
"Tell me about it. What’s going on?" Zhao Li unceremoniously occupied the conference room and waited patiently for Kang Hongyuan to finish a cup of coffee slowly.

"Yes, it’s a bit of a big shot." Kang Hongyuan nodded and praised. "I didn’t have a chance to enjoy this cup of coffee."
Zhao Li didn’t say much but quietly watched Kang Hongyuan wait for him. Zhao Li urged Li Mengdie as if he couldn’t help but hurry up. "What’s going on? Why is it still involved in reselling military supplies?" Battleship, she and Christine have heard from Zhao Li. It is natural to be anxious to get information from General Lucas.
"I won’t say much about the present status of the marginal planet." Kang Hongyuan finally stopped selling slowly. "General Chen has always used this place to buy military and civilian materials that they don’t produce." There is a class rhyme that Kang Hongyuan called Chen Yong no longer a rebel but changed his name to General Chen.
"About two weeks ago, someone contacted the representative of General Chen and said that they had a batch of special steel products that they wanted to sell." Kang Hongyuan felt out a cigar from nowhere and gestured to everyone. No one objected and then he came out of prison by himself. This guy liked cigars. It is estimated that he was deeply influenced by the old warden.
"The representative asked General Chen for instructions. General Chen knew that there was a problem in it. Even in the military, that kind of special steel was controlled. Not everyone could do this kind of business." Kang Hongyuan vomited a smoke turn and then introduced "General Chen contacted me for the first time and then asked him to cooperate with him to play a play to stabilize that person."
"But after a little investigation, we found that things were not so simple." Kang Hongyuan still downplayed it as if he was not so nervous. "Someone had already stared at both sides of the transaction when he first contacted it, and according to our guess, it should be the military intelligence department or the Ministry."
"They may know that General Chen represents the buyer and didn’t do more research, but focused the investigation on the seller. Although we also paid attention to it, we didn’t start to let the seller continue to swindle until the Ministry of Military Affairs heard that it was the special steel, and now almost all of them are in the Bai Niao Military Region."
"We noticed that it was wrong and continued to let General Chen represent us for a few days before the seller mysteriously said that the goods were to be sold by Bai Niao. Although it was not specifically you, now some spearheads have pointed to you."
"Then why not arrest that guy and clarify the facts?" Zhao Li was silent for a while and digested the news before asking Kang Hongyuan.
"Now we already know that it’s a conspiracy against you," Kang Hongyuan replied unhurriedly. "And if you want to sit tight, you have to face this kind of continuous conspiracy attack. We discussed it and thought that we should take this opportunity to give a major blow to the conspirators and let others not dare to start work on you for a short time."
"Am I being too kind?" Zhao Li frowned slightly. "What do you think, Lao Kang?"
"No way, even the Supreme Commander has political enemies who don’t talk about you." Kang Hongyuan slowly exhorted Zhao Li. "You should get used to it and learn to fight back and take the initiative."
"So you’re waiting for me to come and deal with it myself?" Zhao Li nodded and asked 1
"It’s not just these." Kang Hongyuan’s words surprised Zhao Li and looked up at this side.
"General Chen also hopes to take this opportunity to defeat the conspiracy of those guys, and secondly, he really needs a batch of special steel."
Chapter three hundred and fifty-five Mysterious seller
Before the advent of energy additives, these special steels were just a little tight, but later they became military control projects. Half of the products produced by all manufacturers were purchased by the military, and then designated to be sent to a certain manufacturer for the production of core components of energy firearms, and the military personnel were responsible for monitoring the situation.
Chen Yong needs this batch of special steel, which is beyond doubt. Before the energy weapon was born, the demand for this kind of steel was relatively small, but now Chen Yong is under great pressure to change his body. Even if there are some libraries before, he has to find a way to get this batch of special metals.
Former Zhao Like didn’t consider Chen Yong’s request, but the existing class Yunchan added himself and Chen Yong’s bet, but he had to help.
"Where is the seller? I want to see him! " Zhao Li has always been a style of words and deeds. When he has determined what to do, he will do it accordingly. Now that he knows that there is a seller, he naturally needs to have a good look at who this guy is in his own name.
"Missing!" Kang Hongyuan sat there without batting an eye as if saying something irrelevant: "They disappeared when we were going to monitor the closing of the net."
"They?" Zhao Li was one leng, but immediately Ma Relieved that it was absolutely impossible for a person to do such a thing. There must be a gang, but several people on the edge planet were missing, which was simply impossible.
"A total of six people used to live in Jinhai Hotel, and then one day they suddenly disappeared and never found anyone." Kang Hongyuan nodded and introduced the situation to Zhao Li in detail. "One of them was the main person in charge, and others had four bodyguards and a similar staff officer."
"What do you mean by missing?" Zhao Li can’t believe that there are still six living people in the iron bucket of the marginal planet, which is too careless of the urban management guard and the indigenous people of the marginal planet.
"It didn’t disturb us to monitor the manpower situation." Kang Hongyuan introduced what happened in detail, but he didn’t show any surprise at all.
"Then you can still sit still like this?" Zhao Li didn’t understand that Kang Hongyuan was as steady as Mount Tai, so he asked out as the Tathagata.
"If you want to bring you down, you can’t do it alone." Kang Hongyuan smiled. "There is no way for a person who hasn’t made a deal to have real evidence, such as catching thieves and taking stolen goods."
"White" Zhao Li immediately heard the string songs and knew your kindness. Since someone wants to knock him down behind his back, it is too difficult to find someone to say what he wants to do. That is, Kang Hongyuan said that there is no irrefutable evidence. It is simply a joke to want to bring down a military commander.
Those people are missing, if they are not hiding themselves, or they have been in the hands of some investigators. The only way to get real evidence is to continue to trade with the existing Chen Yong representative. It is easy to see them again. No wonder Kang Hongyuan is in no hurry.
Now Zhao Li wants to know whether those people are missing, hiding according to the requirements of those behind the scenes, or have been found by the military intelligence department or the Ministry. General Lucas said that they have fallen into the eyes of the military intelligence department and are likely to be controlled by the military.
If so, it’s still a little trouble. Zhao Li also has to consider the consequences of these people falling into the military intelligence department. But think about Zhao Li, but he is not too worried about the fact that General Philip of the military intelligence department and himself are long-standing friendship. The only problem is that once these people fall into the control of the Ministry, they will be slightly in trouble.
When General Cleveland took control of the sub-media incident, Zhao Li vaguely knew that if they beat and controlled these people this time, there might be some troubles, but of course, only some troubles were not enough to hurt the bones.
"Send people to pay attention to those outsiders, especially those with military skills." Unlike Kang Hongyuan, Zhao Li did not master the armed forces. Most of the time, he took advantage of the situation. Zhao Li has considerable strength to deal with some troubles in the simplest way
"Maybe I can help." Ban Yunchan chipped in at the right time, and everyone’s eyes immediately focused on the past. In the face of everyone’s questions, Ban Yunchan smiled slightly. "There are many people in my bank, and all transactions on the edge planet are settled by the edge bank."
This is a message, but it may not be of much help. Those people will not do this. Knowing that the edge bank has Zhao Li’s support, they will be so bold to carry out activities. However, Ban Yunchan seems to have a well-planned plan. Zhao Li nodded, "Then find them as soon as possible."
Ban Yunchan didn’t say anything. Everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding. Zhao Li thought about it and ordered Christine to check the logistics warehouse of a military region and ask them to count and seal the batch of special steel. No one is allowed to fight without my order.
"It’s a general!" This is a business occasion. Christine does not hesitate to call Zhao Li by rank.
After thinking about it, there is nothing else for the time being. Zhao Li and Kang Hongyuan briefly exchanged views on the current development of marginal planets and learned more about Kang Hongyuan’s administrative measures. After that, it was getting a little dark. Ban Yunchan arranged for Zhao Li and his party to stay in the most luxurious hotel in the Golden Five Star.
That night, Zhao Li spent the most ridiculous night in his history. Li Mengdie, Christine and Ban Yunchan all seemed to have a very tacit understanding. I haven’t seen Ban Yunchan for a long time. When Zhao Li and Ban Yunchan went to Wushan for sex, they suddenly found that Li Mengdie and Christine also appeared in their room at the same time.
Fortunately, there is a basic body-building technique, otherwise Zhao Li was almost drained by three women. Fortunately, the result was that three women were extremely tired and were put down by Zhao Li’s department. Then Zhao Li was very fulfilled. She smiled and hugged three women to sleep, but after this night, it seemed that all three women were more United and more United. On the other hand, Zhao Li was forced to make a vicious oath never to increase the number of his girlfriends again.
Ban Yunchan’s channel is very efficient. Early the next morning, Zhao Li received a notice from Ban Yunchan that six people were missing and were imprisoned in a secret place by a group of people who looked very tough.
The news is not very limited, and the Ministry has not said anything about the identity of those people, whether they are armed forces, etc., but at least there is a very accurate location.
This is not too difficult for Zhao Li. After thinking about it, Zhao Li directly called ten former female assassins to the side.


However, Jianhe just rushed out of a jade figure and flew to the front of the Buddha’s lamp, blocking Jianhe, which was slammed and thrown thousands of miles away to the depths of death.

Jade Beauty saved thirteen emperors and blocked this sword.
She was almost killed by Jianhe, and she fell into the depths of a Jedi thousands of miles away, where there was an ancient broken wall of gods, and from a distance, it seemed that there were several shadows walking in the ancient wall and an ancient well full of Buddha’s rays.
"Stupid woman!" Guo Yi shook his head to himself.
In the black Buddha’s Light, a golden light rushed out of the 13th Emperor, and the Buddha’s Light flew unexpectedly, and escaped. At this time, he became even more ferocious. His body was covered with black corpses, his golden robes were broken, and his eyes were still bursting with a raven like a monster.
"Guo … Guo … Yi … Death …"
He shouted vague words in his mouth, and there was hatred in his eyes. He suddenly rushed out of the ground and several black mans were intertwined with his body
"Hey, hey ….. I think you misunderstood me. Jade Beauty and I don’t have any money. We didn’t wear any green hats for you. It’s all nonsense. You know I like jokes." Guo Yi felt that the fighting power in the thirteen emperors’ bodies rose rapidly, which led to a vision. There was a temple with a virtual shadow glaring at the Buddha, and the Buddha projected a bloody nine-petal lotus.
All kinds of visions appear around him, which is a sign of the birth of demons!
The green cow turned around and ran away without hesitation. She also read, "Good and evil resin Buddha has once again advanced to this monster, and it is better to escape as far as possible."
Suddenly a figure flew in front of it. Guo Yi turned around, hey hey smiled, and then flew up and kicked the green cow back. The cow’s ass directly hit the thirteen emperors.
Green cow found herself in the hands of thirteen emperors, and the long black corpse brushed the back of the cow.
The hair of a cow is standing up!
"Guo rogue, you are not kind!" Green cow with KuQiang way
"You are not kind first!" Guo Yi smiled back. "This monster has become a climate. I can compete with you and me. I’ll go out and call someone. You will be strong first and come back soon to save you."
Guo Yi fell to the ground and quickly ran to the outside of the forbidden area of death. The projection of the temple has been shattered, and the golden giant clock has also been in the hands of the thirteen emperors. Now the forbidden area of death is not without turning back. Although it is still dangerous, it has a little vitality.
There seems to be something terrible in the depths of the forbidden area of death. The uber is awakening, which is several times more terrible than the corpse Buddha becoming the thirteenth emperor. Although it is still far away, the smell is absolutely true.
Deep in the forbidden area of death, a demon woke up!
If you are as aggressive as a reckless man, you will eventually die without even slag.
Yu Qingniu this bastard is definitely not as simple as the surface. Even Guo Jiazu’s blood and ancient secrets all know that there must be a cause. It is impossible to die so easily in the hands of thirteen emperors.
A burst of earth-shattering sound came up, as if there was a mountain moving transversely, and as if the rushing sound of hundreds of millions of ancient animals was getting louder and louder, shaking the ground to roll over.
An avalanche of war came from outside the forbidden area.
Not only did Guo Yi stop the pace, but even the Thirteen Emperors and the Green Cattle stopped and looked out of the forbidden area at the same time.
A chariot, like a hill, slowly emerged from the red sky fire, carrying a enchanting white woman with a beautiful posture and a flame mask. "Guo Yi, you can’t leave today."
As high as a mountain, four million people in the back of an ancient car are wearing black, and the Zhan Kai Xiandao Army is overwhelming. The huge fighting spirit is like a cloud of gods that will crush the skyfire.
This is waiting for the momentum of terror. Even the Taoist king will be scared when he sees such a battle. His legs are weak and he can turn around and run.


"What’s the matter?"

Tianshan saint is very polite, just like Xuanmen saint, which makes Liu Yu depressed. Is it so elegant to become a saint?
"Brother Liu, we also want to enter this small world. Besides, we are in the same world. Why don’t we let bygones be bygones?"
Tianshan saint didn’t go around any bend, so he just made a request.
"Hello?" Liu Yule "are you sure you didn’t make a mistake? It’s dangerous to follow me. "
"Ha, ha, ha, mr.liu you will sell yourself short? If our strength goes forward together, if we don’t meet ancient kill array, we can have something to stop us from killing? "
Nine emperors laughed and recognized that Liu Yu was overrated.
Liu Yu frowned. I don’t want to pit, but you have to jump. You can’t blame me. Of course, it’s good to deal with blood corpses.
"Well, since you think so much about me, come on."
After he nodded, the Tianshan Saint thanked him first, and then he and Liu Yu just negotiated with each other. The woman next to Liu Yu didn’t say a word. This is not putting on airs, but the strength of others. If you ignore them, it will be condescending.
Three people don’t talk, but they make eye contact in private.
At this time, the queen said, "The blood corpse will return to the blood cliff at full moon, and maybe we can just wait for it."
Liu Yu touched the bar "full moon? Then wait and see. "
You’re too lazy to run around looking for it. That saves a lot of trouble.
"Blood corpse?"
This information was captured by the last three people, but I was too embarrassed to ask.
Listen, it should be a tough guy, otherwise Liu Yu wouldn’t have said that before.
The queen added, "Are you going back after this?"
"Well, I don’t belong here," Liu Yu said truthfully. Then he looked at the queen and seemed to ask her what she meant. If they really have offspring, it seems that two adults are unfair to their children forever.
"You and my child such as choice? Or will you go out? "
The queen asked flatly.
However, this huge amount of information immediately smashed the last three people.
Too much information flooded their heads, and then summed it up with only the word’ terrible’
"Well …" Liu Yu turned to look at the three elder brothers with a full face of consternation. "I think it is necessary to explain a …"
Although he may not be able to explain it clearly, he will try.
I didn’t know that Tianshan Sheng raised his hand and stopped. "No, we don’t need Mr. Liu. We all know that we are white."
"You …" Liu Yu dumb words old, yao didn’t put a fart you know what?
"That Nine Emperors is really not what you think, for example, you try to listen to me explain." He aimed at the Nine Emperors again.
"Mr. Liu doesn’t have to count 13 from the heart."
Wang Bo immediately raised his hand as if he had beaten chicken blood. "Mr.Liu is a good sister-in-law. You should cherish it."
Liu Yu "…"
I% * @% *
If he stops talking, it’s unnecessary to explain. What is he afraid of if he doesn’t fuck? Are you still afraid of being crooked?
It’s a pity that the Nine Emperors look at you with their heads tilted, not as crooked as their eyes.
It’s amazing to think about it. It forces Liu Yuyou to fight with one hand, so I won’t say it. Even picking up girls is so strong.’
Wang Bo wondered in his heart
If it weren’t for the old face, it would be a slippery kneeling in the past, and it would be so fast to make the strong have children …’
Nine emperors are a little envious.
Talent, this is a charming figure. The ancients still have to look at the present.’
Tianshan saint struck his tongue and stopped talking.
Chapter 7 Titan is really here
After the negotiation, the birds platform took off and went to the direction of blood cliff.
With the help of flying Warcraft, they can go on their way and work hard, which can greatly shorten the time.
They have been flying for three days.
Flying Warcraft inside is very strong, and its endurance is longer than that of ordinary raptors outside, so they have hardly stopped for three days.
"How long before we arrive?"
This kind of flying Warcraft carries a cabin on its back, which is relatively simple. Queen Liu Yu lives in a house with nine emperors, and they can wronged the other side, although it is not very big.
The queen went to the window, looked up at the outside and said, "It’s no accident that she will arrive tonight."
Although this small world can’t be compared with the mainland outside, how can it be written by a saint? So it’s a small world, but it’s not necessarily small.
These days, Liu Yuyou went out of the door, and the nine emperors in the small living room talked on the floor.
"Since you have followed me, I will not expire. I am going to a blood cliff to seal a blood corpse, and the strength is very likely to be outrageous."
These words are not said to scare people, but to see that everyone is not easy to come from a world experience, Liu Yu, there is no need to cheat them
On the contrary, Tian Shansheng was very calm. He touched Bath and said, "May I ask if Mr. Liu is realistic?"
When this question comes out, the expressions of the nine emperors and Wang Bo are slightly Zheng, and some of them look at Tianshan Sheng, which is a bad thing. Do you dare to ask such a question?
But the result surprised both of them, and Liu Yu chose to answer "the challenge of deification"
There are not many metaphors and words, but there is such a short sentence, but it gives the atmosphere to the town owner. Liu Yu doesn’t need to deceive them, and this strength can challenge the gods. Can it be simple?
They saw the distance, and the teenager in front of them was a typical demon. They forgot to eat and sleep, and they kept up with the progress. The distance between them widened every day.
"Well, what’s the problem?" Liu Yu said look at some sway god tianshan saint.
Tianshan Saint smiled bitterly, and his face was full of Naise. He was forced to accept the reality that some people really went too far. No matter you chase, it will be in vain. Except for Liu Yuke, it can be said that the three of them are famous in the mainland, but the reality has taught them a lesson.


"Ha ha, tigers have come out for a stroll. It’s unfair not to let you out to play, isn’t it? Little white hey hey" Mu Feng said with a smile touching the cold scales of ice white pythons.

"You have a conscience!" After losing a word in Mu Feng’s heart, the ice white python killed the high-level officials of Wang Yu, such as the stupefied warrior and Long Yin, who ate the soul. It was simply a shock for him to appear in the appearance of the ice white python. It was a little crazy to help the people in Wang Yu. At this time, they had an idea in their hearts. Mu Feng was too strong.
Mu Feng four probes, he wants to find thunder killing. In Mu Feng’s eyes, he also has the power of thunder killing. He has seen it, but at the moment, thunder killing doesn’t know where to go, so he can’t touch his figure.
"PSST … 3646" Ice white python’s dirty mouth was severely bitten by the soldier’s arm. In a pain, the soldier turned into a white light and smiled and went away for a second. Mu Feng was in joint with fire inflammation and successfully strangled Long Yin to eat the soul.
Close to Mu Feng, fire, purple maple and huge ice and white python moved closer to the last player with the title of "Wang Yu Elder" on his head. At this time, the elder was all messed up. Wang was killed in seconds. Two "warrior" elders also died, and now he has to face this group of "wolves, tigers and leopards" alone … He feels so stressed about snakes. Now he wants to leave this horrible prison quickly.
"He … how do we deal with the group splitting too old-fashioned? Let’s think of something new?" Mu Feng and others surrounded the last elder and said.
"Well, Mu Feng said it was good to think of a creative way to die." The fire inflammation was like touching Ba without Hu.
Listen, Mu Feng and others are talking, and the elder is totally stunned? Group splitting is too old-fashioned Want something new? Creative way to die? At this time, the horror words echoed in the elder’s brain, which seemed to be because he was too afraid. The elder suddenly disappeared in front of everyone when he drank in anger, but in a second he appeared a few meters away.
"hey? It’s a mage … "Mu Feng said leisurely. At the same time, the thunderbolt devoured lightly" the thunderbolt flashed … "A golden blue thunderbolt split" crack … 49499 "for a while, and the elder of Wang Yu suddenly jumped up" break dance "and then" dance ".After that, the elder stayed there and entered the stage of paralysis for two seconds.
"Oh, whoever runs will always die, or be lighter than a feather or heavier than Mount Tai. Isn’t that just death? Haha" Mu Feng said as he walked from behind, and at the same time, he ordered the ice white python to spew frost venom. "Psst …" A white venom fell on the head of the elder, and this time he could not escape.
"All right, Mu Feng, stop playing and solve the battle quickly. It’s not good to kill them when they come back from the resurrection point." Fire inflammation then sank beside Mu Feng and said.
"Well, it’s all right." Mu Feng nodded and hacked at the elder. At the same time, fire inflammation, purple maple, an arrow through the heart, romantic swordsman, Ji Yue and snow fluttering attacked him at the same time. Almost instantly, the elder disappeared into white light in a pile of colorful attacks.
After killing the elder, Mu Feng and other people resumed their preparations for Yun Tian’s fall, but it was strange that the figure of Yun Tian’s fall didn’t appear in the third progress. Several people in Mu Feng couldn’t help but be disappointed. It seems that Yun Tian’s fall retreated. Indeed, after a few seconds, Wang Yu helped all the people retreat.
Want to go? It’s not that simple. At this time, broken arrow Tomb, a romantic swordsman, has taken over a large number of skeleton monsters. The dark dynasty gang has suppressed their anger for a long time and just wanted to release the enemy but wanted to escape. This is definitely a bad thing.
Then all kinds of restrictions and deceleration skills made a large number of Wang Yu gang members forced to stay to "drink tea" and watched their teammates escape from the back. These people who were left to "drink tea" wanted to cry. They decided to quit after coming out of the resurrection point. After the bloody battle in Ghost Town and the sneak attack on the South Gate twice, there were heavy casualties.
Now Wang Yuntian has offended the previously flourishing Temple and Yan Huang to help them feel that the future will be bleak and scary, but … What if they quit their help … They are all from Sandstorm City.
When the dark dynasty helped the people to slaughter, what they saw was such a puzzled and confused expression. They didn’t hesitate to kill the eyes of the dark dynasty. Now it’s a piece of red blood. They don’t care if you have resistance. After killing the words, all that remains is to see if you can explode the equipment problem
Because it is Wang Yu’s gang that launched the sneak attack first, Wang Yu’s gang all carry the scarlet letter. It is stipulated that malicious pk people will be hung with the scarlet letter if they reach a certain level, and players who hang the scarlet letter will have a high chance of falling off after being killed. The order of equipment falling is from low to high.
"Hey, are you interested in getting some equipment? I just saw a mage explode three pieces of equipment in a row." Mu Feng couldn’t help but get excited when he looked at the one-sided fighting in the distance. Mu Feng didn’t feel the equipment that killed boss in the game at this moment. What is that? Look at it now. Look at the drop rate. Mu Feng has a 2% chance.
"Ha ha" fire inflammation didn’t immediately reply to Mu Feng’s words, but looked up at his name on Mu Feng’s head. At this time, it was a red one. "… OK, I’ll go with you if you’re not afraid that your equipment will be exploded by others. Anyway, I don’t have any good equipment, unlike someone who takes it out."
"Well …" Mu Feng seems to feel that he has killed three people in a row, and now he is also red and purple. If he rushes to mix equipment, it will be difficult for someone to see his jealousy and burst himself. At that time, he will cry badly.
Mu Feng himself can’t go, but Mu Feng isn’t willing to look around just visible. Purple maple and snow fluttering are talking and ignoring their roots, while the romantic swordsman doesn’t know where the fire is at this time. Mimi is smiling and looking at her. It’s already obvious that he will go to soak up the atmosphere and really grind his teeth. Finally, he will set his sights on Ji Yue and an arrow to wear the heart.
"Ah … wind and wind, you don’t want me to be a doctor to kill and rob equipment. Don’t count on it. She’s not interested in killing and robbing equipment for the time being." Ji Yue said with a smile and looked at the side and dozed off with an arrow. "Wind and wind have solved it for a day, and everyone is hungry. When it’s done, everyone will go to dinner and then sleep."
"Well, if you don’t say I really don’t feel it, it’s really been a day’s play, and so on. Let’s go out for dinner together after things are solved. It’s my treat …" Mu Feng touched her belly and said with a smile that it suddenly occurred to her that the rain glass had been playing for a day, but she shouldn’t worry that her father would send someone to deliver the food to her. Even if it’s no longer possible, there will still be someone shouting two outside the door.
Soon the peripheral fighting has come to an end, and at this time, there was a burst of noise from the inside. Mu Feng frowned and looked up at it. At this time, he realized that the periphery was the sky falling into the kingdom and the inside was another rebel gang-destruction
Now, the destruction gang is breaking through under the leadership of its leader, the king of destruction. If you want to enter the imperial city, you can fight and send troops to major cities. But when you enter the progress and want to go out, you will get a fixed delivery point for each progress and then send yourself out. If you want to make the scroll back to the city, you have to ensure that no one will touch you in the three-second countdown …
"Brothers rushed and killed out. Today, I destroyed Wang Hao’s brothers. We’ll find that * * * * sky to settle accounts and throw us … kill! Rush out … "A tall soldier with a big black sword shouted from far away, followed by a group of doctors in white robes who kept adding blood to this striking man.
However, it turns out that sometimes people’s boldness of vision and courage are not strong enough, which is the key to winning or losing. After rushing to the periphery, they destroyed the king and his gang, and all the horses were surrounded by the deserted temples in the periphery. The forward momentum suddenly stopped, and thousands of people in the whole destruction gang were surrounded by a wall like iron barrels, and the end was self-evident.
"Hula ….." Just when the king of destruction wanted to break through again, a crack suddenly broke in the wall, and it slowly split in two directions, followed by a roar. A huge white python came in through the gap left by the crowd, and the king of destruction was so excited that it was a big python!
As the white python slowly walked out behind the road, several people destroyed the king and saw at a glance the Lord Mu Feng, who was walking in front of the deserted temple. At the same time, the king of destruction also saw the ancient emperor beast Kana floating behind Mu Feng.
Although I don’t know this strange little wolf thing, I can follow Mu Feng’s side. The word "God’s pet" in the epic of everything has flashed in the mind of the king of destruction, and I have a look again at the white python destroying the king’s heart. It’s colder than the popularity …
Want to destroy the king will be in the hands of a big black sword lined up and stepped out to the front of Mu Feng. At this time, he didn’t notice that there were several people behind Mu Feng, including Yan Huang, who helped Wang with fire inflammation and broken arrow burial swordsman with a heavy sigh.
The king of destruction then said, "I lost, so kill me, but …" The king of destruction paused for a moment without knowing what he thought before continuing, "…… but please leave me alone to help the people. I brought them to sneak attack the Emperor of Ghost and they didn’t."
Chapter 61 Equipment Filtering
The king of destruction then said, "I lost, so kill me, but …" The king of destruction paused for a moment without knowing what he thought before continuing, "…… but please leave me alone to help the people. I brought them to sneak attack the Emperor of Ghost and they didn’t."
After the words, the tall man stared deeply at a thoughtful expression. Mu Feng said that the equipment would be destroyed because of the red name, regardless of the experience of death and falling. It was a heartache to blame himself for trusting the sky and trying to sneak attack on the dark dynasty to help all the people explode the equipment, but he didn’t expect to be surrounded by himself in the end
At this time, all eyes turned to Mu Feng, but the latter didn’t reply as if he wanted to fall asleep. At the same time, Jia Na, an ancient emperor beast around Mu Feng, also blinked at Mu Feng and looked forward to Mu Feng’s reply.
Just when the king of destruction felt that he was about to stand it, Mu Feng spoke and listened to Mu Feng gently asking, "Er … what good did the fall of the sky do to your destruction? Will let you take such a big risk to sneak attack the ghost emperor? "
The king of destruction didn’t expect Mu Feng to suddenly ask such a question. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "Five million rmb and some equipment and half of the equipment fell into … a super-god weapon after the successful sneak attack."
When it comes to the final destruction of the king, he hates the sky to death. This guy is too unkind. He said that he would withdraw his roots if he withdrew. He just used his destruction as a gun to make sure that if he brought someone to die this time, the root of the loss was not the money and equipment. I blame myself for being confused by the artifact.
50 thousand rmb? There are super artifacts? Mu Feng’s heart is also jumping for a whole day. Is it true that all his money is caught by the wind? Alas, rich man, Mu Feng’s feeling in his heart will never show a trace of expression. There is no slight wrinkle. Mu Feng is finally looking at the king of destruction. Although he is a little stupid …
"You go and take you to help the public, but … I hope you can help the public to leave all the equipment you exploded from the dark dynasty. I don’t want to say more, but I hope you can help the public to be honest." Mu Feng’s words were unexpected to the king of destruction, who didn’t know what to say at the moment. He took a look at Mu Feng and then turned to help the public to send Mu Feng’s request behind him.
"Yue Yue, Yi Jian, Piao Piao, Kuroha, you four speed to take a group to receive the equipment and equipment department for you to have a look, and then hand it over to a group of personnel for management. I don’t want the miscellaneous fish temporarily put in Yue Yue by the equipment department. Do I want to listen to it?" Destroy Wang Gang turned to Mu Feng and called Ji Yue, an arrow through the heart, and the snow fluttering to the side. The four ordered them to receive the equipment paid by the destruction gang, and then they handed it over to hades and the dark dynasty gang. Listening to Mu Feng’s words, I couldn’t help laughing at Mu Feng, a thief.
Surrounded by Mu Feng’s intention, the players in the inner layer are all barren temples and brilliant people. The Ghost Emperor gang rarely adds Mu Feng to the conversation with the King of Destruction. All the conversations are face-to-face and light talk. Almost no one knows that Mu Feng traded with the King of Destruction, while the dark dynasty gang in the periphery is waiting for the encirclement and killing, waiting for those lost equipment to explode back and kill …
So a strange scene appeared. The gang members walked past Mu Feng’s hand one by one, and then they were protected by the deserted temple gang after they didn’t know what they had done. They were shocked by the dark dynasty gang. After asking, they finally understood what they were doing now. The news said that Mu Feng was asking them for equipment that they wanted to explode in battle, and then those equipment would be returned to the dark dynasty gang after being guaranteed by Mu Feng.
For this, the members of the dark dynasty gang also dare to be angry and dare not say that others are playing the banner, but they are temporarily kept for them. When they see that the dark dynasty gang has complaints, Mu Feng simply returns the filtered equipment to the players of the dark dynasty gang, and whether or not they help the managers who look dissatisfied, they trade and say that they return the equipment. This is directly good. Everyone is satisfied with one entry and one exit.
In such a "happy" atmosphere, there was not much time for the gang members to be escorted out by the deserted temple gang, and the king of destruction stayed at the end …
"Wang Mu Feng, you let me go this time to help all the people. After I owe you a favor, what help do you need? Call me as soon as I get there." The king of destruction looked at Mu Feng with gratitude and said heavily.
"Ha ha, it’s not such a stranger. When you shouted that you were going out to find Yun Tian’s trouble, I already had a mind to let you go. All this was done to give the ghost emperor some favors or not. After making friends, I have something to say. Mu Feng is also a person who likes to make friends." Mu Feng walked over and said that he had just personally contacted Ji Yue, and now several pieces of equipment have been detained there.
Although everyone knows that the other party will not really hand over the good equipment, on the whole, there is still good equipment. Mu Feng is anxious to ask what occupations they are, but it is also a kind of happiness and fun to surprise everyone after Ji Yue lives or dies without saying yes.
"Ha ha, you are my friend …" The king of destruction couldn’t help laughing when he listened to Mu Feng’s words, and then he made friends with Mu Feng. But just before he left, the king of destruction looked around and whispered in Mu Feng’s ear, "The Mu Feng brothers must have filtered a lot of good equipment from it this time, right?"
"ah? Oh, is there? I’m a decent person. "Mu Feng answered with a thief’s smile. The expression on his face and the words he spoke out are two different feelings." On the contrary, what about you … where is the real place to filter the first floor? "Mu Feng stared at the king of destruction and said.
"Ha ha, I’ve been trying very hard to mobilize the personnel. What I just said is that I thought too much about the Mu Feng brothers. How can they be so decent? Hey, I forgot something when I paid for the equipment just now. Is it not too late to pay it now?" Destroy the king’s words and suddenly do an epiphany and say
"How can it be late if it’s not late?" Mu Feng replied with a narrow smile in his eyes. He silently thought that this equipment must be good. He thought that Mu Feng had received a request for the destruction of the king at the same time. A red thing was quickly destroyed by the king’s transaction. Mu Feng could not help but see that Zheng andao was a little familiar!
"This thing doesn’t mean much to me, but I think it will be very valuable to you … Hehe, I really want to thank the Mu Feng brothers this time." After clicking the OK button, the king of destruction said with a smile, "So … I went to sleep at night. See you later!"
"Well, good-bye" heard the king of destruction say that Mu Feng was more sure of the name of this thing, smiled at the king of destruction and then said goodbye.
It’s an end to the attack on the ghost emperor by the king of the United destruction of the sky. Two dark dynasties helped the players to strangle the skeleton monster just visible, but they are just mixing experience now. The skeleton monster group has been almost eliminated after the romantic swordsman broken arrow Tomb and the rain glass sent by Mu Feng and the deserted temple brought by the mad cow joined in.
"So … let’s call it a night. If you want to kill monsters, you can stay and kill monsters, then listen to the news that the third guarding city boss was killed, and then get more experience. If you want to go back to sleep, go to sleep. Mu Feng is here. Thank you. Thank you for your help …"
Mu Feng said on the channel of the gang in the deserted temple that today, first, the third progress of the East Gate of the Great War. After the war, the skeleton came to the South Gate to help the ghost emperor in the deserted temple. It can be said that it is hard work, some gratitude and pleasantries, or we should say something.
Speaking in Mu Feng at the same time, Huo Yan was doing the same thing. One night, Yan Huang’s gang was also busy playing around and tired to death. However, it seems that the two gangs did not lead the two Wang’s feelings and shouted that it would be best if they could do this every day. This made Mu Feng and Huo Yan suddenly smile at each other and immediately sent free activities orders.
When Mu Feng was busy with the gang thing, he remembered that it seemed that they still had a third alliance gang thing, and when they went to find the romantic swordsman, their figure disappeared again. Xu Shicheng joined the monster killing army again. Mu Feng and Huo Yan were lazy. Let him go. Anyway, things have been solved now
They all sat in a ball again. They all smiled and stared at a person, but this person was not Mu Feng, but the commander-in-chief in charge of receiving equipment just now-Ji Yue.
"Hey hey month I listen to an arrow that you just handled a lot of equipment? Is it good? " And rain glass came back from the front mad cow hey smiled and asked Ji Yue first.
"Well, there are a lot of good equipment that I can see, but … I just looked at it and returned it to the dark dynasty to help the public." Ji Yue didn’t care when she answered lightly, but she couldn’t stop touching her staff.
"Ah?" Crazy cow listen to one leng "have to make wrong? All returned to hades and the dark dynasty gang? Ji Yue, are you kidding? "
"Shout …" Ji Yue sighed that she was very tired, looked around and sat in the crowd and said, "Of course it’s impossible. How can it all be returned?"
Chapter 611 Token in hand


He decided to wipe out the whole four continents.

The sound of Lei Yin’s rolling stereo is roaring and angry, and it surges and vibrates like waves, which makes people almost unstable.
"It’s the venerable one who is coming!"
Many forces are sluggish, and the Chinese people feel that thick earth forces are rushing across tens of thousands of miles.
Ollie’s face changed when he heard the sound.
Physical strength to burst out.
De Lao’s figure suddenly appeared in front of Ollie, slapping back two forces to offset the collapse of a small-scale black hole and passing away, distorting two powerful forces to eliminate the plane.
"DE old! Don’t forget that you are an advanced Terran! Do you want to help a humble terran? "
"Are you going to abandon the covenant of all races?"
Ollie looked at De Lao with scarlet eyes, and her eyes were full of resentment.
De Lao glanced at the situation in the four continents and his eyes sank. "I owe Terran Su Yu a favor."
The world debt of gratitude is the most difficult to repay.
Since he gave it to Su Yu Zun, Yu Pei was crushed, even if Ollie personally came to this matter, he must take care of it!
"Human this kind of thing! I can give it to you, too, Ollie! Get out of the way and let me destroy the four continents! "
Ollie’s eyes looked at De Lao.
A Terran aborigine can give something, and so can I Ollie!
However, the Chinese Empire in the Quartet must disappear!
"I’ll give you two choices: first, quit the Quartet and second, I’ll beat you out of the Quartet!"
DE old look unchanged again is directly let ollie changed his face.
De Lao’s attitude is very obvious. He wants to return Su Yu’s favor.
"Then don’t blame me for being rude!"
Ollie’s eyes move. His purpose is not to fight Di Lao, but to destroy the whole four continents.
He played his wishful thinking very well, but he didn’t notice a thin monkey head approaching.
"Eat an old stick!"
De Lao discovered Sun Wu long ago, but the honour person method is not easy to break.
The venerable master bullied Sun Wu, but he was still able to move enough to say that he was terrible.
Therefore, Di Lao deliberately concealed Sun Wu’s golden cudgel and added all the repairs to his sacred land.
No matter how powerful the Ollie Buddha’s method is, it is bound to be slightly injured if you take precautions against eating it.
"Since you are so stubborn, don’t blame me for being rude."
Sun Wu shocked Ollie with a stick. At this moment, De Lao’s whole body suddenly expanded and came with the attack.
If Ollie comes to Di Lao, he will be afraid of one thing or two, but it will take Di Lao minutes to kill him in person.
"ah! Damn it, Wusheng Pavilion! Damn it, old man! You give me remember! "
Sun Wu’s war force, they nest Rao, was a bit painful for Zun.
With the help of De Lao’s strength, Olyu, the statue of Olli, was twisted out in an instant.
The statue was scattered by Di Lao on the spot.
The crisis in the four continents has also vanished.
Chapter 2 Counter-offensive!
With the collapse of Ollie’s law, the soldiers of the Chinese Empire resumed their actions!
De Lao looked at a group of soldiers who were bathed in blood and struggled desperately to help Su Mier’s sisters regardless of their wounds.
"Empress, how are you?"
Recently, Wang Zeqiang, the closest to Su Mier, climbed to Su Mier’s side with a brace and fed each of them a top-level hemostatic pill, which was a relief.
Well, Ollie’s heart is high, and there is no pain when the two of them are struggling to the death. If the emperor sees the empress and the empire become like this, he will be furious.


"The boss is not at this time! I’ve only been there for a few days, and I guess I’ll be in Yuan Long soon, but my opponent is Sun Ce! Sun Ce! Three thousand mixed weapon hit the whole Jiangdong Xiang Yu so much! Can Lian be an opponent? " Zhang Feng saw that Cao Cao was in no hurry and Xuzhou could not help but wake up.

"Also speak of! They are all your references! Never let me stop for a moment! " Cao Cao was awakened by Feng Zhang, but swept away. Just now, he was lazy and pointed to Feng Zhang like a long-lost dissatisfied housewife. "Lombardi, I’m still going to pursue the victory and feel that the troops are not enough! That Chen Yuanlong had nothing to do, but he took the initiative to provoke Sun Ce to go to my Tianxiao daughter and just married the horse, and the woman was not so fast! "
"And that call you xian brother xian brother Liu Daer! Although there was no him in this rebellion, he didn’t see anyone connected to his hand the next day, and all the people ran away, and now they still don’t know where to go! "
Cao Cao put on a handful of spittle stars. Anyway, these two people are not strangers. Taishi Ci’s mother is still in his house, and she will keep this small look pleasing to the eye. When Hua Er grows up, she will marry in the past.
"Now facing a lot of positions, you can’t swing around. Just a few birds are flying there, right? It’s not always a day or two to select talents. Who can care about Guangling so much? "
Feng Zhang was scolded one leng one leng, shrinking his head and not talking. Taishi Ci was not that honest and honest young man in those days, and was influenced by Zuo Zuo and Yang Feng to be glib like a traitor.
"The boss Sun Ce again how much also can’t be better than a brother? Why don’t you just leave it to brother Zhang? There is a brother who can solve all difficulties easily! Nothing can be done without him! At most, I’ll ask my brothers to help me gather together a number of people to help cheer. "
Zhang Feng looked at Taishi Ci with a strange eye, and Taishi Ci’s scalp was numb from foot to toe. This was the first time when the arms were full of caution and courtesy. Is it also Taishi Ci?
Even Cao Cao heard their voices straight. This tone is very similar to that of Dian Wei.
"Know the machine well. Who did you say you were taking?"
"Righteousness since he said but a pre-announced jiangdong didn’t lombardi so rich! When you lose your way, don’t look for me to cry! "
Taishi Ci rubbed his hands with joy and even said, "No, no! But … that … boat can also be exchanged for money? "
Feng Zhang "…"
Wait until Feng Zhang and Taishi Ci quit before Cao Cao rubbed his face with a straight face and rubbed out a smiling face of Zhang Wei. "This Yuan Long really has some things! Can save for a rainy day thinking about Sun Ce salary? If you don’t knock, it’s too radical and it’s not a good thing. "
Another thought, "the birth day of your son is coming soon, right? You won’t be angry with me and won’t go back to your family during the New Year, will you?"
"What master is going to return to Sheyang?" A young man with blue eyes and purple beard was sitting next to Wu Fu’s office with a white brocade robe and a very ordinary black silk scarf. Zhou Yu and Sun were left behind.
I know someone here will jump out and say that Sun is blue-eyed and purple-bearded. Why not say he has green eyes? I think blue is more likely as far as eye color is concerned.
"Back to the Central Guard, the master heard that Chen Deng and Yan Baihu were furious and immediately said that they would attack Guangling." The soldiers respectfully knelt in front of this young Central Guard and dared not breathe.
A joke. Even the master’s younger brother salutes him, so what about himself? Moreover, it was not Sun Ce who wanted Sun to do so, but Sun himself admired Zhou Yucai.
Sun shook his head gently, explaining and saying to himself, "My elder brother is sometimes too hasty. In fact, now Yan Baihu and be beheaded have to renovate farmland and develop business so that people can live and work in peace and contentment. Who can object to my Sun Shi clan? With the support of the gentry, these buffoons will disappear like Genping and will cause trouble again when they crusade against Liu Biao? "
Zhou Yu was relieved to show a touch of men’s smile, which made people feel warm like the sunshine in March. "Zhong Mou, you are much more sensible."
Sun hurriedly took a deep salute. "Brother Gong Jin taught me well!"
Eyebrows pick a way "if only BoFu can listen to advice! I’m going to write a letter. I hope it’s still coming. Now that Cao Cao has defeated Yuan Shao in Guandu, it’s really unwise, and our Jiangdong just has a lot of things to be done and there is not much surplus food to cover it. Can Cao Cao be hostile? "
Pulling up his sleeves, he wrote a letter and was about to give it to your soldiers. Sun Wei Wei pulled Zhou Yu’s sleeve. "If not, say that Da Qiao’s sister-in-law is pregnant?"
Zhou Yu laughed after one leng for a moment "indeed as expected know brother than brother! Good idea! "
Section 221 Reform
When updated 29 22:42:4 Words 353
Yesterday, I didn’t watch the curtain ceremony, and it was not surprising that there were two chapters missing … Yes, there were.
I feel that the image of Liu Huan is too … and that song is not pleasant to listen to. Why can’t you write Italian Summer as exciting as it is? I went to bed after listening.
The roar of the Taiwan Province woman who came third in the women’s 4 kg competition was quite shocking when she tottered with a barbell.
Feng Zhang took the brigade to Xuzhou, and Lao Cao was as busy as a bee. First of all, the list of generals who made meritorious service in Guandu was drawn up in court for raising. Although it was already that he and several advisers had decided to avoid falling into the population, they still had to do it.
Feng Zhang was finally promoted, ranking ahead of Liu Bei and becoming a post-general.
It turned out that the most difficult thing was Lv Qiling’s award of a white horse. She made great contributions, but because she was a woman, you can imagine how difficult it was to let the court fairly admit a female general. However, before Guandu’s decisive battle, this chaos made most of the opposition to Cao Cao in the DPRK disappear, and a few people dared not dare to speak again. Although many ministers complained a lot about the female general, when Cao Cao cited the example of being a good woman, it was passed without much problem-even the queen in the Shang Dynasty could seal something now?
In view of the lack of many official positions in the imperial court, Cao Cao issued three "orders for seeking talents" in January, regardless of his background or past talent, so that he could recommend himself or herself. This made the number of days of reading poems shine at the eyes of the national scholars like a lamp, which not only caused many people to swarm, but also erected a clear banner for the Cao Shi delegation that had just messed up, which was quite beneficial to the people’s hearts.
Not only that, Cao Cao also established the Central Military Academy and the Central Academy because of Feng Zhang’s first method of training foot soldiers and Xun You, Guo Jia and others’ repeated discussions.
The military academy does not say that Cao Cao must have been the dean (with the same meaning as President Jiang of Huangpu Military Academy) and Feng Zhang was the honorary military adviser (understood as a military teacher). For well-known reasons, the conditions for enrolling in the military academy were quite strict.
1. Cao Shi regimental brother, Zhang, Mi, Xun, Sima, Guo, and other confidant families can participate or recommend people to participate.
2. All military secondary vocational personnel who were born in Yanzhou for generations can participate.
3. Those who have served in the army for five years can also participate in this condition are
In this way, the military quality of generals in the army will be greatly improved in the next few years. You know, the lecturers in this military school include Cao Caoren, Feng Zhang, Xia Houyuan and other famous men, as well as Guo Jia, Ye Liu and Jia Xu, who are specialized in Yin counselors, who can graduate whether they are good at fighting or planning, and work in Cao Cao’s army in secondary vocational schools.


When Ang Yan and others saw the long-lost goblin figure, they were first stunned, but then they blurted out all kinds of bad words to the extreme, which almost made Ye Zhang sick

During the day, some players tried to enter the former so-called "real glitz" through the two-way door leading to the mainland of the divine domain, and when they settled down, they soon realized.
It turns out that the original root of the so-called real flashy world is the inner world leading to Longque Imperial City.
It’s good for the players to make a comeback because they can regain their old feelings, but for Ye Zhang, it’s a torment for them to look back on it after so much experience.
"Brother Cyclone isn’t going to blame?"
The unified file disappears, and the tears return to normal. Although there are still many bugs caused by Ye Zhang, it does not affect the normal game of players.
At this time, Ye Zhang smiled and shook his head. When Ang Yan and Ming Zhan left, Ye Zhang looked at Xu Yin.
"Let’s walk together."
In this world dominated by Ye Zhang, a couple walk side by side. The glitz is still the same, but the flashy middleman is no longer the same person.
"Should the future get better?"
Xu Yin asked a question, and when she looked at Ye Zhang, she smiled with longing, while Zhang Ye nodded and calmed down to be flashy, which would attract more new and old players to invest. There would be no more wars, no more scary changes, and no one would not like flashy.
In the future, there will be more and more guilds, and the number of players will gradually increase. Moreover, Ye Zhang also learned from Feng Zhi that Zhan Lifeng had the idea of returning to the flashy helm, which is definitely a good thing for him.
Zhan is a pure businessman or profiteer all his life, but he doesn’t have the brains of Tao An and Lin Youxuan. He will be able to make more money and start the flashy virtual online game, which is exactly what Ye Zhang, the real master of flashy, is happy to see.
"I think it will get better."
Zhang Yexiao smiled, but he didn’t give Xu Yin a definite answer, because the flashy edge is still Lin Youxuan’s design of a set of world concepts, while the flashy other pieces of information still hold Lin Youxuan’s original intention of creating flashy, but Zhang Yeke can help all the top management to decide whether to open these pieces of information or not, which is to change them.
Xu Yin gave me a hint of curiosity and seemed dissatisfied with Ye Zhang’s answer.
"It’s not like a leader should talk!"
Xu Yinxiao embarrassed Ye Zhang. Indeed, although he was a leader, he lacked a leader’s vision. At this time, he remembered the residual blood and Feng Zhi. He suddenly sighed that he still lacked that kind of real helper around him.
Because Feng Zhi and the remnant blood from the Brave League and the bloody carnival guild are naturally gone, now glitz is like a loose sand without guild cohesion.
A day later, the soul-eater and the old ghost sent a message to Zhang Ye saying that they wanted to establish a guild and invited Ye Zhang to join, but Ye Zhang declined, and Ye Zhang teased the soul-eater.
"Have you forgotten that we have a bet?"
Hearing this sentence, soul-eating was obviously scared. What joke and GM’s one-on-one hit were not angry? This militant part immediately discussed that Ye Zhang could not ban spells and demigod weapons. He and all his brothers were one-on-one hit.
In this regard, Ye Zhang can turn their eyes. Ye Zhang, a demigod weapon, estimates that he can’t even beat an angry inflammation. Don’t say that so many masters have singled him out.
Chapter nine hundred and fifty-seven Lean end
Tao An has taken the road.
When he realized that Feng Zhi, Residual Blood, Shen Cen and others were monitoring him, he knew that he had lost all his retreat.
He endured it for so long for 11 years, and he was able to give Lin Youxuan the biggest blow at the most crucial time and let him feel the darkness he faced in the past 11 years.
It’s a pity that he didn’t think it was the final victory over him, not Lin Youxuan but Ye Zhang.
It seems that, like many rivals in Ye Zhang, they always ignore Ye Zhang, who is just a player after all. What he has is only in a virtual world, and even a player, he has not reached that peak because his skills are really out of the eyes of real masters.
Ye Zhang gives everyone the feeling that he is a very easy opponent to defeat. Some players have made a death record of Ye Zhang in the forum, and even with the cooperation of many old players, it is concluded that Ye Zhang has died no less than 10,000 times.
And this is precisely from the side that it is not too difficult to beat Ye Zhang. If you are interested in targeting Ye Zhang, it is not difficult to hang up Ye Zhang.
Tao An sat in the office of Chuangshi Network, and he didn’t go anywhere because he knew that many people would come today. His bank account had been frozen, and his green card was also blacklisted.
Tao An knows exactly how powerful this group of people is. A year ago, he didn’t say Lin Youxuan, even if Fu Heng was very much a student like Fu Yuesheng, he wanted to kill Ye Zhang.
Just then, the words rang.
The hurried ringing broke the silence in the office. When Tao An pressed the answer key, a noisy sound wave came out, and Tao An’s face was sneered at it.
"Brother, don’t you go out to hide? Do you want me to give you an address?"
Lin Youxuan sounds in the hoarse frequency and Tao An didn’t speak. He knew that Lin Youxuan must be very satisfied at this time because Lin Youxuan rarely plays jokes on another person.
"It seems that you have resigned yourself, brother, but I really want to know that you will take the initiative to fight against the enemy in Ye Zhang. As far as I know, none of them have a good fight with the enemy in Ye Zhang!"
Lin Youxuan’s words made Tao An present a strange idea in his heart. He knew that he was connected with Ye Zhang, and he witnessed the whirlwind with his own eyes and was a bystander.
"Lin Youxuan, you won’t always succeed!"
Tao An’s words are somewhat weak, and he sighed lightly in his heart, because he never thought that he would be defeated by Ye Zhang. Even if he had management restrictions, he could be a clown like Ye Zhang in the eyes of people who have experienced decades of life.
Unfortunately, in the end, it was such a clown who finally killed himself. What about Lin Youxuan?
At this time, Tao An suddenly turned white. In the glitz, Feng Zhi was not the only winner, but Lin Youxuan was another one.
"Am I late?"
Tao An suddenly asked such a question at this time. At this time, the noisy sound wave in the voice disappeared, and Lin Youxuan could be clearly heard.
"You’ve never really known me, including the dead master. You’re all too used to thinking with your brain, but you often ignore that sometimes your eyes can deceive yourself when they see and hear."
Lin Youxuan’s words made Tao An smile bitterly.
Isn’t that what happened with Ye Zhang? They rely too much on their habitual thinking to think about problems, and they can master Ye Zhang. Then they feel that this two-year-old young man can’t escape from his palm.
They are all too confident and too confident in their own judgment, which is the biggest difference between Lin Youxuan and others.
Lin Youxuan can’t think of too many things. His thinking ability is very rigid. He is not suitable to be a game maker, but it is precisely because of this that he can make up for his unexpected imagination with everything in his life.
He instilled everything that was already in the human mind into the taboo power-artificial intelligence, and he relied on the cold brain to replace him with confidence, because brain analysis would never be wrong.
Tao An was silent. It turned out that the truth was always with him. Unfortunately, he never really dug it up. It was the main reason why they failed to judge the development criteria by relying too much on their own experience.


Ji Guo was ashamed of not staying on the court after scoring 61 points. The Clippers have already gained a 25-point lead. It is extremely shameful that he is still on the court. If he hits the Lakers again, he will be damned to deal with him.

The immortal fox was arrogant after the game, and everyone could imagine his nostrils facing up.
Emma Watson didn’t watch the game. When she returned to the hotel to rest, the game had already finished three quarters.
A few days after returning to England, little Hermione was already a little restless. This guy hasn’t spoken to her for almost a week since Zhou returned to England to shoot Harry Potter’s last film, Ji Guo Shame. In the end, the British girl couldn’t hold on after watching the game. First, she called a dead fox.
Ji Guoshi is at home with rolled sheets, a young singer. Where can I pick her up? Besides, at home, she didn’t dare to make her own special dual-card fox mobile phone. Isn’t that exposed? But it doesn’t matter. The two brothers’ mobile phones now have more high technology-if one of them is inconvenient to answer, it will automatically transfer to the other’s mobile phone.
At the moment, the answer is actually Ji Guoqiu. The giant panda is rolling his eyes and chatting with little Hermione according to the idea of thinking and reading the manuscript in telepathy.
Their two sounds are similar. Reagan can’t tell whether it’s a brother or a younger brother. Even if you make a video call, you’re not afraid that they both have the same hairstyle. With this clarity, the front camera can’t tell who is who, even if it’s their sister.
The two brothers even figured out the problem that the camera will become clearer in the future, and then they will give the video call an automatic skinning function. At that time, the sisters still can’t tell who is who.
Of course, it happens occasionally that both of them are inconvenient to answer the phone, so I really can’t get through. But this kind of thing happens very rarely. Emma Watson sometimes can’t figure out how a dead fox can answer her phone at any time when she lives with that fake chest.
Ji Guoqiu also secretly lamented in his heart, sighing that little Hermione was blind. The fox didn’t know where he didn’t call his sister for a week and asked her to call him herself. Doesn’t that make that guy more proud?
Chapter six hundred and ninety-six Embarrassed fox
On December 12th, Clippers played Memphis Grizzlies at home.
Last month, the Clippers lost to this youth team. Mark Gasol+Blake Griffin formed a beast line to show their power. This season, they defeated many strong teams. Excellent defense on the outside line is their magic weapon to defeat the enemy, especially the ability to attack the line is also growing together with the growth of the two lines.
However, all teams have defects. Teams are like season clippers. There are real dynasty teams in history that are perfect. Grizzlies don’t have this strength yet.
The problem of Memphis people is that their ability to shoot outside is very poor. They have played for almost two months in the regular season, and all the statistics can be used to measure the advantages and disadvantages of each team. Grizzly bears’ three-pointers and high-position shots are the third lowest in the league, but they can’t beat Grizzly bears. Kneel!
The Clippers lost to the Grizzlies for the second time because they suffered back-to-back losses. Now they have rested for three days, and the core state of the team is surprisingly good. More importantly, the Grizzlies have become a back-to-back team on the road this time. The Clippers are all gearing up for revenge not long ago!
The grizzlies’ comprehensive strength is not as good as that of the Clippers, and their beast line faces the combination of O’ Neill and Ji Guoshame, which is actually the restrained side.
Mark Gasol’s strength and height are hard to take advantage of O ‘Neal, and it’s hard to say that Jordan Jr. will win.
Ji Guo Shame vs Griffin is a highlight of the game, but just like Ji Guo Shame always suffered from James and Gart in the first two seasons, the young players are not mature enough in technology and rich enough in experience, and they can’t beat the old superstars, not to mention Griffin’s physical fitness. Although he is slightly better in bounce and strength, Ji Guo Shame also has the advantages of flexibility and height and wingspan. Neither of them can take too much advantage of the body.
Clippers fans think it’s a pity that Ji Guo’s shame is gone today. Crazy little Hermione probably knows that she scared the dead fox. She returned to the United States a few days ago and didn’t do that again. Ji Guo’s shame has been secretly dirty at Emma Watson’s for a few days while Taylor Swift was holding a concert outside.
Taylor Swift will of course call back from time to time, and sometimes he will make a surprise attack on a dead fox in a hotel in the middle of the night, which is very painful!
But it doesn’t matter. Ji has prepared all kinds of high-tech weapons. Otherwise, what are those Cheng Xuyuan who support the company for?
Ji Guo humiliated, coerced and forced the poor guys in the company to distribute all kinds of software that met his requirements. Of course, he wouldn’t say what all this was for. The technicians of "Cat and Fox Technology" didn’t know that it was meaningful to get their boss’s family background on the mobile phone.
It’s a shame for Ji Guo to forge evidence that he stayed at home.
Ji Guo’s shame that the mobile phone can’t hang can make the background fool the little singer during various video calls. Besides, even the domestic servants have been bought for him. It’s not money to buy those maids and girls who are now working in his company. This is much better than giving money to buy them.
However, after the problem was temporarily solved, Ji Guo was ashamed of his body and lost the pressure. Today, instead, he lost his previous good state. In this game, Ji Guo tried his best to get 35 points and became angry because of Griffin’s entanglement. In the last quarter, he gave the rookie champion a hard elbow and was sent out by the referee for a malicious foul. A ban is certain
Seeing that many Lakers fans who watched the game before saw Ji Guo’s humiliation in Los Angeles for no reason, they felt excited!
Today, for the first time, they feel that the dead fox is not so hateful, and it seems to be pleasing to the eye. They all say that it’s good to play basketball. That’s the way to elbow when it’s time to elbow. Don’t be polite to them. This is the core style of the Los Angeles team
Ji’s elbow of shame not only sent him away, but also got Griffin. Although Griffin attended the press conference as usual after the game, the Grizzlies didn’t have Griffin’s counterattack momentum in the last few minutes and couldn’t fight at all. They won four consecutive victories by the Clippers.
Griffin suffered a lot today. Before being elbowed in the fourth quarter, he almost clashed with Ji Guoshi.
After the game, Griffin’s face was still black and angry, saying, "fo is the greatest player of my generation. I have never experienced Duncan and Gatt, and fo is the greatest fourth player I have ever seen."
Griffin didn’t take advantage of this game. He’s not a player like Malone. He’s ashamed to have a wrestling match and finally he can spit it out at the post-match press conference.
However, Griffin’s mouth gun is very technical. First, he unexpectedly praised Ji Guo’s humiliation to the sky, and then he showed his real attack. He said in front of a group of puzzled reporters, "He will try to overwhelm you mentally. He will often elbow me, stop me from moving, and hit me. I told him that if he wants to fight with me, then he will play well, and then he will really ko me. I think I can’t beat him if I really fight with him."
The reporters all laughed and peed Griffin. How wronged would he say such a thing? Look … It’s too bad that the dead fox bullied the rookie like this.
Ji Guo was ashamed. Why didn’t he think that he had been blinded by Griffin?
That night, Griffin’s remarks were hyped up by the media and pushed to the forefront. From then on, he really became the worst and dirtiest player in the nba as Bill ranbir and was rated by the new york Times.
Although David Stern loves his father like a mountain, he is sad in the face of the pressure of the whole public opinion, but he still has to put the righteousness above the family.
So the next day, the league announced that Ji Guo was banned for three games and fined $25.
Ji Guo’s shame was furious when he learned the news. His league banned him for one game, which would be the sky. I didn’t expect that michel platini didn’t love me anymore after three games.
Clippers fans cursed the league for being biased against Fox’s younger brother. Without Ji Guo’s shame, the Clippers’ offensive ability dropped by a level, which needs to be frosted. The Clippers will play Orlando Magic back-to-back at home the next day. How can they play without foxes?
Howard is so excited that O ‘Neal can play more than two quarters. Who else in the Clippers can stop him without Ji’s humiliation?
It’s a pity that the game didn’t end as he thought. Joel Anthony was in charge of beating Howard after O’ Neill’s field. The Canadian’s strength was still very good. On the contrary, his height disadvantage allowed him to concentrate on resisting Howard’s hook outside the penalty area, and he ignored it. You are amazing if you can score.
Howard was embarrassed in this game. Even if he could turn around and break through Joel Anthony Clippers, other players would immediately foul him and send him to the free throw line. What level of Howard’s free throw is best known to O’ Neill with reference to Clippers.
Iguodala became the Clippers Raiders today and came to the Clippers to degenerate, averaging 12 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 masters. Today, Iguodala scored 24 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists. Star data Iguodala and Ray Allen and Billups combined in the backcourt today. Three arrows were fired together and the rotation array was added. Old Hill and Dragic Clippers played bravely on the offensive end. Do you want the magic team?
Clippers fans are also stupid. Why didn’t they expect that the team’s firepower would be stronger without Ji Guo’s humiliation?


For the older generation, this is a casual topic, and it doesn’t really mean to show off the box office with humility.

Li Yan nodded, and he said that he can’t worry about this kind of thing, so he can take his time.
I chatted with Li Yan here, and it was noon soon.
"Uncle Yan, since you’re all right, I’ll go back to the steel plant first. After all, I came to you directly after the plane. I haven’t even gone to my father. He should know that he should scold me in his heart."
Longyou is really telling the truth.
Now that we’re here, how can Li Yan let him go? Greet him for dinner at home.
"No, you can’t go today! I’m really angry with your uncle Yan if you leave! Don’t refuse to eat for a long time! Otherwise, it’s really unhappy. "
Li Yan a serious said
I know that I can’t get rid of Longyou this time. Naimo wipes her mouth. "Okay, since Uncle Yan said so, it would be really unappreciative for me to refuse again. Then thank Uncle Yan for his hospitality!"
Li Yancai nodded happily when he heard that he was willing to stay for dinner.
Then I went into my bedroom and took out a pot of wine in a short time. It’s been a long time, and it’s been a few years since it was stuffed with that red’ color’ cloth!
This really stunned Longyou. After all, I have seen this wine.
It seems that Li Yan, who noticed Longyou’s vision, proudly said, "Do you know what wine this is?"
Longyou shook his head.
"This is your uncle Yan, and I have treasured it for more than 30 years."
As she spoke, Li Yan opened the jar, and the piece of red cloth suddenly smelled of pure wine, which made Longyou feel a little drunk and drunk before drinking.
"You wait here for Uncle Yan, and I’ll ask your aunt to make you some side dishes that I’m good at, and you’ll want to eat them after eating them."
Say that finish Li Yan went into his small kitchen.
At this time, Long Jingui called because Xiao Si said that Longyou flew back to China today, but now he has not come to the steel plant, so he was suddenly worried that something would not happen, right?
So I quickly gave him a message.
"Hey dad, what’s the matter?"
Took the words longyou quickly asked
Long Jingui, on the other end of the sentence, heard his own voice, and then he let go of his hanging heart. After all, so many people died in the plane recently, but it was scary!
"You said! You flew back to China long ago. Why haven’t you seen anyone yet? Where did the ghost go? "
The first thing I did when I thought of Longyou’s return to China was not to go back to the steel mill to see his own work, but to run around everywhere. Suddenly, I was so angry that I spoke a little bit.
How could Longyou be so clever that he couldn’t hear the tone in his master’s words and quickly explained, "Dad, when Uncle Yan went abroad before, he was worried that he would come back to China now. Come and see the place quickly. Don’t be angry when he delayed returning to the steel plant!"
I heard that it was Li Yan here that Long Jingui’s anger subsided a little-after all, he didn’t go out to do other things, and he and Li Yan looked so good at him, which meant watching himself.
"All right, then you, uncle Yan, come back for a while! After all, our steel mills need you. "
At this time, Long Jingui’s tone of voice softened, and it was no longer as stiff as before, which made people feel uncomfortable.
Knowing that his father’s anger was eliminated, Longyou smiled and answered him. "I know that Uncle Yan has to stay here for dinner, so I can’t just refuse!" How rude that is! Don’t worry, I’ll go back after dinner. Don’t worry! "
Then he hung up. At this time, Li Yanduan came along with several fried dishes.
"Longyou! Who are you calling? "
Li Yan put these dishes on the table, wiped her head and sweated, then asked
Looking at the table full of sweet and delicious food, Longyou suddenly felt that the saliva was flowing in his mouth, and he quickly held back before saying to Li Yan, "It’s my dad. He didn’t think it was time. I didn’t go back to the steel plant when I got off the plane. What happened to me? It’s really hard for you to ask Uncle Yan to cook so many dishes!"
Li Yan wiped his head and said with a smile, "What’s the matter? You come to see uncle Yan. Uncle Yan is naturally happy. How hard it is worth it! Let’s drink to each other. "
With that, he brought two small wine glasses to fill the’ female’ red inside and handed it to Longyou.
"Don’t be strict, uncle. You’re not well. Don’t drink. Why don’t you drink juice?"
"What words! Uncle Yan is in good health! Hurry up! "
Longyou hurriedly politely’ sex’ took a glass of wine, and the aroma of the wine in the glass suddenly made him dump himself, but he had never met such a sweet and mellow wine!
After touching Li Yan in a hurry, Longyou took the cup and gulped it down.
Suddenly, I went from a red face to a bogen and then to the body. I felt a burst of heat and unbearable. Look at the opposite face. Yan Yan is also blushing and thick. You can see how high this wine is.
But Li Yan doesn’t seem to want to let Longyou go so easily and give him another drink.
Fiction network
Chapter 324 Fuling powder
Hold it high and say with a smile, "Longyou, come to this cup of Uncle Yan, I respect you. I hope you can watch Changhong and get a blockbuster box office! Let’s win glory! "
"Borrow uncle yan favorable that here is the first thank uncle yan! I also did this cup! "
Say that finish longyou once again took a cup of plump and drank it in WWWianhuaangla.—
This cup is even worse than one … no wonder it is said that this wine is old, the higher the degree, but the more mellow it is, the two cups are really unbearable!
Longyou felt as anxious as a stove. Look at the other side. Yan Yan is also sweating, but he is not much better than himself.
I didn’t think that this third cup was actually poured into the cup by Longyou.
At this time, he saw that everything was ghosted. It was silly to hold the cup towards Yan Yan and said, "Uncle Yan! This cup is for you! I’ve always admired you, and you’ve done your best to that Li Shuren, but he’s not a thing. I don’t forgive you for your pains. What happens to such a person deserves it! Come and let’s do it! "
Say that finish directly swallowed.
Followed by the’ fan’ and’ fan’, it seems that I also saw the lie prone table in the hazy, and it is a shame to save no one to accompany myself.
In my dream … this wine smells good … it smells good …
When he woke up again, he lay in bed.
At this time, Li Yanduan came in with a cup of black’ color’ and’ medicine’ soup and said very earnestly, "Oh, you can wake up. Uncle Yan is old, but you can’t help but scare me. If you have a drink and come out somehow, your grumpy dad can’t eat me alive! This is sobering soup. Drink it quickly to sober up and warm your stomach. "
Took the bowl of black things Longyou held his nose and swallowed it.
Then I returned the bowl to Li Yan and looked at the clock. It was already six o’clock in the evening and I slept for four hours! ! ! No, I have to go back to the steel plant now. There are so many things waiting for him, but I can’t delay a minute!
Thought of this, I got up quickly and said to Li Yan, "Uncle Yan is really sorry that I can’t be here with you. You know, the steel mill has to do a lot of things myself, so I’ll go first. I’ll see you again in a few days. Thank you for your hospitality!"
"All right! I can understand that you are busy, so you must come sometime! Let’s get drunk again! "
Li Yanshan said
Walking from the’ bed’, Longyou quickly nodded and then smiled at Li Yan before leaving his house.
"Hello small four where are you now? Hurry to take me back to the steel plant. "
Longyou dialed small four words eagerly said
"Yeah, I see. I’ll be right there. Brother Lung, wait a moment."
I got the news. Xiao Si came here at once.
In a short time, I drove to the intersection and waited for Longyou to pick up the car.
"What did you do?"


Chapter one hundred and seventy-six Three flame fan
, JiFangPing words, it is said that the hearts of the scattered practitioners are sharp, and the scattered practitioners are torn under them. They can’t help clapping their hands. Some of them are grumpy and do things without considering the consequences, and even point directly at the disciples of the True Spirit Gate to scold their mothers. Throughout the city of Feixian, the bristle broke out one after another, which was quite lively. More than 20 monks in the air in the middle period of Yuan’s baby all looked angry. They didn’t expect that Xi Fangping should scold so directly. No wonder people say that Fang Xi’s mouth is worse than his golden hammer.
Under such circumstances, Liu Changhe still looks gentle. At least on the surface, there is no sign of anger at all. He still gently shakes the folding fan and says softly, "Fang Daoyou, you can’t say that. We did exactly what you asked. If you think it’s wrong, you can also give us back the magic weapon you took and then destroy your body. We can think about it and let your Yuan Ying escape."
Xi Fangping laughed wildly: "Little joke. Is this the kind of person we are used to? Besides, even if I self-destruct, will you really let me go? Now that I’ve hit this level, I’ll fight you to the end. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if my concubine accidentally touches a friend and is stunned. Lao Tzu’s master is quite justifying a fault, so he will naturally come to your trouble. Come on, gigolo, I want to show you what a real man is. Don’t think that just because you have a face, you can run wild on the Pleiades. "
Scold again and again, even the clay figurine will have fire, but Liu Changhe didn’t, as if he had regarded Xi Fangping as a dead man. Liu Changhe smiled and said softly, "In that case. You’re welcome next time. "
Liu Changhe speaks quite politely. However, hands on, but it’s not ambiguous at all. After saying no, he recited the formula. Then, he shook the folding fan and a fire dragon suddenly flew out from the fan. This fire dragon is a hundred feet long, and the head melon seeds alone are several feet big. With a horrible sharp mouth, he jumped straight at Xi Fangping.
It was not until the fire dragon approached the melee that Xi Fangping twisted his body and escaped the fire dragon’s attack. See the dragon, XiFangPing immediately put down more than half of the heart, the dragon although aggressive on the surface, however, its body contains fire aura is not strong, compared to the fire dragon lizard, sent a hundred miles, even if directly sprayed on their own, also won’t cause too much damage to yourself.
Just, XiFangPing so risks and risks to avoid the fire dragon, in the eyes of others and even Liu Changhe. XiFangPing hiding quite embarrassed, is indeed has reached the point where the oil lamp withered. Liu Changhe’s face showed a grimace of a grin, and the folding fan in his hand shook again, and one share of fire waves came out again. Straight at Xi Fangping. This fire wave. Compared with the fire dragon just now, the power is obviously enhanced, but. It also poses no threat to Xi Fangping. Xi Fangping saw it. The other party didn’t intend to kill himself at once, just holding the idea of cat and mouse and playing with himself slowly. Estimation is Liu Changhe see XiFangPing unexpectedly got the support of so many scattered repair, deliberately to humiliate him in front of scattered repair. In particular, Xi Fangping’s repeated insults made Liu Changhe not want to be so cheap, and he must kill Xi Fangping after suffering, so he didn’t try his best.
XiFang calm down and exultation, the other party after seeing his kill the big fellow, still so lightly. It’s suicide. With the strength of XiFangPing now, it is not difficult to kill Liu Changhe, but there are more than 20 Yuan infant monks watching. If Liu Changhe is easily killed, how can those guys automatically come to die?
Xi Fang moved calmly, and the pagoda suddenly flew out of the storage bag with a clap of his hand. Suspended above his head, colorful light shone on the pagoda, which joined together to form a light curtain, just covering Xi Fangping as a whole.
"Colorful glass tower?" Liu Changhe was taken aback, and the folding fan in hand couldn’t help but pause: "Did you sacrifice it so quickly?"
Xi Fangping laughed and said, "What’s the matter? I just have this ability. You bit me. "
Liu Changhe look a change, then returned to normal: "boy, don’t think you have colorful glass tower, I’m afraid of you? You are just a monk in the early days of Yuan Ying, and with one or two magic weapons, you occasionally go beyond the challenge to succeed. Do you think you will always be so lucky? Tell you, even with the colorful glass tower, can you stop me? The three-flame fan in my hand is not much worse than the colorful glass tower. Besides, you have run out of oil and lamps, and you are dead. "
Say that finish, even dozens of fingerprints, then, in the hands of three flame fan, suddenly rose to about ten feet, Liu Changhe holding three flame fan, a wave of his hand, a black flame, suddenly emerged from the sector, directly sprayed on the screen. Coloured glaze colorful tower immediately out of the buzz. The light curtain also shook in waves and was almost defeated.
Black flame? Xi Fangping was taken aback. Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary folding fan has such a function. Even the millions of practitioners below could not help but hold their breath. Monks all know that the highest temperature flame in the fix true world, that is, black flame, can melt gold and iron almost instantly, which is very serious. Even if it is a small state of Yuanying, it can only be done with the magic weapon of excellent quality if it is based on the spirit and spirit in the body alone. From this, we can be sure that this three-flame fan handle has reached the level close to the ancient treasure. No wonder Liu Changhe is so confident. True Lingmen is really deep-pocketed, like a magic weapon close to the ancient treasure. In other sects, all the elders are qualified to use it. Unexpectedly, the monks in the middle period of Yuanying will hold it even if it is a true spirit gate. It used to be a colorful glass tower, but now it’s a three-flame fan. How many such good things are there in the hands of the True Spirit Gate?
However, with such a black flame, I want to hurt Xi Fangping, but it is still a little worse. XiFangPing hurriedly take a deep breath, reiki fast running in the body, soon, colorful glass tower milli light more sheng. It can block the attack of black flame. In fact, this is why Xi Fangping didn’t want to expose his strength prematurely. If it weren’t for this, Xi Fangping would have the confidence to easily block the black flame even without colorful glass towers.
But, even so, for Liu Changhe, it has been unexpected. Liu Changhe didn’t expect that Xi Fangping was turned down so much. Although on the surface, Xi Fangping’s face was even paler, and the sweat on his forehead increased more and more. However, Liu Changhe was no longer as talented and full of confidence. The reason is quite simple. The use of three-flame fans is quite reiki-consuming. With Liu Changhe’s strength, he can only swing three fans at most, and the body is already empty. Now, the first one has been blocked, and the next two. Will it work?
Liu Changhe’s face turned slightly white, and he regretted it. Why did he rush out so badly? If you wait until others consume some reiki in Xi Fangping’s body before attacking, it is almost certain. In order to earn back face, but also to get back the colorful glass tower. The True Spirit Gate has rewarded me handsomely. Anyone who kills Xi Fangping will get a considerable reward. These more than 20 famous young Junjie in the True Spirit Gate. Half because of the command, the other half, but all staring at those rewards, Liu Changhe is also for those things, this just rushed out, unexpectedly, XiFangPing seemingly crumbling, but it has such a tenacious fighting capacity, which made him a little caught off guard.
However, it is too late to regret now. Think of true spirit door that harsh to the extreme. Liu Changhe couldn’t help but worry deeply. He twisted his body and suddenly flew to a place only half a mile away from Xi Fangping. He struggled to lift the three-flame fan and snapped it at Xi Fangping. Just finished fanning, Liu Changhe’s face. It’s as white as paper, and he’s panting heavily, and his chest is constantly fluctuating. Obviously, this one has exceeded his body’s endurance. Even if he wins this battle, he will have to retreat for at least a month or two.
A huge black pillar of fire rushed out from the fan, almost directly crashing into the colorful glass tower, instantly smashing the light curtain outside the pagoda. The buzzing sound of the pagoda suddenly made a big noise. When Liu Changhe was hesitating, Xi Fangping had already felt that he would strike with all his might, and secretly had put the aura in the body to about 70%. Although the black pillar of fire instantly tore up the outer curtain of the pagoda, Xi Fang stood upright and reacted. Close to the pagoda, the curtain suddenly showed extraordinary splendour and became extremely tough.
The seemingly invincible black light beam hit directly. The colorful light curtain shook, but it was continuous and always maintained its original shape.
After the black light disappeared, Liu Changhe was surprised to see that the colorful colored glass tower was still brilliantly suspended in mid-air, covered by a light curtain. Just paler, and there seems to be a lot more blood at the corners of the mouth. However, the whole body is intact, and even the body is as straight as before. The only thing that is a little different from just now is that hateful Fang Xi. There is a trace of fear on his face, obviously. I am also quite afraid of the power of the black light beam.
Liu Changhe ha ha sneer at it, he is convinced that XiFangPing this time is really oil lamp withered, completely with colorful glass tower, this just barely protect the whole body. Liu Changhe believes that as long as you work hard, you can definitely kill Xi Fangping invisibly. Although this final blow is likely to make Liu Changhe have to retreat for several years to recover, compared with the reward he will get, the loss of time in these years is still worth it. Not only does Liu Changhe think so about the true spiritual disciples around him, including the millions of scattered practitioners under the table, but also thinks so. Many scattered practitioners can’t help but close their eyes and can’t bear to see the horror that Xi Fangping was burned by the black flame and couldn’t even find the ashes.
Don’t give XiFangPing a chance to catch my breath, Liu Changhe suddenly spit out a mouthful of JingXie, face suddenly like gold paper, horribly yellow, at the same time, the three flame fan out the beep beep sound, sector, thick black tiny lightning constantly appear, the whole air, seems to be compressed by its great power, around the sector, unprovoked end rolled up a black wind, the black wind into the sky. It looks pretty scary.
Gritting his teeth, Liu Changhe almost put all his strength to use, and this just waved a door slowly. Just net, swing out, Liu Changhe’s body is like a scattered frame, slightly shaking up in the air, as if accidentally, it is possible to fall from the air. It’s not the same as a small talent in the net. It’s a small black light beam. Come up from the sector six this black light crazy deep extremely dog, slowly straight into the colorful glass tower, passing by, out of a crackling sound, as if the air is torn. Everyone’s heart lifted, and they all saw it. This small black light beam is much more powerful than the big light beam just now.
XiFangPing also clearly felt this, he didn’t expect, three flame fan should have such strength. Such a magic weapon with good quality should not appear on a monk who is only in the middle of Yuan Ying, but the monk who can really wield his power should be in the end of Yuan Ying. However, in fact, it is also good for Zhenlingmen to do so. As anyone can see, this Liu Changhe is not the same as the previous Zhong Zhen. He didn’t become an elite just by virtue of his relationship. He really has such ability, and his cultivation has reached the peak of Yuan Ying’s mid-term. Therefore, Zhenlingmen gave him this fan just to let him get familiar with it first. After a few hundred years of advanced Yuanying, they naturally got another expert in Zhenlingmen. However, it seems that. True spirit door idea is dashed, met with XiFangPing, can only blame this Liu Changhe unlucky.
XiFangPing look a tight, ninety percent of the spirit force in the body, all injected into the colorful glass tower, colorful glass tower above the milli light, also had a change. The light curtain, which used to cover the surrounding site of five or six feet, suddenly shrank inward to only five or six feet. However, the light curtain is more tenacious, like a transparent stone with extraordinary splendour. There is a sacred and inviolable coercion. This magic weapon, in the hands of Zhong Zhen, is just a scary thing, but in the hands of Xi Fangping, it really wields its power close to the low-order ancient treasures.
The tiny black light beam hit the screen without any sound, just like a sharp knife stabbing a piece of leather, and it suddenly rushed in about three feet. In Liu Changhe’s feeling, that piece of leather is not tough and it doesn’t take much effort to pierce it, but. That piece of leather is horribly thick, easy to pierce, and the length of the knife is obviously not enough, and it goes in three feet later. I’m stuck. I can’t go any further. Just one breath, the aura contained in the black light beam is consumed. Seven seven eight eight. The power is no longer. Xi Fangping’s eyes flashed with different light, twisted with a jerk, and his body suddenly disappeared. Then, he appeared beside Liu Changhe and punched out with a jerk. Liu Changhe didn’t even think that XiFangPing had spare capacity to fly out from under the cover of coloured glaze colorful tower, and he didn’t have time to respond. His face was dismayed when a small giant fist appeared on the net, and he had already firmly hit Liu Changhe. Liu Changhe, which has run out of lights and oil. I couldn’t bear this punch at all, and I was suddenly smashed into a fleshy foam. Yuan Ying just escaped and was taken away by the net that Xi Fangping later offered.
XiFangPing want to also don’t want to, then pinch out Liu Changhe yuan baby, and then, hand a copy. The net just grasped the three-flame fan that had lost control in its hand, and with a wave of his hand, the colorful glass tower quickly contracted and flew to Xi Fangping’s hand. All this, just born in one breath, is so fast that even the monks in the middle period of Yuanying have no time to react. When they realized that Liu Changhe had been killed, they were thinking about grabbing the three-flame fan. It was too late, and the three-flame fan had fallen into the hands of Xi Fangping, who was playing with it with great interest.
The whole feixian city was quiet for a long time. Millions of monks gave a cheer. Cheers came and went, almost shaking the tall walls slightly. XiFangPing gently wiped the corners of the mouth that deliberately out of blood, a wave of his hands cheers immediately stop. It also increased his heart to kill Xi Fangping. Xi Fangping actually had such a great influence in the practice of Sanxiu. If he escaped from Feixian City and screamed outside, it would probably cause considerable damage to the rule of Zhenlingmen.
While throwing a folding fan, Xi Fangping casually took out half a bottle of jade bee pulp from the storage bag and poured it all into his mouth. Just now, the first world war, although there is no danger for Xi Fangping, however, the cost of reiki in his body is also quite large, especially the small black light beam in the end, which drove Xi Fangping to transport 90% of the spiritual force, which just missed the resistance. Of course, Xi Fangping also knows that if it is not for the purpose of testing the power of colorful glass towers. He could have beaten Liu Changhe faster. Xi Fangping has seen that the three-flame fan is powerful, but it has some fatal weaknesses. First, each fan hits. The cost of reiki is too much, even if a guy like Liu Changhe has the strength of several peaks in the middle of Yuan Baby, he can only barely hit three fans, and he will not even come out with one fan. Secondly, the black flame from the fan is powerful, but. Rotation is not flexible, and it is not very effective to deal with monks with particularly good posture like Xi Fangping. Of course, it is used to deal with ordinary monks. Perfect. After all, most monks. You don’t take the time to practice your posture.

Chapter one hundred and seventy-seven Contact
The bee pulp is eaten. Xi Fangping’s spiritual strength, the ancient horse added to the promotion of Jiang Jiang’s self-cultivation, and now it basically has no effect, but its role in the battle is much larger than that of ordinary Dan medicine.
This thing, it is estimated that the whole fix true world, also can have the Xi Fangping, red bees in other places, can generate jade bee pulp almost no, this kind of good thing, if put on the market. It is estimated that a bottle will sell for millions of lingshi. The monks will also scramble for it.
The vigor came up, but Xi Fangping’s face was quite ugly, sallow. It seems that if you push it gently, you may fall from the sky. For the mask you wear. Xi Fangping is quite satisfied. This kind of mask, however, is for monks’ use. On the Magic Star, one piece is worth hundreds of lingshi, which is quite expensive. Ordinary monks can’t afford it at all, let alone mortals. The biggest feature of this mask is that. As long as the aura is injected into it, the color of the mask will change accordingly, and it will become whatever color you want. It is not difficult to simulate the failure of both qi and blood, as long as you practice it a few times at ordinary times. Xi Fangping has been doing business on Cepheus for a long time, and has never seen or heard of this kind of mask on Cepheus. Therefore, this kind of mask should be a specialty of the extinct star, which is perfect for deceiving people.
Xi Fangping seems to be reluctant to suspend himself in mid-air, pointing to the more than 20 disciples of the True Spirit Gate, and loudly saying, "Hey, aren’t you bastards thinking of engaging in wheel-wheel warfare?" Now it’s the Zha "turn to come out quickly, Lao tze to send him to hell. "More than 20 yuan baby brother motionless, don’t have a dare to come out. In a word, among these monks in the middle period of yuan baby. Liu Changhe’s strength is the strongest. His cultivation has reached several peaks in the middle of Yuan Ying, and he is holding a three-flame fan, and he is a monk at the end of Yuan Ying, a small sect. You may not be able to beat him. Originally, according to the plan, Liu Changhe should be the last Zha, come out to fight. However, seeing that there were advantages to be accounted for, Liu Changhe was eager to make contributions and went to war in advance. As a result, he was killed in the hands of Xi Fangping. Imagine, who dares to take the initiative to go out?
Just now, after the first world war with the big fellow, Xi Fangping looked like the oil was exhausted, but. Still killed Liu Changhe. Moreover, everyone present saw that after killing Liu Changhe, Xi Fangping took out a bottle of potions from his belt. Although I don’t know what the hell it is. However, those fine and slippery guys can guess that what Xi Fangping is taking is definitely something that can partially restore spiritual strength, so that. There are even fewer people who dare to go out and fight.
Seeing each other’s fear, Xi Fangping laughed: "OK, if you like to fight, you don’t fight. I can’t help it. I don’t want to be here with you. I went back to sleep. When you find the right opponent, just come back and tell me. "
Say that finish, yawned very affectedly. Turn around and get ready to fly down. Xi Fangping’s action caused a burst of laughter from the scattered practitioners. It’s not a problem for a monk who hasn’t slept for decades. How can he yawn in front of so many people? Xi Fangping, it is clear that you are sweeping the face of the disciples of the True Spirit Gate.
The faces of those true spirit disciples showed anger. However, after looking at each other for several rounds, no monk dared to come out to fight. According to the rules of the true spirit gate, once you come out to fight, it will be an endless situation. They can mix to this degree, but it is very rare. Who doesn’t cherish his own life? Is it worthwhile to quarrel with Xifangping?
Suddenly. A voice came from the sky: "Stop."
The voice is quite familiar, and Xi Fangping doesn’t have to guess. It’s the bad old man with a nasty goatee. Xi Fangping has inquired about it. This old bastard’s name is Che Zewu. He is one of the only two monks of Zhenlingmen in Feixian City, and he is also the commander of the garrison. His task, with 200,000 monks, is to search for the remaining party of Feixianmen and Xiji Firm in Feixianmen and nearby areas. Over the past 40 to 50 years, 80,000, if not 100,000, Feixianmen disciples have died at the hands of him and his subordinates, and many innocent Sanxiu have been affected by their fish and died. It can be said that this is an executioner whose hands are covered with the blood of Feixianmen and Sanxiu, and his fierce name in Sanxiu is quite large. Therefore, on hearing the old guy’s voice, Xi Fangping was so angry that he shouted, "You old bastard named Che, do you want to challenge yourself?" Are you all shameless people like you? .
Che Zewu’s figure appeared in front of Xi Fangping. He said darkly, "Is it worthwhile for the old man to do it himself against a junior like you? Don’t worry, since we promised not to send monks below the end of Yuan Ying to challenge in public, we won’t break our word.
Xi Fangping laughed: "In that case. Then why don’t you stay here and bark like an old dog in spring? If you want to fight one-on-one, fine, but you have to wait until a month later. When my brother comes, you two find a remote place and have a good fight. But … I have to advise you that you’d better prepare coffins, suicide notes and the like in advance. Yun Ran said that the monks didn’t care much about it. Ditch dead ditch buried. Bury in a pit. It’s good not to be quiet and not to prepare, so as not to be caught off guard. Even the body was eaten by wild dogs, which was miserable.
Che Zewu’s face is crooked, and he knows very well. When he bickered with Xi Fangping, he could only give Xi Fangping a bad look at himself. Instead of answering the words, he turned around and shouted at the middle-aged monks who were afraid of onions: "You are all elite disciples who have worked hard and finally cultivated. Don’t, you just look at this boy so insulting true spirit door and indifferent? At this rate, you say. How can we old people trust to give you the True Spirit Gate? "
More than 20 monks looked at each other in the middle of Yuan Baby, and their faces looked different, but no one took the initiative to stand up and challenge. Che Zewu’s face is getting darker. He said coldly, "It seems that I can only call the roll myself. Save this boy within the specified time, if you don’t kill this Fang Xi who insulted the True Spirit Gate in front of millions of scattered practitioners, if you don’t recapture the colorful glass tower and the three-flame fan of the sect, you people. Don’t even think about going back. Even if you go back, you know the rules of the True Spirit Gate, so don’t even think about living a good life like before.
After that, he casually pointed and said sharply, "You, come out first and fight this boy."
The fierce fighting lasted for three whole days, and the scattered practitioners in Feixian City were also fully satisfied for three days. Under the pressure of che zewu. Fifteen monks took turns to go into battle and fought to the death with Xi Fangping. Almost as soon as one monk’s net was killed and the baby was destroyed, another monk made it up, giving Xi Fangping no chance to rest. However, the more down, the more surprised the elite disciples of the true spirit gate are. Xi Fangping is simply a monster who can’t die. Even if the loss of aura is serious, as long as he steals something, he will immediately fight with each other again. Although the elite disciples of Zhenlingmen all adopted Yuto’s method, there was still no way to stop themselves from losing again. Especially. The colorful glass tower in Xi Fangping’s hands is too strong. Under its protection, those elite disciples who only have general magic weapons in their hands can’t do substantial harm to Xi Fangping at all.
The continuous fiasco has caused great psychological pressure to the elite disciples. When Che Zewu’s finger pointed to the 16th monk, that guy finally couldn’t bear the pressure, his face suddenly changed, his chest fluctuated a few times, then he suddenly turned around and flew away in the distance. Che Zewu was furious, and Li Fu showed his posture and chased him up. Without the presence of Che Zewu, six of the remaining eleven elite disciples turned and fled without thinking, and they would rather become scattered practitioners from now on. You have to bear the endless pursuit of the True Spirit Gate. I don’t want to fight hard with Xi Fangping.
There are five elite disciples, although they didn’t turn and flee like their companions, but they didn’t mean to challenge at all, just suspended there quietly, waiting for Che Zewu’s return.