel anything too abnormal, so the horse turned around and continued to hunt Abel War Star.
Sun Hao attached a wisp of consciousness to Xingtian’s Wu ‘o body and bravely rushed inside to smash more than 20 shields. This just blasted a broken skin of King Kong later generations and perceived the liquid layer in front of the flame.
Regardless of the willy-nilly, Sun Hao drove himself, and Xingtian Wu’s body plunged into the layer.
Poof, a light ring, Xingtian’s witch got into it, and suddenly it was too hot and rushing, and layers of it washed away. Xingtian’s witch’s body was Zhang Liu’s golden body was flashing. Xingtian’s wild tactic prompted Xingtian’s witch to be brave and diligent, devouring the surrounding area bravely, and trying to practice her own body.
Sun Hao, a body, has been driven by the melting pot of Medicine God Heaven and Earth, and it has been refined for hundreds of years. It has been refined into a peerless elixir and nine-in-one promotion Mahayana.
On Sun Haogan’s second estimate among the monks in the virtual world of the flesh, no one can say that it is the first.
But even if it is so strong, it is still gradually melting in the flesh, and the vitality around the flesh is too strong. For the first time, Sun Hao and Xingtian’s wild tactic also produce a feeling of indigestion
It’s a bit difficult, but Sun Hao’s penance for so many years is not for nothing. A virtual crystal square shield in his hand helps Xingtian’s witch’s body stubbornly resist too much erosion and didn’t collapse. Instead, it is too drifting and I don’t know where it has gone.
Compared with Sun Hao and Xingtian’s witch spirit, King Kong’s body is actually as huge as the vast expanse of emptiness.
Xingtian’s witch’s spirit is worse than a page in a boat into the sea, so he can’t find his way.
This is doomed to be a protracted war for many years.
Sun Hao is not in a hurry to see that when Xingtian’s witch’s spirit stabilized himself in King Kong’s body, the horse took back a wisp of his will and let Xingtian’s witch’s spirit freely exert his will, but he began to drive Abel’s war star to face King Kong with his heart. This is bound to be a protracted war that must be carefully fought.
Friar, even the most powerful Mahayana friar in this world can’t say that he will surely win King Kong Sun Hao, so he can’t.
Once the huge absolute power sweeps Abel’s war star, it is estimated that the war star will definitely rush to collapse and the brother of the war star estimates that there is really not much left.
There is Abel’s collision angle that can really hurt King Kong, but even if you hit King Kong, if you can’t find a way to restrain yourself, the end result will inevitably have little impact on King Kong.
Sun Haoling, the star of the war, skillfully spun off the powerful attraction of the black hole again from King Kong’s footboard.
Before King Kong attacks again, Sun Hao-li drives Abel War Star to jump faster than arrival. King Kong’s instep hits the corner, and Sun Hao slams it along King Kong’s ankle.
Poof, a collision angle deeply pierced King Kong’s ankle, and his mind moved. Abel War Star All the monks helped Sun Haoli to drive the war star according to Sun Hao’s command.
The war star is surrounded by white brilliance, virtual collision angle, virtual wings and virtual tail. The components of the war star, which are refined from these three virtual crystals, come into effect in order, and fly in a circle along the impact and stab parts.
King Kong once again let out an earth-shattering scream.
It seems that Sun Hao’s move is effective. King Kong actually feels pain like a normal creature.
Shout a grandson heroic longitudinal Abel war star with thick too flame flew out from king kong ankle.
This King Kong was badly injured, and there were bursts of red light on his ankle, just like a mortal bleeding profusely.
King Kong’s body covered his calf with a slight push of his hands.
The monks who are qualified to watch the war and have the ability to see the general situation suddenly burst into cheers. Actually, those monks who are not qualified to watch the war have already cheered together when they hear King Kong’s miserable shout.
It’s definitely after the injury that you get squeal and angry.
That peerless power can still hurt King Kong, and everyone is really saved.
Abel’s war star flashed leisurely, and Sun Hao flew out and shook off a flame.
Slightly swept a sun Hao heart can’t help but shake your head slightly and sigh.
At present, King Kong’s body is really too strong. It should be said that he has completely cut his ankle for thousands of miles, but how long has it been since King Kong’s ankle has recovered by 30%?
King Kong, who suffered heavy losses one after another, was really angry. In a roar, he threw himself forward with a huge body and a pair of iron fists with Taishan coping potential, and suddenly slammed Abel’s war star.
This whole virtual world suddenly shook Abel’s war star and suddenly trembled as if it had encountered great oppression.
There is no reason for the absolute power of King Kong’s huge body in the vast void to smash the Abel war star.
This attack covers such a wide range that even the speed and flexibility of Abel War Star can’t avoid King Kong’s angry attack.
Seeing Abel’s war star can’t dodge King Kong’s face, a proud and ferocious smile emerges. No one in this world can resist his brave attack. He doesn’t believe that little one can stop himself.
Corleone’s body flashed slightly and his eyes narrowed. Brother Sun Hao quickly issued a series of commands in his heart.
Abel war star light big poof a drill into the virtual place to leave a black hole.
King Kong’s body swoops down, and his fists suddenly hit him.
Behind King Kong, poof, Abel War Star rushed out with a long flame tail …
Chapter 276 Make an enemy of King Kong (2)
After encountering a real opponent, King Kong Power broke out and showed even greater power.
From a distance, the second ancestor and King Kong fought in Dima Xiancheng. At this moment, all the monks who came here for nothing, Hou Changping and Sheng Wangshi didn’t attract much interest from King Kong. I remember that King Kong was always lazy and waving his fists when the three leaders of Terran attacked.
At that time, everyone was still too big, slow and clumsy, but for that, the three leaders could not support it for so long
Boy, it’s time to fight against the second ancestor. The strong fighting ability of the second ancestor stimulated this guy to finally show his glory.
Jumping in the virtual is incredibly agile.
By this time, Kim has really shown that he belongs to the great ape, and the great ape is powerful, sensitive and quick to respond.
King Kong fully embodies this feature.
For example, this scene of jumping up and clenching fists is absolutely shocking.
In the second ancestor, a monk went to even the city, and this potential was vigorously hit by a heavy blow to escape being smashed.
Even if it is not hit by fists, it will be directly crushed by its violent body covering a large area.
But the second ancestor is an exception. The second ancestor Abel is more flexible than the war star, and he can also quickly disappear in the same place. It is already behind King Kong.
King Kong’s super reaction ability made everyone lose heart and didn’t hit Sun Hao. Before he waited for his body to move, it was like the back of his head with eyes. King Kong retreated back and ran into Sun Hao.
With the same hand and right elbow, he slammed back against Abel War Star, and when he shot it down, he responded quickly, which was too fast. Be agile and coherent, so the behemoth really couldn’t say it accurately.
Everyone who watched the battle in front of the monk and then watched King Kong’s performance began to worry that this guy was too difficult, right?
Especially the holy king feels that the language is extremely strong. If King Kong suddenly comes to fight with him, it is estimated that he will be defeated in less than a moment.
The second ancestor’s car, Abel Warstar, has flexibility far beyond everyone’s imagination.
When King Kong attacked quickly, the second ancestor had climbed up and crossed a perfect arc from the top of King Kong’s head and flew away. King Kong looked up and saw the floating Abel War Star.


"Thousands of master, please come back quickly. We can’t bear it …"

A few guys hugged and sobbed.
RuXiaoNan with XuanYu two petrochemical like watching in the corner.
It turns out that … the seven-flower knife method is too quick, and every time I cut vegetables, even the cutting board is chopped together.
Looks like we’re going to eat meat buns with chopping boards today.
Ru Xiaonan felt that it was dark all over his head.
Ah, ah, ah … I miss normal food so much … When will the Seven Flowers Day be the end!
RuXiaoNan seemed to have lost her soul all the way until she returned to the door of QingMoyan’s office, and she suddenly smelled a strong osmanthus bouquet.
"It’s drunken shrimp with rouge!" RuXiaoNan pushed the door and ran in and almost knocked down a man.
"Ah little nan" long hate Wu wear the chest nai sighed.
"Long hate? Why are you here? "Ru Xiaonan’s eyes fell to the table and there was a box." You’re not here to grab food! " Protect the food box quickly.
Long hate and wry smile.
Blue ink Yan primly said, "She’s here to consult the five emperors’ mother princess."
Ru Xiaonan let her guard down when she saw someone grabbing food from her.
"Yu Yuanjun’s mother is ill?"
Long hate nodded femininity imperial concubine suddenly lived in prison, how can you adapt to it?
"My emperor will leave her in limbo" long hate sighed.
Blue ink yan gently shook his head "the emperor even determined to get rid of these forces in the palace this time in the end what is the charge … he jun I just need to listen to the holy will"
"I’m white." Long hate replied and turned to go. Suddenly, I remembered something and asked a sentence. "By the way, I heard in the Fifth Hall that it was quite fierce recently. He asked for a face saint and even touched the wall."
RuXiaoNan was taken aback.
Touch the wall … Is Yu Yuanjun trying to blackmail him to death?
It’s a pity that now he is in prison, even if he wants to see the emperor.
Qing Mo Yan thought for a moment, "You go and see him later and tell him about his mother princess’s illness. He was a white man. He should have heard about the little prince at the beginning, but we won’t talk any more. If he doesn’t want to follow the old path of the little prince, let him stop."
Long hate was brought to prison with a medicine box.
Ru Xiaonan was disappointed with the sad fate of the royal family.
However, when she saw that the green ink had cleaned her hands and peeled the rouge shrimp for her to eat, she suddenly lost that melancholy to the claw depression country.
That’s why she wants to live a delicious, handsome and considerate life … Ah, not a husband.
Don’t worry about food and clothing. What’s her complaint?
Looking at the alacrity bulging cheeks to help eat, Ru Xiaonan’s eyes overflow with smiles.
Sure enough, the little greedy cat will forget all her troubles if she wants to have delicious food.
Chapter 371 Say sorry to her for me. Where is Qiancheng going?
A Update the latest chapter of Shao Qing’s pet career in Dali Temple as soon as possible!
Dalisi prison
The five emperors Yu Yuanjun fidgeted around like a trapped beast.
Outside the prison, several guards turned a deaf ear to the movement of the prison.
They have long been used to this kind of thing. When a noble person is brought in, there will be such a toss. When he is tired of tossing, he will naturally be quiet.
Yu Yuanjun has never suffered such a crime because he touched his forehead several times, let alone even hurt him after being injured.
"I want to see my father!" Yu Yuanjun roared and shook the iron gate of the prison.
A jailer pulled out his ear. "You’d better save some energy in the Fifth Hall. You can’t hear it in this shouting palace."


Only by doing this step can we truly pin our minds on emptiness, emptiness and immortality!

The rapid combination of 40,000 divination crystals is gradually building into a Yushu prototype.
His immortal spirit has taken shape, but Su Ying’s mind crystallization is too few, and 40 thousand pieces are barely constructed to build a Yushu, which is not stable, and he needs to constantly ascend his mind to make Yushu strong
? ? At this time, the immortal true spirit can maintain the immortality of the flesh by accepting the immortal energy of the flesh at most, and the strength of the flesh will be greatly weakened after being damaged every time, which is in danger of falling into the realm!
Su Ying should estimate that the immortality of the Yushu form can be achieved if the true spirit is thoroughly refined. Even if it is broken, the immortal spirit will condense into a new body, which will not be much worse than before!
If he refines the immortal spirit to the height of the world tree, even Su Yingxiu can generally achieve immortality.
He has just smashed and exploded a lot of spiritual thoughts, and new spiritual thoughts are still constantly breeding. At this time, there is only one Yushu left in the whole sea of knowledge, and those new spiritual thoughts are constantly pouring into Yushu to make the slow growth gradually stabilize.
"The world tree is a tree of heaven and earth. If the immortal true spirit is refined into the shape of a world tree, it is equivalent to placing the immortal true spirit on the world tree. If the world tree is immortal, then I will never die!"
Su Ying opened her eyes and the immortal spirit quietly flew out of the sea of knowledge and disappeared.
He turned his hand and gave a gentle vibration. Jin Gangzhuo suddenly hung a golden glow and brushed it away for miles ahead.
That piece of emptiness was immediately smashed by brush. Su Ying snorted, and the immortal true spirit was smashed by Jin Gangzhuo Xiaguang, and the crystal of the gods was flying four times. It was smashed by this wisp of power of Lingbao the day after tomorrow!
? "The true spirit is immortal!"
Su Ying’s mind moved slightly to see the crystal fragments of several spiritual thoughts rushing together and merging together to form a Yushu spiritual thoughts. Yushu is full of cracks, but the remaining spiritual thoughts are more crystal clear and full.
Apparently, a lot of Su Ying’s own method was used to drive away impurities by Jin Gangzhuo’s brush just now.
"It’s still too weak for the holy soldiers to attack and destroy the true spirit. A forbidden array pattern can completely shock the monks. I can’t stop it if I don’t destroy the true spirit!"
He knows that the sea is open, and there are new ideas and crystals flying out of it, filling the cracks and repairing the true spirit.
Su Ying kept offering sacrifices to Jin Gangzhuo, brushing off the golden light again and again to form the immortal spirit. The crystal of the immortal spirit became smaller, denser and stronger, and all impurities were brushed out by Jin Gangzhuo.
Su Ying sat for half a month, and his immortal spirit was blasted by Jin Gangzhuo several times. He knew that the spirit was refined in the sea, and now it has all been re-derived and finely honed, and the back part was beaten into the immortal spirit by him.
Chapter seven hundred and ninety-six Complete Nie Jing
It was supposed that one’s mind could be condensed into a complete world tree, but at the moment, all the mind was constantly condensed by Jin Gangzhuo, but it was still the little tree that had just started.
But Sue should be able to feel that the lowest solidity of the immortal true spirit she is now refining is dozens of times that of the previous one!
Jin Gangzhuo’s golden light has been hard to break. It takes a joint shock to break the immortal true spirit. It is a shock, not a shock. It can be seen that Su Ying’s immortal true spirit has risen to a certain level!
Not only that, but Su Ying also feels that his immortal energy has not been reduced in the slightest, but has expanded by dozens of times, which can make his flesh repeatedly broken and reborn more than a hundred times, and his strength and realm will not be weakened in the slightest every time!
"The world tree and I are integrated, and the true spirit is the life of the world tree, which means that I am the world tree at this time, and the world tree is me."
? "Now that the immortal spirit has become me, I can finally go further!"
Su Ying grew up and roared for a long time. Suddenly, he collapsed with a roar. He saw a stream of essence above his head, such as a column, blowing into the virtual turbulence and pouring out of the enemy peak to form a constantly rotating black hole!
Su Ying’s eyes were radiant with fairy light, and the fairy light roared out of his abdomen like a real dragon.
The world tree in his abdomen is spreading hundreds of millions of branches and roots, constantly waving and sucking all the fairy light into the tree, and then refining and repairing it!
It takes amazing energy for him to force a breakthrough after condensing the immortal true spirit. The ordinary pulse root method is so huge that even the fragments of pure yang pulse will be sucked dry by Su Ying in an instant. Only the pure yang pulse in day order can be so huge.
However, the immortal light in the abbot’s fairy mountain is a breath left when the ancient immortal road is transformed. Every immortal light contains the horrible energy of the Great Sage. After being refined by the Su Ying World Tree, it is not as good as that of the Great Sage, but it is similar.
Only with fairy light can he be so horrible. Now Sue should break through a surge of energy to refine nearly a hundred fairy lights. The energy is staggering!
Thick energy poured into Su Ying’s body, Yuan Shen and the method of heaven and earth, and then poured into his immortal true spirit. Huge energy was injected into Su Ying’s self-cultivation and continuous ascension!
Although refining fairy light will cause a part of energy loss, nearly a hundred fairy lights contain energy, which will break through Su Ying’s own boundary barrier after a few breaths after the huge refining and repairing.
Let him learn from the fifth place in Sumeru and soar to madness!
Sumeru is the sixth, seventh, ninth!
Until sumeru territory ninth the fairy light energy was only a smaller part.
Then the majestic repair was dragged by Su Ying’s immortal true spirit and poured directly into it. The immortal true spirit gathered energy in an instant and filled his body with huge energy!
This energy is enough for Su Ying to be physically destroyed and reborn a hundred times, and every time it is in a prosperous state!
"The ninth weight, I took a leap to the ninth weight in an instant, and I condensed the immortal true spirit. Unfortunately, my knowledge of the sea is still not complete, and I am still twenty-two times short, otherwise I can enter the realm of heaven now!"
Su Ying shook her head to get the remaining fairy light up, then put away the world tree and slowly open her eyes.
Immortalization of the true spirit is the basis of entering the realm of heaven, while sumeru’s knowledge of the sea is necessary for opening the realm of heaven.
Knowing the sea is not complete, even if there is an immortal true spirit, there will be a breakthrough. What’s worse, Su Ying should know the sea is thirty-three times. He is still making it the eleventh, and there are still twenty-two times that Sumeru knows the sea without cohesion.
Even if it breaks through the heavens, then his repair is not complete
Naisu deserves to stop.
"Congratulations on the further strength of the host. Does the host open the character lottery?"
At this time, the unified sound suddenly came.
"People draw?"
Su Ying thought about it, but he didn’t get anything good in the lottery. The biggest gain was that he got the Lei Di Jing, but now he has made great progress and made breakthroughs, so he can stagnate if he doesn’t learn the sea satisfactorily.
Wanted to think Su Ying service road "extraction"
"There is no limit to the number of characters extracted immediately, but it still does not exceed the realm of heaven. Please wait patiently for the host."
As the system shows that Su Ying’s mind came to the system again.
A moment later, the big blue screen began to reverse, and then he began to wait patiently.
This time, the scrolling speed was so fast that Su Ying felt dazzled. Before she could react, a figure appeared on the big screen.
Sue should look up and suddenly look one leng.
Because of the appearance, he turned out to be a monk!
The man was dressed in a dirty cassock and holding a staff, and his face was miserable, giving people a feeling of compassion.
"Congratulations to the host for winning the three thousand-year-old attached skills of the Buddhist character of the sandalwood merit!"
As the host woke up, he suddenly asked, "Are you kidding me?"? You gave me a monk? Isn’t the meritorious Buddha of the sandalwood Tang Sanzang? "
Please pay attention to the fact that you never make a mistake in your words, but this time it is an ancient sandalwood merit Buddha.
Su Yingnai is a monk, but after all, he has three thousand years of magic.
Of course, before becoming a Buddha, Tang Priest was a mortal. He was the Buddha’s second brother Jin Chan in his previous life, and then he took the Mahayana Sutra and went to the Western Heaven.
In the end, the merits were successfully sealed as the Buddha of Tan Gong De.
Can be described as a family figure.
"Does the host work immediately?"
Sue should think that she has just broken through Sumeru, but she hasn’t condensed yet. No matter how much mana she has, she still says "no" to him.
"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Tathagata printing method of the Nirvana Sutra"
"At the end of the lottery, please make persistent efforts to reach a new level, so please look forward to the upgrade."
"Upgrade? How to upgrade? " Sue should be one leng immediately asked in the heart, but the root system did not answer and was completely immersed.


"ah!" Gray mountain is obviously difficult to resist this kind of erosion, just like a piece of parched dead leaves, and tiny cracks have emerged on the surface to escape from the gray, and the gloomy sound has become sharp because of fear. "I have a grudge with you, and you are struggling!" This small strength is so weak that if I can get his flesh, I will help you condense it. If you break your oath, the devil will take the hindmost! "

"If you are honest, I won’t bother to pay attention to you, but don’t blame me for being cruel if you hit my brother on the head!" Ai Lao’s eyes flashed a trace of scorn, as if laughing at each other’s dirty trick. "It’s sad that you don’t even keep your soul. Let’s dissipate it early!"
The old palm suddenly shook the suspended blue light mass and immediately swelled up like a giant whale swallowing eat small fish. After a while, the light mass was directly swallowed up, and the light spot dissipated, leaving a silver-gray mixed bead lightly falling into the hands of Ai Lao. A trace of pure energy lingered around the bead, making the stone chamber just weak and magical, and there was another sign of dry boiling.
"It’s a good luck." She glanced at the stone stage with a light smile, and then a marble crossed a clear wave mark in the middle, sinking straight into Errol’s eyebrows. A sharp energy storm broke out around Elor’s center, and violent energy shocks and fluctuations all her clothes and clothes broke into pieces. Elor’s face soared, her eyes trembled and her eyelids closed, and the original body stopped rising, but there was a rising trend again
"Boom!" Ai Luo felt that there were several desires in his brain that made him faint and thunder. An energy that I didn’t know came to bully was like a torrent, which forced me to break through the shackles of my mind and poured into the mud pill palace. Everything just stabilized and everything was stirred up again. All kinds of different energies were thrown out and merged with each other like a cosmic explosion. Differentiation vanishes, chaos disappears, and the whole Mud Palace is like a balloon that will burst at any time. If the previously absorbed energy is a stream or a river, then this huge energy is suddenly squeezed in. It is just like Jiang Hai, even the residual medicine of the poly-method panacea is far from enough to neutralize the violent changes in the energy. The method of controlling the variation makes Arrow’s brain feel like being punctured back and forth by hundreds of steel needles, but he still tries his best to endure the pain of this ordinary person, forcing himself to forget all negative emotions and maintain his mood, instead of guiding the uncontrolled silver ash energy to the central nebula-like soul vortex over and over again.
I don’t know how long it took for my mind to be completely immersed in the mud pill palace. Elo seems to have forgotten the concept of time. He almost mechanically leads and controls the huge energy. He fails again and again, trying to be tireless, and the severe pain is slowly relieved. But this is not because the pain body is weakened, but Elo is almost numb enough to get used to this kind of crazy pain, and he has been working tirelessly like this. A small number of stars are scattered and silver ash energy is injected into the soul vortex, and the volume of the energy nebula is abnormally reduced by one point, but its overall solidity is increased or decreased.
In the stone room, Ai Lao stood in front of Ai Luo, with a pair of eyes staring at the latter closely. Every change kept shaking his fingers, flashing and vomiting, and the indefinite deep blue mountain until he saw Ai Luo frowning and gradually soothing his face. The purple color also slowly receded, and the tight body just loosened to the fingertips, and the blue light extinguished the corners of his mouth, quietly revealing a satisfied and gratified smile.
The raging storm finally subsided again, and the original was swept in a big mess and almost burst. The number of magical elements that are smaller than dust is also restored. The magic elements are shining and scattered all over the mud palace with different shimmers, like the first stars of chaos. After the mysterious energy is completely integrated, the huge nebula almost occupies half of the mud palace, but it has shrunk to the original size, and the original vortex shape has shrunk at a very slow speed, becoming gradually regular and round, showing a vague nuclear potential.
It’s like a moment, and it’s like thousands of years. Finally, the original nebula vortex in the Mud Pillow Palace has been completely completed. There are a number of magic stars with hexagonal colorful colors. The magic elements keep flashing and jumping on the surface of the stars. It’s like finding a warm nest. The bees cheer and jump. The stars hang quietly. The waves are more dazzling than the whole thing. It’s like this is the first ray of wisdom and the first touch of life born in chaos … The mystery is almost beyond words.
Chapter one hundred and fifty-four Exposure
Magic star! This is the most obvious sign that the magician breaks through the magic seal. Only when he reaches the magic seal can he truly be said that the magician has a real magic source because of the magic star, which can continuously absorb the external elements and saturate them, and then the junior magician can’t directly manipulate the magic elements, but can extradite them to refine the body. The magic seal wizard can directly exert powerful magic because of the presence of the magic star, which is a qualitative difference
Fold the printed knot. Elo slowly opens his eyes, and the essence is as fine as a mans. He suddenly shoots out from the pupil for a long time, and spits out a foul breath deeply, as if to release the residual fatigue and weakness of his body. Elo slowly stretches out a finger to move the magic star of the Mud Pillow Palace, and immediately spins round and round to listen to "poof". A wisp of fire element condenses tiny flames, and directly drills out the jumping radian from the fingertip to set off in the dark ink pupil.
Staring at the fingertip flame, Arlo’s face couldn’t help but burst into a heartfelt smile and became a veritable magician. He has been dreaming for a long time since he was a child, and now he has finally achieved this wish. Although the process is very painful, all the sufferings he experienced in front of this bunch of flames have vanished in an instant.
I fondly played with it for a while, then dispelled the finger-tip flame and sank my mind into the mud pill. I looked at the colorful magic star with joy. He naturally knew the state he was in now-the magic seal state was equal to and even better than the spiritual practitioner’s jade seal state. Of course, the sorcerer’s attack power was obviously not comparable to that of other spiritual practitioners in the same order. With this six-layer magic seal and one-week repair, he was confident to defeat the newly-entered Yuan state.
"I can’t believe that a poly-method panacea has such an effect." Elo shook his fist and whispered that his eyes were mixed with joy that could not be concealed. From the magic chain, the four stars jumped directly to the magic seal, which even he himself couldn’t imagine beforehand. This poly-method panacea is really worthy of the name.
"If it’s another word …" My heart was beating uncontrollably, and Errol licked his lips unconsciously. A sudden idea also came to my mind.
He got more than five magic pills from that black box, and now he has one, which makes him directly break through a realm. If the iron is hot, he may be able to build a higher foundation now, which is definitely a shortcut to enhance his strength.
"What are you doing?" Aside AI Lao saw Elo and took out the remaining polymerization magic pill and hurriedly stopped it.
"Go on" Arlo a ash.
When I saw Elo, I still wanted to shake my head slowly to signal Elo to put back the Dan medicine. "Magic cultivation is also about gradual progress. You have climbed directly from the four-star magic chain to the one-week magic seal. This is already a breakthrough that is counterintuitive. Although there is a magic pill, I don’t worry about the problem of too fast advancement and unstable foundation, the Dan medicine is still a foreign thing. Everything will come naturally on its own. This magic pill can be used three times and its effect will become weaker due to drug resistance. If you just have one, the second one will have little effect immediately."
"Well," I heard Ai Lao’s long speech. Ai Luo shrugged his shoulders even if he was eager. Ai Lao’s knowledge and experience for these things are naturally much richer than his. He dare not be stubborn. If he eats the second one, wouldn’t it be a waste of time to take back the Dan medicine? Ai Luo suddenly caught a glimpse of it and turned into a pile of bones. "How did the bones break?"
Ai Lao shrugged his shoulders and glanced at the pile of bone powder. Immediately, he told a story about what had happened before. After listening to it, there was some sweat behind him. "Didn’t you say that this skeleton was completely dead?"
"Even the soul has been annihilated, of course, it’s the end of death, but before Sativa, he should have used some secret method to forcibly keep a little spiritual wisdom in a residual soul force and then hide it in his bones. Maybe he just waited for the living to come over and finally dominate his flesh, which is another form of resurrection." Ai Lao looked indifferent and didn’t care about the tunnel. "If he has been shrinking in it, even I can’t find it for a while, but since he took the initiative to show himself, it would be impolite. Previously, that huge energy suddenly appeared in your body was the last soul yuan of that guy.
"Is this luck?" Elo wiped his face and listened to Ai Lao’s story with a wry smile. He was also a little nervous in his heart. If Ai Lao didn’t find out when he was old, I’m afraid he might have become a puppet like a living dead now.
"every cloud has a silver lining is also a kind of luck. How many people don’t want it? If you want to get strength, you have to take corresponding risks." Ai Lao laughed.
"Forget it, let’s talk about it from here first." Elonai shook his head and looked at the six-pointed star array, and then got up. There was obviously no time reference in this closed stone room. Even he couldn’t figure out how long he had stayed here. His soul force quickly swept around, and then he put his palm on a seemingly ordinary stone wall, and the silver fern spread across the stone wall, and Elo’s body slowly disappeared in the light package, just like shuttling into another mysterious one.
The mountain layer of Warcraft is still as dense as usual, and the forest is covered with hidden sky. The roar of forest air is filled with a few violent beasts from time to time, which is frightening.
On the other hand, there is a muddy swamp with a small area in the corner where there are few people. Pieces of brown mud are exposed on the surface of the swamp, mixed with broken grass roots and dead leaves, giving off a strong stench. The smell spreads, and even ordinary beasts don’t want to get too close to the swamp near the central place, and a huge carcass with blood has dried up, which has become stiff and rotten, attracting groups of scavengers to hover in the sky. They eagerly give out hungry and sharp calls, but I don’t know that none of them dare to really stop.
The calm swamp swayed slightly, then suddenly swelled like a raised mountain bag. Finally, it burst and splashed mud and muddy water, completely burying the half-trapped animal corpse. A black shadow quickly flashed out of the hole of the explosion, and it seemed that there was a protective film around the body to eject all the dirty mud and water, and then it quickly fell to the edge of the swamp.
It is natural that Elo got his first experience when he got out of this swamp. This time, he came out and got familiar with it. He looked at the sky through layers of leaves. Elo was also roughly estimated in his mind. It seems that he has been in that stone room for two or three days at least.
The figure is like a light swallow, but just as Elo’s feet are about to land, the two arrows are dark and sharp, like poisonous pythons. At the same time, they suddenly shoot out from a seemingly quiet jungle on both sides, and the arrows are more accurate than stabbing Elo’s heart and eyebrows. Elo’s eyebrows are wrinkled and his figure is motionless, but when the two arrows hit the stomach one meter away, they automatically stagnate and are crushed into a pile of powder like being caught by a hand.
"Get out of here!" When crushing the arrows, a giant air blade is also rapidly condensed from Errol’s hand, and the sharp sword will split away in the direction where the arrows are coming, which is three points faster than that arrows.
"Bang bang!" The harsh sound of the contact of gold and iron suddenly resounded in the quiet jungle, and the birds gathered in the sky were immediately dispersed in a hubbub. Suddenly, dozens of people were swept out of the previously squeaky jungle in a round situation, which directly surrounded Ai Luo. One of them strode out of the crowd with a long black knife and stared at Ai Luo with a cruel smile while wiping his blunt and thick blade face.
"Sirius mercenary group?" When I recognized the identity of this group of people, Elo couldn’t help but pick his eyebrows by surprise. At the beginning, he lured the beast fruit and lured a cracked demon tiger to drive them away. Who knows that these people not only didn’t know how to get rid of the cracked demon tiger, but also boldly ventured back to see if it seemed to be lurking here for a long time.
"Hey, hey, don’t waste the old guard here for three days and three nights. Sure enough, there is a little mouse playing tricks behind his back." The big fellow with a long knife is naturally the head of Sirius’s mercenary group, Wu Wolf. He stared at Ai Luo with a ferocious face, just like watching a weak prey, the wolf’s phalanx pinched and the elite of Sirius’s mercenary group came with a grimace.
Errol clasped the air blade and frowned slightly. He underestimated the mercenary methods and biting degree. These guys who are used to licking blood with knives are not as easy to deal with as they seem.
"A few days ago, we secretly followed us and attracted people from the monster tiger, right?" Wu Wolf put the broadsword on his shoulder and grinned across his scar face, which was even more fierce than Warcraft. "I have to say that it’s a little something to put my Sirius mercenary group together, but I’m afraid you can’t afford it!"
Chapter one hundred and fifty-five Against Li Sheng
"I don’t think it’s difficult to fool a group of mindless orangutans. You overestimate yourself. Some people who make you Sirius mercenary group are always so overbearing and annoying." Elo smiled faintly and didn’t seem to be nervous, but he didn’t see people coming around slowly. Now his strength has soared. If he wants to leave, it’s hard to stop him. Besides, this black wolf was defeated by himself. Although it was with the help of Elo’s strength, it also made Elo not feel afraid in the form.
"How dare you, little dog!" The man in gray who had a conflict with Zeng Ai Luo around Wulang suddenly became furious and immediately said to Wulang, whose face was as gloomy as water, "The head of the regiment was this young man who robbed me of the jade and found the spiritual fruit first, and then deliberately sought to humiliate my reputation as Sirius’s mercenary group several times!"
"This samaritans is really your Sirius mercenary group characteristics" Errol arms chest corners of the mouth evoked a sarcasm.
Hearing this tone is plain but arrogant, the Sirius elite around them are also furious. However, just as they are preparing to hug, the black wolf suddenly waved his hand to stop it. His eyes were fixed on the indifferent face, and Elo’s eyes seemed to change slightly. Then he slowly extended a palm. "Hand over all the magic fruit of ice and fire and everything you got at the bottom of the marsh. I can let you go!"
"colonel!" The man in gray smelled the words immediately, but in the end, he had to swallow his words back to his stomach. He stared bitterly at Elo.
Ai Luo smiled gently and slowly took a few steps, and then really took out the fruit of the ice and fire magic spirit from the dry Kun bag. However, just as the black wolf compromised and his face lit up, Ai Luo suddenly turned his palm and smiled faintly, making no secret of Lengli’s ridicule. "If you want to grab something from my hand, you have to see if you have this qualification."
"Hehe, it turns out that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." The black wolf’s expression suddenly solidified and his face became gloomy to the extreme, even his eyes turned red like wild animals, but unexpectedly, he didn’t go on the rampage and burst out with a creepy smile. "Now I’ll tell you who this little bastard is that you can’t be taunted!"
"Catch him and live!" With a wave of his hand, the black wolf’s hand makes a dense order that his peak strength in Yuan territory can naturally see that this is younger than arrogance and arrogance, but it can be easily solved by picking any individual on his side.
"Yes!" Listen to command two already rubbing their hands, strength to jade rate nine layers Sirius elite can’t wait to take the lead in swoop out a left a right fierce to grasp to go to.
"Don’t bite off more than you can chew!" Aware of the strong breeze coming from behind, Ai Luo is a sneer at the gas blade LUN Yuan, which is mixed with the shock of crazy fierce strength. He didn’t look back and split it horizontally behind him. When he had three layers of strength, he was able to fight the jade peak master. Now he has reached six layers of jade interest and nine layers of ordinary jade interest. It is hard for him to be an enemy.
Looking at the fierce momentum and splitting the blade, the two Sirius elites also changed their hands and unconsciously delayed their offensive. When they made it, the sharp and terrible giant blade had been mercilessly slammed in two people as if they had broken bones, and both of them were suddenly white and spit out one mouthful blood. The body fell like a broken-winged bird in the bushes.
The unexpected scene caused a slight commotion, and the people were holding a little sneer and disdain, and their faces were also sluggish and frozen. How could this weak and small beat two good companions with one move?
"Waste!" The black wolf’s expression is also sluggish, but the gloom and murderous look in his eyes are getting stronger and stronger. He puts a long knife in his hand and deeply sticks it in the ground. "Li Sheng will catch this for me!"
"Yes!" That Li Sheng is Sirius mercenary group, except the black wolf. When the strong one heard the black wolf speak, he slowly strolled out of the automatic sub-channel of others and looked at Elo indifferently. The latter didn’t seriously injure two jade-breathing nine-story companions, but his hands moved slightly, revealing the breath of yin and evil spirit, and the powerful spirit force itself emerged as if to make the surrounding gas become much colder.
Ai Luo’s expression: the palm of his hand is clutching the air blade, and every muscle in his body is as tight as a compression spring. Six jade-white and, er, spiritual balls in the abdomen slowly turn and put pure spiritual forces into every corner of his body. This is the first time that he has confronted the strong people in the earth with his own strength, which was once almost unattainable in his eyes, and now he finally has the ability to compete with them.


Physical attack 3659

Physical Defense 396 Magic Defense 2943
Fast attack speed
Move extremely fast
Attack skill: flying to repel the storm of stoning.
There is a 15% chance to hit the target halfway when you hit the flying start skill.
There is a 5% chance to repel the target by 5 meters when repelling the launch skill.
This skill attack has 5% additional physical damage bonus compared with the normal attack.
Rocky storm drives its own wind element and soil element to condense into a small tornado, which causes physical damage to all enemies within 5m5m range by 1 time, and has a 15% chance of being thrown into the middle by the attacker and a 5% chance of being stunned by the attacker for 15 seconds. In addition, any opponent who enters the attack range will enter the special state of visual range 5 lasting for 1 second and have a 5% chance to enter the 5-second lost state.
Feature 1: This summoner has a good physical evasion rate. All physical attacks on this summoner have a 15% chance to evade.
When this summoner is motionless, the overall physical defense power increases by 15%
Due to the special magic of sandstorm, the attributes of summoning creatures can be upgraded with the increase of summoner’s spiritual attributes.
After the fusion, the properties of the sandstorm demon spirit can be said to be against the sky, and its defense has been greatly improved compared with that of the former Fengling and Shiling, and its attack speed has neutralized the advantages and disadvantages of Fengling and Shiling, and finally reached "fast", which inherits the characteristics of Fengling’s "extremely fast" attack speed in moving speed.
In the end, the skill of sandstorm demon spirit completely inherits all the skills of Fengling and Shiling before the second turn, and the group attack skill after the second turn also combines the advantages of "Storm Fierce" and "Shock Boxing", and once again the foundation has been enhanced a lot. Now this "Rocky Storm" can be said to have reached an extremely abnormal level.
Chapter 60 Auction
In the aspect of compensation and reward for the Prophet, Gao Rong is not as lucky as Grandet. He also gets a skill, but he can’t learn it himself.
The magical guidance of the resurrection body activates the aura of heaven and earth, and then sings for 5 seconds to inject this aura into the body of the deceased so that the deceased can regain 2% of the life of the deceased after the resurrection. 15 minutes when cooling; Professional white-robed priests, red-robed priests, sacrifices, saints and monks are needed.
For the white priest and the red priest, Gao Rang still knows that these two professions are two branches after the pastor’s second turn.
Although both the white priest and the red priest have healing skills, the white priest has a special bonus in healing amount and can also learn group therapy (although the skills are difficult to master); The red priest can learn two attribute bonus state skills (skills are equally difficult to learn), although there is no bonus in healing amount and group therapy. These two skills are bonus physical magic double attack state skills and bonus physical magic double defense skills. Of course, these two skills cannot be added to a person at the same time. If you want to attack, you can’t defend. If you want to defend, you can’t attack.
Generally speaking, the big guild organizations will train these two different priests as needed, while scattered players will choose white priests
Sacrifice to the profession should be regarded as a semi-hidden profession.
Sacrifice is also a more special choice after the second turn of the priest profession. When the priest player makes the second turn direction choice, there will be a very small chance that the third choice besides the white priest and the red priest will appear, and that is sacrifice.
Sacrifice this profession has a certain increase in attack compared with ordinary priests, but the original healing skills of the priest profession will disappear, and it will be replaced by two attribute bonus state skills (it is not necessary to learn skills directly). The bonus ratio of these two state skills is better than that of the red priest. In addition, these two attribute bonus state skills can be added to a person at the same time, which is much better than that of the red priest.
It is precisely because of this feature that players who change their jobs to sacrifice will win over the major guild organizations for the first time, and since then, the upgrade and equipment have been guaranteed.
In the end, the two saints and monks completely belong to the hidden profession. What are the characteristics of these two professions? It is estimated that some professionals know.
Get back to the point
This "resurrection" is the greatest desire for a priest. For a priest, besides treatment, the most important mission is to resurrect his teammates. However, this resurrection is not easy to explode. After the game has been going on for so long, Gao Rong and Grandet also heard that a white priest in the main team of Super God has learned this skill, which shows that this skill is very scarce.
Resurrection is a very important skill for other players. If you want to hit this skill, you must not choose to sell it, but let your teammates learn it, so that your team will instantly become a strong team and the birth rate will increase by n times.
However, for Gao Rang and Grandet, a blasphemous talent and a race opposed to light, resurrection is of no value, so they decided to take this resurrection to the Hongyixuan auction tonight to see if they could exchange it for something precious.
Time flies, and soon it’s late.
When Gao Rang and Grandet came to the door of Hongyixuan, they found that there was already a sea of people here. I didn’t expect so many people to join in an auction.
There are three Jubaoge players at the entrance of Hongyixuan, two of whom sell tickets and one checks tickets to enter.
There are so many people stuck here at the door now because all the tickets have been sold out.
Boss Kang originally prepared a ticket, but unexpectedly, this ticket could not meet the needs of the players.
At this time, those players who didn’t buy tickets were blocked at the door and protested
Gao Rang and Grandet walked through the crowd to show their tickets to the man who was guarding the Jubaoge at the door and then entered the Hongyixuan.
And the people who didn’t buy tickets outside are getting more and more noisy. Finally, there is no way for Boss Kang to arrange more guys to go to the door to collect money and release them on the spot.
Although this method is stupid, it can be regarded as a solution to the problem. It was originally planned to hold an auction at 8: 00, and for this reason, it was not officially held until 9: 15.
The second floor of Hongyixuan is very large, and there is only one seat, which naturally belongs to those who have tickets. All other people who don’t have tickets are around. Even so, the second floor of Hongyixuan is still full of merit.
Boss Kang walked on the stage with great confidence and said, "First of all, thank you all for coming tonight. I just had a little accident to say sorry to those friends who didn’t buy tickets but waited for so long!" Nonsense, let’s auction the conference directly tonight! "
After that, Boss Kang left the stage, and then a posh-looking man came. This guy made a brief introduction and said that he was the auctioneer Agu of this auction.
After the auctioneer introduced himself, the official auction was finally official.
Two girl wearing what look like cheongsam came with a piece of equipment.
This equipment looks very gorgeous, but in fact it is just a green equipment with two levels and two turns.
Agu first showed the properties of this equipment in front of everyone.
Golden armor (green) defense 11165 magic royal 12
Blood volume+1
Additional Attribute 1 Strength+3
2 Agile+3
Equipment level 2 to 2
Agu held this equipment and blew it up. Agu boasted that this golden armor had instantly become a high-end fashion like Versace in the real world.
Indeed, the attribute of this dress is actually very general. The only advantage is that the appearance of this dress is glittering, which is very similar to those glittering pants of Grandet.
In the end, this golden armor was bought by a brother 2 yuan at a price. After seeing the transaction price of this dress, Gao Rang and Grandet were completely unsettled.
In order to increase the popularity of the auction process, every two pieces of equipment will be auctioned.
The first heavy equipment is three pieces of blue equipment after two turns.
These three pieces of equipment are a pair of shoes, clothes, wristbands and a stave.
In the end, the pair of shoes took 16 yuan’s high-priced wristband, but it took 9 yuan’s price. Finally, the stave took a sky-high price of 346 yuan.
But this is not the climax of the whole auction, because the real big buyers have not yet acted!
Chapter sixty-nine Auction tricks
The auction of Jubaoge, an equipment vendor in the game, was not held by the organization.


See Wang Feng Tan Liguo hurriedly walked to come over, kneeling on one leg with a face of excitement and saying, "Tan Liguo has met the general at the end."

With that, it’s as if my heart is tense and my heart is instantly relaxed. At the same time, I continue to say, "General, you are finally here … you will be relieved at the end of your visit …"
"You don’t know that if you come one day later, Yangquan County will be unable to keep your feet."
Rushed to Wang Feng without a horse talking, but strode to the main position of chancellorsville.
After taking a deep breath, Tan Liguo and the others did not command, "Who told you that you can breathe a sigh of relief … To tell you the truth, coming to Yangquan County next time did not bring you a single soldier, not only that, but also brought an order from the governor’s office …"
"Tan Liguo, the former garrison general of Yangquan County, officially rose to the company commanders from now on … and led the people to continue to stick to Yangquan County for two days …"
In the face of this sudden Tathagata, Tan Liguo’s face did not brighten up because of this promotion, but showed a trace of heartfelt dignity and worry
Wang Feng, who saw Tan Liguo’s face changing rapidly, continued, "Of course, the Governor’s Office won’t deliberately make it difficult … Although I didn’t bring you reinforcements this time, I brought you enough grenades. Now these grenades are on their way to Yangquan County Road, and there are more than 50,000 grenades in Yangquan County at the latest …"
I heard that Tan Liguo’s dignified facial expression finally eased a lot.
But still with a full face of worry, Wang Feng woke up in front of him and said, "General, you may not know that not only are we equipped with grenades, but the loyalists outside the city are also equipped with grenades."
"Today, we just ate loyalist grenades and lost more than 2,000 people. At the end of the day, we will still be able to make enough troops. There are 2,000 people who blocked more than 10,000 loyalist attacks with 2,000 people and blocked them for two days …"
"No matter how many grenades you give, you can’t guarantee that you can hold Yangquan County."
Wang Feng’s face flashed a shock and then he regained calm.
As early as ten days ago, Wang Feng received the news that the imperial court began to imitate grenades, which made Wang Feng not think that the imperial court had equipped the loyalist with this sharp firearm in such a short time.
Now that loyalists are equipped with grenades, it is normal to bring more than two thousand losses to the soldiers guarding the city.
Wang Feng didn’t give Tan Liguo a wanted answer after his face regained calm.
Instead, it is surprising to say that "even if there are less than 3,000 soldiers left, we must hold Yangquan County."
After that, Wang Feng went on to say surprisingly, "Maybe all of you will scold you for being unkind, but you will be told that you are so unkind, not because you have any enmity with your generals, but because you have come with a purpose you can’t imagine …"
"You generals are one of our own, and you don’t need to hide anything from everyone. Tell everyone that you will bring fifty thousand grenades and ten thousand musketeers to Yangquan this time, but the musketeers are not here to support you, but there are fifteen thousand loyalist elites left outside the city …"
"The reason why we don’t send some troops to reinforce you is very simple, that is, we are afraid that you will scare away the loyalists outside the city and undermine the government’s plan to wipe out the enemy this time."
"I hope you can take care of the overall situation. With the remaining troops in your hands, you can crucify this Yangquan county like a nail …"
"Of course, during the whole defensive process, you will be allowed to recruit Qingzhuang from Yangquan County and surrounding wasteland areas to assist you in guarding the city …"
"In the course of the battle, the Youth Department who participated in the joint defense will be paid and given pensions according to the local garrison standards …"
When I heard that Tan Liguo’s face was worried and dignified, it not only disappeared but was replaced by a trace of seriousness.
After taking a deep breath, he assured Wang Feng in front of him, "Please rest assured that the general will be alive at the end of the day and guarantee to hold Yangquan … the city of people …"
Wang Feng, dressed in a uniform, left the chancellorsville in a hurry, and the crowd gathered around Tan Liguo just like a German shepherd who smelled blood.
Glanced at the side with a solemn face and a full face of the heating department, Tan Liguo said, "Brothers, you have all heard General Wang’s words … There will be no more nonsense. Let’s kill more than 1,000 loyalists outside the city even if we die here …"
"Li Tuanchang will be ordered to lead the rest of the soldiers to go out of the city overnight to meet the grenades sent to us by the Governor’s Office. All grenades must be sent to Yangquan County before dawn …"
"Lieutenant Zhang, the day battle is still under your direct command."
"However, the tactics should be changed slightly … every time the number of bombers increases from 300 to 500, grenades will be used to kill the enemy during the battle, so as to avoid melee fighting as much as possible."
"After all, the victory in melee fighting depends on fighting for life."
"Li Tuanchang, your regiment almost lost in the battle today, and there are less than two hundred people at the very most."
"I will order your horse to lead the people out of the city and go to the surrounding wasteland area to recruit Qingzhuang and send it to Yangquan County to assist us in guarding the city."
With a steady stream of grenades, the battle for Chengtou the next day was still fierce, but the addition of a large number of grenades reduced the loss of garrison troops from more than 2,000 people the day before to less than 1,500 people today.
The loyalist who attacked Yangquan County once again lost 4,000 people.
As the loyalist general Zhou Haoguang began to be anxious because of the continuous attack defeat, a musketeer soldier who had finished his equipment properly guided the mountain people through the dense forest to detour directly behind the loyalist to block them outside Yangquan City.
When the circuitous troops were getting closer and closer to their destination, a group of musketeers also entered Yangquan County.
Of course, following the musket regiment into the county, there is also a heavy mortar battalion with a total of 27 guns with a range of one mile, which can bring destruction to the red artillery of the loyalist.
Or Tan Liguo’s army account in a uniform? Wang Feng sat down in Tan Liguo’s position again.
In the face of everyone’s different eyes, Wang Feng’s calm face showed a smile and replied to everyone, "Brothers will be very satisfied with everyone’s performance in this battle today. I will definitely tell everyone here that you are the first to kill 20,000 loyalists."
"After the military conflict with the imperial court, I will definitely personally like you to the guard."
"Will come so late is to bring you a good news …"
"Thousands of musketeers strive to finish the siege of loyalists outside the city at the latest … that is to say, we can attack loyalists outside the city at the latest …"
"There will be a musket regiment and a heavy artillery battalion coming into town this evening. After dawn, the loyalist will launch a counterattack against the loyalist in the first attack of Yangquan County …"
"I will hope that Yangquan County will persist for such a long time and suffer heavy losses. You can follow the musket regiment in the counterattack and take revenge on the soldiers who died in Yangquan County."


"You two stay here." Yuan Baoer looked at Zhi Xin and Mei Zi Zhi Xin. She didn’t learn avatar root, but Mei Er was an ordinary girl, and she was as foxy as she was. Even if it burned to Ji Qiao’s body, there was no place for the two men to go. It was just to let them accompany her to die.

At this time, Kuroha flew over and said coldly, "I’ll go with you."
Ling Ning and Yin Niang looked at each other and nodded together. Although Kuroha is also an enemy to them, at this moment they have to worry about it again. It is also called to be able to avenge Master even if they fight side by side with the enemy.
Since it is a determination to take revenge at all costs, there is naturally nothing to be contemplating, and soon they will leave together.
"Brother, you are quick to wake up." Ling Ning and Yin Niang shook their shoulders hard after leaving the wind. Although they don’t know much about those flying things, she also knows that Ling Ning and them are mostly dead and alive. If the enemy is so easy to deal with Ling Ning, there is no need to take them here.
"They will die, too." Feng Zhixin put her head against her brother’s chest. "If you don’t wake up … they will die, too!"
She cried, full of despair, crying, lifting a cicada’s head slightly, and seeing the wind, her soul looked like life.
Her parents died early, and now even her brother, who was dependent on her life, is dead. She unconsciously touched her brother’s face and kissed him. When their lips touched her charming body, she suddenly felt a faint shock. She felt that there was a strange vortex in her brother’s body, which was rapidly dragging her into a certain breath.
Although I don’t know what happened, she clearly felt that her brother’s body was slowly returning to warmth, and she no longer had too much scruples, so she kept kissing her brother’s mouth.
What is this place?
The wind, the soul, the blood, the sky and the earth looked blankly at his feet covered with dark red dust, and many bones were buried in his head, and the blood and fog rolled and surged layer by layer.
His chest is also a burst of tightness, as if something is stirring inside to break through the body.
Am I dead? He thought
If this is the afterlife, it must be some eternal purgatory. If you look around, you can feel the oppression and torture just by staying in such a place.
"I don’t seem to have done anything heinous, do I? What will fall into this place after death? " He smiled bitterly.
I thought again, "But I have nothing to complain about. I must have lost my mind this time, but I can still feel that my soul seems to be saved. I remember a philosopher once said,’ I miss therefore I am’. Since I can still think and think, I will stay in such a terrible place if I don’t really die … I wonder if it is better to die?"
If only this place had a brain network-I wonder if it’s too much for a dead person to ask?
He walked on the earth made of red bones for a long time, but he didn’t see any change in the surrounding scene. He thought, "It wouldn’t be too bad if you really want to be trapped in such a place from now on."
When I thought about it like this, a sigh came into his ear. "You finally came."
When he turned around, he saw a beautiful woman with a slender figure and golden ornaments hanging from her temples. She was barely wearing clothes, but her private parts were covered by wormwood. She held a crystal pearl in her hand, through which she could vaguely see the wonderful breasts on her chest. Although she was almost naked, her breath was more sacred than holiness. Just looking at her could make people feel a sense of peace from their hearts.
"Who are you?" The wind soul asked if she didn’t know what it was. Although it was holy and quiet, the wind soul’s head ached vaguely.
The pearl-holding woman looked at him with inexplicable sadness in her eyes. "Do you still remember me? But this is of course … After all, I am the one who killed you. "
"You killed me?" Feng Soul stared at her and killed Jiqiao. However, this woman said that she killed herself. So … she was a transsexual?
"That was a long time ago," sighed the woman. "So far that I almost forgot what happened that year. Do you want to know now?"
"I think you have mistaken me for someone else," said Feng Soul, "but can you tell me where this place is first?"
The woman said, "This is the magic wind world!"
Magic wind world? Wind soul dazed zheng "how can this be the magic wind world? I remember someone saying that the magic wind world is a cathode and it is difficult for ghosts and gods. Although I was just killed, I should not run to the magic wind world …"
"Someone killed you?" The pearl-holding girl looked at him and shook her head. "No, you are wrong. No one can kill you or’ we’ … only we can kill ourselves."
What the hell did she say? The spirit of the wind is not white
Although it’s not white, there is a strange sense of resistance in his heart, which makes him suddenly want to escape and stay away from this woman. He also knows this feeling, which comes from the fact that after seeing this woman, he felt that something was wrong with him. Just now, he still felt his head ached, but now he feels that his whole body will crack and his temper will fill his heart, making him want to be crazy.
-The woman said, "Only we can kill us!"
The woman said, "I killed you!"
She killed me! She killed me! She killed me!
Anger obliterated his reason, and he stared at the holy woman in front of him.
He could see the bloodshot in his eyes.
The pearl-holding woman looked at him and gently sighed, "You seem to have changed a little. If it was before you …"
"What would happen to me if it was before?" He said coldly, and then suddenly jumped to push the woman to the orb and rolled aside. He pressed the woman’s hot and soft chest with one hand and slammed her face with the other.
The palm of your hand didn’t throw a woman’s face, but he stood there in a cold sweat.
Why do you want to do this?


Rivers took a look at it and left Ray Allen and Gatt with Pierce alone. The Green Army coach planned to let Ray Allen and Gatt play the whole quarter in the fourth quarter, and Pierce would take a break for a few minutes. After Alston finished, he could play for a few minutes instead of the Green Army commander.

Old Deng Liwei was much more ruthless than Rivers. He didn’t intend to exchange twins for Billups and Artest for Mobry and Garcia at the half-time instead of Blaine Knight, Mobry, Garcia, Ji Guofen and Ji Guofen at the end of the third quarter of the Clippers.
Celtic team Kassel, Alston, Pierce, Glenn Davis, pj Brown.
Old Deng Liwei is determined to double-team Pierce Celtics in this formation. Except Pierce, the other four players are not capable of independent attack.
Although Castle shoots accurately, the Clippers won’t give him an easy shot. The threat of the 39-year-old alien breakthrough is negligible. Thornton’s breakthrough ability is outstanding, but having a twin brother in the Basketball Association defense is not worried that he can go straight to Huanglong with his finishing ability. Besides, Mobry’s sudden prevention can prevent this rookie breakthrough without much loss. The other two Celtics are not too much of a threat. The Clippers can focus most of their energy on Pierce, the most threatening point.
In the second half of the third quarter, the Celtics’ offensive end suddenly misfired, and the Clippers line became a no-fly zone for a while. Celtics players could choose to hit the iron on the outside line continuously, making the Green Army fans feel as if they had been punched in the chest. This sound is simply desperate!
The offensive end is unfavorable, and the Celtics’ defense is also quite bad. A group of old arms and legs can rely on experience to finish their legs and feet, and the strength defects of the Clippers’ Green Army bench are exposed.
Blevennett was ordered by the old Deng Liwei to aim at Castle and shoot when he had the chance. If he didn’t have the chance, he gave the panda brother to let the latter continue to storm pj Brown. This is also an old guy who is almost 4 years old. The Clippers tactic is to aim at the Celtics, two 39-year-old veterans, to play singles crazily!
Rivers killed castle in less than two minutes, and immediately Eddie House, the patron saint of water dispensers, was replaced by a screen alien with a height of 13 meters.
Blevennett had forced Kassel to score twice in a row to turn the score into 7: the Celtics were in a very dangerous situation.
House, a player, is a point guard, but generally has no ability to control the ball, organization, defense and speed and explosive power. He is so-so tall and 13 meters tall, and he has nothing to gain except his good shooting ability.
In this way, the player may become a star player like Allen Iverson in ba, but in nba, he just eats the bad taste and doesn’t regret the chicken ribs.
Blevennett didn’t get any other orders, so he continued to pounce on House, and then made a sudden stop to get rid of the Celtics’ defense, which was very general, and the third point guard.
Pj Brown had to make up for Blaine Knight. As a result, Brother Panda hung directly from the basket a second later and the Clippers played a wonderful relay, which forced Rivers to call a timeout.
"Mom!" Rivers cursed in his heart. He never thought that old Deng Liwei would break the game with Blevennett, and this little guy really messed up the Celtics’ defense. It was disgusting.
Score 9: The Clippers suddenly broke out at the end of the third quarter, and the team charged for a double-digit lead. Now they are one point away from completing this.
Boston fans sang the team song during the timeout period, and the team encouraged the team to launch a counterattack in the last minute of the third quarter to narrow the difference, otherwise the Clippers took a double-digit lead and entered the final quarter, which would be really finished. Once the Clippers had enough lead, they would surely defend well to hold their advantage and succeed almost every time.
Rondo returned to the Celtics this season after the suspension, and the price paid for forming the Big Three was that the bench was weak. If it was not for the accidental acquisition of Alston and Castle, their bench would be even more stretched, and they might not reach the finals at all.
Old Deng Liwei didn’t adjust the ball array after the timeout. Blevennett released Rondo’s one-and-a-half-step defense and gave the Celtics a three-pointer opportunity.
Rondo hasn’t made a few shots in the whole series. In the 27 playoff games of the three-point season, he hit 26% of the three-point shots.
However, although the shooting rate of 26% is cheating, it doesn’t mean that Rondo can’t shoot once. This small injury often has an attribute bonus, which is usually the exclusive passive skill of the star. However, the second-year rookie of the Celtics also has this skill. Rondo’s awkward shooting posture finally scored a key three-pointer at the key moment.
Ji Guo was ashamed to go back and cheat Glen Davis on the three-point line for a foul and almost scored three plus one in his skill of abusing vegetables.
Rivers buried his face on the sidelines and felt that he should have replaced Gatgren Davis. This round of series performance was really poor. Rivers felt that the only thing he did was to make Ji Guo feel ashamed of bullying and being afraid of hard work. The dead fox smiled all the more when he saw this big meat ball.
There are 35 seconds left in the third quarter, and the score is 9:3. Ji Guosheng will make three free throws this time. Rivers is worried about rebounding problems and specially sent Gatt to protect the backboards in the backcourt.
"Boss, I thought of an extreme shame plan," Ji Guoshi said in his mind before making a free throw.
"Have you forgotten that we have telepathy? If you don’t say I already know, I will do it your way."
Ji Guo’s shame showed a sly smile at the free throw line. Taylor Swift knew he was going to play tricks when he saw the dead fox.
Emma Watson saw the close-up of Ji’s national humiliation on the big screen, but she shouted "How handsome!"
Even my sister’s idea is the correct answer, especially Taylor Swift’s accurate view. Ji’s first two free throws are normal, and two of them are free throws.
Boston fans in the North Shore Garden Stadium have now cursed the "sick man of East Asia", "braided pig" and "communist butcher"! However, these laws prevented Ji Guo from shaming the free throw, which made the anger in the hearts of the two brothers more determined and decided to play tricks on the third free throw.
"Mom, I’m sure all American fans don’t want us to win at this time, especially when we are about to surpass their country’s genius. The Americans must want us to sprint backwards."
"Give me your crap. Remember to hit the right. Don’t make a mistake."
Ji Guo’s shame, hey hey, smiled, and made the maiden fox honey crazy before seeing it. See Ji Guo’s shame’s third free throw "thud"-this is the first free throw missed by the twin brothers today.
"No, stop them quickly!" Rivers was there to see the basketball pop up in the direction where Brother Panda landed, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat at this moment.
"Well done!" Ji Guoqiu doesn’t feel ashamed of this despicable trick. It’s a championship ring. How many great players didn’t get one until they retired? No matter what meanness or shame he is.
Pj Brown stuck in front of Brother Panda. If it was a normal free throw, there would be no chance here. Unfortunately, this free throw was not an accident, but people played basketball far more far than Celtic players expected. Even if pj Brown got stuck in the position, he still couldn’t stop Ji Guoqiu.
When Ji Guoqiu is well calculated, he jumps to the top of his head. Basketball has equal opportunities, but everyone knows that this kind of ball, pj Brown, can’t beat the vertical bounce beyond m unless he is ten years younger. The gap between them is too wide!
Chapter three hundred and twenty Who told you that you couldn’t get the rebound?
Ji Guoqiu grabbed the rebound at pj Brown’s head, and Gatt immediately rushed to block the panda warrior’s quick take-off in the defense of two Celtic linemen. Before the clearance, a hook sent the basketball to the basket and then lost his balance and fell to the floor.
The referee hesitated after the basketball fell into the basket and blew the defensive foul whistle!
Gatt’s thug was so obvious this time that the stadium people could hear him clearly. It is estimated that the front row fans could hear him and could not turn a blind eye. Besides, the purpose of the league is to let the players decide the ownership of the championship by themselves, which means that the penalty should be fair and never fall short of the population
If the twin brothers are white-skinned, then the referee and the league’s top management will not care so much, and they will do everything possible to make the Clippers win the championship and push the two brothers to achieve novelty.
However, the twin brothers are yellow-skinned, which makes the alliance legally determined to create a new god. The two yellow-skinned superstars make most white fans very exclusive. After all, whites account for a small part, especially in European and American countries. How can China people have a good impression on Chinese whenever they have the opportunity?
Coupled with the recent gambling referee turmoil, even if the two brothers win the championship, the new nba broadcast contract will reach an amazing digital alliance. In the end, they still choose to let the players decide for themselves whether the two brothers can achieve a novelty or not. Since the fifth game, no one has helped them to fight for it on their own.
Ji Guo’s shame is overjoyed at the moment. These two brothers are really fighting for it now, which requires your help. When the time comes, they will be scolded and won the championship by relying on the alliance’s partial help.
Brother Panda scored this goal in Boston, and the fans were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood. If it wasn’t stupid, they could have guessed Ji Guoshi’s free throw. If it wasn’t intentional, it would be a ghost! Who doesn’t know that their two brothers can’t play so far even if they miss, and the direction is just the direction of Ji Guoqiu, which M is so clever?
The referee also thinks that this is the truth, but according to the evidence, it’s not self-defeating to punish Ji Guo and shame others. It seems a little ridiculous to punish Brother Panda for grabbing the frontcourt rebounds. Can’t others grab the frontcourt rebounds?
Besides, the two brothers cheated. This is speculation. If you can get a conviction by guessing?
If this really punishes Ji Guoqiu for rebounding, how can he hack China dictatorship?
The North Shore Garden Stadium is about to explode, especially when Ji Guoqiu is at the penalty line again. Boston fans can’t wait to kill these two despicable guys with guns!
Celtic players look at Ji Guoqiu with the same bad complexion. Just after my younger brother was punished, now my brother is punished again. Who knows if these two bitches will do it again later? It will be endless …
They guessed it right. If Ji Guoqiu makes a penalty, the score will become 95-3, and the Clippers will lead by 12 points. And the answer is not limited to this one. What if Ji Guoqiu misses the penalty and the rebound is picked up by his younger brother? Hehe, then I don’t know what the final score will be. Maybe it will really limit the cycle.
Celtic players are now on edge, staring at Ji Guoqiu and ready to rush out to protect the backboard as soon as there is any problem. They are now 11 points behind and can’t afford any more mistakes.
Rivers replaced Perkins with old pj Brown. The fat bounce may not be as good as pj Brown, but he has the strength to get the main position, which is very important.
Old Deng Liwei is not a good crop for Tim Thomas for an old cat. The Mobry Clippers are much taller than the Celtics now.
Then all eyes were on the free throw. Brother Panda and the two brothers slapped the free throw three times and then shot quickly.
But this time, Ji Guoqiu made a shot after slapping twice, and before basketball was shot, he shook his head to guard against Celtic players.
Garth and Perkins were shaken by Ji Guo’s hatred and almost rushed out with a slight forward tension.
Ji Guoqiu not only changed the number of shots, but also made a slow shot when he raised his hand to shoot.
Garth and Perkins didn’t expect this usually honest and honest giant panda to be so nervous and shaken. Before they could react, they saw Ji Guo’s shame "sou" and rushed out to move to the left waist first. At this time, the basketball hasn’t touched the basket …
"bang!" Ji Guoqiu’s free throw hit the basket and popped up high.
Celtic players and ex-fans have a secret passage in their hearts: "Sure enough!" Celtic players also added "damn it!"
It suddenly occurred to Gatt that Ji Guo’s humiliation had just fallen to the left waist position first. Now, isn’t it just the left waist position to look at the direction of basketball ejection?
"They must have discussed it before the game!" Gatt realized in his heart that this was the only reasonable explanation.
Ji Guo’s shame came to a favorable position before, and even if Gatt had equal opportunities, it would be a tragedy for Ji Guo’s shame to play faster, not to mention the current unfavorable situation, Ji Guo’s shame made it easy to get the rebound root without giving Gatt a chance.


Even the village dogs are gathered here waiting to eat bones because of the smell here.

Zhang Ting, when they came over, it was time to prepare dinner.
A full face of joy came forward to meet the village chief Hao, and his face turned white when he saw Hao Ren running around Hong Wang.
Hurriedly accelerated the pace to Hao Ren their side came along.
"Wang report, you’re here, report. Forgive me. I didn’t know that the report was coming. Please don’t blame it." This is the first time that Hao Village Chief has seen such a superior person.
Hong Wang Ye glanced at Hao Village Head.
Know that this is the head of Haojia Village.
I know that the village chief Hao still took care of himself when he was a child.
Immediately, Lord Hong was a little more friendly when he replied to Village Head Hao.
"You are the village chief Hao, aren’t you so polite?"
Hao village head bent half-bent with an uneasy mood to welcome Hong Wang Ye and others to the largest table in this field.
This table has been occupied by three old people with white hair.
Hao Renqian respectfully shouted "Hello, Uncle, Second Uncle and Third Uncle" to the three old people.
The three old people’s faces changed after hearing the village chief Hao whispering in their ears.
The three men quickly got up with the help of their great-grandchildren and made a salute to Prince Hong.
"Get up. I told you today that you are not so polite. If you do this again, I will be angry." Wang Hong felt a little uncomfortable when he saw these people being so polite to himself.
As Lord Hong’s words fell, the face of village head Hao and these three old people changed.
I’m so nervous that I dare not go out of the atmosphere.
Seeing the cold atmosphere here.
Zhang Ting and Hao Ren looked at each other.
Zhang Ting stretched out his hand and hit Hao Ren’s arm and told him to think of a way to slow down the atmosphere now.
Hao Ren was urged by Zhang Ting to bite the bullet and break the embarrassing atmosphere in front of them.
"Don’t be nervous about the village chief’s uncles. In fact, my father is joking with you. He doesn’t like people around him to treat him as a sovereign. He likes everyone to treat him as an ordinary person."
Chapter 27 panic!
Hao village head and others listened to Hao Ren’s explanation and sneaked a peek at Hong Wang’s side one by one.
I’m really not angry to see this Lord Hong. Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.
"Sit down and talk." Hong Wang Ye took the lead in sitting down and then told these people in front of him.
"Where is my grandson? Hold him over and let him sit with me." When Prince Hong sat down, he suddenly thought of his precious grandson.
Princess Hong jumped around her whole body with her cloak carefully.
Hearing the words of Lord Hong, Princess Hong shook her head and smiled, got up and jumped in her arms.
"Sun is yours, you should take good care of him for me. If he freezes to a little, I’ll see how I get even with you when I get back." Princess Hong lost this warning to Prince Hong when she left.
Hong Wang Ye’s face was frozen and his hands were a little tight.
Looking down at Sun Wang’s letter in his arms, the grandfather’s eyes seemed to be full of confidence again.
Halfway through the dinner, Hao Ren suddenly got up and looked at the dozen people at the table in front of him and said, "I know everyone has a question in their hearts, and I’m afraid that Hao Ren will follow them back to Beijing to enjoy life after recognizing his biological parents. Now I’ll make it clear to everyone that everyone is worried about not sleeping well."
When the villagers heard Hao Ren take the initiative to talk about this matter, they were so nervous that they didn’t even say anything about their meals, staring at Hao Ren’s side with big eyes.
Hao Ren smiled and said slowly again, "I won’t leave Hao Jia Village if I don’t leave. This is my Hao Ren’s house. I won’t leave everyone and I’m not worried that we will leave."


Feng Zhang, seeing Xia Houyuan, always thinks that Er is very vicious, and thinks whether this kind of cold-faced person is good at doing it?

"It’s wonderful to have a rest after hard work." Cao Cao waved Xia Houyuan’s arch and excused himself.
It’s just a matter of thinking. It’s not up to him
"Do you know that you are also present today?" The more Cao Cao felt that this son-in-law found the right one, the more easily he solved such a large case, which was extremely unfavorable to Cao Cao’s family.
If that Shi Ake looks at the other disciples and draws them over …
Cool, kill whoever he wants. Guo Yun said that God can’t kill anyone!
The first one killed Yuan Shao and made such a big trip for me.
Feng Zhang, the "little husband", pointed to the words and said that he had to admit that this punishment was really well written. It’s a pity that he had to die. Otherwise, there are still things about Lombardi that will flow out. I’m afraid that if Cao Cao is in a big event, he will never put such a big risk factor regardless of "this history is likely to be recommended to Lombardi by a person."
"who?" After hearing what Feng Zhang said, Cao Cao thought of what Wan Fu said, "When I passed Zhongmou …" He asked himself and replied, "Gongtai!"
Zhang Feng nodded. "According to my husband’s estimation, it is very likely that my tutor met Chen Gong when passing by Zhongmou. At one time, Chen Gong wanted to recommend Wang Yue to Zhang Miao or Lu Bu, but according to my tutor … knowledge should be rejected, and then Chen Gong recommended it to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao IV, San Gong, which is also a good choice for my tutor, and collecting Shi Atul is also very likely what happened."
Everyone present agreed with Feng Zhang that Zhang Miao and Lu Bu Temple were too small to be Wang Yue, a giant Buddha, but even Qiu felt that it was not good enough.
"So say master will Chen Gong Palace secretly hook up with Lombardi, otherwise how can you do such a thing?" Guo Jia didn’t comment on Wang Yue for a long time because he and Shi A didn’t understand nature, and now he finally has a chance to get a word in.
Don’t say that Guo Jia is really keen on problems. Everyone present is silent when this statement comes out.
I don’t know why Chen Gong just doesn’t like Cao Cao, except that they just had some contact and then they didn’t hear from him for no reason
Then Chen Gong voted for Zhang Miao Lu Bu. Anyway, whoever did the right thing with Cao Cao voted for him. At that time, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were still in their honeymoon period. It was normal for Chen Gong not to vote for him, but it was not clear that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao were almost in danger of fire and water. Chen Gong took out a dew marriage in that year and suggested to Yuan Shao that he should have sex.
"Zhongde asked Zhong to check Chen Gong." The more Cao Cao thought about it, the more likely it was. What medicine did Chen Gong take? What was it that wanted to spite himself?
In addition to making a lot of money all over the world, Mi family firms have another function, that is, to spy on news and be temporarily responsible for the reliability and authenticity of the news sources, which depends on Mi Zhu, the main book of the Prime Minister’s Office.
"Should the word master be changed?" Cheng Yu has one thing to imitate others’ handwriting.
"Of course, if you want to change it, you must not let Liu Xie children know that Lombardi is also playing his mind, otherwise maybe they will secretly hook up with Zhongde again and hand it over to you."
"Master, you can rest assured that the morning will be good."
The next day, Cao Cao handed in a word saying that the assassin was Wan Fu’s bribe to the ranger, but it was not Lombardi’s business. Liu Xie looked at it and didn’t ask much. He was directly imprisoned in the cold palace after a hundred people were killed in the city.
At the same time, Feng Zhang has contributed too little to solve the case.
Feng Zhang is once again famous in the streets and alleys of the ruling and opposition parties, and has a new talk. This magical general is as good at literature and affairs as he was after losing his soldiers.
Tens of thousands of people crowded around the east gate of Xuchang, scrambling to see if the original was different from ordinary people when they were beheaded without even adding toes.
The imperial guards, Jin Wujia, Xu Changling and thousands of ordinary soldiers maintained order, but they still couldn’t stop the people’s enthusiasm for the upcoming bloodshed. They rushed forward and shouted "kill him" and "kill him" slogans. The eager light in their eyes was the desire and expectation for blood.
Feng Zhang wondered whether these insensitive people would be more enthusiastic if one day they were sent to the East Gate in this sill car.
Numb China people
Or ….. should inspire a people’s wisdom? Let them know what is right and wrong.
There is a saying in the Analects of Confucius that "the people can make things known."
Many people think that Confucius said that for ordinary people, we can make them do what we want, but we can’t make them know what to do.
Some people think that Confucius thought has a kind of teaching, so this sentence should be understood as follows: Do not know.
However, in this era, it is estimated that there will be as many people with second thoughts as those who have succeeded in crossing and living.
If Kong learns to punctuate, maybe China is not like this today …
"The general is thinking?" Dong Cheng, the temporary prison officer, is not a taste in his heart. It turns out that the only old colleague has lost his job and been detained, but he still has to die. It’s a bit of a rabbit and a fox. Feng Zhang didn’t talk all the way, and the atmosphere was so boring that he said
"Today, I laugh at people and people laugh at me. I am hiding in the storm?" Feng Zhang had something in his heart and made up a poem to prevaricate.
I didn’t expect Dong Cheng to lose heart.
Hmm? Is this front implying something to me? No, it seems that we have to think about the way out when we go home, otherwise this Wan Fu will be my day.
Dong Cheng adjusted her horse a little crooked, and Golden Flower took out her energy again to hold out her chest and thrust out her belly, just like a bunch of bloodthirsty flies.
Section 150 Grab grain
When updated, 264 19:52:15 words 33
This ….. What do I always owe to make up for yesterday?
As soon as Feng Zhang returned to the house, five women scrambled to come to Lv Qiling to tiptoe to wear Zhang Fengchan’s hat. Huan-erh threw his account in his hand to untie Feng Zhang’s belt; You personally bent down to put a pair of big smelly feet in your arms and smiled to take off your shoes; Although Lill is clever at ordinary times, she can’t find anything suitable to do at this time. She can pout and is reluctant to follow behind the tea lotus.
"Is everything all right with my sister?" It can be said that Cao Jia’s level of family education has turned a blind eye to Feng Zhang’s smelly feet for a day.
Pull the socks that stink to death, and lean back with a grunt of "hmm".
In the old society, men were so happy. How many men did not give their wives foot washing water now?
The other four women took a step back with one hand covering their noses, but Feng Zhang still had a triumphant batting practice expression.
"Your husband, I’m a horse, of course, everything is OK…… … er, you can rest assured that your sister has lived in Beigong Liu Xie’s small room, and they are still staying there every day with good feelings."
"That’s good. I’m still worried, husband. It’s a relief to say so."
Cao Wei smiled with a little woman’s satisfied expression on her lips. Instead of immediately putting Feng Zhang’s foot on it, she pulled Feng Zhang’s tail toe and then gently pulled it and clicked it, which is a common technique in modern pedicure!
This is, of course, Feng Zhang teaches Zhang Fenghui some strange massage techniques, including the kind that Lv Qiling once misunderstood that would make people hum "R-O-O-M" and "opposite sex massage"
Whether the emperor’s daughter or the beggar’s daughter is happy, it is necessary to have a good man after all.
The same is true of men.
However, I have regretted it when I generally understand it.
So Feng Zhang is happy.
"That’s the Foucault family …" Huan-erh wrinkled her cute little nose and sniffed it in the air as if it didn’t smell so bad.
"All were beheaded except for being abandoned after falling." Although the Fu family framed Cao Cao himself to do Cao Cao’s half, of course, they were indignant, including destroying the criminal officer’s mouth. Feng Zhang also supported it, but this did not mean that there was no pity in his heart.
It is more important than keeping people around you safe.
There was a silence.
"Dad, I don’t know what happened there … husband, I really miss my parents." Well, Yanshi has been gone for almost a year. Although Lv Qiling is careless at ordinary times, everything is not good, but after all, family blood is thick