
"Do you think Xinyang Army and Suizhou can stop the army from attacking?"

"The south? !”
Field officers don’t breath in air conditioning.
"I now increasingly suspect that there is collusion between the army and the thief army."
Joo Won  went to Wang Yan’s side and said, "When the thief army acted, the army made a big show of martial arts and even entered the country to take the initiative to provoke. This has never happened before, but it has happened now. What if this is the army acting in cooperation with the thief army?"
Wang Yan was silent for a while before he spoke slowly.
"This is not the worst case. The worst case is that the army will encircle us from north to south and the thief army will trap us in death from south to north."
Wang Yan analyzed that one of the officers who appeared was livid.
It is precisely because this speculation is reasonable and very likely that they will be livid.
And Wang Yan’s speculation has not stopped.
"If the guess is that the real thief army and the army intend to besiege Xiangyang and destroy our army, then their intention is definitely not just a Xiangyang, but a barrier to Jinghu, and Jinghu is the waist of Dasong.
Xiangyang is not guaranteed, Beijing Lake is not guaranteed, and the back of Dasong is no longer guaranteed. The territory of Dasong will be cut off by the country, and the Yangtze River moat will be meaningless. What will happen then? "
Chapter 14 Wang Yan is a famous star
Wang Yan said his guess.
Joo Won  swallowed and his face became very ugly.
"All control you say these … are the worst may be no more possibilities, isn’t it? China is still overhauling the Yellow River. Will they help the whole country to the south? Impossible? "
"I always prepare for the worst when I fight a gold thief."
Wang Yanleng said, "It is still necessary to be so careful to fight against the gold thief. Now I am far better than the gold thief. If I don’t plan for the worst, it will be difficult for the army to be wiped out and the bones will be ruined. I will be laughed at by future generations.
If we build the Yellow River, we can’t go to war on a large scale, so we will be too underestimating our enemies. I’m afraid we will become a Xia country. Your countries have been dormant for a long time, but we are afraid that the sky will fall. We are in big trouble. "
People were frightened and turned to Wang Yan for strategies to solve the problem.
Since there can be a problem, let’s say that Wang Yan also has a solution to the problem, right?
They are very eager to see Wang Yan.
However, they don’t know that Wang Yan himself regrets why he is in such a hurry. If he is a little slower, he may not dare to come to Xiangyang at this critical time to face such a terrible situation.
What way?
The other party has taken the lead. What can you do if they want to surround you and panic in Xiangyang?
Retreat south now?
I’m afraid the troops of the military exercise will not be able to follow us until one day when they get the news. At that time, Xiangyang army will definitely not be able to intercept before the retreat is completed, and then there will be pursuers born to die.
Retreat east?
I’m afraid we haven’t walked a few steps yet. It’s a big problem whether the elite fighters of the Wine Cup Army will be in danger when they raid the south.
Retreat west?
The mountains in the Qinling Mountains are mountainous, and the roads are difficult to travel. A few people can still take it as a life challenge. Tens of thousands of troops will cross the mountains. Even if two or three of the last ten people can follow the troops to Hanzhong, even if they win, others will desert and escape if they are not dead.
That’s the country’s land and people’s army waiting for you there. Are you afraid of taking the initiative to die now?
Reasoning Wang Yan is really not broken. Let him see that he is already capable.
With a sigh Wang Yannai shook his head.
"Conspiracy can break open plan such as nai? We, the 40,000 people, are sticking to Xiangfan without the last chance to break the enemy law. "
Wang Yan pointed to the map and Xiangfan attracted people to look down together.
If the Southern Song Dynasty imperial court did something good during the confrontation between Jin and Song Dynasties and during the Song War, we can also talk about their management of Xiangfan.
Xiangfan is the two cities of Fancheng, Xiangyang, which are separated by the Han River. The two cities of South Xiangyang and North Fancheng are high and thick.
There is a good advantage in the establishment of Fancheng water trap in Xiangyang.
Even if the land traffic is blocked, it can also transport grain, weapons and armor from Hanshui River to Xiangfan through the advantage of Song Jun Navy.
Even if Xiangfan is in an extremely dangerous situation, the two cities can contact and support each other through waterways and pontoons.
Moreover, in order to fight against the Jin State for a long time, Xiangyang and Fancheng, the imperial courts of the Southern Song Dynasty, have accumulated rich food. At present, there is enough food in the second city of Xiangfan for three years
After verification, weapons and ordnance are few and the yield is low, but there are a large number of professional craftsmen in Xiangfan No.2 City who want enough raw materials to produce ordnance ambassadors at full capacity.
This is the biggest advantage of the second city of Xiangfan, and it is also the best way to rely on the army and the peasant army.


Chapter 74 Tai Su Q&A

Xuanxuan is a person? Have a history? (Ahem, I wrote here yesterday, but I can’t remember the story today.) Jade Duxiu didn’t know it, but he saw a light escaping across Tai Su Road. Jade Duxiu showed traces in front of the Tai Su ancestor hall and looked respectfully at the hall as a gift "Brother Miaoxiu met the ancestor."
"Come in" in the hall, Tai Su’s ancestor’s dialect is neither slow nor urgent, dignified and holy.
Jade Duxiu smell speech stepped into the hall but saw Tai Su’s ancestor sitting in the middle of the hall as if he were an ordinary person.
"You can finally come and see the Ten Niangs sometimes and return your seat, but you don’t even care about your relatives." Tai Su’s godfather gently said.
Jade Duxiu smiled. "Godfather’s words are poor. It’s important to know that Ten Niangs are my only blood relatives. I don’t care about people’s lives in this world, but Ten Niangs can’t be ignored. I have been living with Ten Niangs since I was a child, but my feelings are deep and outsiders understand it."
Speaking of which, Jade Duxiu once again gave a gift to Tai Su’s ancestor, "I would also like to thank the ancestor for taking care of his younger brother for ten Niang. Many enemies in these days are all magical powers. If it weren’t for the protection of the ancestor, the cat will frighten the world and fear that my little sister would have been found by those enemies."
Then Tai Su’s ancestor took a look at Yu Duxiu. "It’s good that you know your kindness."
Jade Duxiu smell speech finger slightly moved and looked at Tai Su’s godfather’s calm eyes, but he was nervous. That Tai Su’s godfather was kind to Jade Ten Niangs, that is, he was kind to Jade Duxiu. In this case, the cause and effect will always be liquidated.
"You’re afraid that your little sister will be assassinated, and you won’t dare to come to the door now. Aren’t you afraid of being assassinated in the future?" The Tai Su jiaozu mouth way
Jade Duxiu smiled confidently. "Brother Zheng is in charge of the first god Leiyou, the first god Leidi has fully improved through his innate artistic conception. Compared with before, it is not an empty talk. Brother is confident at this time to sweep away all ghosts and monsters."
Tai Su’s ancestor smiled gently. "You’re just lucky, but you dare to say such wild words. If you don’t look at the quasi-fairy, you must not only rely on the thunder of the first god, but also rely on him. It’s better to show it to the audience."
Jade Duxiu shook his head. "This is my brother’s killer weapon, but life and death are the only way to use it. If you use it before, you will be afraid of being perceived by you, and there will be no unexpected effect."
At Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of Tai Su, "You have a right seat and don’t want to pursue this matter. It’s good that you know it yourself. You have always had extraordinary means. In these days, you are a monk who can’t see through the clouds. If you look at the mystery, it’s not worse than the ancestor demon god."
Speaking of this, Tai Su’s ancestor said, "If you want to hold the Jade Ten Niangs one day, Tai Su Road will surely ensure that the Jade Ten Niangs are unscathed."
"Thank you, Godfather" Yu Duxiu saluted Tai Su’s Godfather.
Then Tai Su’s ancestor said, "Don’t be so busy taking care of you, but you have something to help."
Jade Duxiu knew with a sigh that there was no lunch in this world, but it was not up to him to say, "I don’t know if my brother can help my ancestor."
The ancestor of Tai Su said, "It’s not difficult to sit on the throne. You are asking if you can bring the Queen Mother from the throne to call Tea to the throne."
Jade Duxiu smell speech was a lag, but it was distressing. She scratched her hair. "Godfather, this is a difficult thing to learn. The dry day, Wen Yingji’s throne, are destined by heaven. Although our monks have the ability to change the weather, they dare not violate the will of heaven and earth. Who dares to touch the high throne with great cause and effect?"
"Are you loathe to give up your old lover fell deified skeletons? You can rest assured that Wen Yingji should give up the Queen Mother’s seat and give it to a star god. "Speaking of this, the Tai Su ancestor’s face is teasing." Besides, Wen Yingji is a dry media and is marrying a wife. Although you have something to do with Wen Yingji, you should know that it is a dew marriage. Unless it is dry and dead, Wen Yingji becomes a widow, you can’t have any thoughts. "
Jade Duxiu smell speech suddenly a black forehead with a black line is like a waterfall, but everyone knows it, but no one directly picks it out in front of Jade Duxiu. Isn’t that embarrassing?
Looking at Yu Duxiu’s faint blue face, Tai Su’s godfather smiled gently. "You don’t want to be angry and say it’s a fact. If you can drive Wen Yingji out of the throne, you will use your great magical power to explore your child’s air machine for you."
"Is this really true?"
That Tai Su’s ancestor’s words fell only to see Yu Duxiu’s face suddenly move and his eyes flashed at Tai Su’s ancestor.
Tai Su’s ancestor nodded. "Although this statement is not proficient in easy calculation, it is not difficult to find the trace of your child after all."
Jade Duxiu smell speech took a deep breath and looked at the little fluorescence in the eyes of Tai Su’s godfather. It took a while before a faint sigh. "Alas, although I want to promise my godfather, it is almost impossible to drive Wen Yingji to the throne."
"Oh impossible? I remember that you have dragon slaying skills. Is it possible to welcome Ji Long Mai if you slaughter that dry day? " Tai Su’s ancestral way
Jade Duxiu was furious when he heard this. "This can’t happen. This can’t happen."
“?” Tai Su’s ancestral way
Many ancestors may vaguely know some secrets about the worship of gods, but you have to ask who knows the most about the worship of gods. There is no doubt that this person must be a jade show.
Looking at the Tai Su ancestor Yu Duxiu’s light convergence with a sigh in his eyes, "Godfather doesn’t know that the celestial Long Mai is my Terran Long Mai or the vein where the celestial vein and earthworm converge, but it is definitely different that day. If the pulse is significant, it will forcibly cut off my Terran’s fate, not to mention that the number of gods will be turbulent with the celestial vein being cut off, or the gods will be deprived of the gods by heaven and earth and knock down the mortal bones."
"Oh," Tai Su’s godfather looked suddenly dignified. "There are such consequences."
Hearing the words of Jade Duxiu, Tai Su’s ancestor knew that it was not necessarily Jade Duxiu’s downfall. According to what she said in the wonderful state of his ancestor, she would naturally feel something. If Jade Duxiu told a lie, she would be perceived.
"That would be like driving the Wen family girl to the throne?" Tai Su’s ancestral way
Jade Duxiu shook his head. "It depends on chance, luck, and doom. If the fate falls, the Wens will naturally be implicated in the fall of the gods. If the timing is not even if we wait for thousands of schemes, we can’t resist the fact that two people will inevitably turn the corner unless they are godparents who are not afraid of causality and force them to kill them."
Tai Su’s ancestor heard the news with disappointment, but it’s not impossible for him to kill Wengu’s daughter in a dry day. It’s because this cause and effect is too great, even if he can’t reach Tai Su’s ancestor, he will also fall to Tai Su to teach.
What should we know about Tai Su’s father’s plans? Not yet. Let her own clan prosper. If she can do such a thing that harms the poor, unless she is crazy.
"Oh, is there no way?" Tai Su’s ancestor Youyou Road
"No" Jade Duxiu decisively cut off all the thoughts of Tai Su’s ancestor


Crusade crazy roar a way

Kemray sneered, "urging people to rush to Huiyuan?" Crusade, do you still have that qualification? You are in great trouble, but if you dare to mess around with ludendorff again, you won’t be able to keep your position! The first thing we should do is to try our best to attract the British and French allied forces. Are you ludendorff stupid when our main force comes back? He won’t watch the defense line of the Marne River collapse! You still want to fight him? He is twenty years younger than you! It’s estimated that your son will have a little chance of winning a duel with him. It’s no use giving it to you! "
Kemray is not the kui is a famous poison tongue among German generals. A few words almost made Crusade angry with himself. He even spread an unreasonable ludendorff. Kemray’s choking speech is the greatest misfortune in his life!
But after all, the war is still about beating two people and constantly dispatching troops to guard against death!
At this time, the confidential staff rushed in and shouted, "The two commanders, General ludendorff, are in a hurry!"
Kemray raised his eyebrows and shouted, "Read!"
"To two generals, Kemray and Crusade, the main force of our army has now pushed forward quickly to the front line of the Marne River. It is expected that the striker will arrive at the battlefield in one day. Please hold on until the evening when the two armies join forces to defeat the enemy ludendorff!"
The confidential staff quickly read the newspaper again.
It’s late That is to say, there is still one day and one night from now, and it is hard to say whether the British and French armies can support the arrival of ludendorff with such a rapid offensive!
However, ludendorff’s army is relatively fast. It’s incredible that the distance from Alsace to the battlefield of the Marne River is not 400 kilometers, and it only takes four days to rush back. Unless ludendorff foresaw that the British and French allied forces had made a decision to retreat before the counterattack, it was possible to know that the German main force had hardly rested for a month and it was impossible to March as fast as before!
Crusade bullet roared "* * * * * is always left alone and absolutely can’t let ludendorff look down upon! There’s nothing I can do. I always hold a heavy machine gun myself! Say anything to ludendorff that bastard back! "
Kemray nodded and replied, "Good Crusade, you finally said something! Let’s brothers fight side by side this time! "
The new "Who is Striving for the Front through the Late Qing Dynasty" has welcomed everyone to pay attention to Boling and beg for support!
Chapter one thousand and fifty-nine A bloody battle Marne River 2
For a whole day and night, the artillery of the British and French allied forces never stopped flying. Santander also knows that ludendorff is leading the German main force to advance rapidly towards the Marne River, and it won’t be long before it will arrive near the Marne River. Once ludendorff fails to completely defeat the Germans, there will be no good life for the British and French allied forces. After all, ludendorff led the main force, but it was a 700,000-strong army, and even if it was a long-distance raid, it was absolutely not ignored by the British and French allied forces. Furthermore, even the tired division was definitely not comparable to the British and French allied forces. Now the
It was Hafez Santander who made each part and two parts attack in rotation day and night. Crewe Sidek Murray was beaten by the British and French allied forces and couldn’t even lift his head. In just four days, 300,000 troops had already suffered more than half of the casualties! There are less than 150 thousand people who can persist in fighting! The morale of the abused Germans has also fallen to the bottom, and the situation has continued until the evening of the fifth day!
At this time, Crewe Sidek Mule’s mouth was hoarse and he was almost speechless. The battle was so tragic that countless wounded people were dragged to the rear by cars, and they didn’t get preliminary treatment. They died halfway before returning to the rear. Even if the German army finally won the war, the two regiments completely lost their fighting capacity. After an army suffered more than one third of casualties, their fighting capacity would be greatly reduced. What’s more, they lost more than half of their troops!
The British-French Coalition forces were no better than them. The German casualties were close to 200,000, but the British-French Coalition forces directly broke through 200,000. After all, the heavy casualties of the attacking side in the tough battle were normal and huge losses. I was so angry that Xia Fei kept cursing the German general vd, which was really cruel. Now they have all reached this level. It’s a ghost that they haven’t collapsed yet!
Santander is also depressed for a while. It’s really a ghost to hit this level. These Germans are so restless that they will never retreat!
It’s been five days for five days, and the Germans across the street just won’t retreat!
Just then a staff officer rushed in and said, "Report!"
Xia Fei shouted, "What’s the matter?"
The staff replied, "General Xia Fei, our scouts found tanks that were advancing rapidly 100 kilometers away, and hundreds of them were all in German costumes. According to their speed, they were afraid that they would reach the battlefield of the Marne River in a few hours!"
Xia Fei’s heart jumped, and Santander looked at each other for a few days! These Germans are crazy!
Santander asked Shen, "General Xia Fei, it seems that our plan to completely encircle the Germans will fail for several hours. If we can’t clean up the Germans, once the war is still not over, the sudden launch of German tanks into battle will have a great impact on us!"
Xia Fei nodded heavily, but he had thoroughly experienced the power of the tanks. It was simply the real king of land warfare. No army could take advantage of the tanks!
Xiafei bullet replied, "It can’t be so cheap. Crusade ordered the flight brigade to take off and bombed the Germans on a large scale again! Order all ministries to immediately shrink the front line and send a large number of scouts to pay close attention to the German movements and return at any time! "
Staff hurriedly to prepare.
The army finally stopped attacking the other side, and Crewe Sidek Murray finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally caught his breath. If we fight like this, we are afraid that the whole defense line will collapse after midnight! The Germans can’t hold on any longer. None of the divisions is intact. Even the most complete 13th division has less than 10,000 troops now!
At this time, a letter was submitted. Now the German tanks have arrived less than 70 kilometers apart, and they can arrive at the battlefield late at night today. Please wait patiently for the two generals!
Crusade cried with tears. Courier loves you so much. I don’t hate you anymore. Without you, the tanks have completely confessed this time. Although Courier scolded himself for a dog’s blood, it was equivalent to saving two lives!
Crusade shouted, "Tell all the generals immediately to tell them that the old reinforcements are coming. We must persist for several hours, that is, when the Jedi counterattack, we will always beat the shit out of that bastard Xia Fei!"
Kemray’s words just came out, but before he finished, there was another violent explosion outside!
A staff officer stumbled into the room and shouted, "General, general! The British and French Coalition forces once again dispatched fighter planes to bombard our positions … "
Crusade is going crazy with anger. It’s too arrogant!
"Command the army all anti-aircraft guns and light machine gun department to give me a good beating! Be sure to tear their flying brigade to pieces! "
Crusade growled angrily!
The war in the whole German position has been lifted again. Almost all the heavy and light machine guns and anti-aircraft guns in the German position have been put into the attack on fighters. Even if it can’t be too big, the French flying brigade must not be too arrogant!
When the two sides were locked in battle, a dull rumble came from a distance, and a strong vibration came from the feet, which drowned out the sound of the shell explosion!
It’s a tank! It’s the sound of tanks marching. It’s finally here!
Crusade jumped up with joy, and Kemray hugged him excitedly, so he finally stopped being beaten passively!
Yes, the tanks have arrived!
At this time, after all, there is no way for tanks to compare with the performance of later generations. In less than a month, nearly 100 tanks have temporarily withdrawn from the battle due to various failures. In addition, nearly 100 tanks have been damaged in the war, and even the tanks have suffered huge losses!
In order to maintain the tanks, ludendorff had to let the tank group Alsace leave a day late before launching a long-distance raid. Now ludendorff’s main force has been left far behind!
Attack! Tanks once again showed sharp fangs!
Chapter one thousand one hundred and sixty Confrontation
Facing the coming tank group, Santander is filled with fear. This big guy is so powerful that it is a headache!
Although the fighter is also very powerful, after all, it is a medium blow, which gives people the most psychological shock and deterrence, but the tank is different. In addition to shock and deterrence, the tank has real lethality, which is comparable to that of the fighter method. He can run amok on the battlefield and tell that mobility, strong firepower and strong defense are simply the bane of all armies!
This is what the British and French Coalition forces are facing now!
The tank group has arrived at the southeast side of the British-French Coalition forces. The garrison here is the French Sixth Regiment and the French Reserve Army. While charging, a tank group keeps bombing shells at the French garrison!
Killed by tanks in the battle of Verdun, the sixth regiment of the French army fell into a panic, and the tanks came again! Damn it!
The sixth regiment of the reserve army has little experience in war, even if it is well trained, it lacks blood and fire exercise. The gap between veterans is shown in front of the reserve tanks! One by one, the recruits are trembling! Trembling!
The artillery, which used to be very accurate, has now begun to lose its way to the north, and panic has begun to spread in the French army! It was at this moment that Xia Fei came to the Sixth Regiment in person, and he also knew that relying on the Sixth Regiment alone was definitely not the opponent of Kuer’s tank group, but the two artillery divisions of the British army were also pulled together to charge against the tank group!
The two sides began a fierce battle on the battlefield, and from 10: 01 pm, they hit the prelude to Lebanon. Although the tanks were fierce, they were also sighing that Nai had to break through the artillery defense of the British and French artillery divisions twice in succession, so they had to stop fighting against the British and French Coalition forces, not to mention the fact that they had to move the front line to the rear for 10 kilometers to make new defense.
The two sides began to enter a brief confrontation.
Until the third day, the ludendorff army finally arrived late, and it took four days and four nights for the tanks to come all the way, but the German main force was seven days and six nights, which was the result of continuous forced March!
When the main forces of the German army gather together and finally the situation is completely stable, the British and French allied forces will never dare to launch a rash attack on the German army again. Now the German forces have surpassed the initiative of the British and French allied forces, and it will definitely not be a good result!
After several days of long-distance and urgent marching, the Germans have already been unable to support themselves. The first thing that many Germans do when they arrive at the Marne River is to fall asleep without thinking about anything. They are too tired, too sleepy and too tired! These days are simply not people living!
Ludendorff finally saw Crusade again and looked at Crusade. ludendorff was livid. According to his plan, it was necessary to take off Commander Crusade’s hat. Unfortunately, the people behind Crusade were too strong. Even if ludendorff had the support of Xiaomuzhi, he could resist William II’s words.
But even though Crusade was severely reprimanded, ludendorff was still very dissatisfied! It’s this guy who sabotaged his plan. Otherwise, where would the Anglo-French Coalition forces have a chance to fight back now?
Crusade’s face turned red. This time, he finally realized the consequences of his recklessness. He took a few steps forward and whispered, "ludendorff, I was wrong last time. I apologize to you. I am very sorry because I went my own way …"


Although there are many clubs in every school, there are not many clubs in Jinling University that are more popular than competitive clubs.

Since League of Legends became popular in China, the competitive team in this country has grown stronger.
There are more and more students joining competitive clubs in universities, and Jinling University, a century-old prestigious school, is not lucky.
In this way, the competition club has become a place where students usually learn game skills together.
It is said that the equipment of the former competition club was outdated for a long time, but it took a year for the League of Legends school team to get a good term in the competition of Chinese universities, and then they were re-equipped with the machine competition club, which made more people.
As soon as I entered Lu Zhan, I saw rows of brains in the community. In front of each brain sat a student who was obsessed with staring at the screen.
Lu Zhan observed it carefully. Sure enough, almost 90% people here play League of Legends.
It seems that some time ago, it was not the end to change the name of the competition club to lol club.
"Our competition area is inside," Wang Zhuo called Lu Zhan and said.
There are ten computers at the bottom of the computer room, and no one plays with them. It seems that they are reserved for this competition.
These computers are all new, and you can feel the configuration is very high when you look at them.
Lu Zhan praised and picked an inner position to sit and check the machine.
Wang Zhuo sat down beside Lu Zhan considering that he wanted to play ad.
Xu Jie and Gao Xueliang also sat beside them.
He Hongxiang didn’t arrive until after a while. This lean and tall boy didn’t know much when Xu Jie played ball, but it gave people a feeling of four-balance.
By his solo exhibition inexplicably feel safe a lot.
At this time, it’s almost two o’clock. Xu Jie agreed that the opponent finally came. The four people in front came together, and there was a small white face who looked different from the Chinese people behind him.
That pretty boy is probably An Youxi. He’s been playing with his mobile phone since he came in. His relaxed face shows that he doesn’t care about his opponent in this competition.
"Human Shao was invited by me. Do you dare to show off in an ostentatious manner this time?" Li Guomin to chrno made a gesture of disdain arrogance said
This Wang Zhuo’s attitude towards the other five people couldn’t help it. He shouted at An Youxi, "An Shao is playing WeChat again! Shaking from Seoul shows that the location of friends around you is Jigong Island? "
This mean-mouthed man has also damaged An Youxi’s coming to a small country.
After listening to his words, An Youxi’s face suddenly turned into pig liver color. He glanced at Wang Zhuo and said, "Wang hopes you can be so relaxed after the game! It seems that I have to fight hard. "
Seeing An Youxi’s bright eyes, Lu Zhan deeply felt that the game was full of gunpowder before it was played!
Chapter 21 is not the same as auxiliary
"Xu Jie, how is your intelligence?" Waiting for the other five people to sit and debug the machine, Wang Zhuo asked
Xu Jie knows many people and has a wide range of ways. He is responsible for investigating the strength of several people across the street these days.
"Li Guomin is a bronze, he pulls a competitor, the position is silver five, and there are two foreign AIDS, one silver three and one silver one, which are not too high. In addition, An Youxi’s position is determined to be masonry two." Xu Jie built a discussion group on his qq number and pulled all five people in. Typing in the discussion group replied.
"That’s okay. It’s okay to have a god with four beats and a fight!" Wang Zhuo inspires morale.
I didn’t expect He Hongxiang to reply coldly, "Isn’t our side also devastated by one god?"
Through the previous conversation, Lu Zhan has learned that He Hongxiang is already a platinum position, which is relatively high in Wang Zhuo’s circle of understanding.
And Wang Zhuo and high school Liang are still climbing the pit in the bronze section. Xu Jie is a little taller, but it’s just that silver has repeatedly added him. This firefighter, who is recognized as a novice by everyone, is described by He Hongxiang as a god with four collapses.
"Let’s stop talking and log in for the game."
There are many people competing in the club. Everyone usually plays games scattered in different game areas. It is very inconvenient if there is a game.
So the members of the competition club thought of a way to connect a branch route to the League of Legends campus competition and get a competition.
Different from the ordinary device, the account set in this game is full of heroes, and even the rune talent is randomly selected. This account is almost the dream of every League of Legends player.
Usually, members are not allowed to log in to the competition. This time, the president will make an exception and let them log in to the competition.
By the time Lu Zhan logged in and tested their good names and entered the game, there were already many members watching the competition.
The ten of them are sitting on both sides with a corridor between them. This arrangement can prevent them from peeking at the opposite screen, so that the gap between the two sides will be exposed first.


"Don’t worry, Ding Shu will give you a monthly bus card after moving there. When the time comes, if you want to play chess and cards, you can come by bus, which is also convenient for us to eat here."

"Wen, you said this is also a way." Ding Dad nodded his head when he heard the news. It’s really convenient to take the bus now, and his face has also lightened a lot.
"Alas ~ when you are old, you have to move and think about it. Why doesn’t Lao Wang come this year?"
"Oh, Uncle Wang, they have a tea party tonight, and all their old comrades get together."
"Why can’t my parents come over that month?"
"Wang Jun has an army on duty tonight, and the cadres are on duty for the soldiers. Isn’t this the Spring Festival Gala? I heard what is the live broadcast this year."
"Hey, their family can’t get together for the New Year."
"What can I do about it? I can’t help it."
"I don’t think Xiao Chu is on duty?"
"Ding Shu, your son-in-law is not off duty. He is on duty every day. Look at his home, but no matter where he goes, he must first report to the duty room for eleven thousand. If there is any emergency, he should always let the duty room people find him."
"So that’s it. My family will be fine."
"He’s the same everywhere. He has to go many times when he wants to clap his ass. He’s asleep in the middle of the night."
"Alas, it is not easy to do anything."
"It’s not so good. Look at your son-in-law. He has a car and a full-time driver, but he doesn’t have any freedom at all. At the same time, he will give up something."
"Then I heard that Wenxuan will pick up Xiao Chu from class in the future. Is that what happened to him?"
"This is not necessarily their succession. It’s not like a factory. Wenxuan’s medical skills are not good for anyone if he can’t meet the requirements of others."
"Wen, I don’t think everyone is carrying that name now …" Suddenly Ding Dad forgot what the name of that thing was, and the expert gestured.
It took Wang Wen a long time to react. What did he say?
"Uncle Ding, you mean the pager, right?"
"Yes, yes, yes, that’s the hutong behind the pager. Didn’t Mr. Chen just buy one? Don’t wear his belt every day and lift his clothes for fear that others won’t know that it’s not too cold in winter."
I listened to Wang Wen.
"That thing costs five or six thousand dollars a year, and it seems that there are hundreds of things to pay. Can it be lit for everyone to see?"
"It takes five or six thousand for something that big?" Dad Ding’s eyes are staring at porcelain.
"Grandpa’s five or six thousand is still a number. If it is Han, it looks like ten thousand yuan." Just Wang Yueyue came in with two plates of meat and heard them add.
"What? Is it 10,000 yuan for such a big box? "
"What is so expensive?"
Li Qin’s attention was also attracted.
"Aunt is the pager."
"Oh, you said that thing is so expensive that how many people can afford it?"
"When the buyer feels convenient, he will definitely buy it. When Xu Yang and Xiao Qin came to see the children that day, they said that his father had ordered one."
"Gee, Xu Damao really made money in recent years." Li Qin shook his head and said with emotion.
"It seems that it is still doing business to earn money." Ding Ma followed the sigh with emotion
"What Ding Yi, do you want Jianguo to do business?"
"I don’t think so." Ding Ma shook her head at once. "Who knows when the policy will change, or we won’t worry about it if his class is stable."
"Why bother, Mom?" Ding Qiunan came in with a tray and several bowls on the side.
"We talk about making money by doing business here."
"Qiu Nan, mom, you sit and rest. I’ll just serve the food."
Chapter seven hundred and thirty-five New Year’s Eve
"Come on, let’s all take the front cup and touch it together. I wish all of us a happy New Year every year."
Wang Wen looked at people all together and raised his glass in front of him and said
That’s the advantage of eating hot pot. Everyone can sit here and eat together. If it’s cooking, there will definitely be a person busy in the kitchen.
"Happy New Year!"
"Home Wenxuan, you two go to the gate and set off firecrackers."
Li Wenxuan got up at once and was ready to run away.
"You give me the baby!" Wang Yueyue quickly grabbed him.
"You run away with my son in your arms. Are you trying to scare my son?"
"Hey, hey, forget everything"
"You are really successful."
Ding Qiunan handed Wang Yueyue two small cotton balls from his pocket.


Whether the surface temperature of the instant frozen magma decreases or the central temperature is still very high, but the temperature of the magma stone will drop rapidly because the surface frost invades the center all the time. However, for the sealed rock meat, this high temperature is enough for the meat inside to be quickly roasted and cooked. In fact, when the rock is taken out, the meat on the surface of the animal leg is burnt root, so it is impossible to eat a piece of more than 50 kilograms of animal leg, and finally it can be served with less than 20 kilograms.

The fire element magic crystal emits fire element, and the residual fire element in the magma is immersed in this last barbecue. There is not much difference between eating a piece of meat in your mouth and eating a small fireball. Every bite is going through a small fire element baptism, so people with low strength eat this kind of food, which is to die. At the same time, because this kind of food consumes too much materials and spices, the dwarves will not make a lot of food unless it is a major festival or a harvest season. This kind of food is also on the ground. Dwarf chefs in Lord Chen Kai’s house can make a flame dish with wave materials.
However, even the dwarves themselves can eat a little food. Some powerful dwarves can eat this horrible food, but these dwarves don’t have two flying dragons to eat, because after eating a few pieces, they can bear the cumulative fire element and attack their bodies. The whole face is like a fire, but the two big guys are holding the dwarves’ thighs and looking at each other. Although they have eaten nearly 100 kilograms of food,
Looking at two dragons bigger than himself clutching his legs, the dwarf chef had a feeling of crying and laughing, but in the end, the dwarf chef couldn’t bear the desire of two big guys to work hard. He was busy in the middle of the night to fill the terrible stomach of two dragons, and then the next day he never appeared in Lord Chen Kai’s house again. He directly took his kitchen utensils and changed to a new dwarf chef. These dwarf guards made meals.
Of course, how novel the flame cooking is, for Vivian, she is not in the mood to take a bite. How much she wants her husband to wake up at once, but as for her, Andre is still lying in bed and sleeping. Although Vivian stuffed some life-saving drugs into Andre’s mouth and Andre recovered extremely quickly from any angle, he just didn’t wake up.
"Sister Vivian! Andre pavilion doesn’t have many physical problems, but I’m too weak to wake him up! " Rola Chen wiped the sweat on her forehead. This is the third time that she has made the goddess of life forgive Andre. The powerful life force slowly flows on the surface of Andre’s body, but more power is directly lost. Because Andre’s body is not much problem, he never wakes up. It is because of consciousness problems.
"Thank you!" Vivian didn’t take her eyes off Andre’s face. The silk in her hand slowly wiped away Andre’s face, and it wasn’t dusty.
"no! Sister Vivian! If it’s okay, I’ll go to rest first! You also have a little rest! After all, you haven’t eaten all day! " Chen Yiqin talked about the actual treatment ability. The bishops in the Dawn Temple were very honored. The treatment ability of the combat god officer was all in Rola Chen, but they couldn’t wake Andre up. That’s why Rola Chen was dragged to a dead horse to be a living horse doctor. Unfortunately, she made many methods, even the forgiveness of the goddess of life, which cost a lot of magic, but it didn’t work.
"good! I’ll stay with Andre for a while and then I’ll eat! You can rest assured! " Although Vivian said so, Rola Chen knew very well that she didn’t mean to eat. This was not the first time that Rola Chen persuaded her. She was not the only one who persuaded her. However, since Andre was sent back to the ground for three days, Vivian almost came to Berkner town at the first time. For three days, she didn’t eat much, just drank some rice soup. At the moment, Vivian’s face was strange and gaunt, and Andre was at least better in anger than Vivian.
Watching Rola Chen slowly leave the room, Vivian slowly turned back to her body, but she didn’t notice that Andre’s eyelids moved a little when she turned to see Rola Chen leave the room. Although the horse fell silent again, people could find it, but if Vivian could observe it at that time, she might be in a better mood.
In addition to the long-term battle loss, the most important thing for Andre is that he is not far away from the sacred weapon Leila, which dominates the crime-breaking blade. The weapon made by the demon master contains a ray of will that the demon dominates. Although Andre won the recognition of the weapon because of the hundred-eyed giant, this recognition is only temporary. After the crisis is eliminated, the demon’s will will will will bite Andre, the master. If he can be found earlier, if Bass and others carry the chain that bans the sacred weapon, then maybe Andre will not encounter this crisis.
Although Bath and they are very clear about the evil of this weapon, they all think that Andre has lowered this hallows and won’t encounter any danger, and even if they know that there is no sealed chain in their hands, don’t look at those original sealed weapon chains, but the surface is decorated with tens of millions of gods. This chain can’t be made in a short time, even in the temple, there are few libraries now. After all, this kind of thing is too narrow in place, so slim and chained, but it is extremely expensive. If it is not temporary, it will not be made without a sealed chain to lock the devil consciousness in the weapon. In the end,
The demon consciousness entrenched in the weapon sneaked into Andre’s brain, and now Andre is fighting for his life and death in his brain. If Andre loses, his body will be occupied by the demon consciousness in the sacristy, and finally he will become a humanoid demon. As if he wins, he can completely control this weapon and become the first master of the crime-breaking blade.
However, if Andre is awake, he may still have a chance to win, but he is in a coma and has been taken advantage of by the sacristy consciousness, so he has always been in the wind. If several temple bishops have not been treating him with magic, and recently Rola Chen has forgiven the goddess of life for several times and released magic to help Andre recover the decline. It is estimated that Andre has now become a puppet whose consciousness is occupied by the devil consciousness.
If you look over Andre’s eyelids, you may see that there is a red S light flashing in his pupil from time to time, but the horse will be occupied by a little gold S light. Of course, for Andre, because his body is him, he is gradually regaining control of his body. In his consciousness, the gold S demon consciousness appears to be the image of the demon master Leila, and the demon master radiates gold S light. The horn on his head stands like a towering sword, while Andre holds a weapon shadow in his hand, but he looks too weak compared with the demon influence up to 100 meters.
The scenes in consciousness are still in ruins in the underground lava city, and the lava city has become an Andre and Leila battlefield. The explosions and flashes are constantly released from Leila’s hands and bombarded Andre who is running.
The first volume Chapter four hundred and sixty-five Burning Rapier fault blade (6)
With an angry roar and a dull beat, the whole lava city Dongcheng District became a ruin in less than 15 minutes after the hundred-eyed giant started work. One third of the M city was pushed to the plain, and one third of the 40-to-50-meter-high wall was still standing, and it was still a pair of swaying and falling.
For Chen Kai, the past fifteen minutes was definitely the second time that he experienced the scene of the sky falling down on the ground. The first time was in the holy mountain of Chenxi, and that time he was smashed by a rock before he lasted long, but this time he was alive. When the wall was cut by the scarlet line, he jumped off the city head and limped towards the back.
Fortunately, Chen Kai ran fast enough. Otherwise, he would have been crushed on a stone surface and trampled into patties by a hundred-eyed giant. Of course, Chen Kai could not have jumped directly from a wall more than 40 meters high. If he had done that, he would have fallen to his death now. Although he had experienced running from the wall, it was in a violent state. When he was rational, he really rarely did such high-risk moves. Of course, Chen Kai was still alive and always shrank behind. Zhao Tiezhu even turned around and ran behind when the first wave of scarlet SH lines broke the wall.
Although he didn’t see the hundred-eyed giant, he saw Chen Kai’s leap and thought that even Chen Kai was scared to jump off the building directly. This situation was definitely not something he could resist, so he didn’t hesitate to turn around and run away. Of course, he also informed Chen Yiyi when he ran away, but he was surrounded by many dwarves. Will Chen Yiyi still retreat?
The high wall was almost cut into pieces in front of Rola Chen, and the impact caused by the explosion almost directly knocked everyone behind the wall out. At this moment, the dwarves, together with the guardians of the wall, are all looking at the giant who is still running wild in the city with fear. The horror is so terrible in Chen Kai’s eyes. When the third wave of scarlet SHE line appeared, all the people with eyes in Dongcheng District of Lava City chose to bow their heads and lie on the ground. Of course, the dwarves would not have done that because they were a little far from the battlefield, even if the scarlet SHE line was no longer possible to cross several times.
They don’t know what spell that terrible scarlet SHE line is until now, but there is no doubt that the power of each SHE line is comparable to that of a seven-order spell that instantly inspires hundreds of such horrible spells. This power alone is enough to make many people feel scared. Therefore, no one will not be afraid of the giant with a hundred eyes roaring like a fiend, especially when the giant with a hundred eyes just appeared. The horror is even more frightening than the predatory atmosphere that enveloped the earth. It is even more frightening than Rowen. Many dwarves don’t feel this way when facing Edmunds, but when facing the giant with a hundred eyes, even if the two sides are several miles away, they can still feel the horror, which makes people feel that they are about to be eaten.
But now these smells are all rushing towards Andre, so those players and other defenders around them have the ability to lift their legs and run away. Otherwise, the closer they get to him, the more they can’t walk. In this horrible smell, two battles will lie on the ground like sheep in front of tigers.
In fact, many players were scared to move when the hundred-eyed giant bombarded the wall, and eventually they were filmed alive as meat sauce. Of course, these meat sauces were eventually caught by the hundred-eyed giant and licked completely, but they were all exposed to the outside. More players were covered with stone powder and died, even saving burial.
Thousands of dwarves guarding the East City Wall, 30,000 to 40,000 players finally managed to run into the tunnel, and there were more than 3,000 dwarves and less than 20,000 players. If Chen Kai’s Black Armored Cavalry Corps and Tauren Heavy Troops hadn’t been resting in the rear all the time, it is estimated that this time it would be doomed. Even Arno and Drake are in the rear with a face of fear. Let alone Arno, who was almost killed and injured by Latamius, it has never been good. Drake wanted to take care of the wall this time, but in the end, it was
With the help of the underground cave, the light that has become more dim, Chen Kai can barely see the image of the giant with a huge eye several miles away at the moment. If Chen Kai is crazy to escape, they are in a mess, then this monster is crazy to rise with a kind of red blood Se fog, and the whole crypt is shaking with a roar, but after the third wave of scarlet Se line broke out, his breath weakened a little. Obviously, such an attack is not a loss, and there is a price to pay after continuous release.
But in any case, the hundred-eyed giant is an extremely horrible person, and the strong is stronger than the demigod. The biggest difference between him and the odd strong is that there is no field, and the unique predatory breath of the hundred-eyed giant’s strong body has not been lost to a high-eyed monster. At the same time, in terms of * * destruction ability, he and a demigod’s strong * * destruction ability are quite equal, but the strong rarely fight with * * strength, but it is also because this hundred-eyed giant has not yet completed its age, and its eyes are even more huge.
The angry value of the hundred-eyed giant who has been chasing Andre has reached the edge of rage, and at the same time, he has several eyes blinded by Andre’s crime-breaking blade. When Andre risks extremely great danger and directly rushes to the opponent’s body with flash power, then waves his weapon and directly inserts it, and after a blow, the horse retreats and does not respond to the other party.
But it is precisely because of this that the hundred-eyed giant is even more resentful of Andre. Unfortunately, whether he slaps his palm or makes the scarlet thread hit Andre, it has wasted his strength. This situation has made the hundred-eyed giant even more violent and almost on the verge of runaway, but it happened that Andre, who is extremely fast, had nothing to do. Of course, Andre himself suffered a lot when he stabbed the eyes of the hundred-eyed giant. If the eyes of the hundred-eyed giant were so good at stabbing lies, they would not have become the most horrible ancient creatures in hell and were sealed by Vivian.
When attacking those eyes, Andre could feel a force impacting his body, especially when those with foul blood splashed on her body. Andre felt a kind of madness that had never surged out of his body. Not only did his body become heavy, but his eyes gradually became red. An idea of turning around and pouncing on flesh and blood would come to his mind from time to time. Fortunately, Andre’s quarrelling has a strong recovery effect. The most important thing is that the temple paladin has many special things. The temple is for every higher level. Grade-I paladins, especially paladins with deep background like Andre, take good care of his helmet. The morning gem has more than a dozen bishops’ blessing to protect the mind. After being influenced by God J and jīng, this gem slowly emits a faint light to dispel Andre’s evil thoughts.
However, because of this, Andre didn’t dare to attack the eyes of the hundred-eyed giant again, because he found that the morning gem on his forehead had clicked and broken, which obviously dispelled Andre’s evil thoughts. The power contained in this gem was very expensive
However, the damage has been done in front of Andre, and the hundred-eyed giant will hunt him down wherever he hides. Those eyes that ooze blood are staring at Andre for more than ten minutes. Andre can be said to be exhausted. If he hadn’t stopped, he would have been shot to death. It is estimated that he would have stopped to have a good rest. If it hadn’t been for drug support, Andre would have been tired now. Of course, it is much more advanced for Andre to take drugs than for Chen Kai to eat those popular goods. It is the morning god. Both the temple and Andre’s own family have channels to get high-grade recovery drugs. These drugs are better in quality and recovery effect than those produced by Chen Kai, even if they are the source of life. Andre has them in his hand. This is the biggest difference between a high-grade paladin with background and an ordinary holy order. It is estimated that it is very good to have a good recovery drug if it is replaced by an ordinary blade master. It is almost impossible to buy the source of life.
This time, Andre’s figure flashed behind the broken wall, and the high wall blocked the vision of the hundred-eyed giant and let him catch his breath. However, Andre knew very well that the other party had remembered his breath, and it would take more than ten seconds to find himself. At that time, he would be desperate to escape again, so when he grasped it, he put something in his mouth and drank a mouthful of water and looked at himself in the puddle. Andre was in a very bad mood, although he got a sacristy, but the price and ending were a bit too tragic. Looking at the surrounding ruins, who would have thought that there were still buildings around the city ten minutes ago
"Strange! How did it take so long to find me this time? " After a full rest for nearly half a minute, Andre suddenly felt a little uneasy. If he were another enemy, he might have had an abnormal heart at the moment, but now his enemy is a huge creature bigger than Archaea.
"Not good! This guy must have found me! " Andre’s anxiety became more and more intense. He didn’t even think about leaping from the ground and flashing to a very thin body. He flew away in the distance like a golden light, but just at that moment, a line thicker than scarlet swept towards Andre.
Back to more than ten seconds ago, when Andre swallowed his last bite of cake and took a sip of water, the hundred-eyed giant had already discovered him. But this time, he was going to kill Andre. Instead of making the wave force scarlet, he gathered huge power into his mouth, and a little scarlet light spot gathered in his mouth. Finally, all the lights gathered into a red Se light group with a diameter of more than five meters, which appeared in his mouth. These gathered lights burst into Se in a light ring and came out toward the hiding place of Andre, and the beam was at least three or four meters thick.
Almost at the same time when Andre flew out, he hit him hard. The rubble of the wall was flying in the air and hitting Andre’s body. But for Andre, there is not much danger when it hits the gravel root of his body. The biggest danger comes from the red Se beam that chased his footsteps behind him.
For Andre, this time is definitely a huge crisis, because even if his body moves faster, it can’t be faster than chasing the horrible light from behind. The horrible light chasing Andre’s body sweeps through the ruins, and the traces of tens of meters deep appear on the ground, while those buildings swept by the light directly fall apart. Although Andre makes the flash speed increase to an extremely fast speed, he must have a place to stay and accelerate. The most important thing is that Andre Genfa’s skill of continuous transportation is landing. Sometimes he will have a short pause, which is absolutely fatal at this time, because without a pause, the beam will get closer and closer to the last beam, which is less than one meter away from him and almost grazes his body.
People hiding in the tunnel also saw the horrible light beam, because this light beam is too huge and the destructive power is too terrible. No dwarf holy order strong man dares to say that he can stop such an attack for a second, but everyone thinks that Andre may not be able to resist this time.
But at the moment when Andre was about to hit in the end, the original jump was in the middle, and Andre’s body suddenly became short, and the Se line seemed to break in an instant. Everyone thought that maybe Andre was hit and killed, which led to the disappearance of the light, but actually Andre slipped and then fell from the middle, but this fall made him avoid the slaying attack this time, chasing his body, and the light beam narrowly passed over his head. By the time the hundred-eyed giant found out, Andre had pulled away from the light beam again, and at this time, the light beam sprayed by the hundred-eyed giant had dissipated.
"Is Andre dead?" Ll asked Bath, who was bandaged around him, but the latter shook his head. Of course, this is not to say that Andre didn’t mean to die, but that Bath dared not think so.


It is unprecedented for the eastern team to win the championship, and Dynamo Dresden won the championship in the first three rounds this year, which triggered a heated discussion on the topic of "the rise of eastern football" in various German media. Dynamo Dresden will grow rapidly and be able to compete with another giant in Bayern Munich for a long time.

However, the reality is cruel. A few days after winning the championship, Dynamo Dresden fans heard a shocking statement that Bayern Munich Club wanted to dig corners, including Neuer as the main force of several teams!
"I originally wanted to stay and compete with you for the Champions League gold cup. Now I still listen to Mendes’ advice to find a family with the strength to win the Champions League!" Gao Jun thought with some regret after confirming to the people of Neuer that the transfer was not groundless.
It must be admitted that Hess really has a way of digging people up. Before he paid a sky-high price for Neuer, he first contacted the central defender Hummels from Bayern Youth Training Dynamo Dresden, and offered him an annual salary of 30,000 euros after tax at a generous contract. This is a situation that Hummels method has not been famous for a long time. This young man was playing in Bayern not long ago, and he was deeply attached to it. Seeing that the player insisted on leaving Bayern and paid as much as 110,000 euros (including additional terms), he felt that he did not refuse the transfer after earning Magat. However, he didn’t expect that letting the main players go before the end of the season had a very bad psychological suggestion, and he felt that Neuer, the top manager of Dynamo Dresden Club, had a big ambition.
In the end, Dynamo Dresden Club had to agree to Neuer’s transfer to Bayern Munich. Although the transfer of 30,000 euros was absolutely sky-high for the goalkeeper position, there was no loss in the economy. However, after Neuer decided to leave, Gao Jun quickly and rationally dismissed the idea of staying in Dynamo Dresden. This loss was too great.
Although Magat will have a lot of money in the next transfer period, Dynamo Dresden is very limited in Europe, and there is absolutely no way to introduce enough to replace Gao Jun and Neuer, the two core football superstars in tandem, and there are other main players who are as eager as Neuer. Even if they are stubborn as Magat, they have to admit that Dynamo Dresden will be unable to compete with Bayern Munich again this season.
However, it is a good thing for China fans that Gao Jun should leave Dynamo Dresden. They have long generally recognized that Gao Jun’s strength requires the world’s top giants to stay in Dynamo Dresden. Such a small club is a waste of youth, but fans have different opinions on which giants Gao Jun should go to. At one time, they argued endlessly, and fans of opposing teams even quarreled.
Yu Gaojun’s own opinion is that he stressed to Mendes that Barcelona will not go. First, because this team will enter its heyday in the future, it will be meaningless to find its opponent Gao Jun there. Second, because Barcelona already has Messi as an outsider, it will also be a supporting role, while among other giants, if Gao Jun is chosen, it will be completely left to the agent Mendes, because he still has many important games to play, so he really doesn’t have the energy to transfer.
First of all, there are club events. Because the results of the three games left in the Bundesliga are already critical and the UEFA Cup final is imminent, Dynamo Dresden coach Magat naturally made a wise choice, but even so, he continued to set a new record for individual goals in the Bundesliga single season. Gao Jun was still very active after coming off the bench in the home game against Hertha Berlin on May 7, and seized himself to find out the loopholes of the other side while watching from the bench. In limited games, Mei twice led the team because of too many main players. Dynamo Dresden, who was absent from the Bundesliga and was not in the mind at the same time, once fell behind by two goals, successfully reversed 32 points and defended the home honor!
On May 1 ST, the away game against Rostock was too close to the UEFA Cup final. Magat gave it up and sent an assistant coach with second-line players. As a result, it unexpectedly lost a 3, but Dynamo Dresden didn’t take this defeat to heart because the UEFA Cup final was the highlight four days later.
Although Dynamo Dresden’s coach and players are confident in the final, the amazing performance of rival Dzenit in St. Petersburg slaughtered Bayern Munich 4 at home in the semi-final still made everyone dare not be careless, which made Gao Jun, who knows that the strength of Dzenit in St. Petersburg this season, feel a little relieved. If everyone is careless, the achievements made before will probably become a stepping stone for the big black horse St. Petersburg Dzenit to reach the top of Europe.
Dzenit team in St. Petersburg has a long history, but it will not be until after the new century that they truly become a strong Russian team. After the acquisition of Dzenit team by Gazprom with deep pockets in 25 years, this team has obtained the most indispensable large sum of money for modern professional football clubs, and its development has been smooth since then.
After that, Dzenit, with abundant financial resources, continuously introduced reinforcements, and in the summer of 26 years, invited the famous Dutch coach Dick Edwards to fully deploy their personnel. Therefore, they became the biggest dark horse in this UEFA Cup competition. If history has not changed, Dzenit in St. Petersburg will beat Glasgow Rangers in the UEFA Cup final to win the first UEFA Cup in the team’s history, while Dzenit unexpectedly defeated Manchester United, the world’s top club, 2-1 in Monaco on the 29th, and won back the European Super Cup.
Compared with the unexpected rise of Dzenit team in St. Petersburg due to the butterfly effect caused by Gao Jun, a passer-by, Dynamo Dresden is another dark horse in this UEFA Cup competition. From the strength point of view, Dynamo Dresden should still be slightly better, but from the experience of Gao Jun’s crossing today, those historical champions often have a good luck in the game, and changing history is not as easy as expected, so there must be no carelessness.
Although Magat didn’t fully realize that Dzenit was good, he still made full preparations. Soon after the home game against Hertha Berlin, he led a team to Manchester, England, the final venue of the UEFA Cup, to adapt to the venue.
To Magat’s delight, there are many Asian players, especially China players in Dynamo Dresden, so the UEFA Cup final attracted more than 20,000 Asian fans (more than 90% of whom were China fans) from the mainland of England to Manchester. It is far more convenient for Dynamo Dresden to come to England with German fans, so this game is actually equivalent to the home game of Dynamo Dresden.
However, Magat didn’t expect that all aspects were in the wind. Dzenit team dared to play offensive football after the game, which also helped Dynamo Dresden to play its best defensive counterattack. However, Belgian teenager Kong Pani, who started the game in this game, accidentally slipped at the crucial moment, which led to a huge loophole in Dynamo Dresden’s original defender line. Arshavin, the core player of Dzenit team, immediately lost no time in playing a beautiful wall-to-wall match with his teammates, and Vinsu Botic formed a single knife. Denisoff calmly pushed and broke through the tens of thousands of Dresden Dynamo who guarded the goal stands by Neuer.
"Sure enough, the champion is not so easy to win." This Gao Jun also frowned slightly, but seeing that Dzenit did not retreat after leading by one goal, he posed to play against Dynamo Dresden. Gao Jun quickly smiled again. "If you really won Bayern 4, you will say that you are the first in the world? The opponent can win our Dynamo Dresden team. The earth hasn’t appeared yet! " to be continued
Chapter one hundred and fifty-nine A massive counterattack
Ps thanked friends for "unifying others" and "wild elephants playing the waves" and friends "sky2", "True Sigh ‰" and "Magic Lang Caihuan" for casting monthly tickets to continue to seek subscriptions and recommended votes _
"Dynamo Dresden’s counterattack was very threatening, but the last one was a little bit too big. The goalkeeper of the other team attacked very timely." Gunter Zell, the gold medal host of a football program in Germany, commented easily that he did not care about the outcome of the game but was full of confidence in Dynamo Dresden’s attack.
And his partner Paul Blaettner gave his own opinion: "Other Dynamo Dresden players are still a little poor in running position and grasping opportunities. In fact, today, the opponent’s tactical strategy is high, but the Dzenit team can focus on the offensive and defensive formation alone. His breakthrough ability is not strict, even if it has not reached the world-class level, it may not have no chance of success, and it is fatal for him to be calm in front of the door and shoot twice in the sky."
It seems that he heard the commentator’s words. In the third minute, Gao Jun retreated again and didn’t take the ball out, but he took the ball forward by himself. After a few steps, an opponent’s lower back violently pushed him over. When Gao Jun saw that he was tall and strong, he immediately made an emergency stop. As a result, the guy immediately rushed over his head and Gao Jun took the opportunity to get rid of the restricted area. Dzenit team immediately had a central defender rushed out to prevent Gao Jun from having a chance to shoot from the foot. Who knows, Gao Jun suddenly changed direction and let the guy jump. After taking the ball obliquely, he lifted his foot and shot the
Gunter Zell, who used to be the world’s top football star, can’t help but sigh deeply that "Gao Jun sometimes tricked the goalkeeper with a false move before he became more and more confident. Now he is shooting directly because Gao Jun believes that even if the goalkeeper judges the right direction, he will definitely not jump out."
In this regard, Paul Blaettner’s view is that "in fact, Gao Jun’s shooting skills have not improved significantly in the past year. After all, he was already very powerful, but his physical fitness has been further improved, making him shoot more powerfully and faster, thus greatly increasing the difficulty of the goalkeeper’s rescue. A year ago, it may not be a dead angle, but now it is enough for the goalkeeper to do nothing."
After listening to this, Gunter Zell shook his head slightly and added, "In fact, I think it is more important than the improvement of Gao Jun’s shooting ability that the high-level goalkeeper has more rich experience in fighting, which enables Gao Jun to estimate the limit of goalkeeper’s saving ability more accurately."
"The level of the UEFA Cup competition is not the highest. Oh, I get it. You mean to compete with teammate Neuer in training?" It took Paul Blaettner a long time to think that White Partner suddenly laughed. "It seems that Gao Jun has made great progress this year thanks to the rapid growth of Neuer! It is true that Xiaoxin is now the best goalkeeper in the world, and I hope to see his wonderful performance in the European Cup soon. "
Equalizing the score Dynamo Dresden’s offensive became more and more intense, but many boys left at half-time were finally able to enter the player’s channel with regret, but at this time, both fans and commentators believed that Dynamo Dresden would win the game.
However, the charm of football is largely due to its uncertainty. Not long after half-time, Arshavin, the core player of Dzenit team in St. Petersburg, relied on his excellent dribbling skills to continuously pass two Dresden players on the right and then cut the ball. Then he got the message at the moment when Kong Pani jumped in front of him, and rushed to teammate Zlyanov to reach out and touch the ball before Neuer touched it, and scored it into the Russian. Once again, he took the lead!
"I didn’t expect that there are players with such excellent skills in Russia. It seems that Dynamo Dresden really needs some effort to win today!" Gunter Zell smiled and praised Arshavin’s wonderful performance, but judging from his relaxed expression, this guy still has confidence in Dynamo Dresden.
Paul Blaettner, his partner, made a more direct statement: "St. Petersburg Dzenit played well in attack today, but I am still more optimistic about Dynamo Dresden because they are invincible in grasping the opportunity and efficiency. Should Dynamo Dresden have enough luck now?"
The deepest feeling for Arshavin’s performance is that he just passed Hao’s excellent prediction. He was completely cheated this time. "Great, I can’t do this kind of move and it’s hard to get the ball in place like that, but our striker is Gao Jun! Even if the ball is not in place, he can still score the ball! "
In the 66th minute, Dynamo Dresden immediately launched a counterattack after breaking the ball in the midfield. Hao made a high-speed forward insertion at the first time and finally paid attention to his teammates’ running position. After Yang Hao came over, he was already in the middle. Hao even hung the ball directly to the front of the restricted area of Dzenit without stopping for half a second.
Gunter Zell got up and was silent for a moment, then shouted and clapped his hands. "Beautiful! This is really a pleasing goal! What’s more, it’s still such a key. I think it should be the best goal in the UEFA Cup! Dynamo Dresden’s counterattack was too fast, and there was not a foot to deal with it in the middle. Although it was a little too big, Gao Jun was far superior to others in nerve reflex speed. At that moment, he took the most appropriate treatment. Before attacking the Dzenit team, the goalkeeper was very exaggerated. He straightened his left foot and almost picked it on his toes. No, it should be said that he grazed the other team’s head and flew into the net. The shooting was just right in strength and angle. Look at it again and feel that it seems a bit like chopping in table tennis. It’s a guy from China. "
He explained that his partner Paul Blaettner also praised him, "Gao Jun never lets his teammates down when the team needs goals most, and his teammates trust him more because everyone knows that he is so good! What will the Dzenit team do? Still want to continue to adhere to offensive football? "
Although the coach of Dzenit team on the sidelines looked unwilling, the Dutch’s love for offensive football really went deep into the bone marrow, and the Dzenit team in St. Petersburg really played well today. In the end, he resolutely decided to continue attacking, so that the defense line could strengthen the defense of Gao Jun.
However, Edward Carter didn’t expect that the offensive and defensive conversion of both sides was surprisingly fast in this game, which led to the physical consumption of the players in both teams and fields being much higher than that in the general game. Seven minutes later, a player from Dzenit in St. Petersburg showed some signs of physical exhaustion, but Dynamo Dresden, who had experienced the winter training of the Magat Devil, showed the training results at this time.
"Force him! Grab him! Don’t slow down. Good. That’s it! " On the sidelines, Magat shouted with a red face. Although the score is still tied, it can be seen from his expression that this guy with mixed reputation in media and public opinion is now a shoo-in.
"Dzenit team will lose, although its physical fitness is not the football department, but it is the foundation of this sport. No matter how good the technology is, it must be fully developed on the basis of abundant physical fitness. Now the players of Dzenit team have been unable to run, but the players of Dynamo Dresden team can’t see the fatigue. It is obvious that the two sides have won and lost." Gunter Zell smiled and commented on the situation.
And another commentator, Paul Blaettner, expressed his heartfelt sigh after agreeing, "Yes, but the teams that can reach the UEFA Cup finals must be well-trained. Dynamo Dresden actually spent more than seven minutes running them to exhaustion. It is really a Magat team!"
Just as they were talking, watching the appearance, Edward Carter had to change including South Korean kim dong-jin in two substitute players to maintain the running ability on the field, but Gunter Zell smiled and shook his head. "Changing the substitute players with abundant physical strength can partially alleviate the dilemma of the Dzenit team, but it’s not yet 75 minutes. Is it good to finish three substitution places in such a hurry? Magat hasn’t played a card yet! "
When kim dong-jin and the two of them were behind the field, Magat said a few words to the bench with a smile on his face. Two of them immediately got up to warm up. Paul Blaettner suddenly cried, "Mark Wagfield is finally going to be sent to the field. This means a big counterattack! And who will lewandowski, a Polish teenager with a rising season, change after the game? "
"Oh, the teenager Royce has been replaced. After all, he is too young and too thin. Today, frequent physical confrontation with the other side consumes too much physical strength. Even Magat can’t make him stick to the end in such a fierce competition, but we still want the teenager to applaud actively and hard today." Gunter Zell said after seeing the card raised on the sidelines. "So that’s it. Tell Lin Lala to play left avant-garde and let Gao Jun and Levan partner to play double forwards? It is convenient to be versatile! " to be continued
Chapter one hundred and sixty Triple Crown
Ps thanks the friend "Xiao Qiwen Miracle" for generously rewarding friends "Passers-by", "Wild Elephant Bombing" and "Ah ~ KGB" for casting monthly tickets and continuing to seek subscriptions and recommended votes _
Dynamo Dresden had already occupied an obvious advantage before the two-man field, and Dynamo Dresden was even more like a duck to water after the two-man field. In the 79th minute, Gao Jun turned his back to catch the ball and put it back in the back row. Mark Wagfeld, who pushed the ball into a dead corner in the restricted area, helped the team overtake the score field 32 times. Fans cheered!
"Magat’s substitution immediately received the amazing mark Wagfield’s post-insertion shot, which is really a must. However, this ball has to be thanked by Gao Jun. If he hadn’t attracted two players from the other side to defend Mark, even if he inserted in the back row, he might not have the opportunity to finish the shot under the interference of people, and the quality of Gao Jun’s return was quite high. The direction of strength was just right, so that Mark could kick out a high-quality shot directly without adjustment." Gunter Zell praised the goal with a thumbs up.
And his partner Paul Blaettner said with anticipation, "This goal is enough for Dynamo Dresden to win the gold cup. St. Petersburg Dzenit has no counterattack strength, but I don’t think the boys will be satisfied with the current score."
As Paul Blaettner said, with the continuous decline of physical fitness, the Dzenit team in St. Petersburg will soon be on the verge of collapse. Even if it is backward, it must strengthen its attack, and Magat will obviously not miss this good opportunity to beat Reservoir Dogs and see him with a wave of his hand. Dynamo Dresden’s offensive is getting more and more fierce.
In the 6th minute, he moved to the left side and told Lin Li that he had extraordinary strength and leaned back against the opponent. The right back made a small interference behind him, but unexpectedly his heel turned to the left. When he sent a beautiful ball, he got the message. The left back Hao caught the ball easily in the situation of being watched by people and immediately sent a foot with just the right arc. The ball made the opponent goalkeeper attack hard and exposed the door behind him.
Although Hao’s goal was not very good, at this time, the restricted area of Dzenit team was already crowded with Dynamo Dresden players. Zhong Gaojun and Lewan didn’t reach the ball, but Hao Junmin, who was inserted into the restricted area to the right, made a powerful shot to help Dynamo Dresden expand the score again. Dynamo Dresden has touched the championship gold cup with one hand!
"The Dzenit team has no ability to fight back now. The pressure of falling behind the score has amplified their physical fatigue. At least four of the players who are staying in the field now can’t sprint. How can they kick this ball?" Gunter Zell looked at the Dzenit players with a confused face in the broadcast footage and sighed somewhat sympathetically.
Paul Blaettner smiled and spread his hand and said, "But Dynamo Dresden has never understood the meaning of’ hand mercy’. Although there are not many left, the score may change!"
As a result, it was really his misfortune. Unfortunately, due to his physical fitness, his mentality was worse than anxiety. Dzenit team in St. Petersburg made a fatal ball mistake within a minute after the ball in the middle circle. Dynamo team in Dresden took the opportunity to launch a quick counterattack. After Gao Jun received Ozil’s accurate direct plug, he was offside and successfully took the ball all the way to the restricted area of Dzenit without hesitation. The goalkeeper of Dzenit team abandoned the door when he saw it. Who knows that Gao Jun pushed the ball gently and followed the Polish teenager lewandowski by the middle road at high speed, and finally locked it into the entry score of 52!
"In fact, Gao Jun can definitely score this goal by shooting himself, but he still chose the ball because he thought that he was going to leave Dynamo Dresden and feed the ball to Levan to help him increase his confidence? I can see that Gao Jun still has deep feelings for this team, but professional players are often involuntarily. "Gunter Zell sighed somewhat."
And his partner Paul Blaettner nodded his head and praised Gao Jun’s incredible performance in this UEFA Cup competition. "Yeah, but even if he didn’t choose to shoot this time, Gao Jun’s goal count in this UEFA Cup competition is still one goal per game. How terrible is this data? The past dust has sealed the historical record for more than 20 years, but only 14 Gao Jun can surpass so many for the first time to participate in the UEFA Cup competition. I really want to know where his limit is. "
"The referee blew his whistle and ended the game, congratulating Dynamo Dresden for winning the first UEFA Cup in the team’s history, and the club achieved the’ triple crown’ for the first time. It is almost a miracle for an eastern team to win the Bundesliga, the UEFA Cup and the German Cup at the same time in one season. I hope that eastern football will lead to faster development and make German football more competitive." Gunter Zell congratulated Dynamo Dresden and sent his best wishes to eastern football in front of the camera.
Paul Blaettner hit home the potential crisis of Dynamo Dresden in its heyday. "This is the most powerful Dynamo Dresden team in history. They can kill the Bundesliga overlord Bayern Munich again and again in the league. They can make a dramatic reversal in this game and finally win three goals. Not long ago, they swept Bayern Munich team St. Petersburg Dzenit team with four goals. I doubt that their strength is probably the best in the world. If this team can maintain its current position and participate in the Champions League season, I want to. Whether the method is correct or not can be confirmed, but it’s a pity that this powerful team can’t get rid of the fate of the small club after all. According to the news at present, Neuer, the core of defense, and Hummels, the main central defender, have both decided to join Bayern Munich in the summer, and Gao Jun, who is still a loan player, should also choose a real giant to permanently transfer to Dynamo Dresden. The miracle they created this season will be engraved in the history of world football forever. "
After the game, Gao Jun was arguably elected as the best player in the game with his excellent performance of double goals, and then he won the best player and top scorer in the 27/2 UEFA Cup. These two honors were also real names, but at the press conference after the game, media reporters from all walks of life were most concerned about Gao Jun’s transfer. Gao Jun directly threw his backpack to his agent Mendes. "After the season, I also have a national team and an Olympic game to play, so I have no leisure to consider the transfer. Please give it to Mendes. You should interview him."
In fact, these words of Gao Jun are seven points true, He was really busy after the three-point holiday and entrusted the transfer exercise to agent Mendes, but it is obviously impossible to say that he has no idea at all. Although his outstanding performance this season has made Gao Jun a sought-after steamed bun in the transfer market, he has further raised his social status. According to the estimation of several major sports media in Europe, even if he looks at Gao Jun’s current transfer of skills, it will never be less than 50,000 euros. If he counts his age and the premium brought by the China market behind him, he will definitely be able to afford such a large sum of money. Even if he has searched all over Europe, there are only a few super giants, and they may not
"In fact, Barcelona Club is relatively well-off now, but you just don’t want to say that Barcelona has Messi, and you have different characteristics from him. Barcelona also has a center!" Mendes complained somewhat discontentedly
Gao Jun argued with a smile, "The characteristics of Barcelona tactics and Messi are perfect match. With Messi’s mature skills and physical growth, it will inevitably become the core of the team for a year or two. I don’t want to give him a beater. I am not afraid of competition, but I am competing with Messi. It is uncomfortable to lose. Needless to say, even if I win, Messi will be squeezed into the bench and wasted, it will be a loss of world football! For such a top superstar, well, he is not only quick for the time being, but I prefer opponents to beat them rather than teammates to appreciate the loneliness of the masters in the game. "
"Okay, okay, it’s your decision to transfer, but you can only afford it if you are worth the top giants now, but how can this team not be the star player? Do you still intend to stay with Dynamo Dresden? " Mendes gave in, but his problems were more acute.


"What a cute little guy! His eyes are green!" exclaimed the girl. "Second sister, come and see!"

A girl of sixteen or seventeen came out of the coach in front of the post, frowning slightly and looking at the cheerful girl, "Stop it, little sister, throw it away quickly, where is the little wildcat dirty?"
Ruxiaonan’s hair on the back of his neck exploded as soon as it was blown.
Are you blind? Can’t you see that Lun’s family is wearing a gold collar and two five-color stones? Lun’s family is a serious cat! Domestic cat!
What’s so dirty? It’s delicious. Lord Shaoqing wiped his hair himself.
RuXiaoNan grumbled in his throat.
Holding a young girl like Ru Xiaonan, she started to flirt. "We talked to death all the way. Why don’t we have a kitten to play with? Do you think it has such a good coat and a gold collar on its neck?"
That’s when I saw it. Are you sure your eyes didn’t come for breath?
RuXiaoNan couldn’t help but turn supercilious look.
Just as the two girls were surprised to look at Ru Xiaonan’s neck collar, they stretched out a big hand from the side to "come here".
Light voice with some pride
The two girls didn’t notice that a young man dressed in jinyihua was reaching out to the black cat in front of them.
Chapter 34 I want that little black cat because it smells good.
A Update the latest chapter of Shao Qing’s pet career in Dali Temple as soon as possible!
RuXiaoNan looked at green ink yan held out her hand.
"Haw" RuXiaoNan twisted her body and broke free from the girl’s hand and jumped to the ground.
"Is this cat you?" Asked the older girl
Blue ink yan didn’t answer but bent over to RuXiaoNan up.
RuXiaoNan raise your head to please seems to be rubbing against the blue ink Yan neck.
Furry feels great.
Blue ink yan hand gently holding her jaw.
Ru Xiaonan instantly narrowed his eyes. Animals can really resist it.
Two girls watched the young man take the black cat away in front of them.
"Second sister, I want that kitten." The girl cried coquetry. "I want that kitten."
Another girl couldn’t look at her. "Stop it. That cat is the man. How can I beg for it?"
"It’s just a cat. What’s the big deal? I’ll pay him how much money he wants." The girl pouted and looked dissatisfied
"Why are you two still here? The caravan has arranged for you to go in quickly." A young man came over and urged, "Little sister, what’s wrong and who made you unhappy?"
"Third brother, my kitten has been caught away." The girl was hopping around and pulling the corner of the young coat, and her body was almost twisted into a twist.
"Stop it," scolded the young man. "This is not the deep house compound of Cai Fu. Please pay attention to some rules. What are you talking about, kittens?"
The girl told me what happened just now, and complained at the end, "I was in a panic in the car with my second sister all the way. I want a kitten to play with me."
"When we get to Shifang Town, you can have as many kittens as you want." The young man nodded her forehead. "Come into the post."
The girl reluctantly followed her into the post, but when she got inside, she widened her eyes and looked around, hoping to see the little black cat again.
Green ink Yan entered the post and never showed up again. Everything was sent to Xuanyu’s room for meals.
Because Qing Mo Yan didn’t bring Ru Xiao Nan’s clothes for dinner, he saw the black fragrant raccoon dog sitting on the tip of the table and shaking gently.
"Change back" green ink yan ordered.
No way!
RuXiaoNan whined and bowed their heads and went into the rice.
Blue ink Yan stretched out his hand and blocked her face "change it back for me to eat"
The Luns don’t want to eat naked!
RuXiaoNan protested against eke out a small tooth.
"If you eat badly, you’ll get all over your face." Green ink Yan said crossly. "There’s no water to bathe you here."
RuXiaoNan leng leng looked down at her shiny black fur and bit her teeth. She jumped into bed.
A faint brilliance flashed RuXiaoNan back to human form.
Blue ink Yan threw it to her from taking off her outer petticoat.
Ruxiaonan wears it quickly.
Green ink Yan no longer stopped her from eating rice. As soon as she turned around, Green ink Yan turned back into a black fragrant raccoon.
Are you kidding? She doesn’t want to sleep with him naked.
Blue ink Yan looks a little ugly, but it’s finally no longer difficult. She puts her in the body and looks up with her arms resting on her head, staring at the roof.
RuXiaoNan knew that he needed to think clearly by himself and didn’t bother him. He curled up on his body and snored in a short time.
RuXiaoNan woke up the next morning and found herself on horseback.
Look around blankly, huh? When have they left the post?
"awake?" There is a blue ink on the top of your head.
Raising her little head, she found herself stuffed in her clothes by him.
"haw?" Leaving so early. Where’s her breakfast?
Blue ink Yan called "Xuanyu"
Xuanyu urged the horse to come and pass me an oiled paper bag.
Wow, it’s awkward!
The drowsiness disappeared in an instant.
When she first ate clams, she was still an unweaned fragrant beaver. At that time, she had a terrible mouth, and she was still bitten by green ink to feed her.
The crispy skin of the delicious cake looks a little soft after a while, but it doesn’t affect the taste at all.
RuXiaoNan quickly stood up and pawed to pull the blue ink Yan clothes.
Come on, come on, give it to me!


Mu Feng didn’t think Xiao Shengfeng was going to attack himself, and others didn’t react. Xiao Shengfeng’s attack rhythm would be so fast. This offensive broke Mu Feng’s original war plan. What Mu Feng thought was to slowly consume Xiao Shengfeng’s blood to 5% and then release him by fire. Two methods were used to solve Xiao Shengfeng in one breath.

Before that, Mu Feng must never die. He must live to think about Mu Feng’s mind and shout "God is rebellious!"
"Hum!" A buzz was accompanied by Mu Feng’s shout, followed by the flashing purple luster of the Afar suit. At a moment, an array appeared. After Mu Feng’s foot was attacked by Xiao Shengfeng, the array changed from the foot to the front, which blocked everything. The gale attack even passed through the array, and the wind blew in Mu Feng and the figures floated up. There were also two "enemies!"
"Emperor’s paranormal skills!"
Moreover, after the appearance of the array domain, Mu Feng shouted again, "Let the Emperor’s paranormal technique be superimposed on God’s inverse skill". Mu Feng quickly threw the second magic source staff in his hand behind him and let the hidden statue and the true body go wild. Then Mu Feng rushed to the front of Xiao Shengfeng with the purple array domain in front of him. Mu Feng and the hidden statue showed a series of melee attacks on Xiao Shengfeng’s strong body.
Mu Feng’s equipment has always been added with magic attacks and intelligence, and there is nothing to add with physical attacks. The punching damage caused by Mufeng’s fist is about 2,000 points. However, the reason why Mu Feng himself and Yin Zun attacked Xiao Shengfeng is not to hit explosive damage but to provoke him.
Anger Xiao Shengfeng, this is Mu Feng’s real purpose!
Watching Mu Feng and an imaginary figure beat Xiao Shengfeng around, everyone was shocked. Everyone knew that Mu Feng was now in an enemy state. He had a long skill when he put an enemy, but people couldn’t understand why Mu Feng didn’t take advantage of the enemy to run away and attack Xiao Shengfeng with magic and attack him at close range.
With Mu Feng’s fists constantly provoking Xiao Shengfeng, the latter is not to be outdone. He hit a series of violent winds against Mu Feng, which swept Mu Feng into the middle school and threw it out again, but still did not hurt, because Mu Feng was still in a state of rebellion against the enemy.
"Hey hey sword stupid old man has something to continue to hit me." Mu Feng punched Xiao Shengfeng’s face and then said cheerfully that he was still in Mu Feng while the supernatural operation continued. Of course, this guy wanted to "trample" on Mu Feng and Ling Fei.
Although it is np in the attack game, this kind of blow still makes Mu Feng feel sour and refreshing. When he was about to continue to attack him, he found that Xiao Shengfeng’s unique wind sword disappeared. "Hum" sounded and then the unique wind sword flocked to Mu Feng with a huge storm.
The height of the storm is three or four meters high, and its appearance has cooled the whole palace corridor, but there is still a killing gas in the coolness that reaches the depths of everyone’s soul.
"Nana, give everyone a shield, but don’t treat me except for me every month. Remember my words!" Just as the whole corridor was raging, Mu Feng suddenly said something like this in front of everyone so that everyone could accurately hear Mu Feng and sent it on the chat channel specially.
In addition to the magic days, others are puzzled in every way. Although Mu Feng is still in the enemy’s state, this enemy should be faster. Isn’t Mu Feng afraid that Xiao Shengfeng will cast a unique wind sword on him after the enemy fails? After all, the Mu Feng enemy has been in existence for 1 second!
I don’t know that Mu Feng already had an idea in his heart. When Xiao Shengfeng’s forehead was pointed at himself, Mu Feng smiled and then the wind sword pierced Mu Feng’s chest with a snap of his fingers.
There is no pain in the feeling of weapons entering the body. After a few years, the feeling of chest soreness disappears, but the sword of the unique wind does not disappear. Moreover, the storm of the sword of the unique wind suddenly flocked to Mu Feng, drowning Mu Feng in the storm. This feeling is itchy except for acid. Now Mu Feng will not feel pain when he is in an enemy state.
This unique wind sword stabbed Mu Feng in the chest for 5 seconds, and it was not until the last moment that the enemy state in Mu Feng disappeared that the unique wind sword was pulled out and Mu Feng had been enemies for 15 seconds!
If the situation before Mu Feng is made into a video and sent to the game forum, it will definitely bomb the entire game industry for 15 seconds, which is definitely the strongest enemy skill in history.
That’s not all. After the duration, the original purple array in front of Mu Feng disappeared and turned out in front of Xiao Shengfeng. On how Xiao Shengfeng moved and how to cut the sword, he failed to get the purple array away.
And when the array appears, it generates storms. These storms attack him just like Xiao Shengfeng attacked Mu Feng before, and now he attacks Mu Feng to deal with him.
On the side, everyone wiped their eyes. No one would have thought that Mu Feng summoned the array to attack Xiao Shengfeng in turn, and the attack style was the same as that of Xiao Shengfeng just now. This is amazing.
Of course, there is also a difference between the two. Xiao Shengfeng didn’t do any damage when he attacked Mu Feng. The latter was in an enemy state. Now Xiao Shengfeng is constantly losing blood and there is no place to hide. Moreover, the damage caused by this attack is quite high …
"Mu Feng, how did you do that?" Seeing Xiao Shengfeng being cut by his own whirlwind one after another, the root didn’t have the strength to attack all the people. The magic day finally couldn’t help but ask. Others were also very curious about what Mu Feng had just done.
"Well … I don’t know how to explain it. I sent out the equipment for you to see." Mu Feng ha ha smiled and shared the equipment attributes.
Compared with the magic day, they are more curious about Mu Feng’s low-key gods and mad cows. Although they looked at the equipment before, they didn’t see the skills. Now Mu Feng is finally going to take out the skills
Chapter 32 If you die, it’s a piece of cake
"Well … I don’t know how to explain it. I sent out the equipment for you to see." Mu Feng ha ha smiled and shared the equipment attributes.
Compared with the magic day, they are more curious about Mu Feng’s low-key gods and mad cows. Although they looked at the equipment before, they didn’t see the skills. Now Mu Feng is finally going to take out the skills
[Afas combat suit] Purple costume can be equipped in the clothing position. The equipment level is 37, and the demand level is 34. The costume star ★★★ enables professional wizards and doctors to add intelligence to the special professional attributes of France +6 points of strength +17 points of physique +1 point of defense +999 points of additional intelligence +3 points of 5% chance to resist fatal attacks (ps refers to the enemy’s hitting damage more than 5% of his total health in 2 seconds).
After the release of the special enemy skill, the player’s own center will display a three-meter-radius God Inverse domain. When it lasts, the player can move the domain with it and absorb all the damage suffered by the player. At the same time, the domain will absorb all the incoming attacks and 1% will forcibly rebound back to the God Inverse skill. If the God Inverse domain changes from purple to black when receiving an attack, the rebound attack will rise to 2%. When it changes from black to red, the rebound attack will rise to 3%. The skill lasts for 5 seconds and consumes magic. When it cools down, it will last for 6 hours.
Introduction to the equipment: Afar’s combat vestment: Afar wears a vestment. Afar is a high-powered god in the soul world, among which Afar prefers to study the enemy’s anti-itself magic. Afar accidentally acquired this vestment when he first incorporated the enemy’s anti-self magic into the equipment. For some reason, Afar threw this vestment into a corner of the soul world for future generations to find this armor full of two magical powers of enemy’s anti-self.
Then Mu Feng sent out the supernatural art of the emperor.
[Divine Psychic Skill] The active special skill Divine Psychic Skill can be superimposed on another skill surface, so that the effect is to increase all attributes of this skill by 3%.
The attributes of the last two lines of the Emperor’s Psychic Skill were hidden by Mu Feng because it was not publicly displayed by the Emperor’s Spiritual Master and the Emperor’s Weapon Institute in Mu Feng, and Mu Feng Gadi’s Psychic Skill just wanted to tell everyone that it was the superposition of two skill effects that made God reverse for 15 seconds into a majestic enemy skill.
And Mu Feng just punched and kicked Xiao Shengfeng in close quarters for a simple reason, that is, he wanted to provoke Xiao Shengfeng to attack himself. During the duration of God’s inverse field, Mu Feng’s attack will be returned to Xiao Shengfeng without reservation, just like now, Xiao Shengfeng is being ravaged by his own storm.
"Alas ….." Mu Feng sighed after the equipment and skill attributes were sent out. This skill was really a close call to save lives, but what depressed Mu Feng was that he even took out the emperor’s paranormal technique, which actually triggered the follow-up effect to double the attack.
"Ha ha, this is my strongest trick. It’s up to you." Mu Feng sighed and then said with a wry smile to everyone. If the strongest skill of fire inflammation is blood purgatory and blood punishment, then Mu Feng is a supernatural skill.
They nodded, and then turned their attention to Xiao Shengfeng, who bounced back against him. Now the boss has only 7% blood left and his life is still decreasing. Mu Feng is looking at it as "wheezing". As soon as the wind sword in his hand pierces his chest.
Recalling the attack on Xiao Shengfeng just now, I did let go of such an attack, and now it bounced back to him with injury. This sword cut him off by nearly 250,000 blood, and the attack on Mu Feng was enough to kill him by nearly one million blood. This kind of injury made all the men a tiger and all the women a shock.
At this time, 64% of Xiao Shengfeng’s blood is not far from the implementation of the Mu Feng plan. Mu Feng believes that the double tricks of fire inflammation can be released. With the magic day and Qin Mo attack, this boss can definitely be solved. Secondly, there is a low-key god who can send out a set of skills. Xiao Shengfeng can still take away 5% of his blood.
Now you can slow down and grind your blood.
After playing for a while, Xiao Shengfeng put a skill called "unique wind sword storm chop". This skill is a single attack on Mu Feng. What he has to do is to let the person who is stared at by Xiao Shengfeng dodge, followed by Nana to add blood to Shield Jiyue.
Storm chop has the effect of breaking the shield, even if Nana adds a shield, it will make people lose half their blood. At this time, Xiao Shengfeng will flash in front of that person and attack. If Ji Yue and eggplant beauty add blood, that person will run out.
Xiao Shengfeng released the storm, and the target was the magic day. After the magic day flashed, Xiao Shengfeng released the unique wind sword-style square wind crack and blade dance Nana skill, which were still in D. Once released, everyone would definitely not be able to bear it.
Naimu wind energy took out the blizzard anger and released the ice crystal wall. The mad cow also released a skill called "steel barrier", which barely withstood this wave of attacks. After a wave of skills, Xiao Shengfeng would have a few minutes to seize this gap, and everyone would release the attack and bomb him. It took him about half an hour to finally brush Xiao Shengfeng’s blood volume to about 5%.


Lin Ze and Rabine have already bumped into each other in an instant. Dark Moon has had a confrontation with frost gloves, but the sharp dark moon left a series of white marks on the surface of Rabine’s frost gloves, which didn’t break the defense of these gloves. The gloves were condensed from frost and had the characteristics of freezing …

Close combat has always been the strength of Bantu people. Now that Lin Ze and Rabine are close together, Rabine naturally won’t show mercy. That pair of frost condensed into gloves, and Rabine waved a tiger and gave birth to wind and punched Lin Ze in the chest.
However, Lin Ze doesn’t fall in the wind and the moon is sharp, which is definitely not something that Rabine can stop. Whenever Lin Ze stabs Rabine with his sword, Rabine has to avoid it, and he can stop Lin Ze with his pair of frost condensed into gloves.
"Dang dang dang-"
Dark moon frost knuckles collided together and even made a sound of gold and iron
Rabine has been waving ten fists at this moment, and Lin Ze is also extremely fast to display the ghost fencing.
One punch versus one sword, two people are evenly matched.
The trainer Ruuge nodded while watching two people fighting. The strength from Allard, Lin Ze and Rabine is really different.
Rabine’s snow-capped mountain children have been fighting in the snow since childhood, and their physique is definitely stronger than that of Allard’s national human beings. It is also extremely difficult for Lin Ze to compete with Rabine and say that Lin Ze has experienced exercise.
For the animal trainer Ruuge, it is very appreciated that children should work hard. In his mind, even if Lin Zefa defeats the avalanche Rabine, he will let Lin Zefa take Rabine Mountain to have a look. Mintai himself has indeed taken Rabine to stay in the Strou Mountain Range for too long.
Compared with the trainer Ruuge, Obese and Cecilia are both very worried about looking at the battlefield.
Both girls don’t want their supporters to lose. Obese knows that Lin Ze will definitely not make ghosts and gods power here. If ghosts and gods power, Rabine Root will resist Lin Zeli’s blow.
It is because of the power of the law that Obers will worry about Lin Ze.
And Cecilia looked at Lin Ze and gave off a strong dark force. The Walker girl could feel that Lin Ze’s physical strength had surpassed that of Rabine!
Rabine’s power should belong to the peak shadow clan according to Arad’s mainland grade, while Lin Ze’s power seems to have broken through the boundary of shadow clan and become the king of shadow.
All two girls know that they are not sure of winning on their side.
But two people on the battlefield don’t care what the battlefield people think. In the battle, Rabine was extremely afraid of Lin Ze’s sharp black sword.
I can’t be easily stabbed by this black sword, and Lin Ze * * seems to be very strong, and he was hit by several punches in a hurry. There is no avalanche at all. Rabine naturally doesn’t know how strong Lin Ze’s body is against frost. His punches have been greatly weakened when hitting Lin Zeshen …
I can’t do this. Rabine decided that he couldn’t save his strength. Seeing that he threw his fists at Lin Ze with a strong frost breath, Lin Ze seemed to feel the blow. He wanted to forcibly block Rabine’s fists in the dark, but when he touched these fists in the dark, Lin Ze was hit to the ground by Rabine.
Dumped his shoulders slightly numb. Lin Ze looked at Rabine with some surprise. He didn’t seem to know what Rabine had just been able to release such a big punch in an instant.
But when he looked up at Rabine again, Rabine’s whole body changed greatly. At this time, the original dark skin turned into light blue. At this time, Rabine seemed to have become an ice sculpture, and the whole body was covered with frost. The bright ice reflected dazzling sunlight, which made Lin Ze’s eyes narrow.
Is that Rabine’s card?
But this is Rabine’s own card frost armor, which is a skill that Rabine will only use when he meets an opponent with equal strength and sharp weapons that may cause harm to himself.
He doesn’t want to put energy waves in frost gloves to block Lin Ze’s dark moon attack. With this frost armor, Rabine can completely destroy Lin Ze with his own iron fists.
Seeing that Rabine showed his frost armor so quickly, animal trainer Ruuge also spoke highly of Lin Ze. He naturally knew that Rabine’s card could inspire Rabine’s card so quickly. This young filmmaker from Allard is really strong.
He knows that Lin Ze is a star shadow king, and his strength needs to be high in Birabi, but it doesn’t matter to Rabine that Rabine is a snow-capped mountain child, Lin Zeying’s soul force is even more than one level and two levels.
Rabine, who has frost armor, rushed to Lin Zechong again.
"When …"
Lin Ze Dark Moon stabbed Rabine in the chest accurately, but Rabine didn’t defend himself. Dark Moon seems to have broken through Rabine’s frost armor.
Because I didn’t know the defense force of this pair of frost armor, I attacked the place where it would be saved. Lin Ze didn’t do much defense when he stabbed out in the dark moon. However, because this frost armor completely blocked the sharp dark moon, he took a pair of iron fists with Rabine’s powerful power and slammed it on Lin Ze’s chest. Lin Ze was once again hit by Rabine.
But this time, Lin Ze’s appearance is much more than a mess.
Once, Lin Ze’s dark moon blocked Rabine’s fists, but this time, Lin Ze accepted Rabine’s fists attack on his chest!
A flush on Lin Ze’s face even if Lin Ze * * is very strong after several kinds of strength refinement, but face to face with Rabine with great power and iron fist Lin Ze still has some strength. After all, it is impossible for * * to be as strong as armor.
Watching Lin Ze fall to the ground, Rabine rubbed his shoulders and just punched his strength. Now he feels his shoulders are very weak, but with frost armor, he can finally attack Lin Ze without worrying about defense.
"Hey Lin Ze, how do you feel? Is the defense of my frost armor okay? Your black sword should be able to break my defense again. Do you have any cards? If so, it will disappoint me. "
Rabine rubbed his shoulders while watching Lin Ze fall in the snow. It seems that he is looking forward to getting up quickly in the forest …
Chapter 56 Avalanche Rabine’s strongest weapon
A smile appeared on Lin Ze’s face for Rabine’s kind taunt when he fell in the snow. Since the dark moon method broke your defense, he is a more powerful weapon! Lin Ze slowly climbed out of the snow and the dark moon disappeared instantly.
"Rabine, you don’t think you can beat me like this!" Lin Ze smiled politely, and everyone around Rabine felt a burst of heat in his hands.
A dark moon looks similar. A long red sword appears in Lin Ze’s hand. Does it still break your frost armor?
Feeling such intense flame power, the trainer Ruuge’s face changed. The flame frost is opposite, but how can Lin Zeshen’s dark shadow make the flame weapon!
Animal trainer Ruuge naturally doesn’t know that Lin Ze’s red emperor blade has the power to change the angel’s attributes.
Obese saw Lin Ze take out the red burn blade, and the power of the red burn blade is certain. She has seen it on the back of the day curtain beast …
Looking at Lin Ze’s hands constantly braving the blue flame, Red Emperor Blade Rabine is very wary of this huge flame power. So he is as confused as the animal trainer Ruuge. Isn’t Lin Ze a dark shadow? If these flames are the power of this sword, how can Lin Ze manipulate the power of flame attributes so accurately?
Rabine think impassability trainer ruuge think impassability Cecilia three people also think impassability …
However, when Lin Zeke didn’t, they introduced this frost armor that had just condensed from Rabine, which made him suffer a big loss. Now it is time for him to repay them.
Lin Ze pours the whole body dark attribute soul force into the red burn blade. It seems that he hates the climate in the snowy area of Sidon. The slender blade of the red burn blade emits a more intense blue flame.
Seeing this situation, Rabine can confirm that the flame of this red sword body can be manipulated by Lin Ze, although he doesn’t know what it is. But this flame sword can definitely bring him a great threat, and this frost armor may also block the power of this sword again.
Lin Ze corners of the mouth slightly Yang murder fluctuation has been released by him out of a few strange fluctuation seal has emerged in Linze head …
Lin Ze Jian’s body shape is disillusioned instantly. He has released the bully skill, and the Raptor is broken and chopped. Due to the fluctuation of the printing speed, Lin Ze released the Raptor and chopped very fast. When Rabine Gen didn’t respond, Lin Ze’s body shape instantly appeared in front of him.
Red burn blade like a red dragon fangs ruthlessly hit in Rabine frost armor is a Rabine, you can feel your frost armor is being red burn blade blue flame violently * * * * with cracking sound constantly into Rabine’s ear. He can feel the red burn blade blade flame blazing. Rabine’s body has also been broken by Lin Ze Raptors this time.
Lin Ze is really strong!
Rabine thought in his heart that although he was hit in the air, he had already thought about it in his heart. If he wanted to counterattack Linze and let him land, he was ready to let Lin Ze taste his iron fist again.
However, Lin Ze doesn’t seem to want Rabine to land. The Raptors cut off Lin Ze. Now the power can use four attacks, which is just the first paragraph.