
Yun Fan really Dan breath also broke out.

There was a virtual earthquake around, and a hurricane swept across the party.
The true Dan realm corresponds to the three flowers gathering at the top, but the cultivation body is completely different. The true Dan realm is the source of strength that forms the elixir. It is not only physically and mentally strong, but also terrible after being strengthened by the elixir.
And the three flowers are pure essence, qi, strong physique and spirit, which can really be compared with the strong, but’ qi’, that is, strength, is inferior
Yun Fan was in the early days of Zhendan, and Lu Shiyang was in the early days of Sanhua’s gathering, but Yun Fan’s power broke out, but it was even better and more frightening
See Yun Fan broke out in such a horrible atmosphere, and everyone around him was not shocked.
They found that Yun Fan Xiu once judged that Yunfan was a congenital realm according to the enemy strength of Yun Fan’s innate realm.
But now Yun Fan’s power is better than that of Lu Shiyang, and it makes people wonder if Yun Fan has achieved the goal.
It’s impossible. Yun Fan’s head didn’t show flowers representing the three forces of essence, qi and spirit.
Everyone is puzzled.
Even Lu Shiyang’s face showed a serious color, and his eyes were even more indecisive and guessing Yun Fan Xiu.
However, after all, Yun Fan’s head does not represent the essence, qi and spirit to practice to the apex. Lu Shiyang is convinced that Yun Fan is less than the realm of three flowers.
Since Yun Fan is not a gathering of three flowers, Lu Shiyang’s confidence has greatly increased and he shouted "Small death!"
Chapter 14 Kill the Three Flowers Strong (No.! Three! More! )
Lu Shiyang took the initiative to attack Yunfan.
Blow out the virtual explosion with one punch, and the gas in front of it was blown to the clouds like an avalanche.
Two people air instantaneous compression like a gas wall pushed up.
Lu Shiyang’s fist was transformed into a huge fist in vitro.
The power of this fist’s water flow is progressive step by step, and the power is terrible.
A Wushu skill of Lujia Town in Xiangcheng-Overlapping Waves and Raging Waves Boxing
At this moment, everyone’s eyes are on value, and they want to know what makes Yun Fan resist this peerless terrorist punch.
Xuan Yue’s handprint!
In the face of Lu Shiyang’s fist, Yun Fan looks as normal as the true qi, and the handshaking is a palm.
The rich and true gas is transformed into a palm by Xuan Yue’s handprint method and exploded out.
This palm is as high as ten feet, which is twice as big as that huge water fist.
Watching the game, everyone’s heart was shocked and looked frightened. It took a deep force to shoot such a huge palm.
When everyone came to imagine, they heard an explosion of Xuan Yue’s big handprint and a collision in the fist of overlapping waves and raging waves
When the mountain burst, it rushed to all directions like a cloud ring and spread around the edge of the square. Everyone in Yuejia felt a strong wind coming.
Xuan Yue’s big handprint power shocked the world, and continued to beat the water forward. In the blink of an eye, it broke and was split in two by the crescent moon mark on the palm of Xuan Yue’s big handprint.
Lu Shiyang was surprised and never expected that Yun Fan’s palm strength was even stronger than his fist strength
Watching people are also dumbfounded.
This is a punch from the strong, and it will be broken when the terror blinks.
Breaking the current fist, the power of Xuan Yue’s big handprint is still terrible. Continue to shoot Lu Shiyang in the blink of an eye.
Lu Shiyang’s body looks very small in front of Zhang Xu’s huge palm. His tiptoe figure is like water and he hurriedly evaded the palm.
The handprint of Lu Shiyang’s standing place was shot and fell to the ground, which made the solid ground sink and cracked like a spider’s web around it.
Whoo-hoo …
The wind blows!
Lu Shiyang’s fast-moving figure is like the wind, punching and punching out a series of punches and bursts from all directions and angles to storm Yunfan.
Yun Fan’s two palms are roaring, and Xuan Yue’s big handprint slaps the quartet. No matter how fast Lu Shiyang moves, there is a Xuan Yue’s big handprint to stop him from smashing his fist in front.
Boom boom …
Detonation repeatedly sounded a road. Xuan Yue’s big handprint smashed the fist and landed on the ground square. It was blasted out of one handprint pit after another.
Fan Muxi, a Yue family member next to the square, retreated repeatedly. The aftermath of the attack by the two men was terrible. It was far away, and the strong wind swept away, making them feel skin scraping.
If you get close to them, it will only be the collision of fists and palms to form Gangfeng, which will break their flesh and blood and cause fatal damage.
Lu Shiyang became more and more frightened in the Vietnam War, and the spectators around him became more and more shocked.
Yun Fan flapped his hands in situ and easily attacked Lu Shiyang from various angles, but he didn’t try his best.
Yun Fan is not even twenty years old. How can he be so young and so strong?
Fan Muxi is more and more excited. Her eyes are full of excitement with fists in her hands. She expected it right. Yun Fan really has the strength to deal with the three flowers!
Lu Shiyang raised his essence, qi and spirit to the limit, and the almost’ three flowers’ on his head suddenly became shiny, which means that Lu Shiyang has tried his best to break out of the top level.
Every blow is the strongest attack that Lu Shiyang can explode.
Yun Fan’s display of Xuan Yue’s handprint still seems to have an advantage from never forcing Yun Fan to come, and the power of Xuan Yue’s handprint is strong. On Lu Shiyang, for example, he finally merged with Yun Fan in front of his strength.
Yun Fan suddenly jumped into the sky, his feet were empty, and the blink of an eye rushed 100 meters high.
Then Yun Fan made a series of Xuan Yue handprints falling from the sky.
With the general trend of falling from the sky, Yun Fan hit Xuan Yue’s big handprint, which is even more powerful than before.
Lu Shiyang punched a series of punches, and all the days were shattered by Xuan Yue’s handprint.
Xuan Yue’s big handprint is unstoppable, just like a huge fly swatter slapping a mosquito. Lu Shiyang is the mosquito being beaten.
Lu Shiyang’s face turned into horror. If this palm is photographed, isn’t it made into a meat pie?
Whoosh whoosh …
Lu Shiyang’s feet continuously point to the ground, and the figure flies and falls off Xuan Yue’s big handprint, and he travels quickly and misses several handprint attacks.
At this time, Yun Fan drank a lot in the sky
See Yun Fan body to the ground a blunt toe hit a palm with handprints falling from the sky rapidly often on the ground.
This palm is too fast, and it is more powerful than the previous palm!
Yun Fan’s energy locked in Lu Shiyang’s theory that Lu Shiyang evaded this palm and finally patted him on the head
The palm print fell from the sky in the blink of an eye.


"Yes," Dinghammer shook his head. "How do you know?"

"It’s not nonsense? I also came from the age of 14 or 15. "
"Go away. When have you ever been good and obedient?" Fixed hammer pie pie slightly disdain said, "that’s it. It’s okay to let her spend the summer vacation here. Anyway, no one in this place may be able to handle her."
"Well, I can’t tell you until I have a bag." The ham sausage looks very casual. "Don’t get excited when you know it."
"Don’t sell"
Ham sausage threw the bowl in her hand and looked up at the hammer for a long time. When she saw that the hammer was numb, she suddenly said, "Bao is not a natural person."
"What the hell? What is a natural person? "
The ham sausage didn’t answer directly, pointing to Bai Fei’s "Let your seventh district flower tell you"
Bai Fei glanced at the ham and said half jokingly, "I think it’s because you are too low-key, otherwise this flower in the seventh district must be what you do. Don’t you satirize me in the dark every day?"
The ham sausage snorted and turned into a dazzling silver-white metallic color. "Iron the seventh district flower?"
"All right," Dinghammer said to Bai Fei with a wry smile, "Let her have more temper."
Bai Fei is much more mature than ham sausage in the end. She smiled faintly. "We found a secret bag when we made the final debugging for Leona, not a natural person."
"Don’t … explain to me what a natural person is first."
"Isn’t a natural person a living person? It’s not a natural person. Isn’t that an artificial person? How are you so stupid? " Ham sausage hates iron and doesn’t produce steel, interjected, "You’ve been alive for most of your life?"
"Wait …" The hammer was swept away in a daze. "Is the bag an artificial person?"
"There was an abandoned microchip in the back of her head, and we took it out. This thing was the culprit that caused her initial language and perception disorder," Bai Fei said with certainty. "I think the person who made her thought that she could not meet the technical standards and abandoned her, but for various reasons, she didn’t destroy her and let her run out. After the reverse decomposition from ham sausage, the information in this chip belonged to that strange organization."
Ding hammer didn’t speak after listening, but rubbed his nose and said in a low voice, "You mean … even Bao is the organizer?"
"To be exact, it was abandoned, but she didn’t die. She was quietly released and just adopted by you."
The verb pinched his forehead to "continue"
"The chip number is two. I think she should be the first test subject. Her spirit is tough and unstable because of this chip. Now she can easily control it and belongs to her spirit."
Ding hammer decided not to listen to it anymore, because it has been a long time since he knew Bao and adopted Bao, and Bao has already become a part of Ding hammer’s life, which can replace that part. This kind of feeling that is not contaminated with evil spirits is a very precious treasure, and Ding hammer feels that he doesn’t care whether it is a natural person or an artificial person.
"The real me is just that." Sausage shrugged. "You are not so decadent, but if people find out, you will definitely be in trouble."
"Just sweep away whatever is troublesome." Fixed hammer pie pie. "Whoever dares to touch the boss will burn down his house."
"If I had known you would say that, I would have known it." Sausage reached out and patted the hammer on the shoulder. "But through the package, we can know a little. When we get back, we have to start investigating the information of replicators and artificial people. The sooner the better, so can I."
The hammer didn’t respond, but Bai Fei frowned slightly. "Don’t you think this is inhuman?"
"What do you care if I copy myself?" The eyebrows of the ham sausage are raised. "The names are all figured out. What do you care about ham sausage No.1 to ham sausage No.16?"
"Okay, okay," the hammer gave a hand. "Your heart is better than this …"
"I know I won’t tell Bao." Sausage waved his hand. "Do you have to wake me up? You don’t weigh your IQ. "
In the next few hours, ham and sausage were given a hammer to explain the problems of artificial man and clone. From her explanation, the hammer knew what package would be abandoned, because artificial man is not much different from natural man. Even if they are controlled, a normal human’s self-awareness and thinking activities are too strong, which is not good for a cult organization.
On the other hand, although replicators will always copy a part of others, their ability will not be more developed than that of artificial people, but just like a less sophisticated instrument, they will always be modified, and replicators can selectively extract their self-awareness and turn them into tools completely. Otherwise, if there is any deviation in artificial people like Bao, then large-scale mutiny is foreseeable.
Ding hammer held his arm and frowned after listening. "It seems that we have a tough battle to fight, but why do they want to copy the dead super soldier?"
"You use your head and know that I’ll give you an analogy. For example, they copied ten thousand Sun Ding hammers, so when these ten thousand replicators come to you, the subject or the mother will be fatal to them, and your spirit and their roots are the same, so that these powerful thugs will not become a part of your body? The somebody else also make a fart ah "ham pie pie" don’t think "
Ding hammer clapped his hands. "You should do it as soon as you get back, but I do have a less cruel suggestion."
"fart quickly"
"When I was a child in my hometown, I knew that human roots can’t beat almost big beasts. What about turning these replicas from humans into semi-mechanical beasts or insects? I think the effect is better."
"Don’t you think this looks like a villain?"
"What are you and us? Didn’t you look at the brochure? " Ding hammer took out a small volume from his pocket, which was set with all kinds of demonized red flags. "Anyway, people are staring at it. Besides, I really want to see if an A-class super soldier can stop a pig that is 400 kilometers per hour and is extremely hard to kill."


This fairy light will melt the half of the gods in Guo Yi’s body, just like melting into the white light in Guo Yi’s body, weaving two huge nets through the meridians and veins.

These white brilliance are all the ancient gods’ feelings contained in the gods’ positions. After Guo Yi’s body flowed for nine weeks, he was condensed into an illusory gods’ position again.
Guo Yi has reached the demigod realm, and is one step away from the God’s realm. The strength in the body is more than ten times of the earth, and one punch can break a God.
In my mind, that white fairy flower is still slowly rotating like a female dance.
Walking along the rugged ancient road, Guo Yi looked back at the suspended temple of the virtual spirit, with a sigh in his eyes.
As soon as the original playful mountain crane flies away, it seems that it has been known that the fairy in the temple can no longer make a long sound and disappear at the end of the clouds.
Hua Er corridor "Where is the eldest fairy?"
"She’s gone," Guo Yi said.
Hua Er corridor "Where did she go?"
"In my mind," Guo Yi said this, but he left with the wind and didn’t stay for half a minute.
Fairy birds are absolutely silent and scary, leaving a temple alone and hanging in the sky forever.
Chapter 93 Return to Lingxiao Temple
In seventh heaven, there was a god, Nestle. When it smelled this god, Nestle built a sacred tree.
Shenwu tree is 90 million meters high, which is called the tallest tree in the sky. It connects the seventh heaven and the seventh heaven, which means that if you want to go to the seventh heaven, you must climb Shenwu tree.
I don’t know where I caught a dozen meters long crane and a line of people sitting on the crane’s back and flying in the direction of Shenwu Tree. Guo Yi meditated and practiced all the way without saying a word.
Red Xiang Yin is also sitting there with a bit of a smile on her face and I don’t know what to smile at.
Tao is also very heavy, and a pair of unpredictable samples are also cultivated and refined.
Only Hua Er floor suppressed for half a day, scratching its head and fishing for its hands. Finally, it suddenly got up and shouted, "Mom can’t contain Guo rogue. How did this happen? We’re still not brothers. You have to give a definite answer. What do you mean by saying nothing? Fairy heart can see even I am a fool. How can you not see it when you are born? "
Tao also opened his eyes and smiled slightly. "Being original also expressed curiosity."
Hua Er Lou gave him a white look. "If you don’t talk, I’ll turn you into a stone."
Tao smiled and said, "It’s not me but Guo Yi who turned to stone."
Guo Yi still closed his eyes and meditated without saying a word.
"Yes, it’s not only a stone, it’s just a stone in the pit." Hua Er Lou stared at Guo Yi and said with a full stomach. "My master Hua Er is also an old hand in the flowers, and his wife also married ten. Although he said some bastards, he also dared to love and hate men. Unlike some people who call him a rogue, he really became a rogue. He moved a woman’s heart but didn’t marry her. This is simply a rogue. I slept in the pool last night and almost didn’t bubble out, but I didn’t want to get it.
Tao also said, "It was not easy for me to pretend to be drunk last night."
Both of them are staring straight at Guo Yi to see his reaction.
Guo Yi closed his eyes and looked at them slowly. "Are you finished?"
Hua Er building to see him still a pair of didn’t wake up sample is to airway "didn’t say that finish Guo Yi from the place where we know most I admire you most is that you dare to be heavy feeling heavy righteousness Li Xiaoyan you dare to break into Nanling ghost domain; Liu Yan ran, you dare to kidnap the famous houses in the ancient Xuanyu path; Sue, you can die. That’s why I recognize you as the boss, but people will change, even you Guo Yi is no exception. "
"I’ve changed?" Guo Yidao
Hua Er Corridor "You have naturally changed. How many years have the red girl been waiting for you, but you haven’t made a promise?"
Guo Yi looked at one side of the red xiangyin silence.
Hua Er Building added, "Lingxiao Fairy is the most holy fairy in the world. I gave you an altar of wine and offended my old friends for many years. I didn’t even make a fairy with you. There are many infatuated women, but how many people can do this? Don’t you feel ashamed to slap your ass and leave?"
Guo Yi said, "What do you think I should do?"


Looking at the cheerful smile in the young lady’s eyes, Ai Jiani sighed gently, and others were already stunned. What is the origin of this Lan Yunpeng? Is it a good friend of Miss Marilyn? Or what is his identity?

Miss Marilyn is one of the three beauties of the Terran in Sderot. Besides her dreamy beauty, she also represents the mandala Chamber of Commerce. If she marries, she can own a country. Compared with wealth, how can this talented woman treat men like dirt so well?
Alumni is not the reason. Although both of them are taking classes at Bauhinia College, there are so many students there that they have never even met the young lady. Everyone is surprised to see what secrets Lan Yunpeng, the deputy manager of operations, is hiding.
Beauty is like jade, but Lan Yunpeng has a headache. Although they are allies, she doesn’t show such enthusiasm!
Looking at Lan Yunpeng’s distress and beauty, Miss Marilyn secretly laughs. Since she knew Lan Yunpeng, a mysterious guy, she has always wanted to keep a low profile. However, gold will always shine one day, and it will be wonderful and purple, and even arrogant and indifferent. How can such an excellent person keep a low profile?
But it’s really a strange thing that he appears here. Is that what happened?
Miss Marilyn, who is beautiful and intelligent, is a last resort, but even she can’t guess that Lan Yunpeng went to the wheat cake shop for an internship because the principal made a mistake and didn’t want to admit his mistake.
Marilyn didn’t stay in the store for long. This time, she came to Yuecheng for something else. She came around from the staff of the wheat cake shop in the back store.
"Lan Yunpeng, what are you and Miss?"
"Yes, I think you are familiar with the young lady."
"It is simply enviable to talk to the young lady for so long."
"I don’t want to hide it!"
Liking divination news is a bad habit of all intelligent races. Lan Yunpeng Hanyu Wheat Cake Shop has been approachable for a long time, but everyone is good and the employees in the store are mostly girls. They are not afraid of the deputy operation manager pestering him with questions.
Only a fool can tell the truth, but it’s a pity that a girl wears her hair off, and it’s absolutely impossible to say anything. Lan Yunpeng thinks twice and decides to say something.
"It was such an accidental opportunity that I once saved Marilyn’s classmate."
"What saved the young lady?"
The girls pricked up their ears and stopped working, but the manager Zhang Xinyue not only didn’t stop, but also ran to listen to the news of hexagrams.
"It was not long after I arrived at school." Lan Yunpeng told the story of the ribbon-cutting accident as quietly as possible, but the girls still heard screaming and many people covered their mouths.
"So you are the savior of Miss. No wonder she is special to you."
"Saving the young lady from the killer? So you are very good?"
It’s true that girls love heroes with stars in their eyes.
"No!" Lan Yunpeng shook his head at once. He didn’t want to be the idol of these girls. "It just happened that I could save Marilyn. The other side set up a subtle game. The killer was an ordinary girl. I happened to be close to Marilyn."
"So it is!" The girls nodded. Only Zhang Xinyue looked at this strange boy a few times. She knew that Lan Yunpeng studied Bauhinia College as a military skill. It was by no means ordinary people who were so modest and belittled themselves. What secrets does this peaceful teenager hide?
At the same time, the best hotel in Yuecheng has the best room.
"Is everything arranged for Aijiani?"
"Miss is in case of loss!"
Looking at the sofa, Ai Jiani, a beautiful girl as beautiful as the moon, smiled gently. Although the mandala Chamber of Commerce is extremely rich, few people know that half of its flag industry is managed by this girl who just turned ten years old. However, the real miss is far better than the fame! Everyone says that Julianne is the first among the three beauties in the mainland of Sderot, but Marilyn has always been, otherwise, her own lady is the best one.
"Thank you, go first!"
After several days of traveling, Marilyn was a little tired even though she took the most comfortable means of transportation. It is very important to have a rest day.
However, Aijiani didn’t quit, and her face flashed a trace of hesitation.
"Is there anything else?"
"Miss Han Yulan Yunpeng, are you a little too special to him?"
The original job should not be a private affair of Miss Li, but Ai Jiani is different. She is not only the bodyguard of Marilyn, but also has been taking care of her diet and daily life for more than ten years. It can be said that apart from her parents, she is the closest person to Miss Li. Although it is a bit disrespectful, Ai Jiani has always regarded Marilyn as her own relative, and she has never let her down. No matter who she is or what she does, she can be wise and intelligent.
However, since Lan Yunpeng appeared, Marilyn has changed day by day. Although her reasons are high-sounding, she can’t hide it. It is difficult for Miss Marilyn to be as calm as usual when she grows up and faces someone or something with Lan Yunpeng.
Ai Jiani doesn’t know whether she is worried or happy now. Although she is a genius, she is a young girl after all. She is worried about enjoying love and happiness at this age, but she is full of business information. How do outsiders know that miss Wu Mandala’s successor behind this aura of honor is silently paying? Ai Jiani is hurting in her eyes.
At the beginning, Ms. Ai Jiani chose to study at Bauhinia College, which is a strong support for being the best institution of higher learning in the Holy Alliance. Perhaps Miss Marilyn can find her own lifelong happiness, of course, the possibility is not high, and her excellent vision is also very comparable.
160 You never know.
You never know! Now Miss Marilyn obviously has a crush on Lan Yunpeng. Originally, Ai Jiani should feel that Miss Xin’s pursuit of happiness is exactly her wish, but Creator seems to like jokes. The name of this guy is Lan Yunpeng, and the origin of this guy is so mysterious that even the family intelligence network can’t find it.
Mysterious purple quarrelling age doesn’t match the strength. Julianne legion leader and Princess Molly seem to be all close and gorgeous. The three beautiful women of Terran are actually attracted. On the other hand, this teenager is poor and has to go to a chain store to make money for a while.
On the contrary, the appearance of a person in two situations adds to his mystery.
Ai Jiani doesn’t care about Lan Yunpeng’s life experience. It’s rich and rich, and she doesn’t need anyone to unite with her. Happiness is the most important thing. However, Lan Yunpeng’s history is too mysterious, but she has to be wary that Miss Marilyn is clever and wise, but a girl who falls in love is easy to lose her mind. If she does, she won’t hurt her.
Of course, this matter can’t be said in depth. You need to be gentle, miss. You can be smart and natural.
Marilyn’s face flashed a trace of shame, and the beauty made the flowers pale. "I have a sense of proportion. Can you not tell mom and dad first?"
"You don’t think it’s appropriate to do this without telling your master and wife?"
"Please, I’ll say it when the time is right."
Looking at Marilyn Aijiani, who was playing coquetry by pulling her sleeve, fondly touched her head. "All right!"
"Thank you!" Marilyn sat back on the sofa with a blushing smile on her face, and the joy in her eyes reminded people that she was only ten years old this year.
Ai Jiani quietly retired, and the young lady has paid too much. I hope she can find her own happiness.
I got the news that Miss Marilyn from the mandala Chamber of Commerce was coming. Every time, I was crazy. The wheat cake chain was full of people. Everyone wanted to see the sales of this tianjiao Nvzhen Yan. At the same time, the employees in the store were busy to death. Facing the shortage of manpower, Lan Yunpeng, the deputy manager of soy sauce operation and a temporary guest, was busy until two o’clock in the morning last night.
Unfortunately, Miss Marilyn didn’t show up in the end, and people had to leave disappointed.
Back to the room, I fell into bed and fell asleep until the wonderful bell cut my breath. Lan Yunpeng absently picked up the magic communication stone beside my pillow. "Hey!"
"Lan Yunpeng hasn’t got up yet?" The sound in the ear is crisp and beautiful, like a mermaid song, and it is somewhat familiar.
"What can I do for Marilyn?" Lan Yunpeng looked up and looked at the sky. It should be around early. After lying down for three or four hours, I feel full of vitality.
Marilyn is famous for her intelligence. Even through the magic communication stone, she can hear that Lan Yunpeng is still staying in bed. Of course, she knows the reason. She sipped her mouth gently. "I’ll send a car to pick you up if you have something to do first!"
"Can’t you come?"
Marilyn said for a while that a boy refused her invitation. This guy is really special.
"What do you say?"
"All right!" Lan Yunpeng was contacted by Marilyn, although not much, but after hearing a lot about this strange girl’s deeds, she would never have a good result. What’s worse, she and Marilyn are allies and heirs of the mandala Chamber of Commerce. She suddenly came to this humble city, and maybe something really happened.
With this guess, Lan Yunpeng has become a little more energetic. After men get up, things are not as complicated as those of women. Either it takes only three minutes to get dressed, wash their faces and brush their teeth.
The magic bullet train has been waiting for the reception, and the person in charge is also polite and curious to look at this strange teenager. Even some countries’ royal ladies have never paid so much attention to this courtesy. It is the first time in their memory that this Lan Yunpeng has come from.
Although I was busy late last night, there were still many people who got up early. Every time several students in the wheat cake chain watched this scene in surprise. Although Lan Yunpeng once told them about Marilyn, it was obviously impossible to explain everything just saving lives.
It seems that Lan Yunpeng still hides many secrets.
In the morning, the beautiful moon city just woke up from a deep sleep, and the birds and trees sang softly.
Miss Marilyn, dressed in a long white dress, looks as beautiful as a goddess. The sunlight shines through the clean glass and gives the room a faint golden color.
"Miss LanYunPeng has arrived"
"Okay, invite him in."
Looking at the seats, the ladies and maids also whispered to each other. Who was the lucky one who made the lady wait for him to have breakfast with patience? This treatment is a little exaggerated and I don’t know what kind of person it is.
Did Lan Yunpeng’s appearance disappoint them? He was more temperamental than a popular idol. Although he was dressed casually, it was because of this, but no one dared to underestimate that maybe he didn’t want to reveal his identity. Unfortunately, this kind of affection didn’t last long. The exaggerated eating made the girls cover their mouths one by one. Really? Is it a dream? In the face of the beautiful miss Marilyn, someone doesn’t pay attention to the image!
Actually, I can’t blame Lan Yunpeng because he has been very gentle in eating today, but there is still a big gap with those so-called nobles. Those nobles look like cats drinking water. Why don’t they be assimilated and don’t want to learn?
For Marilyn, this is no longer an ordinary breakfast. Lan Yunpeng seems that table food is not just a delicacy, but the taste has risen to the artistic level. Many dishes have never been heard of even by big officials and nobles, let alone Lan Yunpeng, who is just about to step into a well-off society.
"I’m finally full!" Lan Yunpeng stretched himself contentedly, never thinking that the world was so delicious. At this time, he found a pretty face that made the flowers pale and looked at himself with a smile.
"Eat some ugly? To be honest, I can’t learn that noble thing. "
"It’s not a palace dinner!" Marilyn found it interesting, and she didn’t mind waving her hands and sending drinks to Lan Yunpeng.
Lan Yunpeng carefully looked at the beautiful woman in front of her. The three beauties of the Terran in the mainland of Sderot have their own characteristics. Julianne is as gorgeous and noble as a phoenix, while Princess Molybdenum of the Moya Empire seems like a kind element. The fairy spirit is more beautiful than Miss Marilyn. Her body reveals a kind of intellectual beauty, which is a kind of beauty full of wisdom!
Since they met, this beautiful and intelligent woman has helped herself more than once, especially the proposal she made to form an alliance, which is incredible now.
Some people say that women who are too smart will make men feel pressure. However, with Marilyn, Lan Yunpeng has a feeling that she has known each other for many years. Her every move is so natural and just right, but I don’t know why she is so special to herself.
An investment? Compared with the rich and crowded market in the mainland of Sderot, his strength is still thin. Some Lan Yunpeng shook his head and didn’t want to go deeply. Since he regards himself as a friend, he should do his best to be friends. "What on earth is Marilyn looking for me?"
"I didn’t expect you to come here either." Marilyn smiled as if a clear spring flowed into her heart to solve the troubles of the world. "I really have a very important thing to come here."


"Don’t delay, I would have said that I am an idle person. Besides, even if I have something to do, it is not important to accompany you." Sun Sheng, after being familiar with Youlan, especially just died together, now he has the cheek to finally play.

"loquacious!" Youlan lightly chastised and said, "Oh, by the way, will we be famous for killing someone just now?"
Sun Sheng was surprised to find that he had forgotten such an important question just now. In the game, when a player kills an ordinary player in a non-duel state, the kindness value will decrease a little, while when he kills an official wanted player, the kindness value will increase. The lower the kindness value, the greater the chance of dropping the equipment. When the kindness value is as low as MINUS 100, the NPC guards in the city will attack the players in the city, and by that time, the players will really be unable to move.
I glanced at my attribute status and sure enough, my goodness value showed red "-2".
Sun Sheng can’t help regretting that he knew that he should have let those hooligans fight first and then strike back. At that time, it was considered self-defense to kill people without losing kindness.
"No, it’s only dropped by two points. Shouldn’t anyone come to kill you?"
"I didn’t drop it. I didn’t strike back until the fireball attacked me first." You said here with a sly smile.
"You are so cunning! Come on, where do you want to upgrade? "
"Let’s go to a place where there are few people, or what if someone really sees you and wants to kill you?"
"I’m still afraid of killing? Somehow I also ten levels? "
"Know you badly? But it’s always troublesome. I’m killing those big strange birds, but it’s too far to run back now. Why don’t you take a look around here first? "
"Well, do you still want to ride a grasshopper?" Sun Sheng’s nose itched again when he thought about the wonderful scene of Youlan sitting in his arms.
"No, just walk around. Don’t tire your pet out."
When they walked side by side by the lake, Sun Sheng, the latter, deliberately leaned in the direction of the orchid, and the beauty seemed to feel better, which further encouraged Sun Sheng’s color heart. The two of them almost leaned together, and the nose was full of fragrance from the beauty. Sun Sheng’s head was a little confused and Hu Qi couldn’t help but think of it at random.
The tip of Sun Sheng’s hand suddenly touched a warm, greasy, warm and comfortable feeling. At this time, Sun Sheng’s brain was still in a short circuit state, and I don’t know what it was. Out of longing for beautiful things, Sun Sheng was able to reach out to the warm and moist hand, and when he grabbed it with his backhand, it was soft and smooth, and it was always a comfortable feeling. It seemed that the temperature had risen again after kneading …
Sun Sheng enjoyed it for a while with his eyes closed, and his head gradually regained consciousness. Finally, he wanted to know what he was holding in his hand. It was very quick for Sun Shengsong to move his palm to one side. However, he was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, but he held hands with others less than a day after he met him. Sun Sheng thought that he was not as embarrassed as a westerner. He glanced at the orchid and saw her ears reddish and looked down at the ground. His eyes narrowed and his hands twisted together. Well, that should be to say, he was shy …
"Well, hey hey, it’s a nice day today, haha …" Sun Sheng grinned quickly to ease the embarrassing atmosphere.
The sound of "En" is very small. If Sun Sheng was not paying attention to the orchid reaction, he could hardly hear it.
Say that finish a sentence Sun Sheng don’t know what to say, my head is still reminiscing about the wonderful feeling just now. Following the orchid with a smirk seems to be afraid that she will see her appearance, but looking at the gentle and graceful figure of the orchid, Sun Sheng suddenly regrets how she was so timid that she didn’t even dare to take advantage of seeing the orchid. However, it doesn’t seem to be against the waves, but I want to think about this situation and ask Sun Sheng to chase and hold people’s hands again and say nothing.
After the embarrassment receded, the distance between them seemed to be a little closer. It was pleasant to kill monsters while chatting all the way, but they all killed some low-level monsters of thirteen or fourteen, which was lower than Sun Sheng wanted.
"It’s better to kill monsters with 16 or 17 grades without any trouble or convenience to protect you." Youlan said that it’s enough to kill monsters with 14 or 15 grades, but Sun Sheng insisted on killing monsters with higher grades. "I can only show my brave posture in monsters with high grades. If I kill monsters with low grades, wouldn’t it be a great outfit?" Of course, Sun Sheng said this to himself, and at the same time, another drama of saving the United States by heroes surfaced in Sun Sheng’s head.
Find the cement monster orchid and say they are too disgusting to kill; Finding the grassland rabbit orchid and saying that they are too cute to kill, so finding a kind of monster with suitable grade and appearance has become the focus of the two people. Finally, Sun Shengcai finally met some 16-level lizards, which has been more than two hours since they decided to kill the monster.
Lizards are half a meter long, and their thighs are thicker and faster. Generally, they attack and defend themselves, except biting people. It hurts to hit the body. If the orchid level is too low, they will hide far behind Sun Sheng. If Xiaoyu or Gray are called out, these lizard roots will not be enough to show themselves in front of the orchid. Sun Sheng did not call out two generals, but went to fight the lizard alone.
Lizards are very cooperative with Sun Sheng’s performance plan. Two or three lizards besieged Sun Sheng alone, which made Sun Shengzhi proud. It was wonderful to show his heroism in front of beautiful women.
Chapter 13 Do you have a boyfriend
However, it is still a bit difficult for Sun Sheng to face the attack of three lizards. Avoiding lizards brings him pain, which affects his masculine expression. Sun Sheng tries to avoid the physical attack of lizards, but it is also quite difficult to fight with three things lying on the ground with more than 30 centimeters. Therefore, it is always impossible to avoid them. Moreover, these lizards are very illiterate and spit at Sun Sheng, which makes Sun Sheng a little flustered. However, the beauty can’t fall off the shelf when watching, even if it hurts, but it is insulting to spit. Hide or you will be embarrassed to listen to the beautiful women cheering in front of you with dirty and sticky spittle. With their own equipment, Sun Sheng waved and danced the spirit sword and lizards and fought fiercely. Every time he attacked, he bent down and thought of his ugly posture. Sun Sheng envied those handsome martial arts actors in the film. Wushu? The most handsome martial arts in Sun Sheng’s mind is exaggeration and elegant lightness skill. Although he can’t, can he jump higher? Isn’t it handsome to pose at a height and turn over? At the thought of making a monkey jump, Sun Sheng jumped more than four meters, put on a flying posture in high school, and then stabbed a lizard with his head outstretched and his arms falling freely.
Can there be an accident before the head is crossed? Sun Sheng realized in hindsight that he had never had such experience in performing stunts. Before landing, he doubted whether his idea was clever, but he could not regret it.
With the help of Sun Sheng’s weight, the spirit sword pierced a lizard’s head and nailed it to the ground. With this opportunity, Sun Sheng reduced his speed a little, but he was still at a relatively fast level. Sun Sheng, a player who was killed by a fall, could not show his heroic image in front of a beautiful woman any more. He twisted his waist and fell sideways to another lizard together.
Bang! The ground trembled a little, and Sun Sheng’s shame method achieved certain results. It was very unfortunate that Sun Sheng-shen was killed by a 5% weakness attack, while Sun Sheng-shen’s was even more unfortunate. Previously, Sun Sheng had been cared for by Sun Sheng at most, and there was not much blood long ago. Sun Sheng’s pressure was no less than a heavy blow and moaning. He was almost crushed into a pie and saw that he was dead.
Although there was a meat pad, Sun Sheng didn’t lose his eyes. When he turned over and groaned, he almost didn’t breathe. There was a lizard left. Seeing the opportunity to gather around Sun Sheng’s head, he shot a sticky spit on Sun Sheng’s face. If he didn’t satisfy his mouth, he would have to give artificial respiration to Sun Sheng …
"ah!" When I shouted, Sun Sheng was almost scared to death by the lizard’s bad attempt. The first kiss almost gave a bad breath lizard!
Sun Sheng hid from lizards and kissed them. She quickly jumped up without wiping her face, spitting and wielding a sword to cut at this hateful lizard who dared to ask for a kiss. Few of these lizards also lay on the ground and didn’t move. Three lizards lost two tongues, and Sun Sheng endured nausea and picked them up. Then she secretly cast her body behind the orchid and picked up a few teeth, but there was no dissection. It was not a gentleman! Since elegant blunt orchid hey hey smile, but because of hanging on the face spit in the eyes of orchid is unspeakable ferocious can’t help but cover your mouth and chuckle.
Looking at picking up the orchid’s shyness, Sun Sheng was even more happy, but looking at her strange eyes finally found something wrong. The sleeves wiped their faces and spit and attacked the lizards.
Quite simply, to tell the truth, Sun Shenggen, these lizards, who are two levels lower, can take a one-on-one hit without paying attention to them. Now? For a long time, like Changshan Zhao Long, Sun Sheng also killed a seven-in and seven-out among lizards, but the number of lizards he faced was not as large as that of Cao Cao’s hand soldiers. Sun Sheng hardly had any rest in the process of killing monsters.
It may be that Sun Sheng killed too many lizards and finally angered the lizards. A lizard BOSS was brushed out. Sun Shengyi didn’t know it and didn’t take it to heart. When it was an ordinary lizard, he killed it with a sword after solving it.
Cut, cut, cut! Why is this lizard so hacked? Sun Sheng wondered that, as usual, even two lizards should be killed, but they were still firmly in front of themselves, spitting leisurely at themselves and noticing that there was a difference. Sun Sheng’s eyes glanced at the lizard Lord’s sixth-order 17-level life 721/136 vitality 56/76 endurance 95/ No wonder it turned out to be a small BOSS, but it is the simplest one. Not only is its rank not much higher than that of ordinary lizards, but its ability is limited. At most, it takes a little time, but it is no threat to Sun Sheng. Sun Sheng doesn’t know that the biggest event of this lizard is not a one-on-one fight, but a group fight. When it is attacked, this lizard Lord can call all the territorial lizards to attack the target. Even Sun Sheng may not be able to resist many ants and kill elephants, but it is a pity that Sun Sheng will summon his soldiers early and quietly. This unlucky lizard Lord will have a chance to live to that time.
It’s a pity that Sun Sheng didn’t let it live to that time. Finally, the lizard Lord was unwilling to hang on the ground and broke out a pair of gloves, which were very small.
The battlefield has been very clean, and spearmint came running. Sun Sheng gave up his plan to collect lizards.


Makhedi wants to rely on this method to temporarily stop thieves in the southern foothills from looting the residents. However, in Chen Kai’s view, this method is a palliative. If there are robbers in Khedira, Makhedi will never take back the southern foothills to Khedira City. At the same time, this retreat policy is also disguised as telling robbers that Khedira City is weak, which is also the case.

When Chen Kai and his men left Khedira with a hundred trainee temple knights and city guards, the defense force of the whole city was directly reduced by half. Makhdi could rely on less than 50 city guards to defend the roots. I don’t know how many robbers there are. This is as difficult as a child holding a toothpick against an adult. Although the child holding a toothpick may be superman, the adult’s strength may not be worse than superman. Because there are a large number of demons in the wild in Khedira, before Makhdi’s strength is restored, he is equivalent to. An ordinary demon Lord. Now this situation is not dominant in high-end force. Although there is news that several demon lords who used to be Huli Grice were swallowed up by evil Warcraft, they all died out of bad luck or poor strength. In Mark Hedy’s view, those demons who came alive must be very strong, and there are hundreds of thousands of them far more than the number of Khedira demons. Even if the evil Warcraft can be eaten, it is impossible to eat them in part. At least 200,000 to 300,000 demons fled into the surrounding wasteland.
What worries Mark Hedi most is that according to his wife Wei lù nika, the demons have built several small cities outside Khedira, where some inferior demons and human beings live as hard laborers. However, these cities are far away from Khedira, so they have never been discovered by Khedira humans. The most important thing is that these cities rely on the power of some demon wizards to create the same place as the magic greenhouse outside the mage tower to produce food and even keep livestock in captivity. In the depressed situation, the demons developed urban agriculture and even more developed. Hearing Nasari’s words made many high-level heads in Khedira dizzy all the time. They always thought that the two huge magic greenhouses in Khedira were the most miraculous things in this plane, but they didn’t expect that the demons built several magic greenhouses quietly and kept wild animals as meat and energy storage.
This kind of developed agriculture and animal husbandry can hardly be accepted by the complacent human beings, because it means that even if the demons are driven out of Khedira, there will be no starvation. On the contrary, those hidden demon cities will flourish even more, which will definitely not be a good thing for Khedira. Therefore, Makhedi has to announce a new round of urban transformation plan to rebuild three magic greenhouses on the basis of rebuilding the old city, but now Khedira is poor, let alone build one. Even the repair of the original magic greenhouse was completed with the help of the little witch Chrisann, because the mage towers have long lost the technology of building the magic greenhouse.
Faced with this situation, the leader of the mage tower * * Shi Suolong’s face twitched, which is not the end of his fault. The magic greenhouse is a combination of magic science that consumes a lot of materials and resources. Although the mage tower still retains some information about the original construction of the magic greenhouse, the most important way to protect the magic circle from the evil atmosphere of the outside world has been lost. However, the old wizards also know that Khedira doesn’t need those two things now, because the temple no longer exudes sacred glory. In Khedira’s daily prayers, the sacred field is constantly expanding to the gods. The evil light disappears in the sacred area, and the soil slowly becomes plantable under the divine power. Because the soil has been invaded by the evil power for a long time, the soil fertility is extremely high after being purified by the divine power, which is very suitable for the growth of agricultural products.
But now Khedira’s purified soil is close to the temple, which is the longest when it is shrouded in sacred power, followed by the mage tower, probably because the little witch Chrisann once stayed here, and she naturally purified the surrounding land unconsciously. Now, the magical greenhouse is not high for Khedira, but the only thing that is lacking is various arrangements to adjust the temperature and moisture. After the demon city of Khedira was thoroughly cleaned up, Mark Khe. Dee finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although most demons have taken away the things that can be taken away, some magical materials still remain, which left a glimmer of hope for the mage tower mages. Of course, for Makhedi, the huge demon city is the whole Khedira worry, because even the knife witch Wang Nashali doesn’t know how many exits there are in the demon city, how many machines there are, and how many secrets are hidden. Because Huli Grice didn’t design it uniformly when building the city, but delineated the areas for each area. The devil built it himself, so every demon Lord didn’t know what it was like for other demon lords to build areas. Nathalie could know some areas because she had been to those areas, but she was not clear about other areas.
According to the facts, the Yugoslav capital of Khedira is not only a threat to the bandits outside the city, but also to the demon city passages that don’t know where they lead. After Chen Kai and his team left Khedira, it took Mark Hedi three days to clean up the demon city. Although he found a lot of magical materials, he couldn’t make the duke feel calm. Although they found almost three magical greenhouse materials in three days, they also found a lot of evidence that demons sneaked into Khedira city. Covered in the sacred power of the goddess of life, these demons dare not go to the sun openly, but Mark Hedy got the report that in these three days, 15 people were missing in the dark corner of Y and N, and one of them was a new city defense force.
When Makhedi sent someone to look for the missing person, the only thing he found was a torn body. Looking at the fragments of weapons and armor scattered around, Makhedi knew that it was the missing Yugoslav Army soldier, but before he disappeared, he was alive, and now he has become a body full of flies. Looking at the dead body, Makhedi was extremely depressed. Although he wanted to say that killing soldiers is not a demon, it seems from the paw prints and other scars on the body that no other creatures can do such a thing except the demon. At this time, Mark Hedy is the biggest headache for the devil to hurt people. Because his fiancee Wei lù Nika has just integrated into the Hedera family, it is a big blow to Mark Hedy that the devil hurts people at this moment.
In fact, if there are enough soldiers at hand, Mark Hedy will definitely not hesitate to send people into the demon city to clean it up, but he finds that he can’t have so many people. Maybe even the demon himself doesn’t know how big the demon city is, but one thing Mark Hedy can be sure of is that this city can accommodate as few as 100,000 people, and it is still 100,000 bigger than ordinary human beings. The demon said that Mark Hedy can’t put his hands in the Central Plains, so there are not enough people to fill the hole in it. This may never be enough for him. Can send someone to clean up the urban area a little bit, so that the dwarf can block the tunnels and secret passages in the urban area and keep some main roads. It was once simple for Makhedi to give the urban area of Khedira to civilians who lost their houses, but Makhedi did not allow it.
Although this can solve a large part of the housing problem, the dangerous demon city will cause great casualties to Khedira human beings. No one knows how many demons are hidden in those dark passages. Later, exploring the city of Khedira and cleaning up this city has become the most difficult for Khedira. There is nothing. Some people would rather face the title of King of Life than explore in the city where there are no demons, so at least you can know when you will die, but in the city where the root can’t see the light and the Mi Palace is the same, you can even find a way out.
There was a group of unlucky players who walked in this Mi Palace for half a month, but when they committed suicide, they sadly found that the exit was only separated from their death place by a wall. This happened many times after the players entered Khedira, because even the demon who built this dungeon could not recognize the road inside. Of course, Chen Kai did not enter this dungeon, so when Chen Kai came back from Khedira, he tried to try a dungeon Mi Palace, but he almost didn’t starve to death.
Now, of course, Chen Kai is eating and hunting outside the city of Khedira, or it can’t be called hunting but poaching. Because of the evil Warcraft in the wilderness, they must be careful when hunting. If the prey emits blood, it will attract predators. Now, the highest predator in Khedira is no longer the devil and those Warcraft, but from time to time, it is screaming and flying over the dragon and the purgatory black dragon beast. After being attacked by two levels of evil Warcraft, it is said that the novice city guards and temple knights are still sent as nannies. Shi Wei and Chen Kai all know that it is absolutely fatal to emit blood in the wilderness.
The original hunting action has turned into poaching like a thief. It should have been the owner of the wilderness, Khedira. At this moment, human beings are approaching those low-level Warcraft like poachers. They are not afraid of these low-level Warcraft counterattacks. Because not only Chen Kai, they can easily kill these Warcraft, but those Shi Wei can also be armed to the teeth. Trainees, temple knights and city guards can also do the same, but everyone is afraid that being killed will lead to evil Warcraft, so they will face the danger of death.
After all, the two low-level evil Warcraft put too much pressure on ll and them. More than one hundred soldiers armed to the teeth plus five swordsmen with a rank higher than the order plus ll and a group of them were almost crippled by those evil Warcraft. Ten soldiers were killed in that attack, one named Kuru Shiwei was badly injured and there were more than two dozen injured soldiers. It can be said that the whole hunting team lost one-fifth of its combat effectiveness in less than half a day from Khedira City and had to flee back to the city in a mess.
After summing up the lessons, Chen Kai and others went into the wilderness for the second time. This time, Mark Hedy sent Shi Wei nanny to increase two. At the same time, the injured soldiers were transferred back to the city. Although the manpower was reduced, the hunting team finally became cautious after eating a loss. Every time they fought, they were compressed as much as possible to one minute. At the same time, when dealing with the body of Warcraft, they also tried to compress all the fur of Warcraft, giving up the body and directly dividing it into bags.
Although this hunting method is very slow, the number is much higher. The most important thing is that Chen Kai is not worried about being attacked by evil Warcraft, because they will repeatedly explore the surrounding situation before each hunting. Unless the evil Warcraft attacks from the sky or the ground, Chen Kai and they can definitely find out the fact. Chen Kai and they later found that the number of evil Warcraft in the dozens of kilometers outside the city of Hedila is actually not much, or that the total number of really alive evil Warcraft is not much. Now many evil Warcraft are actually far away from the town. It is difficult to see a trace of evil Warcraft in the city’s sphere of influence. Chen Kai, they just met two low-level evil Warcraft in one day
At present, Chen Kai is looking at a cow named Kola, which belongs to the unique soil of Khedira’s plane. Warcraft is relatively low. Compared with other Warcraft, it is only five orders less than six orders. In Kola, the strength is the worst, but even the worst Kola is a carnivore. Its developed cow can easily tear a thin-skinned armor than its teeth, and its forehead horn can easily pierce ordinary armor. The most important thing is that it is huge. It is three meters long and weighs more than three tons. Once it is hit by such a creature, the outcome will not be better than a car. Where is the worst or its forehead?
In Chen Kai’s view, the low level of Cora cattle may be because it has mastered the magic of Warcraft, which is called Warcraft because most of Warcraft have mastered one or two spells, and Cora cattle magic has been called chicken ribs by Chen Kai. That is because it is just to ignite the tail and turn it into a torch. The root of the fire tail doesn’t have much damage. Everyone wants to laugh every time they see it. The so-called "not hurting the enemy first" probably means that Cora cattle burns its tail root without causing harm to others, but then drags a burning tail in pain.
It is also difficult to deal with the running of Cora cattle, which is caused by its large size but not slow at all. Once it runs, the impact will be great, but this is also the reason why Cora cattle are best caught alive. The running bison has no resistance to sudden rope mixing, especially when the rope mixing is made of metal, it is impossible for it to even break the other side. Chen Kai, once they find Cora cattle, their favorite way is to send a U-legged man to lead you after arranging the accompanying trap. Leading the opponent around the rope-mixing trap and running at a high speed, Cora cattle like to run with their heads down against the horns, so that its huge horns will block its sight and jump up the rope-mixing rope unseen. The final result is usually that its U-shaped foot is broken and then it is captured alive or killed by falling too fast.
At the moment, Chen Kai, they are staring at Cora cattle, which is the first time that they have seen the success of capturing seven Cora cattle alive. The group is very excited. After all, Cora cattle are the best energy storage except for biting and eating meat. No other animals in Khedira have Cora cattle at the same time. For Chen Kai, Cora cattle may be able to cultivate a cattle cavalry in Khedira, but he believes that with several * *. It is absolutely easy to domesticate these stupid cows. If these creatures have not been domesticated yet and are too fierce, Chen Kai really wants to be an ox knight addict. Of course, compared with Lala’s style, these cows are too unbearable, except for those horns. There is a big gap between other places and the real bison … Q!
The first volume Chapter 113 The day before the reunification (2)
Chapter 113 The day before the reunification, Li Er
If Khedira people want to eat what kind of animal meat, then Chen Kai and his team are definitely the first to catch Cora cattle. This is not only because it has the word cow in its name and tastes like beef, but because this kind of Warcraft has a layer of body that can resist external evil spirits and enter the body. Very few of the meat in the body is polluted by evil forces, which is a kind of pure natural and highly polluted protein meat.
At the same time, because of the hot environment in Khedira, most of Warcraft living here don’t need thick fat to keep warm. Although Cora cattle do have fat layers, they are evenly distributed with bright red lean meat, showing layers of very beautiful patterns. This pattern makes Chen Kai look a bit like the salmon meat texture in the display, which makes people look very appetizing. However, it is only the chest, abdomen, thigh and muscle, and the fiber is unusually thick than those muscle fibers. Chen Kai just knows how thick this part of the meat is just by seeing the cut muscle incision.
However, for Khedira, this kind of meat is already delicious. The most important thing is that compared with those soft and tender meat pieces, Khedira people prefer to bite the tendons, so that the meat pieces are more delicious. Looking at those soldiers stuffing the tendons with blood in their mouths, Chen Kai thinks that the cooking level of Khedira must be high as soon as possible, but Chen Kai doesn’t know that he is dismissive of this dish now, but it is the most famous dish of Khedira City Guards. It is difficult to eat Incolla cattle on a normal day. At that time, it was the most important storage power in Khedira City unless he died naturally.
The dead Cora cow gave the soldiers who went out hunting an unusually pleasant dinner. Of course, Chen Kai and them also got a big piece of beef. The most important thing is that he paid back the money and bought two beef tenderloins that were made into old people by the soldiers from Hadmen. For them, this kind of tender meat is suitable for the old people, but for Chen Kai and them, these two pieces of beef tenderloin with snowflake marbles are absolutely the best ingredients. Just looking at the pattern, Chen Kai feels that it is very worthwhile to spend a secret silver coin if it is placed in the original mainland. It takes less than one hundred gold coins to make a steak with a rib, but one rib can make at least 20 copies with two ribs. Chen Kai spent a secret silver coin price, but if he put it on the original mainland, he could sell at least two purple gold coins.
This can’t be said that Khedira humans don’t know the goods, but that Khedira didn’t consume the market in this way. The most important thing is that Khedira humans are oppressed by demons, and many people don’t even have enough to eat. How can they study cooking techniques? Maybe the devil’s cooking methods are much higher than those of Khedira people now. At least Chen Kai thinks that it is difficult for those soldiers to cook broth roots, but they still drink it as if it were delicious, but they don’t put seasoning broth with a bloody smell. Although delicious, it is definitely not delicious
Relatively speaking, Chen Kai still likes Su Wan’s broth, although it still smells a little fishy because of the lack of seasoning, but it is much more delicious than those broth without any seasoning. However, Chen Kai’s liking for this flavor does not mean that others like it. Relatively speaking, those soldiers still like natural broth or they prefer the taste of meat because they seldom eat meat. Chen Kai and others are not used to chopping meat and cooking soup. They all drink soup in large pieces and cook it in water. Similarly, the amount of meat in their plates is also very large. Each piece has Chen Kai’s two fists, which are as big as those of ordinary people.
Seeing those soldiers eating meat samples, Chen Kai felt that he couldn’t eat meat any more. When those pieces of meat were not cooked, these soldiers couldn’t help but catch them and bite them. If it wasn’t for the bodyguard Hardman’s wooden stick, it was estimated that the meat would have entered the soldiers’ stomachs before the broth was cooked. In fact, if it wasn’t for checking the wounds, Chen Kai doubted whether these soldiers and trainee knights had eaten meat before deliberately killing the two Kola cows instead of transporting them back to Khedira alive.
"Boss! Is it okay for us to cook with fire? Don’t these meaty smells attract predators? What if there are two more evil monsters? " Cloud squatted by the campfire and watched the doodle rolling broth with saliva and worried about the surrounding environment.
"Worry about fart! When the horse gives me something to eat, go to scout for me. If an evil Warcraft comes in, I will twist your head and kick it as a ball! " When I heard the evil words from Lleyton Cloud, I vomited to stick out my tongue. Who let him die a day ago? Lleyton was kicked by the orc Carragher. As a result, Lleyton almost strangled him with a sullen face. Although the little jj grew back, it was always cut off, which made people feel very wrong. But the cloud was unlucky and urged which pot didn’t directly hit Lleyton’s angry muzzle. As a result, Lleyton has always had a bad face on the cloud. After all, Little jj can’t be cut off by himself, even in the game.
"oh! Horse! Hey! " Yun heard Chen Kai’s angry face with a hint of smile. He knew that Chen Kai’s anger was almost over. It is estimated that Chen Kai would not lose his temper with him if he asked him not to do it again. So after dinner, the horse sneaked into the wilderness around the camp. He wanted to arrange some alarm devices in the wilderness and explore whether there were predators around. This is the most difficult place for thieves. Many times thieves often feel aggrieved when they are complained that they are not agile enough, because they can usually afford to take risks. Go to bed earlier than chickens, go to bed later than dogs, and sometimes eat worse than pigs. When taking risks in the wild, thieves need to explore the road ahead for one night in front of all the members’ lines. When all the members’ lines rest, they have to be busy setting up alarm devices for the campsite. If they are lucky enough to eat, they can eat hot food like clouds. If they are unlucky, they have to hide in the wild for a long time, so they have to eat cold bread to live.
This is not the end of some facts. As the player’s level rises, more and more players come into contact with the world in the game and some high levels are gradually taken over by players. These are all extremely demanding for thieves, and this is only to dismantle traps. When exploring in cities and other places, a good thief will have three or four meat shields. Sometimes it is better to have a good thief than three or four meat shields. After all, once the meat shield is attacked by people, it will also hang up. However, a good thief can arrange many warning devices when camping to minimize the probability of being attacked by monsters or enemies in the wild adventure.
Although there are many thieves in the game, there are few good thieves. After all, the players are not aborigines in the game. Many of them have never suffered in reality. Even the number of players in the bloody mode is only one tenth, which is less than the good thieves. Compared with the total number of players, no one is willing to do coolies in the game. Not everyone can stand it, so many players turn to attract aborigines in the game, but even if the level of thieves in the game is only four. Some thieves are as easy to play as playing cards. After dozens of cases of players’ teams being looted by thieves and employees in the game broke out, this trend was suppressed. After all, if a player thief cheats money, it will be difficult for him to get mixed up in the game, although it is not found by the horse. There is nothing to change his appearance, equipment and skills in the game. If a player commits fraud, he will be notorious on the Internet, but no one wants to team up for a while and lose his name. It’s not the fact that thieves who are powerful players will do things. Nowadays, most senior thieves are more or less registered in some guilds except playing games with their friends. In addition to the benefits from the game, the grandfather will give them some gold coins to ensure that these thieves don’t quit.
Of course, paid thieves are naturally under greater pressure, because their wages are linked to their own income from completing guilds and outdoor adventures, which also causes these thieves to study their fighting skills, crack traps and set traps, and finally make these thieves become stronger and stronger. Some players in the game have made a list according to the comprehensive strength of current players and thieves, but the higher the ranking, the greater the controversy among thieves, because the ranking of this list depends not on the division of combat effectiveness but on various kinds of thieves. Trap-cracking ability and trap-setting ability and field exploration ability are divided into three integral calculations, all of which have great fluctuations, resulting in the list ranking always changing. At present, Zhiyun ranks in the first place in this list, and this fluctuation difference is already very small. Once a thief ranked first fell to more than two places the next day and climbed back to the third place a week later. It can be said that compared with the ups and downs of thousands of players, the cloud fluctuation is not great, which is probably due to the fact that he has been hanging around with Chen Kai. Some areas where no one has set foot are very helpful to the thief ranking points.
However, for Yun, although this area of Khedira is very helpful to increase his ranking of thieves, this place is not worthy of his nostalgia, but now he has got a condition that is worthy of his nostalgia. The beef tenderloin with snowflakes and marble lines made him drool. He even went to the bodyguard Hadmen to buy all the beef with snow patterns, eyes, brains and legs, because he thought it was the best meat. It must be said that it was the food quality of Yun that impressed him with Khedira. It’s a little better, of course. It’s just the ingredients, not the cooking. Watching Yunhua secret silver coins buy those soldiers don’t like soft and tender meat pieces. The bodyguard officer Hardman felt very strange. Although the patterns of these meat pieces are beautiful, in his opinion, they are too soft and tender, and there is nothing to chew. When Yunyun spends money to buy them, Hardman can’t help but recommend a meat piece that he thinks is the best. But when Yunyun sees the shape of the meat piece, he directly chooses to look at the other person because Hardman actually gave it to Yunyun. It is recommended that the meat piece closest to the tendon is very difficult to boil and chew when it is cooked. It is also difficult to chew these meat pieces because of the horrible teeth of human beings like Khedira.
Yun walks slowly in the wilderness. Of course, he won’t run too far away from the camp, but he won’t be too close or too far away. If he is alone, he will be in great danger. Although he is a thief and can hide in the shadows, the high temperature in Khedira makes him sweat all the time and hide his body. For some monsters with a keen sense of smell, it is too dangerous for Yun to investigate in the bare wilderness without a trace of shelter, which he doesn’t like. One of the reasons for Khedira is that the thief’s skills are not strong enough to hide his body completely. If he is alert, all creatures can see the ground thieves stepping on footprints or hear the shoes rustling on the sand.
Although Yun tries hard to reduce the movement of his feet on the ground, the sand generated by long-term weathering always makes a rustling sound when he steps on the ground. This kind of sound makes Yun very depressed. If it is in a fierce battle, absolutely no one will pay attention to it, but at other times, for example, when it is quiet now, then the cloud is very entangled. Fortunately, there is still a little wind around to cover up these rustling, which makes the cloud not particularly sad. Of course, at this time, he has no time to entangle these problems because he must set up warning traps as soon as possible. In this wild wilderness, there are not many common warning traps, and the area where traps need to be arranged is too large, so it is impossible for him to make efforts to dig holes one by one to arrange large traps, and to arrange small warning traps with various simple devices. Fortunately, the number of thin-line bells in the hands of the cloud is quite large, even if it is arranged in an area twice as large, and this area will later become a fixed camp where the guards of Khedira City go out to camp. Now, the warning traps are arranged, and almost every one is constantly strengthened. Every thief who comes here will make up some new traps in this trap area out of comparison. In the end, if the team wants to get in and out of this camp carelessly, it will cause an alarm, a big scene, a bad luck, stepping on a harmful trap and almost dying.
These continuous traps almost didn’t destroy this camp, which was hard to build, because there were so many traps around that the adventure team couldn’t get in and out. In the end, it is estimated that the first field camp in Khedira will be completely trapped by the action of thieves and players if it hadn’t taken three days to dismantle some traps at the risk of demotion.
Of course, Yungen doesn’t know that he has created a trap area called the death zone for this camp. He wants to arrange a large alarm array that can alarm. Thin lines are arranged in the hands of the cloud with a root cutting stick. Bells are arranged in the crevices of rocks by the cloud in a very secret way or on the surface of the bunker. Once the bells are connected with thin lines, they will jump out of the hidden place and make a loud bell. It can be said that this alarm trap cloud is now at the peak of trap knowledge. After that, he almost collapsed to the ground, but looking at the increase in his trap knowledge, he felt that it was all worthwhile. However, Yun did not expect that he had just completely arranged the trap when the bell in the northwest suddenly rang, and then it sounded like a domino. At the same time, he also alerted the camp not far away.
"no! Some bastard ran into my trap! Damn it, don’t let the uncle catch you and kill you! " In Gaopo Cloud, I didn’t see the sound of the beast. He thought it was a patrol soldier who accidentally met it, but he soon found that this judgment seemed to be wrong. Because he set a trap area, the roots were outside the patrol range of soldiers, so he would never be a soldier. If he wasn’t a soldier, there would be an attacker left. But Yun couldn’t figure out what the attacker was, but when he thought of attacking the mage Tower in Khedira, he immediately lost sight of the evil Warcraft.
"Boss! Beware of the invisible evil Warcraft coming in! " As soon as the cloud news rang in the team channel, a soldier was attacked by Warcraft and screamed. The red leopard slowly emerged from the shadows. It still bit an unlucky trainee knight in its mouth, but the trainee knight’s head was gone.
"It has a magic tattoo on its head!" When this sound sounded in the team channel, the cloud knew that Chen Kai and others were in big trouble, because the whole mage tower had a layer of evil magic circle, and a total of 13 monsters with magic lines were transformed, and this one must have been the original one-meter-long leopard, but the cloud was not white. A tooth-toothed demon would turn into a red leopard in the magic circle, except for the head horns with a hint of demon characteristics, there was no connection with the devil root in other aspects, but considering that those transformed creatures seemed to have little connection with the original evil. The demons are connected, but it is clear that those who have the demon-patterned evil Warcraft are absolutely powerful, because the first one who has the demon-patterned evil Warcraft is the dragon that scares the teachers.
With such a horrible biological example, the top leaders of Khedira labeled the monsters with magic lines as dangerous. However, ll never knew that they had just repaired the camp and prepared to rest. Fortunately, the cloud set traps to help them report to the police before, otherwise they would definitely suffer more casualties. Of course, the most important thing is that this monster came out of the shadows after attacking a person, and a bright red fur was displayed in front of ll and if anyone swallowed the trainee knight together with armor.
The first volume Chapter 114 The day before the reunification (3)
Chapter 114 The day before the reunification, Risan
Chen Kaiji has no information to make him know that the other party is thirteen demon-striped demon-Warcraft I, and it is the only one with a petite body. If it wasn’t for the red light shining in its forehead, Chen Kaiji would regard it as an ordinary red leopard instead of an evil demon-Warcraft.
However, no one will regard the other side as a red leopard just because this monster looks like the red leopard in the wild Warcraft of Khedira. When he saw this monster, Chen Kai first remembered that it was the original Mifis, which was full of charm and charm. The dog-beast variant was also brighter than fur, and every movement was extremely elegant and beautiful. It also had the strength that Chen Kai could hardly resist. The dog-beast was later lost and disappeared. It may have been taken back by the druids to serve as a stallion to breed offspring, or it may have fled to a place to occupy the mountain king.
Of course, ll think of that beautiful dog and beast, not because of the appearance of evil Warcraft in front of him and the fact that the dog and beast are animals, but because he thinks that the eating animal of evil Warcraft in front of him, like the dog and beast at the beginning, is a monster that integrates elegance, a term that should not have appeared in the beast’s body, into the eating animal.
Looking at each other chewing the corpse of a soldier in armor, ll felt a strange feeling instead of a trace of fear. He felt that the other party was eating the corpse and it was very beautiful, so he should be swallowed slowly by the other party.
Thinking that he should be swallowed up by the other side, ll’s body should be uncontrolled, and he should step forward step by step towards the body of evil Warcraft as if he were taking the initiative to throw himself at himself. The fact is not only that others, even those guards, are also the same. The whole person is in a daze and doesn’t know what to do with his feelings. If it is not a cloud, even if he feels that maybe everyone in the camp will slowly walk into the mouth of evil Warcraft in the slightest awareness.
When Yun hurried back to the camp, he just saw that this monster’s mouth looks like a red leopard’s mouth opening. The scene is even more terrible than those of the python’s mouth. If the python’s mouth can be closed at the maximum angle, but after all, its mouth will become so big. But at this moment, Chen Kai and others slowly walked into the mouth of Warcraft, which was originally 30 centimeters wide, but now it is two or three meters wide. The huge mouth is displayed in front of those soldiers like a black hole. It is not a matter of angle size, but the whole mouth suddenly. However, it has become a problem several times, so the head of this monster has become bigger than its body. Its body is only three meters long, but now its head width alone is more than three meters. There is no tongue in its mouth. These things are just a deep black hole that seems to lead to another dimension. Of course, it is definitely not to some beautiful place, but to the stomach bag of this monster.
Therefore, when the cloud saw that horrible mouth, the whole person stayed directly. Fortunately, he had seen a mouth less than this. The crocodile mouth living in the holy lake in the north of Khedira was much larger than the other side. Just one tooth is as high as the cloud, but no matter how big the other side’s mouth is, it is absolutely not procrastinating. That is to directly pull out the waist dagger and do its best to the other side’s ass.
This is not to say that the cloud attack is obscene, but because when he rushed into the camp, the evil Warcraft just turned his back on him. The most important point is that if the cloud came in and just saw the other side’s front, the scene would never be changed by Chen Kai. It is precisely because he rushed into the camp from behind the other side and escaped being controlled by the mind after the monster opened his mouth that the cloud can act as a hero when everyone is facing a crisis, but the hero’s ending is usually not very good, especially. His heroic deeds just disturb this evil Warcraft eating. No one will be disturbed by people while eating, and even worse, it is not a person who is disturbed by clouds, but a cruel monster.
Cloud attack, not to mention that it was absolutely successful. I kept my mouth open and manipulated the soldiers mentally. The root of Warcraft didn’t notice the arrival of the cloud. By the time it noticed the moment, the cloud dagger was less than 30 centimeters away from its ass. Although it tried its best to shake its tail like Strafe and wanted to sweep the cloud out, the result was that its tail collided with the blade of the cloud dagger.
Force is mutual, not only in reality, but also in the game. If the cloud doesn’t make violent kinetic energy when stabbing with a dagger, he will definitely do harm to this monster. It is precisely because of this desperate skill of making violent kinetic energy, which is extremely long in D, that he can hold the evil Warcraft, which is like Strafe’s tail. The power increase twice makes the cloud power value soar to the same level as Zhao Tiezhu in a short time. Although this time is only a short ten seconds, it is enough for him to hold the evil Warcraft roaring. The most important thing about the steel tail is that this unfortunate monster’s tail is so good that it will not die and split in the cloud to erect a dagger. Although it is said that it is an inch long, an inch strong and an inch short, the shorter the weapon is, the tighter and firmer it can be held. In the case of holding the weapon with one hand, the longer the weapon is, the harder it is to hold it. If the weapon in the cloud is a sword, the cloud may not be able to hold it when the tail of Warcraft hits the tip of the sword, but what he holds in his hand is a dagger with a blade length of less than 2 cm. The most important thing is that the dagger handle is
At twice the power increase, the cloud arm was discounted, but the more tragic thing is that the force of the evil Warcraft is mutual. Although the tail of the evil Warcraft is strong enough and the fur defense is strong enough, it hits the cloud holding the dagger blade, and half of the tail is directly chopped off by the dagger blade. The sharpness of the cloud dagger is not necessarily the highest among all people, but it is also a high-quality blue magic weapon. The sharpness value is as high as 53. Plus, the magic pair of dagger suits makes the dagger famous among thieves as high as 50,000 gold coins. The purchase price is second only to the purple sacred weapon among the high-quality blue weapons for thieves at present. Of course, Yun has absolutely no intention to sell them. After all, this pair of daggers is not only beautiful, but also strong in cutting magic power. The most important thing is that it is very suitable for Yun’s hand type and his attack habit. Unfortunately, this dagger has no soul binding ability. Otherwise, Yun definitely binds the dagger soul, so you have to worry about whether your dagger will explode every time you hang it. Of course, Yun’s dagger has not exploded. It is estimated that they have been taking risks instead of taking part in the game. If Chen Kai and others do such things every day, even if the dagger is kept well, it is hard to guarantee that one day it will be blown away.
Although the tail is not very important for this leopard-type monster of Warcraft, it is absolutely impossible to lose part, even if it can grow back later, but now it must live with a half tail. The most important thing is that the tail is chopped off and the pain makes it directly swallowed up by the original and turned into a painful roar. It pours out from its ferocious mouth and screams out the city guards and trainee knights who are close to its mouth. The horrible sound wave almost bled to death by the recent unlucky people, but even if their eardrums are lost, if they are not treated, maybe the Japanese foundation will be in the world.
For Chen Kai and his players, the roar of evil Warcraft was directly transformed into a numerical attack, and they were generally hurt by 300 to 500 points with different values. However, compared with the eardrum perforation injury of the aborigines, Chen Kai, although they were as miserable as before, was only in a negative state of hearing loss for minutes, but they were not completely deaf, which is also the difference between the players and the aborigines. However, for Chen Kai, the real shock was not that they were hurt, but that a trace of fear and fear in their hearts. They seemed to recall. At the beginning, when I met that charming dog and beast in Mepheus’ room, everyone would involuntarily avoid each other when they attacked, and their bodies were out of control to resist the attack. This kind of cheating scene made everyone unable to resist when facing the dog and beast. Because you resisted, it may not be because they now think of the dog and beast, mainly because the ability of this evil beast is similar to that of the dog and beast, but it is even more frightening.
After all, at that time, the dog and beast with charm ability only lured them to attack themselves, and the temptation ability was limited, but this monster could lure hundreds of people into its mouth slowly. If it hadn’t arrived at the time of the cloud, maybe Chen Kai and them would have walked into each other’s stomachs now. I don’t know if it can hold hundreds of people in its belly, but the other side can make its head so big. Obviously, this monster’s ability is not as simple as charm.
At the same time, when the cloud cut off the other person’s tail, they also saw the unification of this creature. It was probably because it was like a leopard that its last name was given the name of the leopard, but several other naming words were very suitable for its image, which could control the natural charm and terror and directly devour the human mouth. However, Chen Kai and others did not rank behind the word charm and charm in vain, but soon they became white because Chen Kai saw a faint shadow slowly in the body of evil Warcraft. There are more and more shadows around, and as time goes by, among those shadows, he is most familiar with a knight wearing armor, because he can see the symbol of the temple of life on the armor surface. Obviously, this knight shadow is the trainee knight whose head was bitten off by the evil Warcraft not long ago. At the same time, Chen Kai also knows what this is called the spirit that eats the leopard spirit, which can summon the soul of devouring creatures. The fighting ability is like a tiger and a ghost. These souls that are swallowed by it are Hwa-Sung Do ghosts that are controlled by it.
What scares Chen Kai most is that there are so many shadows appearing in the monster’s body that it makes people feel scared. At first glance, there are at least hundreds of shadows emerging in it, all of which are ferocious before death. Fortunately, there is still some light around Khedira at night, otherwise it will definitely look extremely gloomy. Maybe many timid people will have nightmares at night. Chen Kai doesn’t know if he will have nightmares, but he knows very well that it will be a disaster for them if those shadows are put into full shape.
"All trainee temple knights give me magic to bomb it!" Chen Kaida went to those trainee knights who are still covering their ears like headless flies, but he shouted at both sides. These ears buzzed and the temple knights heard it, but by the time they wanted to summon the sacred power, it was too late. The first shadow, that is, the head knight, was slowly coming from the body of the demon spirit that devoured the leopard. At the end of the day, its body became as big as the original trainee knight. The first shadow came only because behind it, a larger number of undead were slowly guided out.
Looking at these people who were human demons but undead of Warcraft, Chen Kai felt his hair stand on end, because he knew very well that these undead were all energy creatures. Ordinary physical attacks had no effect, except magical powers, and spells or quarrelling forces could cause them some damage. However, Chen Kai’s trainee knights and soldiers who controlled quarrelling in their team added up to less than 20. Although most trainee knights knew one or two magical powers, when Chen Kai saw those gods, they almost didn’t vomit blood after surgery, because these trainee knights were big. Part of the mastery turned out to be to treat minor injuries or increase the life halo. This magical power is really fought by two or three trainee knights, and the basic power is even worse than Chen Kai’s instant magical impact. Of course, it can’t be said that it is slag, but their magical proficiency is too poor. It took Chen Kai half a day to summon the sacred flame to attach to their weapons. Chen Kai thinks that the development of the temple of life in Khedira is not expected to be smooth, because these trainee knights are expected to have a little strength for a long time. Of course, before they were alive today, if they all died, there would be no future.


Because Zuo Tangtang used to brush wildly and fiercely, the value of chivalry and evil deeds are equal now, although this is the case, but he still agrees with the law of the formation of madness. Now, the words of saving people belong to the rise of chivalry, which will not affect madness, but the problem is that the words of saving the wicked with kelp labels will increase the value of evil deeds, and Zuo Tangtang’s head label will change from madness to evil.

Zuo Tangtang can do some things such as rescuing hostages to get chivalrous value and label madness again. However, due to the first requirement, the label must be moved to the Flower Palace. When Zuo Tangtang’s label changes in the vice, it will increase the sect’s statutes value.
Cat Ear Niang sorted out the train of thought on one side, and Zuo Tangtang quickly made it clear here.
What the hell is this?
Everyone is about to cry. Why do they still feel that they don’t understand …
"… that’s it. I can’t save it." Zuo Tangtang clapped his hands and made a concluding statement.
Ah! This sentence instantly wakes up the people who are still thinking. Now is not the time to study this chivalrous and evil label. Now it is the most important thing to save talents immediately.
"Hoof hooves …" Cat Ear Niang cried out seriously to Zuo Tangtang, who was also very "serious".
"What?" The strong and blunt tone represents that Zuo Tangtang wants to express his firm position at this time.
"I tell you that it is absolutely impossible to kick you out of power without adding much to the sect statutes …"
"Then neither do I!" Zuo Tangtang rebuffed Mao Erniang’s persuasion, "I want to keep my resume in the Flower Migration Palace clean! Make no mistakes! "
"Oh, my God …" Cat Ear Niang buried her face in pain and withdrew. He really didn’t want to say a word with this damn little hoof.
Still have a resume? Why not say it’s a history of crime!
"Are you all right?" It’s really hard for him to bounce around in this small venue, but he can’t beat the monster himself, but he still has to get close and let the monster chase him, otherwise the boss will get rid of hatred if he runs away a little.
"Ah!" Around the crowd at this time is almost clear about the specific situation.
Generally speaking, it is obsessive-compulsive disorder, following a paranoid root, and if you have a pair, you can immediately restore the sects’ laws and regulations and put them out of life and death!
Can this be tolerated? !
It’s time for Little Hoof to realize that we are strong!
You know, every one of us in Heifeng Village is chased by thousands of people, holding the head or United front. If your sister dies today for this damn reason, their reputation will be ruined!
However, as for how people threatened Zuo Tangtang, he just sat on the Diaoyutai with the wind and waves, and his position was extremely firm, and he made up his mind whether everyone was alive or dead.
"Pit goods! Pit goods! " Pikachu hate to chanting.
Kelp has completely picked up the food that was thrown aside earlier and ate it slowly. I want these idiots to change their ways and maybe be busy again, but now …
"Little ancestor … sister-in-law … please … don’t be sexual …" Everyone was tortured by Zuo Tangtang and was about to cry.
"How about we take you to kick the pavilion every day? We are very efficient and ask our little ancestors for you this time …"
Looking at all the people in front of strangers, one mouthful a "little ancestor" and one mouthful a "sister-in-law" called Zuo Tangtang was also covered in goose bumps by this posture.
"Well, well, I don’t care if I move the flower palace. Can’t I save it?" Zuo Tangtang was very dissatisfied with the pie mouth and clicked on kelp.
When kelp got up, everyone could not forget the bread. The comforting and satisfying voice said, "I can finally die with peace of mind …" To be continued.
[212] Chapter two hundred and fourteen Bitch]
"I’m sorry ~ bye-bye!" Deputy end Zuo Tangtang greeted everyone in a cheerful tone.
"Kneel down for my aunt" shouted the teammates who were tortured by various spirits.
"Ha-ha ~" A hearty laugh represents a good mood for leaving the country.
The people in the channel also dispersed separately, leaving the catfish mother and seaweed soup to stay there quietly with little salt.
After a long silence, it was only after a sigh of emotion that the cat ear mother came.
"Hoof hooves should be all right."
Sensing the silence of kelp, the cat ear mother hesitated and asked, "Isn’t it?"
Without waiting for kelp to judge, I tried to remember that I had just been in the middle of the vice, and the cat ear mother said to herself, "But hoof really feels like I don’t care at all!" Look at it. Even when I met that Mu, although she paused, she still passed by like she didn’t see it. What did you say? She didn’t care about that person! "
"That’s her hard support …" Kelp sighed or answered the question of Cat Ear Niang.
"But behind the vice inside is not always! Although everyone is arguing and pushing each other, they still play very hard. "Cat Ear Niang still can’t figure it out." I still believe the so-called hoof-and-hoof pretending, but I really thought about it later. "
"She?" It seems to be telling the cat ear Niang again, and it seems to be a person talking to himself. Kelp knocks on the desktop and her fingers stagnate slightly, which is almost close to whispering. "One disappointment and two disappointments may make her cry bitterly, but when she is disappointed and numb, she will be very good and strong. Nothing has happened to all people, even if she is pretending to be perfect …"
"You … kelp you who are you talking about?" Cats are a little confused. They feel foggy.
"Say who?" The ethereal sound instantly returned to reality, yawned lazily, and Teng took his hand back in front of his face, "saying a respectable girl."
"…" Why can you say something that sounds profound and he can’t understand at this time? Cat Ear Niang burst into tears and thought
"All right, I’m done." Kelp threw a word and lost her brain.
"What kind of person is this …" It took a long time to react after leng, and the cat ear Niang muttered with dissatisfaction.
Zuo Tangtang curled up in bed with his eyes closed and his eyebrows locked, and his eyes were covered with familiar moist traces.
Ah lie ~ what a big sun!
Zuo Tangtang lifted the curtain and looked at the sunny outside and couldn’t help laughing.
All right! Brain! Play games!
Sitting in a chair with all kinds of movements.


Just as we victims were in silence, Feng Kai suddenly cried out in horror, "Look, four dogs, there’s a face staring at us!

Chapter 10 Face Bat Thank you for your support!
I was shocked when I heard Feng Kai’s words. We stayed in this house for so long. Why did a face suddenly appear when there was no one here?
In the direction pointed by Feng Kai, I saw a yellow face staring at us strangely in a dark corner of this room. Through the light coming in from the roof vent, I could see that the owner’s face was Gherardini and his expression was very strange.
After so many dangers, my psychological quality can be said to be quite strong now. Although I was taken aback, I quickly stabilized my mind and took my hand to take a photo of that face.
The hand light is very strong. After taking this picture, Yi Genjin and Feng Kai and I shouted at the same time in a corner. This thing turned out to be a big bat with a face!
This big bat is twice as big as a normal bat, and its face is closer to the size of a human face. The skin was waxy yellow, and after being irradiated by the strong light in my hand, it closed its eyes and spread its wings in a strange way, flying to the dark and avoiding the irradiation range of the hand.
I quickly chased it with bare hands, and it seemed to be afraid of the light and suddenly flew to the adjacent room. We chased it near and saw that the door of this room and the adjacent one was half open, and the bat flew through the door.
My hand shone into the adjacent room, and this photo stirred up a hornet’s nest. Groups of big bats came at us from the room!
It turns out that a large number of bats have been hiding in that room for a long time, and they have been disturbed by the light of their hands. They have been flying in front of us from the half-open door. Only when they get near, can I see that these dozens of bats are all about the same size, with a pair of harsh faces, and a few of them directly pounce on me. There is a face in my hand, and the bat opened his mouth and bit the back of my hand, throwing my hand to the ground in pain.
These face bats began to turn around, and our heads flew around and dived to attack us from time to time. Their attack method was to bite us with their mouths. We all pulled out police daggers and flew around the head, and the face bats suddenly stabbed to death, but they didn’t deter these guys. On the contrary, they attacked more fiercely.
Not long after, Feng Kai’s scalp was bitten by a bat with a face. Suddenly, blood was flowing. Feng Kai cursed and brandished the dagger in his hand and plunged into these guys. But no matter how high the kung fu was, he could not hold these flying things and besieged his scalp. His face was bleeding and his face was red.
Yi Genjin parried the siege of these face bats and shouted, "Brother Dog, find a way or you will be killed by these things!"
I thought to myself, what can I do? These face bats are so fierce that when they bite them, they will be raw. I shouted at Yi Genjin and Feng Kai, "Run to the other room and die the door before these guys come after me!"
As soon as they turned their heads, they ran to our most advanced room, but dozens of bats with faces moved so fast that they blocked the front and rushed at the three of us at the same time before they ran a few steps!
At this time, an evil wind blew through the wind, mixed with several tiny black particles. After being blown by the wind, this group of face bats all withered and fell to the ground like autumn wind sweeping away leaves.
The three of us looked back and saw that it was Nellie who waved his hand and released this evil wind to shoot down a group of face bats.
Feng Kai couldn’t believe this. He looked at Xiaolian in surprise and said to me, "Four dogs didn’t expect your wife to be so powerful. What kind of magic is this? How did you kill so many bats in a blink of an eye?"
Seeing Feng Kai’s mouth open so wide in surprise, I thought you wouldn’t be more surprised if you knew that my wife was a fierce ghost. I said to Feng Kai, "My wife learned Daoism from me, and this time she learned Daoism from me."
"What?" Feng Kai couldn’t believe it and immediately laughed and said to me, "Don’t brag, four dogs. If you had these two, why didn’t you just take the lead?"
"Of course I won’t do it if I have my wife. Don’t delay. Let’s find where Su Mei is hiding. Grandmother must have told them just now. Don’t let them slip away," I said.
Feng Kai was very anxious when he heard that Su Mei and Grandmother were going to run. What he was most worried about now was whether he could catch Su Mei and quickly search for a house.
We went from room to room looking for no valuable clues except finding some wooden boxes containing arms. Lillian came up to me and said, "Four dogs and grandmothers are scheming. Are you wearing a spell?"
When I woke up by Nellie, I remembered that I had brought a stack of spells with me, all of which were soaked in the river. I had a peach wooden sword and a magic weapon that Master gave me. I felt a lot more secure. I said, "The spells are gone, but the peach wooden sword is more than enough to deal with Grandmother."
Nelly nodded at ease and said, "Brother Four Dogs must not be soft when they see Grandmother. This time, she must be completely solved. She can’t let her run again."
"Well, don’t worry, Lillian, I will personally kill Grandmother and take out the orb in her belly for you. Besides, Grandmother killed Uncle Buta and I killed Grandmother to avenge Zana." I gritted my teeth and said.
Yi Genjin listened to me talking about Zana’s blushing for so many days. I can see that Yi Genjin misses Zana. Yi Genjin listened to me and said, "Brother Dog, after you stop Grandmother, let me do it. I have to dig out this wife’s heart myself!"
Feng Kai heard that Yi Genjin and I gnashed our teeth to kill people, but it didn’t stop us. After all, he died here with four special police officers, which made him sad. What’s more, Su Mei and Grandmother are heinous criminals. Feng Kai couldn’t wait for them to resist arrest and kill them directly.
A few more rooms passed. When we pushed open a door again, there was a light inside, which lit up the whole room. This room was very spacious. There were more than a dozen people looking in the middle. There was a woman sitting in a chair. She was about thirty years old, attractive and charming. I saw that it was exactly what we were looking for in Su Mei!
Next to Su Mei, there is a wife with a sly and insidious face, and a pair of yellow eyes are going round and round, looking at us. This wife is the grandmother, and everyone is wearing a Japanese samurai. Everyone is glaring at us with a long Japanese combat knife in their hands!
In a corner, there are two Japanese samurai squatting there, shaking their hand-cranked engines to give strength to the house.
I was so nervous and excited when I saw Su Mei and Grandmother. After so much suffering, I finally found them. Yi Genjin’s calculation was so accurate!
Feng Kai didn’t know Su Mei and Grandmother. She asked me, "Are these four bitches the ones we are looking for?"
I nodded and said, "The woman sitting in the middle is Su Mei, and the wife next to her is Grandmother. Be careful that Grandmother is half man and half demon. It is extremely difficult to deal with Su Mei. Grandmother’s master must be more insidious than Grandmother."
Before I could finish, Su Mei suddenly sneered with great charm and said, "Yan Sigou, you are really capable of finding here. It seems that I underestimated you and tricked you into killing you at my fly base. Unexpectedly, I didn’t kill you and let you break the old lady’s affairs. I really regret that you found your own door to come to the old lady today, but I saved trouble. Hurry up and kill yourself and suffer more!"
Su Mei’s words almost made me angry. I thought to myself, you dog, I just came to collect you. How dare you talk so brazenly and say more benefits? Let’s just catch these two women first.
I winked at Yi Genjin and Feng Kai. Three people pulled out police daggers at the same time and walked to Su Mei and Grandmother. We walked out of a few steps. At the same time, more than a dozen Japanese samurai armed with combat knives shouted and drank their combat knives, threw away their scabbard and came at us with their hands raised.
The three of us are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of the number of people and weapons in our hands. These dozen Japanese samurai are obviously practitioners, and their combat knives are unstoppable. Among us, Feng Kai’s kung fu is the best, and Yi Genjin’s one-on-one combat ability is also quite strong. They rushed to fight with them to meet these Japanese samurai.
I’m a long way from farming when I was in Helong Village. Although I’ve had a good experience during this period, I’m still not very good at fighting people. I’m not very good at seeing these big knives flying around in front of me, dodging around and fighting back.
Feng Kai and Yi Genjin killed their red eyes at this time, especially Feng Kai, who had thick calluses on his palms. He kept them when he was practicing hard kung fu of chopping bricks with one palm. At this time, his right hand held a police dagger and his left palm stretched horizontally like a steel knife. These Japanese samurai bodies must be chopped down with a dagger in one hand, and two or three people were stabbed to death. Yi Genjin was also unambiguous in stabbing and killing a Japanese samurai, and then he took the Japanese combat knife from his hand to fight with these Japanese samurai.
The house was in chaos. Su Mei and Grandmother watched coldly, especially Su Mei, who sat there and looked at me coldly. Nelly and I seemed to have no interest in Feng Kai and Yi Genjin.
At this time, two Japanese samurai came at me with combat knives, and I was a little difficult to parry Nellie. When I saw my danger around me, I shook my hand and released a black fog, which was right in the face of the two Japanese samurai. Two guys screamed and fell to the ground, covering their eyes and screaming and rolling. I knew they had been caught by Nellie’s black bug.
Su Mei saw Lillian sitting there with a giggle. "Lillian, do you still recognize me?"
Chapter 11 zombie gold thanks to dobby 945plwland,
See sitting in the middle of Su Mei spoke. Lillian looked at her. Suddenly, Lillian’s face was very complicated, resentful and sad. One hundred years ago, all kinds of past feelings flashed in her mind again. Lillian’s teeth rattled me, and she trembled when she saw Lillian next to her.
I shook Nellie’s hand, and her cold hands trembled. I’ve never seen Nellie so angry. Su Mei’s previous life was Qin Xiangrao, the woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions. Nellie and I were all directed by this woman in our previous lives.
I looked at this beautifully dressed woman who seemed to have seen the abnormal smile after she and her father Qin Huairen destroyed Nellie more than 100 years ago. Qin Xiangrao still has a peach blossom face and her face. This kind of smile makes me want to slap her a few times.
"Why doesn’t Xiaolian talk? You’ve been looking for me, huh?" Su Mei provocative eyes looked at located and I smile and said, it seems that this bitch has long known her past life, and she also knows her feud with located and me. Otherwise, she can’t say such a thing. It would produce doubts in my heart that Su Mei is a real estate developer. How can she know the past life?
Xiaolian broke my hand and walked to Su Mei with smiles on her face, staring at her for fear that Su Mei would suddenly disappear from her face. "Qin Xiangrao, you made me and Brother Four Dogs miserable. Today I want you to blood out!" Lotus walked to Su Mei and said.
"Ha ha located generation you are not my opponent, so is this life. I heard that your skin is back. Ha ha, you are really good, not only to get your skin back, but also to get your boyfriend’s brother back. Congratulations! But I will make you suffer again, "Su Mei said with a wink at Grandmother." Give them some color to see see! "
Grandmother saw Su Mei speak and nodded quickly. "It’s the master!" The wife said that helping Su Mei was like serving the Queen Mother Galeries Lafayette, holding Su Mei’s wrist and trying to get out of here.
I don’t know what the hell these two women are doing, but it seems that they want to run quickly and quickly to recover Feng Kai and Yi Genjin. At this time, they are still fighting with several Japanese warriors. Fortunately, these Japanese warriors are very Xiao Han, and Yi Genjin’s chest clothes are opened. Seeing that Yi Genjin will not stay up, Feng Kai is also good at kung fu. A police dagger in his hand darts into these Japanese warriors from time to time, and he kills seven by himself.
Seeing that Nellie and I were chasing Su Mei’s grandmother, the remaining Japanese warriors stopped fighting. Feng Kai and Yi Genjin raised their combat knives and surrounded Nellie and me. Nellie was afraid that I would get hurt and said quietly to me, "Brother Four Dogs, get behind me."
How can I hide behind my wife and let her shelter me from the wind and rain? I didn’t pay attention to Lillian’s speech and rushed to meet these Japanese samurai. Today, I also thought it over. Even if I cut my whole body, I would put the emperor Rama away. I can’t let Grandmother run away again. This Su Mei can’t let go, otherwise it will be a future trouble!
These Japanese samurai screamed and raised their knives at me, so they chopped me up, waved their police knives, and stabbed them in their vital parts. When I was farming in Helong Village, I didn’t even dare to kill chickens, but now I have experienced so many dangers and hardships, and I finally got a little bloodthirsty. A Japanese samurai was stabbed in the neck by me. This knife was too strong and sharp, and it fell to the ground than sticking his neck through a dead body.
I actually got pleasure from killing, which was unexpected to me, and Xiaolian was also surprised. She never expected that I would raise a knife to kill people now, but I was forced to kill you if you didn’t kill him.


After China surprisingly swept the strong Costa Rican team, their dark horse status was finally affirmed, but most people still think that they have come to an end in this competition, because their opponent in one competition will be Brazil, the favorite team to win the championship.

However, even if it stopped in the semi-finals, this China junior team still created the best result of the China junior team in the World Junior Games. Therefore, not only many well-known sports newspapers in China sent reporters to Finland, but even CCTV Sports Channel sent people to broadcast the Finnish side. However, although it was finally settled, it was impossible for China to participate in the semi-finals due to time constraints. There is always a game behind the semi-finals. That live broadcast can still be guaranteed.
At this time, Liu Chunming did his best to be a head coach. He rudely kept those reporters out so that the team could prepare for the war with peace of mind, which made Gao Jun have a little confidence in a game.
However, this year’s Brazilian national team is really strong. Although there are no future football superstars, the team’s tactical coordination is very skilled and the defense is quite good. History is often like this. The fact that the Brazilian team is the most horrible is that this Brazilian team may be the strongest in history. The 17-year-old Brazilian youth team can look at the history and their invincible record will be white.
However, in the juvenile competition, the maximum age of players should not exceed 17 years old, the gap between countries is far less than that of adult teams, and their play is even more unstable, so there is still a chance of surprise, especially now that the team has the core of the second-generation high army attack
On the 27th and 23rd, Beijing, the FIFA 17-year-old World Youth Football Championship in Finland entered the ninth competition day and entered the semi-final competition. Among them, the match between Brazil and China was held at the Latina Stadium in Tampere, a city in southwestern Finland, with 7675 spectators attending the match.
Only three minutes after the game, China team created a murder weapon and boldly assisted to the frontcourt. Zhang Chenglin suddenly shot back after receiving the ball from teammate Li Chunyu 3 meters away from the goal, but Brazilian goalkeeper Bruno was very attentive. He struggled to jump up and block the ball.
Chapter 23 The Strongest Brazil
Then China’s offensive went from wave to wave and even kept Brazil in the half-court for ten minutes, but perhaps the previous game ran out of luck. China’s attack was always fruitless, and even the shot was as sure as a gun. Gao Jun was no exception. A powerful shot from the restricted area hit the post and a good chance popped up. The header hit the door and flew off the crossbar, which made him hate to beat his thigh.
The wave opportunity really deserved retribution. In the 15th minute, Brazil seized the only chance to take the lead after the game. Abodah, the top scorer in the team, jumped high in the restricted area of China and received the ball hammer from teammate Jonathan. The previous four games were the first to take the lead, and China finally tasted the taste of losing the ball first.
With this goal, Brazil quickly found the rhythm of the game and completely controlled the situation. However, Brazil’s heavy pressure made China see the opportunity to fight back. Nine minutes before the end of the half-time game, China’s left-back Yu Hai and left-back Hao played a beautiful two-over-two match, and Yu Hai broke into the penalty area and volleyed vigorously. However, in this game, Brazilian goalkeeper Bruno miraculously saved the ball, but the ball did not fall far. Gao Jun, a master of leakage, appeared in a dangerous position and grabbed his foot in front of the Brazilian defender to shovel it.
After scoring goals, I always don’t like to celebrate. Gao Jun waved his arm and shouted at his teammates, "How can you lose when you finally hit here?" What about Brazil? Kill him as well! "
"That’s right! Kill Brazil! Advance to the finals! " The boys of the China team are fearless of age, and the good performance in this World Cup has made their confidence burst. Now they are greatly boosted by the morale of Gao Jun.
After the game became more and more fierce, the two sides moved more and more. Li Jian, the core of China’s midfield, was injured after being maliciously fouled by Brazilian players. Because of the yellow card suspension, a lower back was unable to play. At this time, Liu Chunming had to send Li Jian, who had just turned 14 years old, to replace the injured one, but gave Brazil a yellow card, which would be a big loss for China.
Although * * Peng has a promising future, now he still can’t compare with Li Jian, especially in offense, and he is too rough in defense. This loophole was immediately seized by the Brazilian team with strong tactical literacy and desperately attacked.
In the 72nd minute, the Brazilian team got a quick counterattack opportunity. Ivanderoli deftly and easily crossed Peng’s shovel and took the ball forward. Cai Xi, the main defender of the China team, quickly came to make up for the defense, but Ivandero did not entangle with him at this moment, but accurately gave the ball to Abodah Abodah. After receiving the ball, he pushed the ball from the far corner and was a little slow. He could watch the ball roll into the net from his armpit and Brazil pulled the score again.
"Don’t worry, you are still very long. Keep attacking!" Gao Jun saw that his teammates seemed to be hit by this lost ball, and he quickly spoke encouragingly. In the fifth minute, Gao Jun suddenly sent a straight plug to the ribs after he got the ball. Yu Haishi’s high-speed forward insertion was offside, and after successfully receiving the ball, he continued to take two steps forward, then pushed the ball across the door to Gao Jun and easily pushed the ball into the net. This record was like a goal of teaching science to equalize the score again!
After a while, the normal time ended at 9 minutes, and the two sides entered overtime with 22 draws.
At this time, the weakness of China players’ general poor physical fitness has been fully exposed. In Brazil, the flood of offensive can support hard and it is not easy to have a quick counterattack opportunity. However, Yu Hai was destroyed by the opponent’s defender because of his physical decline. Fortunately, due to the opponent’s physical consumption, he also moved and somewhat deformed. He wanted to kick the ball out of the sideline, but he kicked the ball to the corner flag and gave the China team a corner kick.
For China, which has many high points, corner kick is also a good chance to score, but Hao Junmin, who takes the penalty corner kick, also consumes a lot of physical strength, and his skills are severely deformed. He always has a good footwork. As a result, the Brazilian central defender easily pushed the ball out.
But just when the Brazilians breathed a little sigh of relief, the young substitute, Peng Peng, volleyed at the top of the restricted area against the falling ball. Although the quality of the ball was good, the angle was still a little off, but who knew that the ball happened to hit an unlucky Brazilian player and changed direction and refracted and flew into the net. The score became 32. According to the rules of this World Cup, the Brazilian team suddenly died! China was lucky to win this tough game!
It’s hard to accept the harsh reality that the goalkeeper of Brazil watched the net roll the ball with a dull face. He performed almost perfectly in this game. Why did this happen? Gao Jun, on the other hand, has rushed to the young hero and threw him to the ground, almost out of control and cried, "You really are my lucky general!"
Gao Jun said that * * Peng was his blessing for a reason. When he first entered Gao Jiajun, his abilities in all aspects were actually not excellent. At that time, Gao Jun had to plan ahead and turned the national team into a base for training new people. Peng Cai got into the national team early because of this, but his personal ability was not excellent at that time, but he was always able to score key goals, most of which were very lucky, such as refraction. Considering that he played as a right back at that time, there were not many chances to get a shot. I have to say that he was indeed a lucky general, and Gao Jun successfully survived the initial crisis of taking over the national football team with his savior several times. When he won the reform of the national football team, he didn’t expect that Peng was a lucky star of Gao Jun after crossing.
China and Brazil decided the winner, then another semi-final was held, and the winner was quickly decided. The Spanish team launched a tidal offensive in the unfavorable situation of falling behind 2, and finally equalized the score and entered overtime. When the game was about to enter the penalty shootout, another city suddenly killed the powerful Argentine team, and they became an opponent of China.
Chapter 24 decisive battle in Spain ()
On Monday, I rushed to the list to continue to ask for recommended votes and members to click _
In this game, Spain scored 26 shots and the possession ratio reached a frightening 62% (the opponent was Argentina), showing a strong attack, while Fabregas, the core midfielder of Spain, scored two goals by himself.
"Fabregas? This is my first world-class star across the back, right? Although he is a world-class star in the future, "Gao Jun, the hotel room, silently watched the screen and ignited an unprecedented fighting spirit in his heart."
Now Fabregas is only 16 years old, but he has already reached a fairly high level of competition. You know, after more than a month of history, he played for Arsenal in official competitions, and his strength can be seen. It is really enviable to think about it.
However, Gao Jun’s self-confidence will not be lost to himself. Although he has just entered the puberty, all other physical qualities except his height have surpassed the semi-mutilated body in his previous life. Moreover, after three young people’s training, he has completely adapted to this new body and almost recovered to the level of subversion in that year. Some of his skills are still very good. That is to say, Gao Jun has now surpassed himself in the past. That is to say, when he plays the position of second striker or shadow striker, his strength has reached the top of the country and the first-class level in Asia. In most cases, he is worried about injuries because his body is
However, the football match is not one-on-one, and Fabregas’ teammates are suspected to be stronger than Gao Jun’s teammates, and the Spanish team is terrible because they are becoming more and more mature in ball control, and they can even reach 62% of the ball control rate against Argentina, a team with strong technical skills. If China is much rougher in technology, it is possible that China players will be tired and exhausted after running after the ball, especially most of China’s players will be physically weak and consume badly in the semi-finals.
However, after all, this Spanish team is not the one that won N world championships in the future, nor is it a weakness. Gao Jun has specially conducted targeted tactical training for several players in the frontcourt, such as cracking it with confidence.
Now Gao Jun gradually discovers that Liu Chunming, a coach, dares to give it to him although his professional level is very low. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with this guy continuing to take it with him. Of course, if he has a choice, Gao Jun still hopes to have a high-level coach. After all, he certainly can’t see the problems in the game so clearly.
"Hello, fans and friends in front of the camera, I’m Huang Jianxiang, and this is the CCTV sports channel. The final match of the 23 Finnish 17-year-old World Youth Football Championship will be held in Helsinki. The two sides are the Chinese national youth football team and the Spanish national youth team. I am familiar with Zhang Lu Zhang’s guidance and we will explain it together." The famous football commentator Huang Jianxiang, the guest of V Studio, Zhang Lu, talked with a big smile about the wonderful performance of the China junior team in the previous games.
"Zhang directed the China junior national team to perform well in the World Junior Championships in Finland, and a recording and broadcast reversal of the lore of the Brazilian team won the applause of the fans. It is rare in recent years whether it is skill, tactics or volition. Can you analyze why this junior national team can perform so well?" Huang Jianxiang smiled and asked Zhang Lu.
"Hey, hey (Zhang, hey, hey), this is first of all a tactical approach to building Xiang. You see, the advanced technical play of the country’s less ground ball cutting is almost the same as that of our national security small fast spirit (boasting one by the way), which is very advanced." Zhang Lu pointed to the screen to play the first few games.
"Director Zhang is right. If China football wants to have hope, it must adhere to this technical flow style for a long time." Huang Jianxiang responded very well
"And then, hey, hey, that is, the team has a core player with a better level. Although Gao Jun is not tall, he has scored a goal and an assist in this competition, which is second only to Cesc Fabregas of Spain (5 goals and 6 assists), and he has also played one less game. These two players have performed far better than other players, which one is more powerful is also a highlight of this competition." Zhang Lu continued to analyze.
"When this Gao Jun was called’ China Diego Maradona’ by Xu Genbao Xu before, I still thought he was exaggerating. Now it’s great to look at this child!" Huang Jianxiang couldn’t help but praise, but immediately worried, "But there are too many things that China football" hurts Zhongyong ".I hope he won’t follow the old path of Li Huajun and others."
Zhang Lu also followed a sigh, but he thought that Gao Jun’s excellent performance in the World Cup should attract many European professional clubs, even the top five leagues. If we can seize the opportunity to go abroad as soon as possible, the chances of becoming a talent are much greater than staying in China.
Seeing that the teams on both sides of the screen have entered the arena, Huang Jianxiang quickly stopped chatting and said in a positive voice, "Well, the game is coming soon. Regardless of whether the China team can win or not, they have already created the history of China football, but I believe all China fans like me hope that they can go further."
Few people could have predicted that China took the lead in scoring just after the game, and the way of scoring surprised almost everyone.
"Is this a long punching crane?" Huang Jianxiang asked with a face of language.
"Sort of," Zhang Lu mused, forgetting to say the iconic "Hey, Hey" because of meditation. "I said how to push Lang Zheng to the winger position, but it is really rare to have such a long punch."
"What do you mean?" Huang Jianxiang asked like a curious baby.
"Generally speaking, we say that the long-distance hanging is to hang the ball to the center, route the high center’s header to attack the goal directly or ferry it to teammates to shoot, but now the national junior team puts the tall players on the side and hangs them to the side and the middle. Because the high center often faces two opposing defenders, it is not easy to handle even if he has an advantage in height. But now the China team is hanging to the side. Because the other side usually has a defender and the full-back is generally shorter than the central defender, our tall player has a great advantage. Not only can we head the ball to our teammates, but we can also benefit the physical advantage to squeeze the other side’s full-back to bring the ball back from it. That’s what happened to the goal just now. It’s really difficult for Lang Zheng to guard against him. However, the quality of Lang Zheng’s ball just now is actually very general, and Gao Jun was able to grab the first point and score the ball. The ability to seize the opportunity is really strong. "
Chapter 25 Battle of Spain ()
Thank you for your "I’m interested in reading" to reward again the recommended votes, collections and members who are in urgent need during the new listing period.
Only five minutes later, China team expanded the score again with the same style of play, and this time it was even uglier. Yu Hai headed the ball to the middle of the penalty area on the left side, and he was 1 meter tall and strong. Forward Jiang Chen jumped high and headed the ball in the relay way, which increased his number of goals in this competition to the second place in the five Fabregas tied scorers list.
Gao Jun’s strange play was made when he led the team to play in the league, but there was nothing he could do at that time. There were three 1.9+foreign AIDS in the team and an opponent’s full-back was very short, so he came up with this strange trick. As a result, the other team had the world’s top striker like Drogba of Warcraft, but he still lost in his crazy three-tower tactics.
Spanish players are generally short, and European players rarely change their ages, so most of their physical development is still incomplete (Spaniards are from southern Europe, which is not much earlier than that of China, and when they grow up, they are almost as bad as those from China, which is even worse than that of northerners). This time, the taller of the two full-backs of the Spanish team has just reached 1.7 meters, so Gao Jun came up with the idea of bullying people again, and it really worked wonders.
However, the head coach of the Spanish team was not stunned by the surprise attack of the China team. In his opinion, it is impossible to prevent the attack. The tall winger certainly has an advantage in the middle, but speed and physical strength are bound to be a big problem when defending. Modern football is an important player to defend China. The little demon base does not defend the left wing. The tall trotters will stay in the frontcourt and fight back. Now the right winger can’t defend, so China’s defense will be too weak
Sure enough, Gao Jun immediately scratched his head after the Spanish team pressed heavily, and let Lang Zheng come back to play as a central defender, and the style of play also returned to the regular 442. Although the Spanish team quickly regained the advantage of the scene, it repeatedly missed many scoring opportunities because of impatience. When the China team stabilized, the two goals were lost in vain
"This is a three-legged axe. This Spanish team can’t do it well. If China is behind by two goals, it will have a chance to fight back. Yu Hai, Gao Jun, Jiang Chen and Hao are all fast players. Well, Mao Jianqing also won five fast horses. What should the Spanish team do?" Huang Jianxiang smiled with a relaxed face. Although the strange style of play is not good-looking, the result is the first in this tournament system. If this is not white at all, his explanation for so many years will be in vain.
However, Mao Jianqing didn’t help China to expand the score. On the contrary, because he never defended, lost the ball and rarely grabbed it, China was in danger in front of the door. Fabregas had scored five goals in the previous game, and he seized the opportunity to make a long shot to narrow the score gap to one goal.
However, in a few minutes, Mao Jianqing, who was in a bad state but was extremely angry, was maliciously violated by the Spanish defender when he took the ball back. This fellow did not hesitate to fight back on the spot and was immediately punished by the referee. This change made everyone stunned.
Huang Jianxiang is also very dissatisfied with Mao Jianqing’s performance. "Xiao Mao’s performance in this World Youth Championship is simply a bit of a contribution, but after receiving a red card in such a key game, the national youth and Olympic coaches have to seriously consider whether to recruit this potential anxiety factor again."
Although the team played more and played less, China was more determined to retreat and left Gao Jun alone in the frontcourt. The problem that Spain could not seize the opportunity became more serious. After the siege when stubbornly resisting the Spanish captain, China finally got a quick counterattack opportunity.
When Gao Jun was about to break into the 3-meter area of the frontcourt with the ball, he was thrown to the ground by the Spanish defender’s tactical foul. China got a position, but Hao Junmin sent the ball out of the frontcourt. The short Spanish defender jumped up and competed for the top. Although he failed to top the ball, it just fell in front of Jiang Chen. The score of the hot striker in this game was unceremoniously shot and broke the net, which expanded to 31 again.
"Zeng Cheng’s big foot went out and Gao Jun received the ball. He pulled the ball beautifully and passed the Spanish player who was watching him. Er, he was hooked by the other side. The referee showed a yellow card. China team also got a chance to kick the ball in the frontcourt about 35 meters away from the goal." Huang Jianxiang was excited. "Hao Junmin sent the ball off and shot directly? No, he hit the ball in the sea, but he caught the ball in the opposing defender and flew directly into the air. Jiang Chen flew to Jiang Chen! The Spanish defender tried to squeeze him, but the size was too far. Jiang Chen hit the opponent’s body and didn’t move. He scored! Jiang Chen leaned against the opponent’s defender’s chest and stopped the ball. After that, China volleyed the net and expanded the score to 31 great performances! The youngster has scored six goals in this competition, second only to his teammate Gao Jun, Spain, who performed better, and tied for second place in the scorer list. "
Then the Spanish team went crazy and stormed around the China team’s restricted area. Although it finally scored a goal, the China team fought back sharply and scored two more goals. Jiang Chen and Yu Hai privately sent out two beautiful straight plugs, but they were called "black holes in the stadium" by some media. The score of Gao Jun was finally fixed at 52. China was less than one person in the field. The unfavorable situation miraculously won the victory over his own Spanish national team. Huang Jianxiang was so excited that he lost his voice.
"Congratulations to China, who won this great game. They proved that they are not dark horses, but the strongest team in the world at this age. Congratulations again! I hope that these young geniuses will not take the old road of their predecessors, and China football will bring a beautiful day! " Huang Jianxiang, who has been incoherent, now has a hoarse voice and sent his blessing to the national junior team, which also ended the broadcast of this game that made the national football fans excited.
It was incredible that the result of this game was that most of the world football teams at that time thought it was caused by the unstable state of the youth teams. It was not until several years later that some people realized that this World Junior Tournament was the first successful response of modern ground technology in the world arena.
Chapter 26 Arsenal Chief Scout
After the final, the World Junior Championships also came to a complete end, while the powerful Brazilian team won the third place in the previous third place competition by relying on excellent defense and sharp counterattack.
In the end, Gao Jun won the Golden Globe Award for his perfect performance in helping the team win the championship with nine goals and three assists in less than one match. Cesc Fabregas, the core midfielder of Spain, won the silver ball award for his outstanding performance of six goals and six assists, while the bronze ball award was surprisingly awarded to Bruno, the goalkeeper of Brazil, who was brave in the last match.
The winner of the Golden Boot Award is even more suspenseful. Gao Jun won it with amazing nine goals, while China team Jiang Chen won the silver boot award with seven goals and Spanish team core Fabregas won it with bronze boots. To say that the most depressing thing about this competition is that Fabregas not only failed to win two individual gold medals, but also shrank. Although it will not affect his bright future, Fabregas still deeply remembers Gao Jun, a guy who was born and robbed of honor.


I didn’t expect Mo Daolin to destroy Yuan Ying and dare to stay outside instead of returning to the sword door.

You know, Yuan Ying, a monk in Yuan Ying period, is of great benefit to many monks.
Therefore, it is often dangerous to have a baby out of body experience, only under absolute safety. Monks dare to try, for fear of being evil.
Also, if the friar hasn’t reached Yuan Ying’s later cultivation, but only Yuan Ying’s out-of-body experience, Yuan Ying can’t use many spells.
Only when Yuan Ying in the body is as big and small as this deity can Yuan Ying cast spells like this deity.
Moreover, by that time, Yuan Ying’s ability to cast spells and magical powers will be even faster, and he will also wear other wonders.
Although the other party has only one Yuan baby left, the realm is still there, and Yang Xiu can’t be careless.
Mind move, there is no intention to answer each other’s words, directly to wear a cloud cone to stab Mo Daolin’s head.
However, although Mo Daolin destroyed the flesh, his gods are still there.
Although I didn’t see the cloud cone coming, I was immediately sensed by him, and my body flashed and disappeared in the same place.
The other party’s teleport is too wonderful to come and go without a trace. Yang Xiu had to form an encirclement with Bai Zhi, the ghost king, with his back to his back, echoing each other. At the same time, God knowledge pervaded the surrounding area, and he did not dare to relax. And while on the alert, slowly move towards the place where the pool is located.
Beater, the first watch, the second watch, click,)

Chapter two hundred and thirty-seven Encounter an accident
Fairy wild Chapter two hundred and thirty-seven Encounter a reason.
The field repairman holds a bow and arrow, and points it directly at the two-leaf single tree, which is Mo Daobang and Chuan Jia, and he will not hesitate to shoot at the club.
And Bai Zhi and the prince of the devils, it is cautious alert around, dare not let each other near.
Just to Yang Xiu’s surprise, Yuan Ying just teleported, but she couldn’t escape into the void like the ghost king. Why hasn’t the other party come out for so long?
Thought of here, to the pool, can’t help but stopped.
Just then, I saw a burst of color light from the three-leaf single fruit, and the color of its three colored leaves was gradually forced from the tip of the leaf to the blue fruit.
Yang Xiu said, know that this is a symbol of three-leaf single fruit will mature, in the heart can not help but more nervous.
Suddenly, my heart moved, and I immediately sacrificed Bibaofeng to the outside world.
At the same time raise my hand a finger, Biluofeng "whoosh. 1, stopped at the top of the pool.
Then immediately pinch out a method, and the gravity of Biluo suddenly shifts.
And the demons imprisoned above Biluo Peak also overflowed together, rolling and roaring around the pool.
However, just when these ghosts were close to the pool within ten feet, they were suddenly taken out by a sudden light curtain.
And the disappearing Mo Daolin is in this light curtain! I’m staring at that trifoliate fruit that wants to ripen!
This fellow was hiding nearby!
Fortunately, Yang Xiu had a long mind’s eye, so he tried it with Biluofeng first. Otherwise, no matter how big the magical power is, he will not be able to guard against the sneak attack of the other party!
And more to Yang Xiu’s surprise, beside Modaolin Yuanying, there was a still young man lying on the ground.
Young men have the appearance of twenty-seven or twenty-eight. Regular facial features. But the xuan eyes closed, pale, with a chill.
Turns out it’s dead, just an intact body.
"Is the other party planning to have a baby?" Yang Xiu said, in the heart can not help visiting.
Mo Daolin was surprised, angry and disappointed when he realized that he had been exposed.
Make his baby face look unusually ferocious.
I saw that he immediately pulled out a magic formula and hit it on the screen.
After the curtain was moved by him, it suddenly became green and generous. And the resentment and gravity extrusion of Biluo Peak are blocked out one by one.
Yang Xiu said, hurriedly commanded Bai Zhi and the prince of the devils, and at the same time pointed his finger at Biluofeng. Suddenly, with a bang, he fell down and smashed on the screen.
However, I don’t know what kind of strange ban this light curtain is, but it is abnormal.
Although it was hit by Biluofeng every time, it turned out to be like a balloon with good elasticity. Other attack methods such as Biluofeng can only make it deflate.
And when it reaches a certain level, when it unloads the power of Biluofeng, it will be as good as ever, feeling that it is as wonderful as four or two pounds, and it is completely powerless.
Yang Xiu saw the attack for this result. Without knowing it, I frowned, so I had to let Bai Zhi and the Ghost King break the array together.
He wanted to shoot the shield with a bow and arrow, but considering that there was too much spiritual power injected into the bow and arrow. There must be a lot of noise when you shoot past.
Perhaps, the three-leaf single fruit will also be destroyed by the bow and arrow, so he decided to wait until the last minute.
See if you can break this defense by attacking with the Ghost King and Bai Zhi at the same time.
If he can’t break through the opponent’s defense by the time the three-leaf fruit is ripe, he will have to use a bow and arrow.
At that time, I didn’t care if the three-leaf single fruit would be destroyed.
After all, even if the trifoliate fruit is destroyed, it is impossible for him to release Mo Daolin and let the other person go to trifoliate fruit to increase the other person’s cultivation level.
However, a few minutes passed. The defense law arranged by the other party is really very advanced. No matter how Yang Xiubai and Zhi Wang attacked, they still didn’t suffer any damage.
Seeing that the three colorful leaves of the three-leaf single fruit are getting lighter and lighter, I feel that I will completely force the color into the fruit. Even if I don’t make up my mind, I will really be picked by Mo Daolin.
Yang Xiu helpless, a malicious in the heart, immediately put his hand in the bow and arrow lifted, aimed at Mo Daolin, no longer hesitate, immediately shot the arrows out.
He didn’t dare to wait until the elixir was mature. After all, the other party would teleport. If Mo Daolin picked the spiritual fruit when he got there, and then teleported out, it would not be worth the loss, so he attacked now.